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Yeson voice feminization surgery

Started by Jennygirl, April 22, 2013, 06:09:10 PM

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Wow, not only does that sound natural, it also sounds outstanding. :)

"Hands and Feet are all Alike, but Fear still Divides Us."

                                                              "Cry Freedom"


Jenny, your voice sounds fabulous. Is there any more healing to do? How long before the final result?

Sorry, more questions:

Are you able to sing a major scale? How has your range been affected? Has it become limited or simply shifted upwards? Has the quality of your voice been affected or just the pitch or both?

I'd love to sing in a higher range, but I can't imagine getting away with such surgery. I'd have to give an excuse like surgery for polyps etc. which would explain not being able to speak for a month. Having the quality of my voice altered would be problematic. If it's only the pitch then that's doable.


Your voice sounds amazing!

Would you kindly sign this piece of paper? No, don't worry about it; it's just a piece of paper. Just sign.


My word... O_o
that is beautiful. Congratulations!
Don't lose who you are along the path to who you want to be.



Wow that's amazing!  Really!  I mean who knew all that information about rainbows. ;)

Seriously, your voice is great.  I'm glad it all worked out. 

I think I see a trip to South Korea in my future.

Charley Bea(EmeraldP)

....words...can't...find...them Holy cow that is amazing congratulations. Can't wait to hear the before.

Huh guess i found some words afterall. XD



omygosh thank you girls for all the wonderful comments!!! As I just told Shantel in a PM, I haven't even gotten out of bed and my day has already been made :)

Nicolette, to answer your questions-
There is still a month of recovery to go, I am probably at about 50% right now as it's been just over a month since the operation. Right now I am not allowed to sing at all (they say don't sing whatsoever until the 2-3 month mark) because singing and yelling put a huge amount of vibrational stress on the vocal chords- so much that it could actually stretch the surgical area and risk undoing the surgery. In exactly one month I begin these range building vocal exercises that they taught me how to do at my follow up exam right before I left Korea. They are supposed to improve my range, resonance, and control over my voice. I guess I am not expecting to have much of a singing voice until I've been doing the vocal exercises for a while. Some of the exercises include up/down sweeps and making various noises at different pitches. Kind of standard stuff for anyone wanting to increase the range of their voice. And to answer your last concern, the quality of one's voice is not altered with this surgery- it is only the pitch. As you can hopefully tell there is no falsetto sound in my voice and it is effortless to keep it at the 215hz fundamental frequency. It is actually hard to talk in any other range. If I do try to talk in a lower pitch, my voice bottoms out around 155hz and it sounds like I am trying to be silly.

Neko- hahaha how appropriate. You want to steal my voice?? Well I am sorry to say but I am already human and have no desire to be anything else. Nor would I trade my voice for anything! I've already experienced not talking and I do not wish to go back!

girl you look fierce- I know exactly what you are talking about. I don't know if you can notice it in the recording, but there is still a hint of resistance in my voice.. i.e. it is not up to full volume yet and does take a little bit more air to make a noise. I expect the color and timbre of my voice to change greatly in another month and especially another year when I am able to completely relax my throat and apply resonance the way that I like to. I have a feeling that it will always sound a little childlike, though, that is just my voice ;)

Thanks again to everyone who chimed in, you really have no idea how happy all these comments have made me about my decision to try this surgery. Hopefully these accounts are helpful for you and others. Dr. Kim does incredible work and I hope that this thread gives other people the information and confidence they might need to decide to go through with it as well. It was definitely a little bit nerve wracking not having a nice big source of info on it and I did feel quite a few unknowns popping up (especially about the recovery), and that is part of the reason why I'm trying to be so detailed here!


Quote from: Jennygirl on June 13, 2013, 12:40:45 PM

Neko- hahaha how appropriate. You want to steal my voice?? Well I am sorry to say but I am already human and have no desire to be anything else. Nor would I trade my voice for anything! I've already experienced not talking and I do not wish to go back!

Rats! :( What am I going to do with this extra pair of human legs now?

I won't steal your voice (but don't let your guard down >:-)), but your posts about this have certainly piqued my interest in pursuing the surgery myself. I'm mostly happy with my voice as is, but not being able to sing has been a major letdown for me. If this is a means to that end...time to start saving.

