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Yeson voice feminization surgery

Started by Jennygirl, April 22, 2013, 06:09:10 PM

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And by particular do you mean voice feminization surgery as a whole or specifically Yeson? Because if you are talking about voice feminization surgery as a whole, I would agree with you 100%... if Yeson were not in the picture.

VFS AAC (vocal fold shortening and advancement if the anterior commissure -only offered at Yeson) is a relatively new procedure. CTA has been around for decades and gave voice feminization surgeries kind of a bad rap along with other invasive surgeries modifying the vocal chords.

I'm not saying you're wrong, but maybe the info or opinions that deem it so risky are a little out of date? Yeson's VFS has only been available to everyone since 2007.

Ask any doctor and they will probably tell you exactly what kiwi is saying, because they don't know about this magical place in Korea ;)


Quote from: Jennygirl on May 19, 2013, 04:22:00 PM
Kiwi4eva- the surgery with Yeson is nothing like you describe. You are welcome to your opinion, but their procedure is the most predictable of its kind... As far ask risk, surgical procedure method, and outcome, VFS with Yeson is NOTHING like CTA or Dr Thomas' feminization laryngoplasty.

While CTA is non invasive and like Yeson does not incise the vocal folds, the outcome is very unpredictable as you describe in your post. Usually it just cuts the lower range of the voice or "limits" it. This results in a falsetto sound that can sometimes seem like an unrealistic sound. With Yeson, the sound of the voice retains its natural phonation and the pitch is not limited- rather, it is shifted. Additionally, a neck incision is required for CTA and with Yeson it is not- reducing the risk of infection and there is no blood hemorrhage.

With Dr Thomas' approach, the entire voice box is removed, the vocal chords are completely incised along with the neck, and the risk of infection is far greater because of it. The risk of having a complication is far greater with this procedure due to its invasive nature. Comparatively with Yeson, there are no skin incisions, the vocal chords are not incised, and the risk of having a bad outcome is nullified. That is, unless you repeatedly disobey the recovery instructions.

There is only one reason why I did this, because it is safe. There is no other surgery on the planet with such a non invasive approach and with such predictable results. The only complication associated its this surgery is having no improvement in one's pitch. Nobody is ever stuck with a hoarse or lack of a voice for the rest of their life. It's a very safe procedure and Dr Kim is the only one who can do it.

As far as resonance- Yeson's surgery does not modify it, because it is not changing the size of the vocal chamber. Dr Thomas' approach is the only one that makes an attempt to change the resonance of a voice without the person's motivation. So, like CTA or other procedures that thin/stretch/shorten then vocal chords, resonance training is still necessary. For me, I have already figured out how to modify my resonance prior to having this surgery and you would have to as well.

I hope this clears things up a bit.

Oh, it does.  And I am almost jealous!  Thrilled for you.  I didn't realise you had had the procedure or I wouldn't have said anything.  ANYTHING anyone can do to improve their lives (in this horrible world) is hugely positive.  There is a rather famous person who has their own website and I PM'd her and this was one surgery she told me to avoid...


Quote from: Kiwi4Eva on May 20, 2013, 04:05:14 AM
Oh, it does.  And I am almost jealous!  Thrilled for you.  I didn't realise you had had the procedure or I wouldn't have said anything.  ANYTHING anyone can do to improve their lives (in this horrible world) is hugely positive.  There is a rather famous person who has their own website and I PM'd her and this was one surgery she told me to avoid...

She had surgery at Yeson?


 :)Sorry won't let me answer PM's!  No, she is from Northern America (I think) and did not have this surgery (just advised me against it) she did have an awful lot of work done though...I think she was a man for a long time and had a family before changing over...She is married and has a website with a lot of images about her and her procedures.

I really am happy for you...

(I had 10 hours FFS with Dr Suporn) and I know how distracting it can be with all the pros and cons before you decide on someone.  He even had some detractors, but my experience was 110% positive...brilliant surgeon and so humble! :)


When & how can I post my image here?


Quote from: Kiwi4Eva on May 20, 2013, 04:18:10 AM
:)Sorry won't let me answer PM's!  No, she is from Northern America (I think) and did not have this surgery (just advised me against it) she did have an awful lot of work done though...I think she was a man for a long time and had a family before changing over...She is married and has a website with a lot of images about her and her procedures.

I really am happy for you...

(I had 10 hours FFS with Dr Suporn) and I know how distracting it can be with all the pros and cons before you decide on someone.  He even had some detractors, but my experience was 110% positive...brilliant surgeon and so humble! :)

Yeah I really wish you hadn't said anything, haha. Now I wanna know why she said not to go to Yeson (even though your wording is still kind of ambiguous as to whether or not she mentioned Yeson specifically).

I have scoured the internet (literally 10 times over 2 months) looking for any review that isn't positive and I found nothing.

Honestly I wonder if she even knows what it is or if she's just falling into that category I mentioned earlier of the preconceived notion that ALL voice surgeries are bad. I mean look here:

Anyway, I appreciate the kind words. Earlier it seemed like you DID know I had already done the surgery and I was pretty thrown off... not going to lie! It makes more sense to me now why you would say what you did in those posts.

