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Alex Jones Warns Against Transgender People "Vomiting And Crapping All Over The

Started by Shana A, May 02, 2013, 05:42:03 AM

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Shana A

Alex Jones Warns Against Transgender People "Vomiting And Crapping All Over The Place" If They're Protected By Non-Discrimination Laws
Blog ››› May 1, 2013 2:33 PM EDT ››› CARLOS MAZA

Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones went on a rambling, transphobic rant during his radio show, warning that protecting the rights of transgender people will cause them to start "vomiting and crapping all over the place."

During the April 30 edition of his radio show, Jones launched a screed against the "globalist mafia," which he blamed for efforts to reduce discrimination against transgender people. After claiming that he isn't bothered by transgender people - but that their "fake rights" don't exist - Jones warned that "transvestites" would "throw up all over the walls" in public bathrooms. He continued by peddling a number of outrageous, damaging stereotypes about transgender people:
"Be yourself; everyone else is already taken." Oscar Wilde



Huh.  I was under the impression that public indecency laws would still apply to us.
Sometimes I blog things

Of course I'm sane.  When trees start talking to me, I don't talk back.



Quote from: Anna! :D on May 02, 2013, 07:06:08 AM
Huh.  I was under the impression that public indecency laws would still apply to us.

No.... We don't even have "fake rights". :P


I'll say this for the guy - he's consistent in terms of plausibility.
This is about as likely as the "US gov't caused 9/11" theory, and just as silly to boot.
Don't lose who you are along the path to who you want to be.



This is something that really disgusts me. The members of congress and the president swear an oath to uphold the constitution which is a written guarantee of everyone's freedoms that each individual in the United States has which cannot be transferred to another person or surrendered except by the individual having those rights. The government can't give or take away these rights because they don't come from the government in the first place but are G-d given rights to each and every individual. So where does some jackass get the nerve to assume the authority to even suggest taking away another's rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?


Shawn Sunshine

wow I will no longer listen to Alex Jones then....i liked his pieces on the tsa...but if he doesnt like transgender people, then i cant listen anymore.
Shawn Sunshine Strickland The Strickalator



Alex Jones is a charlatan who profits off the ignorant and fearful.  He knows full well what he says is inflammatory and deceitful, but it is easy to make a quick buck being the soothsayer of conspiracies.  Yes, there are conspiracies that exist.  Yes, the government does lie and cover things up at times.  Yes, there are shady things that occur and a lack of transparency that raises concerns.  However, that does not mean the government is going to put us all in concentration camps via project endgame.  It's one thing to be a government watchdog and raise awareness of corruption, and another to try to protect the populace for the evils of the reptilian humanoids who secretly run the world as the NWO.

I am glad he is such a staunch supporter of weapons that he goes to on rants suggesting that the government staged Sandy Hook, Aurora movie theater shootings, and the Boston Bombings, just to take away our guns.  It really shows how intelligent he is and what a defender of civil liberties he is.  Oh, trans people...... well, screw those animals they deserve no rights.  So, whose taking away our rights now, you're imaginary overlords or an paranoid idiotic radio host with little talent.  I guess the pot should meet the kettle, Alex.



Quote from: learningtolive on May 02, 2013, 10:23:42 AM
Alex Jones is a charlatan who profits off the ignorant and fearful.
That's about right in one sentence. Jones being the type who would be all like "the world is going to end tomorrow and I'll tell you how on my now documentary; for only $10 you can download now, how I explain how the world will end tomorrow; you can also order it on DVD for $20 but act fast otherwise the world will end before you know it."

While the FBI has a pretty colorful history of spying and legally questionable tactics, it's another case of looking for something to rally against because if things went in an orderly fashion Jones and ilk wouldn't have much a reason to exist.
Soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur. Happy kitty, sleepy kitty, purr, purr, purr.

King Malachite

Wow.  I do listen to him on occasion.  I would say I hope he kind of expands his views on this a bit but he seems like the type of person who has his mind made up.
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"Sometimes you have to go through outer hell to get to inner heaven."

"Anomalies can make the best revolutionaries."




Quote from: ~RoadToTrista~ on May 02, 2013, 12:16:31 PM
Doesn't he realize that transgender people don't poop? ::)

Sure we do. We poop rainbows. Thats what all the glbt people poop.


Wait....Wha.....This is...i....I couldn't even get through the recording. THis guy is a idiot who has no clue on what we go through.




I suppose that he's set himself up by his nasty comments and deserves to have his reputation vomited and crapped all over by the TG community. He's created an image of how we would react to him as his own self fulfilling prophecy.  :eusa_clap:


Alex who? I read the article and checked out his Wikipedia page. A radio talk show host right? With ratings of around 2 million? (Despite going out to 70 or so networks).

I honestly don't think his transphobic comments are the real issue here.

I think the bigger issue is that the Internet has taken away the cultural isolation of Americans and opening up the reality of their society to the rest of the world (given that many Americans are attached somewhat to the Internet).

There's a saying in politics (and it applies to the media) about dogs and fleas. I think the bigger issue is that some people who aren't American will come across the fact that these nutcases and wackjobs have websites and radio shows and will assume that, as they have audiences, that many Americans are nutcases and wackjobs too - which isn't really the truth.

This is something that Islamic fundamentalists struggle with as well, but something also the more extreme fascists in the UK are dealing with (observe the success of the 'blame everybody else but me' UKIP party in the local elections)..

But you know getting only 2 million listeners from 70 different radio networks, I get this feeling that the Taliban are more popular than Mr Jones.

And besides, I'm quite happy for him to rant on and on about trans folk. Why? It's evidence that trans folk do face discrimination and hostility and that both are very real and also clearly evident to anyone with a brain.

"The truth within me is more than the reality which surrounds me."
Constantin Stanislavski

Mistakes not only provide opportunities for learning but also make good stories.


Hah, Stella what an interesting and thoughtful take, I believe that you are absolutely right!


Quote from: Jamie D on May 03, 2013, 01:19:41 PM
Never heard of the guy.

Probably why he's so angry cause most people don't really care what he has to say.

TBH he can keep his ramblings to himself.
Sometimes when life is a fight - we just have to fight back and say screw you - I want to live.

Sometimes we just need to believe.


Quote from: Jamie D on May 03, 2013, 01:19:41 PM
Never heard of the guy.

Oh, do yourself a favor and look him up.  Everything is a conspiracy.  It's hilarious how crazy the guy gets.  There are conspiracy theories and then there is insanity.  His latest theory is that the government is behind the Boston bombings.  I guess his Sandy hook theories ran out of steam and he needed a new tragedy to exploit for profits and ratings. 

I shouldn't be telling you about him though because he exposes the illumanati  The government may capture us both and put us in a enslave us in their globalist prison camps if they found out.  See the truth in his well researched movie called  "Endgame". Just make sure to put on a tin foil hat.  Your eyes will be opened and your mind will be shut :)


Caramel Prisoner

Caramel Prisoner Warns Against Alex Jones Vomiting and Crapping All Over the Internet
"You never know if you're gonna get hit by a bus one day. But that doesn't mean you can't ever leave your house, it means you should look both ways when you cross the street." -- J. Jacques, Questionable Content #2427