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Yeson voice feminization surgery

Started by Jennygirl, April 22, 2013, 06:09:10 PM

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Quote from: Jennygirl on August 15, 2013, 01:58:43 PM
Sooo happy to be able to help by sharing experiences! Thank you for the kindness and appreciation :D

Abby I'm sure you're fine. I nearly tried to yell to get my friend's attention 3 days post op, then I proceeded to freak out thinking I might have messed something up. I texted Jessie immediately and she said as long as I felt no pain I would be totally fine. I also found out that over ten years and the hundreds of times Dr. Kim has performed this surgery, only one person has messed up their recovery badly enough to warrant doing the procedure over again due to a torn suture (apparently they tried to yell very loudly). Sorry to make you even think about it, but that was definitely a statistic that eased my mind!

So, if you have no pain in your throat I'm sure you are a-okay!

Keep healing well, we are all super excited to hear that beautiful voice!

Thanks again Jaelithe, Rachel, and Shan for the really kind words :)

Phew, thank you! That statistic actually really helps. :) I figure I have nothing to worry about since there's no pain I'm just sure you understand how important it is to me that the healing period goes perfectly!


Quote from: abbyt89 on August 15, 2013, 02:01:37 PM
Jenny I know this is from way back but I've been re-reading your posts from right after surgery. I had the same issues with my vocal folds - there was a slight imbalance that was corrected during surgery and a slight tremor that he said medication would help. Also during the examination he found I had the same issue with having to use more pressure and energy to speak, likely related to the imbalances.

You said he mentioned that medication alone would deal with the tremor but then you mentioned you couldn't speak for another week after the initial period because of botox. So Dr. Kim ended up going that route instead of just medication? For me he didn't do the Botox, or at least didn't mention it if he did.

Interesting that you had the asymmetry as well! I wonder if it possibly has to do with straining while training the female voice.

I didn't get the botox injection until my 7 day checkup. On that day, they took me into a room and Dr. Kim positioned the laryngoscope. Then he asked me to try to hold any pitch while he examined the vocal folds. It was INCREDIBLY hard to make any noise at all, and what did come out sounded kind of like a high pitched zombie, haha. After that he said everything looked great and I wrote to him something like, "Wooo! I can talk now?!" He said sorry no and that I would have to stay silent for another week because of the botox injection I was about to get. BLUH are you serious?! lol. That next week after (when I got home) was TRULY the longest week ever ;)

If you had a tremor, most likely he will recommend the botox and ask you to not talk for another week (or maybe two? I forget). Laryngeal botox injection has the effect of completely relaxing your vocal cords to the point where making sound is not even possible and very difficult for 2-3 weeks following. He said it was great for the healing though because it prevents any damage due to over-tightening the vocal cords too early on in recovery. They won't do the botox injection unless you want it, though, and it was an extra 400usd when they did it for me.

The medication part comes in when the botox wears off after 3-4 months. That reminds me... it's almost time for me to start taking that!

If you had an asymmetry and needed botox like me, I would try not to get your hopes up on talking immediately following that 7 day checkup. It could be another week or two more that he asks you to remain quiet.


Quote from: abbyt89 on August 15, 2013, 02:04:09 PM
Phew, thank you! That statistic actually really helps. :) I figure I have nothing to worry about since there's no pain I'm just sure you understand how important it is to me that the healing period goes perfectly!

Awww I know EXACTLY how you feel. Lol

I studied that post-op checklist daily like it was a life and death situation :D Also another huge reason I was so impressed with Jessie was that she never once showed any kind of regret for giving me her private cell phone number- even though I felt like I was flooding her phone daily with anxiety driven questions! Ha!


Quote from: Jennygirl on August 15, 2013, 02:17:43 PM
Interesting that you had the asymmetry as well! I wonder if it possibly has to do with straining while training the female voice.