For me with this surgery, the pros and cons were easy. Any option where there was a risk of failure or reported failure.. well it wasn't an option for me to begin with ;)


Quote from: Kiwi4Eva on May 20, 2013, 04:19:41 AM
When & how can I post my image here?

Think you should be able to now, after your 15th post :)


24 hours until my follow up exam. I'm nervous!

I just want everything to be healing perfectly. Seoul is great and all but I am ready to go home!

The tour yesterday was good.. We saw the gyeongbokgung palace, changing of the guards, had bimbimbap, went up to bukchon and meandered for a bit, then went to the Jong myo shrine, and finished up visiting a few markets in Insadong and Namdaemun.

It was a little cold at first but then shaped up to be a perfect day outside :)

I can't wait to get home and edit the pictures!


Hey Jenny did you get PM I sent you?

"Hands and Feet are all Alike, but Fear still Divides Us."

                                                              "Cry Freedom"


Yes I got it! But I figured I would just reply to the thread :)

So today I had my follow up exam. I will start out saying that everything is healing PERFECTLY! All of my worries were in vain.. Which is what I was hoping would be the case!!

A pic of me n Sheli in the waiting room at Yeson. You can see the excitement on my face because at this point I am still under the impression that I will be able to start saying a few words today ;)

I was taken back and given a few sheets of paper that explained the "vocal program" I will begin doing after two months when everything is 100% healed. It will develop my range and give me the voice of my dreams! I have to wait a while before starting the training though.

Then I met with Dr Kim and asked him a whole SLEW of questions by typing into my iPhone and showing it to him. It's how I've been communicating with Sheli too, so I've gotten pretty fast with it :) he understands English perfectly, too, by the way. So awesome.

Then Dr Kim did the usual process to prep me for the laryngoscope which is not too pleasant but not horrible. He basically blows some air down your nostrils followed by some kind of cleaning stuff that probably dries everything up, then vacuums it all out, then blows it all out again. It makes me tear up every time! But it's not bad.

Anyway this was the moment I had been waiting for alllll week.. To know if everything was healing well. Sure enough he had a smile on his face and took some photos while he was down there. In a moment he was done and I was looking at my newly transformed vocal folds on the monitor. Yay!!!! No problems!!

Here is a pic of my vocal chords before. You can see that the left one is thicker, which was causing my vocal tremor.

And here is a pic of my vocal chords today :) the blue line is the sutured area, and the green lines represent where the new vibrating area of the folds will develop as I recover. You can see that about an entire HALF has been tied off. He corrected the asymmetry as well.

And now for some pre-op vocal analysis data. The first one is my regular "male" voice- just talking how my genetics wanted me to. The second is my attempt at the feminine voice, which sadly was very out of practice the day I had the exam. I suffered from my usual feeling of being "on the spot" and failed miserably at getting the average pitch up to where it should be.

As you can see, my regular guy voice was around 140hz, which is actually on the high range of male voices (100-150hz). My attempted female voice was a mere 20hz higher, but it is also a voice I am very comfortable with.

So, this surgery should add 75hz to everything. That means comfortably, I will be somewhere around 215hz.. and with motivation I will easily be able to go up to 235hz. Both are great and well within the highly acceptable female range 200-250hz.

Dr Kim told me I should wait another week befor saying anything. Not because I'm not healing well (he said I'm healing VERY well) but because the Botox will make it harder to talk and I don't want to strain or try to push more air. In 7 more days, I can actually start saying "yes" and "no" to stuff for sure. At this point I feel like I have patience of steel.. It doesn't sound too bad... I think I actually kind of like not talking and becoming more accustomed to using hand gestures and facial expressions to communicate has been great :)

My flight is in the morning, and of course I've binged a little on shopping... Here I am trying on the outfit I decided to wear on the plane... LOL. So classy, right ??? The leggings have velvet embellishments and the jacket is glammed up with a studded collar. I'm going to look ridiculous, but I don't care. I feel like a million dollars after today. And "Trill It"? Lol.. ya gotta be kidding me. I had to get this shirt, it was way too LA for me to pass up. Also it has a zipper going all the way down the back which I thought was pretty cool.



WOW, is that one happy looking girl or what?  ;D

Lexi Belle

Quote from: Jennygirl on May 22, 2013, 01:07:21 PM
Yes I got it! But I figured I would just reply to the thread :)

So today I had my follow up exam. I will start out saying that everything is healing PERFECTLY! All of my worries were in vain.. Which is what I was hoping would be the case!!

A pic of me n Sheli in the waiting room at Yeson. You can see the excitement on my face because at this point I am still under the impression that I will be able to start saying a few words today ;)

I was taken back and given a few sheets of paper that explained the "vocal program" I will begin doing after two months when everything is 100% healed. It will develop my range and give me the voice of my dreams! I have to wait a while before starting the training though.