Thank you for sharing your experience in such detail.


What an amazing transition.  :) I am having this surgery too.  Just have to wait until I can afford this.  Within another year.  Not very nice being mistaken for a male on the telephone.  It's all very exciting, and I can't wait! :)


Quote from: NekoKoNeko on June 13, 2013, 01:40:08 PM
Rats! :( What am I going to do with this extra pair of human legs now?

I won't steal your voice (but don't let your guard down >:-)), but your posts about this have certainly piqued my interest in pursuing the surgery myself. I'm mostly happy with my voice as is, but not being able to sing has been a major letdown for me. If this is a means to that end...time to start saving.

Thank you for sharing your experience in such detail.

Well if I remember correctly, you can't steal my voice unless I sing so... guess I won't have to worry about that for at least another month ;) I will definitely try to sing when it's time though- just don't be surprised if it takes me a while to post something because I may want to work on it a little bit!

And it is my pleasure, really. It's a huge joy for me sharing this experience with you :)

Quote from: Kiwi4Ever on June 13, 2013, 05:54:39 PM
What an amazing transition.  :) I am having this surgery too.  Just have to wait until I can afford this.  Within another year.  Not very nice being mistaken for a male on the telephone.  It's all very exciting, and I can't wait! :)

Congratulations! Yeson did mention to me that they had met another patient thanks to me, I wonder if it was you or someone who has already scheduled? Either way I'm happy for you!

This has been the most amazing point in my transition so far. All of my confidence issues out and about: GONE. In every aspect I am relaxed, happy to be me, and enjoying being a member of society. There is not a single shard of worry about my voice. It wasn't like I was unhappy before, but I always felt a kind of guilt for not using my feminine voice... like I wasn't living up to what I should be able to or something. That feeling is history. I love using my voice now, and I've become instantly more relaxed about everything else in my transition :D

26 days and I can try to sing!


I don't think it would be me Jenny...I haven't discussed Susan's with them...or you ;)


Well I had no idea how goofy my before voice would sound to me... but here it is anyway :P


Jamie D



Miraculous. Modern medical art has been enhanced so greatly.

By the way, Jenny, no pain or problem in your throat?

Just do it.


No pain no problem! :D

My volume has come back a TON even from that recording a week ago. Still a little ways to go, but at this rate I think I'll be up to normal volume levels in less than a week. I'm still not allowed to yell or sing though. I have another 3 weeks to wait for that.

Already I'm having no problem holding a conversation with someone even with background noise in the mix.. When I saw MaidofOrleans last week the same could not be said!

I've been having a blast using my voice every chance I get. Simply the most rewarding change I've witnessed in my transition so far. In a parallel life, I would do it again in a heartbeat.


That is an amazing change! To be honest I expected your pre op voice to be much girlier than it was, because I looked at your profile and saw a beautiful girl, so I imagined a voice that was very feminine. But it was kind of boyish actually! Now though, so amazing! That is some fantastic work they've done, and you sound 100% female! <3

Jamie D

This is so amazing, I'm speechless at the change.

It occurred to me, for passing, this may be more important than SRS, just as some consider FFS as more important.


Quote from: Jamie D on June 19, 2013, 04:59:21 AM
This is so amazing, I'm speechless at the change.

It occurred to me, for passing, this may be more important than SRS, just as some consider FFS as more important.

I think so as well. Honestly, the voice makes more of an impact in my mind. as far as gender goes, than the appearance does. Because there are so many women I see and talk to who are quite masculine looking, and if it wasn't for their female voices I'd be just really confused ???


Quote from: Jamie D on June 19, 2013, 04:59:21 AM
This is so amazing, I'm speechless at the change.

It occurred to me, for passing, this may be more important than SRS, just as some consider FFS as more important.

Amen to that, Wow Jennygirl!


Quote from: Jennygirl on June 19, 2013, 04:19:41 AM
Well I had no idea how goofy my before voice would sound to me... but here it is anyway :P

You're voice post-op sounds great now. But your pre-op voice sounds like you had no voice therapy whatsoever. Did you attempt any voice therapy?