I didn't get the botox injection until my 7 day checkup. On that day, they took me into a room and Dr. Kim positioned the laryngoscope. Then he asked me to try to hold any pitch while he examined the vocal folds. It was INCREDIBLY hard to make any noise at all, and what did come out sounded kind of like a high pitched zombie, haha. After that he said everything looked great and I wrote to him something like, "Wooo! I can talk now?!" He said sorry no and that I would have to stay silent for another week because of the botox injection I was about to get. BLUH are you serious?! lol. That next week after (when I got home) was TRULY the longest week ever ;)

If you had a tremor, most likely he will recommend the botox and ask you to not talk for another week (or maybe two? I forget). Laryngeal botox injection has the effect of completely relaxing your vocal cords to the point where making sound is not even possible and very difficult for 2-3 weeks following. He said it was great for the healing though because it prevents any damage due to over-tightening the vocal cords too early on in recovery. They won't do the botox injection unless you want it, though, and it was an extra 400usd when they did it for me.

The medication part comes in when the botox wears off after 3-4 months. That reminds me... it's almost time for me to start taking that!

If you had an asymmetry and needed botox like me, I would try not to get your hopes up on talking immediately following that 7 day checkup. It could be another week or two more that he asks you to remain quiet.

Oh okay thanks for clarifying! Actually as long as there is no downside I would probably prefer to get the botox no matter what if it means making the healing period go that much better.


Yesterday was a lot of fun! The tour Yeson sent me on ended up being a private one because the only other person scheduled was a no show lol. We saw some beautiful palaces, ate bibimbap for lunch, and did a lot of shopping.

I seriously think I need to sew my mouth shut or something though! Last night I again muttered a couple of words under my breath without realizing it. This time actual words came out but I don't think they sounded any different in pitch. I'm really hoping I'm not messing anything up here..

And then this morning I was crying when I woke up and I'm worried that I made noises in my sleep. I dreamt that I was slightly rude to a stranger and then I found out that his wife had died recently so I burst into tears in my dream. In my dream I realized I was making noises so I stopped immediately and then I woke up in tears (thanks hormones!!). I'm not sure if I actually made any whining noises in my sleep or not but since my throat feels fine I'm going to try not to worry about it too much.



Quote from: abbyt89 on August 16, 2013, 03:53:59 PM
Yesterday was a lot of fun! The tour Yeson sent me on ended up being a private one because the only other person scheduled was a no show lol. We saw some beautiful palaces, ate bibimbap for lunch, and did a lot of shopping.

I seriously think I need to sew my mouth shut or something though! Last night I again muttered a couple of words under my breath without realizing it. This time actual words came out but I don't think they sounded any different in pitch. I'm really hoping I'm not messing anything up here..

And then this morning I was crying when I woke up and I'm worried that I made noises in my sleep. I dreamt that I was slightly rude to a stranger and then I found out that his wife had died recently so I burst into tears in my dream. In my dream I realized I was making noises so I stopped immediately and then I woke up in tears (thanks hormones!!). I'm not sure if I actually made any whining noises in my sleep or not but since my throat feels fine I'm going to try not to worry about it too much.

You're probably fine, but definitely try to be as careful as possible to not make any more noises. These first 7 days are crucial because the surgical area hasn't yet had a chance to heal all the way.

I'm sure if you don't feel any pain you're doing great.. Definitely not worth worrying about anything being screwed up! I completely understand the feeling, though. I was an anxious mess- constantly worried that every little thing was somehow going to affect my results :P Still, I think being a little overly cautious is a-okay.

Hopefully tomorrow night your dreams are a little more understanding of your recovery situation ;)


Yeah, I know how important it is...which makes it so frustrating! Like yesterday I was out and about ALL day and did not make a single peep...and then I was back at my hotel washing up and I overheard something on the TV that made me mutter "no >-bleeped-<" under my breath. I was so pissed off at myself!

I am far from a talkative person and figured that the no-talk period would be easy-peasy for me but so far it's happened once a day where I was careless and let something slip. Ugh!



Quote from: abbyt89 on August 16, 2013, 07:56:26 PM
Yeah, I know how important it is...which makes it so frustrating! Like yesterday I was out and about ALL day and did not make a single peep...and then I was back at my hotel washing up and I overheard something on the TV that made me mutter "no >-bleeped-<" under my breath. I was so pissed off at myself!

I am far from a talkative person and figured that the no-talk period would be easy-peasy for me but so far it's happened once a day where I was careless and let something slip. Ugh!

