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Yeson voice feminization surgery

Started by Jennygirl, April 22, 2013, 06:09:10 PM

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That's interesting. Just continues to prove that we're all different :)

And yes, my voice has improved a lot just since I started  those exercises.

I actually re-recorded my interview for Yeson again today since my voice has improved so much recently. The pitch for the first interview was about 189hz, and just now it was 202hz! I'll link the video when Jessie posts it on their account.


A new message for you guys!

My natural speaking voice has gone up so much just since I started my vocal exercises! It's crazy!

That recording was at 208hz where as on October 7th it was at 181hz. :)

Carrie Liz

Holy smokes... sounding fantastic! And you're also getting a lot more of the feminine inflections into there... the upward inflections, the pitch variation, the little pauses... fantastic! You sound great!


Sounding GREAT Abby!! Wow what a difference!


Wow Abby, you're sounding great hon!  :eusa_clap:


Went up another whole tone today during my voice exercises! Now I'm at F#5 / 740hz!

My goal was to eventually reach F5 and I just surpassed it!! So I guess it's time for a new goal... Here's hoping for an A5 / 880hz!

Keep up the vocal exercises Abby, they make such a HUGE difference! I've been noticing the past week that my reg speaking voice has gone up a little bit, and doing the rainbow reading at 235hz is a lot easier.

So weird how I was stuck at E5 / 660hz for the longest time. There was definitely a period around burning man in the beginning of September that I wasn't doing my exercises as much as I should. But lately, I've been doing them rigidly and the difference is quite noticeable. Going up a whole tone is big to me. I've now gained half an octave on my upper range after the surgery. Let's keep it going, little vocal cords!!


Ok, so this has definitely reinvigorated my excitement for the surgery Abby! I just can't stop hoping that my results turn out as amazing as yours and Jenny's!!! It's getting so close now, just 15 days until I leave. Even with the bad experience that's been discussed in the other thread it just gets overshadowed by excitement when I hear your voice!

Also Jenny, that's amazing that you are seeing such an increase in your upper range like that. I'm interested to see where you're at after 1 year post-op. You'll be easily hitting 1000Hz! :)

Carrie Liz

Quote from: Jennygirl on October 24, 2013, 10:43:06 PM
I've now gained half an octave on my upper range after the surgery. Let's keep it going, little vocal cords!!

Jesus... that is one hell of an awesome result. And I'll admit, it makes me insanely jealous, because before my voice changed, in that pre-pubertal soprano singing voice that I loved so much, I could sing all the way up to C6. Now after years of emotional turmoil over my voice, training, training, and training some more, doing everything in my power to get my voice back up into the high range on its own, I've gotten my falsetto up to an F5, and I can hit the G5 if I push it. So... man... the prospect of gaining a half-octave, plus of the falsetto sounding natural again... I would basically have my pre-pubertal voice back. Half an octave on top of the F5 would put me all the way up to a C6 again, plus from what you're saying, it wouldn't sound like falsetto anymore.

I know you say that my voice is fine, Jenny, but God, this is seriously starting to sound too good to be true. I'd give almost anything to be able to sing soprano again. Does the falsetto seriously sound naturally female now, rather than the breathy fake cartoon-character Bee Gees type voice sound? Because if it really is possible to get my soprano singing voice back, and actually have it sound female, I seriously think that I'd take this voice surgery over even SRS. I don't even know if you can understand how much this possibly would mean to me... it would mean that it really is possible to reverse the single most traumatizing experience of my entire life.

So please tell me, Jenny, is this really all true? I'm seriously tearing up just thinking that it might even be possible, after 12 years of having to live with accepting that the single greatest joy of my entire life was gone, and that it was never coming back.


Your results are nothing short of amazing. I am awed! Given my medical issues (paralyzed vocal cord) and already having gotten assurances from Yeson that they can still work with me, this gives me hope!
The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.

~ Cara Elizabeth


Quote from: SarahR on October 24, 2013, 11:39:10 PM
I'm interested to see where you're at after 1 year post-op. You'll be easily hitting 1000Hz! :)

OH my god I hope you are right! :D :D :D

Quote from: Carrie Liz on October 25, 2013, 01:08:50 AM
I'd give almost anything to be able to sing soprano again.

I know exactly what you mean, Carrie. I dream of the day. Even after this surgery I can't be exactly sure whether it will be possible for me, but I can sure as heck try. If you are already able to hit F5, I'd say you are in a VERY good place to sing alto at the very least. And, I've heard your voice multiple times. It's incredibly high without sounding strained at all. You're a very lucky gal. Especially for being less than a year in transition... you're voice = amazeballs :)

Quote from: LizMarie on October 25, 2013, 01:22:55 AM
Your results are nothing short of amazing. I am awed! Given my medical issues (paralyzed vocal cord) and already having gotten assurances from Yeson that they can still work with me, this gives me hope!

