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Yeson voice feminization surgery

Started by Jennygirl, April 22, 2013, 06:09:10 PM

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Hi, Michelle

Thanks for the reassurance. If the Yeson clinic provides good medication that is really strong, I will of course stick to that. Just some people I asked did not know if they had any.  I suppose they just too "the pills" they were given without knowing what they are ;) - since I need to be extra careful with the coughing maybe I will take a bit more than the usual dosage, so I will take some with me just to be sure. I also need to eat slowly - if I eat too fast or too much I have phlegm :( - Also I need to coordinate the antibiotics - I am still on AB until tuesday, the examination day - they are against the bacterial part of my bronchitis. I was told to stop them 2 days after I get well, but am not sure if I consider myself well , given that I am still coughing. I will have to ask Jessie about that on Monday when I am there, before that they are on holidays. Maybe I just take the same AB some more time, or we have to make sure that the new AB matches the onld one I got now.

I will take my "Camelback" for the water, I think. At least for running arond in the city if I make that happening. Then I am no more than 3 seconds away from a sip of water ;)
I am sure it will not always work, I can just hope to be good enough in supressing the coughing so that it does not happen too often.

Mr Paul from Phil House recommended we take the Bus or train from ICN as the cab supposedly is about 60-70EU (or more as you describe). It involves several transfers though to the subway and I dont know yet how to use the subway. I do bring some physical money with me though, so it should not be an issue to buy a train ticket or bus ticket first and then and subway ticket. I just need to find the Phil house then from the subway station. He said Exit 3, but I have no idea if I will then find it right away or walk into a different direction :P - my mobile wont work with data there either I suppose unless I feind free Wifi spots, so I cannot even use google maps to navigate. But maybe I can print out a small map of the area in advance. I definitely will take the cab to go to the clinic and back I think. it is not far and I dont think it can cost much, can it (it is 15 minutes by cab, Jessie said)? Maybe for the post op examination thats not needed anymore, but on the first day I dont want to miss the time and of course for surgery I want to be relaxed and get an easy ride there and back - I will be soooo stomped after the anaesthesia... and sooo nervous before, so better use a cab then.

Do you have any recommendations what to do near Phil house? any places to get important stuff like water or food or breathing masks or Wifi? ;) Is Phil house nice? We will be there in a twin Room, me and a friend.




Oh and I understand they take "Maestro Card" or "EC Card", the usual european chip-cardmoney with PIN to get money from ATMs? I hope this is true. Dies Yeson also take this payment for the Botox? The rest of the money is already there, but I need to get enough for the Botox and I have no PIN for my Credit Card, I could just use it with signature , if Yeson takes that?



Quote from: anjaq on February 18, 2015, 02:25:23 PM
Oh and I understand they take "Maestro Card" or "EC Card", the usual european chip-cardmoney with PIN to get money from ATMs? I hope this is true. Dies Yeson also take this payment for the Botox? The rest of the money is already there, but I need to get enough for the Botox and I have no PIN for my Credit Card, I could just use it with signature , if Yeson takes that?

Yeson uses signature for your card.  my card has no chip or pin and it worked fine.  I made sure to tell my card company that I was in Korea so they didn't block it from working due to fraud prevention.   I paid cash in US$ for Botox just to avoid any currency exchange charges - they took it without comment.  I didn't try to use an ATM while I was there.


We used plenty of ATMs and visa almost everywhere we went. It's all signatures except the ATMs