Are you doing a before and after voice tape like Jenny did?


Quote from: Shantel on August 17, 2013, 09:55:14 AM
Are you doing a before and after voice tape like Jenny did?

Yes I am! The surgery center did a few voice recordings before my operation and I think at one month post-op (Jenny can confirm!) I will do my after recording and send it in to them.

In other news yesterday went great and I did not make any noise or have any hormone-induced sleep-crying, YAY!



Quote from: abbyt89 on August 17, 2013, 06:50:06 PM
Yes I am! The surgery center did a few voice recordings before my operation and I think at one month post-op (Jenny can confirm!) I will do my after recording and send it in to them.

In other news yesterday went great and I did not make any noise or have any hormone-induced sleep-crying, YAY!

Good going Abby, hope we get to hear your new voice when you're ready.


Today is my one week follow up at Yeson! Jeeze I can't believe how fast it's gone by. I'm only in Seoul for two more days but I'm definitely coming back at some point so I can experience the city more fully (and when the weather is a bit more forgiving.)

Since my sleep crying incident I haven't made a peep so I'm really happy with myself. We will see today how well everything is healing and whether or not I need botox.

I'll update you guys after the appointment!


My appointment went great! Dr. Kim said everything is healing fine and decided that botox was not necessary. So I can now say a few words a day for the next three weeks!

Here is a voice recording of me saying "hello". This is just speaking normally without trying to raise pitch and without focusing on resonance:

It sounds pretty androgynous to me (I'm guessing that I'm at maybe 180hz there) but I'm very happy considering how weak my voice is and the fact that I'm only one week post op. The surgeon said that over the next 6-12 months my pitch will slowly rise as the scar tissue heals and tightens.


hello! I am French, I am 25 years old, hrt for 7 months, I am full-time in my life. I wanted to thank you for sharing your experience on surgery voice. I think Yeson voice center is the best surgery in the world today, most secure.
Today, I have a very androgynous voice, I would be interested to go to South Korea in 2014, after my ffs in Paris in December. I find your very beautiful and natural voice Jenny, I'm happy for you. I also listen to your audio clip, Abbyt, your voice is natural, I think the healing time and if you apply the advantage of resonance will be very feminine.

I was not able to put a picture on my avatar, here are two pictures both me, makeup and non-makeup. excuse me, I do not write very well in English




Quote from: margaux29 on August 21, 2013, 10:39:39 AM
hello! I am French, I am 25 years old, hrt for 7 months, I am full-time in my life. I wanted to thank you for sharing your experience on surgery voice.
I was not able to put a picture on my avatar, here are two pictures both me, makeup and non-makeup. excuse me, I do not write very well in English

Hello and welcome Margaux,
         You write just fine and I must say that you are a very attractive young woman!


Hi Margeaux, your English is fine...and I must say you look fantastic!

I hope all goes well with your FFS and if you're interested in voice surgery definitely look into Yeson. I have been so pleased with my experience so far.

Today is my last day in Seoul! It's sad leaving but I am excited to get home to my friends and family and of course my two kitties. This city is so neat, and I only was able to experience a teeny tiny fraction of it. I definitely want to come back, maybe in the spring I'll do my follow up.

I have been sticking to saying no more than a few words a day, in fact I don't think I said any yesterday. I'm getting pretty used to it by now lol.

Yesterday I went on a bit of a shopping spree and bought roughly two years worth of skincare products from Missha. I've ordered skincare stuff from them in the US but it was sooo much cheaper here and they had way more of a selection. I was also able to try some of their makeup and fell in love with an eyeliner pen so much that I'm bringing 10 of them back with me lol. Korean women are experts when it comes to skincare and eye makeup, I swear!

I'll keep you guys updated with how my voice is healing!



Quote from: Glitterfly on August 22, 2013, 10:13:44 PM
Hey I'm really glad you posted this topic! I've been thinking about this too, I heard about someone doing this in Korea but I never got a name/address... Yeson voice center, now I have the name of the clinic! Do you know their prices? Do they have a website and are the prices listed there? Do you know if they do it with a scalpel or laser? Will they leave staples in permanently or will it be all 'clean' (nothing left behind) after they remove the stitches/...?