That is one of the best parts about Yeson!! Even more than VFS, they fix vocal issues of all kinds. They will fix you right on up! I had a severe asymmetry of the vocal cords and Dr. Kim corrected it as part of my VFS.


Wow, Abby ... that's amazing! Your voice now sounds completely natural and feminine. You and Jenny seem to have made a very similar shift, at about the same time after your operation. The voice just changes from one that could be heard as female, or as a feminized male voice (as you said: gender-neutral) to one that is unmistakably female.

It's great work by Yeson .. but great work by you, too!


So Jenny, do you realize just how much you may have affected the trans community in the best way possible? :-)

I mean, you may have started a revolution where VFS is now a common thing and one of the biggest dysphoria-causing problems is solveable (and more importantly, people know about it). I really do think having a passable, but even moreso a naturally feminine voice, affects how people see us and that sometimes affects whether they support our community or not. We could be on the verge of a major shift in public perception all because some girl named Jenny decided to document her results and jump head first into something that was previously almost unknown.

Anyways, I just want to thank you again for being brave enough to do this without much out there about it, and then sharing your experience with us. You're changing lives, including mine :-)


Quote from: SarahR on October 25, 2013, 06:14:45 AM
So Jenny, do you realize just how much you may have affected the trans community in the best way possible? :-)

I mean, you may have started a revolution where VFS is now a common thing and one of the biggest dysphoria-causing problems is solveable (and more importantly, people know about it). I really do think having a passable, but even moreso a naturally feminine voice, affects how people see us and that sometimes affects whether they support our community or not. We could be on the verge of a major shift in public perception all because some girl named Jenny decided to document her results and jump head first into something that was previously almost unknown.

Anyways, I just want to thank you again for being brave enough to do this without much out there about it, and then sharing your experience with us. You're changing lives, including mine :-)



Thank you so much guys! This is the first time I'm hearing my voice and hear a feminine one rather than a gender neutral one. Now I wouldn't have really minded if it stayed in the ~190hz gender neutral range since it still passed well enough but I am so so soooo happy that it's still going up. And if Jenny's any indication there's still more to come!

Speaking of which, Jenny that's AMAZING and I am so happy for you! I cannot wait until my voice is as healed as yours is! I'm already noticing a little bit of an increase in my upper range every day, I can now squeak out a D5 which is definitely higher than before but I would really like for it to go way up.

And Sarah, I completely agree!! I never considered voice surgeries because from the beginning of my transition everything I read said to stay away from them. If it weren't for finding Jenny's thread here I would have never had the guts to go through with it and I would still be struggling with my voice right now. So THANK YOU so much Jenny :)


Quote from: abbyt89 on October 25, 2013, 08:49:48 AM

And Sarah, I completely agree!! I never considered voice surgeries because from the beginning of my transition everything I read said to stay away from them. If it weren't for finding Jenny's thread here I would have never had the guts to go through with it and I would still be struggling with my voice right now. So THANK YOU so much Jenny :)

I feel constrained to comment on this, Jenny has been a real blessing to this community, from the day she first showed up I had a gut feeling that she was a real winner! This gal is the most positive and selfless person ever, always eager to share herself with others rather than withhold information. These traits are so uncommon because we often tend to be excessively ego-centric as part of the business of our own transition. My hat's off to Jenny she's someone we can all appreciate, love and admire!


That is a great recording Abby - One can hear that your vocal range is recovering and you use your pitch better. I guess some of that is from the vocal exercises. I wonder if some of them would also benefit us who have no voice surgery? So you surpassed the average pitch increase promoted (was it 75 Hz) by a bit now???



OH my goodness this is too much too much! I am sorry I haven't had time to respond to this thread until now. When I read all of this this morning right before I hopped in the shower, I let out such a big sigh and had one of the best happy cries I've had in a long while. I just want to say thanks for appreciating me so much. Good lord I am almost in tears again!!

You have all really warmed my heart. Thank you all so much for the wonderful words.

Shan, hearing you say that especially means a lot because it brings me back to exactly a year ago when I was still just thinking about creating an account here- and the amount that has changed in that time is absolutely mind blowing to me. Thank you for reminding me of all those mysterious and wonderful times :D Your support was a big part of making all those times flow and gel smoothly together into so far the most happy and unforgettable year of my life.

Gush gush gush. Thanks again guys, it really means a lot to me :)


G5 / 784hz

When it rains it pours... glorious herz!


I hope you don't mind me asking...Is my voice really going to change?  It's probably 3 weeks since I had it done.  And my "voice" still feels like I have a sore throat.  Occasionally I find myself talking...but only at a whisper.

Hope :)


Quote from: Kiwi4Eva on October 27, 2013, 04:18:43 AM
I hope you don't mind me asking...Is my voice really going to change?  It's probably 3 weeks since I had it done.  And my "voice" still feels like I have a sore throat.  Occasionally I find myself talking...but only at a whisper.

Hope :)

As far as I know You are under no circumstances allowed to talk for a period of up to 2 months?