Hi Anjac,
Medications from Yeson are very strong and effective. You really don't need extra medications with you. Please don't overdose on cough medications or they wouldn't work. If it makes you feel better, just take it with you but do not use it.
For your cough and AB, just contact Yeson for better advice. Exchange your money at the airport it is easier and safer.
Remember that water almost always works instantly to reduce coughing spell because it lubricates dry mucous membrane and thins out phlegm. Teach your brain from now on that water WILL work, ha-ha.
I asked anesthesiologist prior to surgery about anesthetics. Yeson uses Propofol which is a safe,  quick and short acting drug. Once they stop the drip you will wake up quickly with no after effects. You will meet anesthesiologist right before surgery in your room. You can ask as many questions as you want.
From ICN to Phillhouse, I think, you should take the bus and then a cab. It would be easier and cheaper to reach to Phillhouse and you don't need to look for it. Make sure you print out Phillhouse address in both Korean and English. Also, print out the confirmation and instructions document sent to you by Jessie. It contains Yeson address in both languages. I highlighted that address with a yellow highlighter and made a few copies. I just showed highlighted portion to cab drivers and had no problem. From Phil to Yeson it is only $10 and a quick ride.
I didn't use subway because I was scared to get lost. However, subway stop and Taxi stand are just 3 to 4 minutes' walk to Phillhouse or even less.  I traveled once by subway there but with another lady who was living at Phill and worked in Korea and it was very smooth and quick ride. All the passengers are well behaved and no one talks to anyone, very quiet ride; Stops signs are in both languages (English/Korean).
There is a 24 hour shop right underneath Phillhouse. I bought eight bottles 1.5 or 2 liters each and that was enough for me.  They have a lot of stuff in that shop. There is another strip of shops just across the subway stop and you can buy almost everything there (organic vegies, fruits, eggs, house hold items etc.).  You can ask Phillhouse especially Massie for directions to these places. Massie speaks English and she is very helpful. There is a huge park right next to Phillhouse, beautiful to walk.
Yes you do have Wi-Fi at Phillouse and at Yeson.  Phillhouse has a couple of computers downstairs for you to use if you need. Accommodation @ Phill is ok and not bad at all and is cheap compare to other places.
I had no problem using my credit card at yeson you just need to sign the transaction. I used my CC for the Botox and gave cash for surgery. Just remember, if you use CC there would be an extra charge for international transaction.
If you need my help while there and want to contact me via email the let me know I'll give you my email address.  Best wishes


Hi ElleA,

How are you doing? Today is my 29th day post VFS; I am still at home and will go to work at Feb 23. Please keep in touch so that we can share the results. I wish you a speedy recovery. Michelle


Hi mk854, I'm great. I have had no pain since the surgery, the worst that I had was all within the first week and it was the feeling of scratchiness (if that can be a word) in my throat and a numb tongue.

I went back to work on Monday, I work with around 100 people in a larger heavy talking environment. Works been amazing though they supplied me with an iPad and have really found work for me that doesn't require me to speak.

Anywho enough about me how's things going for you.


I also must say to those that are worried about Seoul, I stayed in an Airbnb place in sinsa-dong with my partner. We had an amazing time, she learnt enough korean before we left to order decaf coffee for me and food for both of us. I found no trouble getting around on busses, taxi, or the subway (metro) which was impressive. We managed to do a lot of touring just one day after the surgery onwards.


Hi ElleA,
I had the same feelings post VFS, but no pain at all. However, after the Botox, I started having muscles pain that I never had in my life. it is getting better though. You are lucky to have a job where you can use a note pad. I am a nurse in an emergency room and must talk to patients and healthcare staff. I am due back on 23rh of Feb. I'll keep you posted. If you ever want to contact me via email let me know I'll forward my email to you. Best Wishes Michelle


Hmm - I will have to be back at work about 2.5 weeks post VFS. But I hope I can get by without talking, at that stage it is at least not a problem if i slip up. I am worried much more about tll the things right after VFS - no coughing, not making any sounds for a week and then during the flight back and then another week. Geez. Also that numb tomgue worries me - not everyone seems to have had it, but I am rather sensitive to such stuff, so I definitely will be scared about that once it occurs and worry about it going away again.

Thanks for all the tipps about Phil House and the area. Taking a bus and then a cab from the airport sounds a bit silly if there is a subway. But I will consider it. That way at least I do not have to search Phil House from the subway station.



Hi Anjac,

If you get off at the correct train station then it is just a 3 to 4 minutes walk, even less. You need to change trains also. Bus brings you almost 3/4 way and taking a cab will be ok. This I was suggested by people living there for coming back to USA.