Then I met with Dr Kim and asked him a whole SLEW of questions by typing into my iPhone and showing it to him. It's how I've been communicating with Sheli too, so I've gotten pretty fast with it :) he understands English perfectly, too, by the way. So awesome.

Then Dr Kim did the usual process to prep me for the laryngoscope which is not too pleasant but not horrible. He basically blows some air down your nostrils followed by some kind of cleaning stuff that probably dries everything up, then vacuums it all out, then blows it all out again. It makes me tear up every time! But it's not bad.

Anyway this was the moment I had been waiting for alllll week.. To know if everything was healing well. Sure enough he had a smile on his face and took some photos while he was down there. In a moment he was done and I was looking at my newly transformed vocal folds on the monitor. Yay!!!! No problems!!

Here is a pic of my vocal chords before. You can see that the left one is thicker, which was causing my vocal tremor.

And here is a pic of my vocal chords today :) the blue line is the sutured area, and the green lines represent where the new vibrating area of the folds will develop as I recover. You can see that about an entire HALF has been tied off. He corrected the asymmetry as well.

And now for some pre-op vocal analysis data. The first one is my regular "male" voice- just talking how my genetics wanted me to. The second is my attempt at the feminine voice, which sadly was very out of practice the day I had the exam. I suffered from my usual feeling of being "on the spot" and failed miserably at getting the average pitch up to where it should be.

As you can see, my regular guy voice was around 140hz, which is actually on the high range of male voices (100-150hz). My attempted female voice was a mere 20hz higher, but it is also a voice I am very comfortable with.

So, this surgery should add 75hz to everything. That means comfortably, I will be somewhere around 215hz.. and with motivation I will easily be able to go up to 235hz. Both are great and well within the highly acceptable female range 200-250hz.

Dr Kim told me I should wait another week befor saying anything. Not because I'm not healing well (he said I'm healing VERY well) but because the Botox will make it harder to talk and I don't want to strain or try to push more air. In 7 more days, I can actually start saying "yes" and "no" to stuff for sure. At this point I feel like I have patience of steel.. It doesn't sound too bad... I think I actually kind of like not talking and becoming more accustomed to using hand gestures and facial expressions to communicate has been great :)

My flight is in the morning, and of course I've binged a little on shopping... Here I am trying on the outfit I decided to wear on the plane... LOL. So classy, right ??? The leggings have velvet embellishments and the jacket is glammed up with a studded collar. I'm going to look ridiculous, but I don't care. I feel like a million dollars after today. And "Trill It"? Lol.. ya gotta be kidding me. I had to get this shirt, it was way too LA for me to pass up. Also it has a zipper going all the way down the back which I thought was pretty cool.

Congrats on your voice operation.
Btw, you're gorgeous!...And that fashion is killer. ;p
Skype- Alexandria.Edelmeyer


Thank you Sierra Belle! I wore that outfit during my travel home... topped it off with my JC open toe black wedge heels ;)

A little update...

I don't think the botox over-relaxed my vocal chords... For the first time, I tried saying a few words today and I was able to make a noise fairly easily.

I even said "Hi, I'm Jenny" very relaxed & softly into the "Praat" app on my mac (what I use for voice analysis), and it showed a 213hz average pitch for the recording (!!!). The range was 180hz - 252hz. Patients are normally allowed to resume speech of a few words per day like this after 7 days, but with botox it initially relaxes the vocal chords so much that sound isn't usually possible for another week. Well that wasn't really the case for me, but I'm going to keep to not talking to anyone until Wednesday... just to be safe!

So... not even two weeks after the procedure and it appears that my voice is already well into the female range pitch wise. I wasn't paying attention to resonance at all in this recording, the only thing I was paying attention to was being as gentle as possible and keeping my voice at the most relaxed / natural feeling point. This is what came out:

I am super happy with my voice and it's only been 11 days!!!! 3 more days and I will actually start saying words to people.. I am so excited to talk again!! Even if it's just a few words a day...

kira21 ♡♡♡


Quote from: Steph21 on May 26, 2013, 05:44:59 AM
Wow.  Happy 4u ^_^

Thanks Steph! I know the voice recording probably sounds a little weird and I debated posting it but said what the heck. It's going to change a ton over the next month and a half. I'm just blown away that the pitch is already where it needs to be, I was not expecting that.

Also, I caught a cold immediately when I got back, and right now my sinuses are all sneezy. I can hear it in the recording as well. I will post more when I am farther along in recovery.

What do you think so far though? It sounds pretty close to female to me.

kira21 ♡♡♡

It sounds great.  I would be super happy with it if I were you too! :-)


Quote from: Steph21 on May 26, 2013, 05:53:11 AM
It sounds great.  I would be super happy with it if I were you too! :-)

Yayy! I'm glad you think so too!

:D :D :D



"Hands and Feet are all Alike, but Fear still Divides Us."

                                                              "Cry Freedom"


Quote from: misschievous on May 26, 2013, 06:01:05 AM

Thanks ms. chevious! :D

I'm finally starting to relax about the outcome. It's a great feeling.


 Your voice recording sounds female to me, thanks for posting in   