My voice is in the female range and I'm never mistaken for anything but a female because of my voice but I'm not really satisfied with it... Like you, I'd like there to be no alternative for my pitch, I don't want to worry about my voice dropping/sounding bad if I get a cold or something stuck in my throat or or... you know? I'd prefer it to be a 'sure thing' and that's what the surgery would accomplish (in my eyes at least). I'm willing to go for it despite it not being a 100% sure thing and 80% satisfactio rate sounds good!

Hey SO great to hear from someone who's just recently had surgery there! ^^ I'll be sure to read your updates (feel free to PM me if you remember/feel like it!) Can you give me the contact info? Also, can you answer the questions I asked above (bolded)? How much did the surgery cost?

edited: I read on page 4 that the surgery cost $7400... is that how much you paid for it? Just wanting to make sure :)

Hello glitterfly! Here is a link to their website, which should answer most of your questions. If not, just e-mail them and Jessie will be more than happy to answer any additional questions:

The procedure is completely endoscopic, meaning no incision is made at all so there is no scar. The procedure itself is very short, like 30 minutes. I was put under and woke up in under an hour and only had very minor throat pain for about 24 hours.

The surgery itself was about $7,400, yes. My flight from DC was $1,700 and 11 nights in a hotel here was about $1,600. With all other costs I think I spent roughly $12,000 for the entire trip.


Sorry I've been away from the forums for a few days... Super duper busy right now  :o

Glad to hear things are going well, Abby! Sounds like you are right on track! It is neat because even at first you'll likely be pleased with your voice, but it will just keep getting better. The excitement still hasn't faded for me. I still notice a difference every week or so, and I'm at 3 months and 1 week post op. I have a feeling that at 12 months it's going to sound quite different! I love using my voice and learning new things to make it sound even better. It just seems to happen naturally.

Glitteryfly- I'm glad that this thread has helped you! I found it to be kind of strange that nobody had documented it already, and I immediately set out to do the best I could to do just that.. in the hopes that it would somehow be of use to someone like you :)

Honestly I've been re-thinking both of the other surgeries I was interested in (aside from SRS) because my quality of life has been ramping up as the weeks go on and my voice continues to improve. It's hard to say how much is due to actual surgical recovery versus how much I am learning as a product of my natural speaking pitch being altered. What I do know is that I am a lot happier than I ever have been and my dysphoria is at an all time low. Now I am just looking forward to SRS and it feels great to know that is what's next on the horizon.

I have listened to my pre-op voice only a few times since they posted my 1 month before/after, and it just becomes weirder and weirder to hear it. "How on earth did I EVER sound like that??" -my brain

I am super busy right now with getting ready for this huge party in the desert called Burning Man, so I don't know when I'll have a chance to respond again. But regardless, it's nice to see that Abby is doing well and that this thread is helping to spread the word to those that need it :D

Keep up the good recovery, Abby! Can't wait to hear you speak sentences!!


Thanks, I will! I've been to it 3 other times, but this will be my first time presenting there as a girl... and a single one, too! ;) It's going to be completely different (moreso because of the singleness but who knows) and I'm mega looking forward.


Oh my gosh Burning Man is something that is definitely on my bucket list...I hope you have a great time Jenny!

So it's been 11 days since my surgery and my pitch has continued to go up a bit. Here's another small recording (this time two words!!) - I was saying good morning to my two cats (lol I know, I know...)

Average pitch was 211hz and the range was 177-257hz.

I really can't wait until I start my vocal exercises and can work in my resonance training into my new voice, I think it's going to sound great in a month or two!


Thanks Abby :D This will be my fourth time going in the past 5 years. Wow they really do start to add up! I am leaving sometime between tomorrow night and Tuesday morning! So very excited!

Your voice sounds good for being only 11 days. I was instructed to not say a word until day 15 and it sounded way more restricted. It sounds like you are right on track if not ahead of where I was :)

I as well could not wait to start the vocal exercises. They have helped me a lot, especially now that I am combining stretching exercises in the middle.

Keep healing up, can't wait to hear you at 1 month!