Numbness to tongue is due to kind of heavy equipment resting on the tongue for 30 minutes or so while work is being done to your vocal cord. However, it is temporary and will go away, my numbness is totally gone now. It was very weird feeling though, not scary, Dr. Kim will tell you before surgery about that.

At this stage of post VFS, I would say that I was worried for nothing and I was alone, and I think you shouldn't be worried as well. Best Wishes


For what it's worth Anjaq I didn't have a numb tongue at all.

I can't wait to see how you go with the procedure, you've been here all through the thread asking questions and talking about it, I really want you to have a great result.

3 weeks out now and I still have a scratchy throat. Not painful, just, I'm aware of feeling something. No-one else seems to have said this and I'm a little worried about it. Time goes so slowly waiting for this two month period to blow over.


2.5 weeks... hmm. I may have to work out something with my boss to work from home for a few days. I come back the July 4th weekend and then I return to work on that Monday. I don't really talk a lot at my job, except for meetings. I was thinking getting a cute sign like wile e coyote that says "can't talk, doctor's orders" or something lol.


Quote from: anjaq on February 18, 2015, 02:23:24 PM
Mr Paul from Phil House recommended we take the Bus or train from ICN as the cab supposedly is about 60-70EU (or more as you describe). It involves several transfers though to the subway and I dont know yet how to use the subway. I do bring some physical money with me though, so it should not be an issue to buy a train ticket or bus ticket first and then and subway ticket. I just need to find the Phil house then from the subway station. He said Exit 3, but I have no idea if I will then find it right away or walk into a different direction :P - my mobile wont work with data there either I suppose unless I feind free Wifi spots, so I cannot even use google maps to navigate. But maybe I can print out a small map of the area in advance. I definitely will take the cab to go to the clinic and back I think. it is not far and I dont think it can cost much, can it (it is 15 minutes by cab, Jessie said)? Maybe for the post op examination thats not needed anymore, but on the first day I dont want to miss the time and of course for surgery I want to be relaxed and get an easy ride there and back - I will be soooo stomped after the anaesthesia... and sooo nervous before, so better use a cab then.

Very few people in Seoul use cash to purchase tickets. You have better purchase a pre-paid trasnportation card called " T-money":

You can purchase it at any of convenience store.

You may also ask about city transportation in the information center in the airport.

Just do it.


Oh, so the subway is prepaid, I would need to get a ticket at the airport then. I checked on google maps and Phil house really is directly at the subway station, it seems, I guess we can then follow their instructions on how to get there but google says it will take 1:40h from ICN to the guest house, that is a long time. I hate it if they put airports that extremely far away



Quote from: anjaq on February 19, 2015, 11:36:46 AM
Oh, so the subway is prepaid, I would need to get a ticket at the airport then. I checked on google maps and Phil house really is directly at the subway station, it seems, I guess we can then follow their instructions on how to get there but google says it will take 1:40h from ICN to the guest house, that is a long time. I hate it if they put airports that extremely far away

According to the Korean site (, it will take 1h 44m.

Walk 264 meters from ICN to Exit #3 of ICN subway station (4 min).
Take the subway and get off at Gongdeok Station ( ) (55 min while passing 9 stations)
Transit to Line #5 (two ways).
Take the one in the direction to Aeogae or Sangil-dong station .
Get off at Achasan Station (39 min while passing 16 stations)
Go to Exit 3.
Upon exiting the station, turn right in the direction of Kyung Bok Elementary School.
Walk 100 m to arrive at the Phil House on the right (3 min).

Also refer to:

Just do it.


Some street view photos from Achasan station to Phil-house:

Just do it.


Oh thank you very much. This will surely help us. We are about to board the plane now.



Hi Anjac,

I wish you a safe and successful trip. Please keep in touch.


We arrived some hours ago. The trip was rather horrible, but we found the house and if I would not be jetlagged I might sleep right now.
