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The All New 'Before & After Topic (v 2.0)

Started by Jennygirl, July 01, 2013, 03:41:32 AM

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Quote from: innainka on February 04, 2014, 02:53:49 PM
well then, why not.......

I did this -->   :o

Now you have to post more :D , because wow your a real amazing turn around!

oh hai!

Quote from: PrincessDayna on February 05, 2014, 11:57:40 PM
Having the seven month blues...sorta....but ya, small comparison:

pre HRT:

7 months, 2 days ago:

I'm jealous Dayna, I'm about as far into HRT as you and have nowhere near that dramatic of results. You are off to a wonderful start and already are a beautiful woman.


Quote from: PrincessDayna on February 05, 2014, 11:57:40 PM
Having the seven month blues...sorta....but ya, small comparison:

isn't it amazing what few tiny pills can do!


well, thanks Natallie, here is another more crisp representation of my journey:



Quote from: innainka on February 06, 2014, 08:32:19 AM
well, thanks Natallie, here is another more crisp representation of my journey:

Oh ... My ... GOOOOODDD!!!!!

We have had some amazing transformations on this thread, and its predecessors ... And there are some amazing girls on here whose transitions are truly inspirational ...

But seriously ...

I'm speechless.*

* And that's a rarity  :)



Princess and Innanka,

                You are both so very inspiring!


Wow. The before/after photos shown here definitely give me hope.
Ignorance : 1999 - 2013
Accepting myself : December 2013 - Now
Birth of Emi : April 2014


Quote from: innainka on February 06, 2014, 08:32:19 AM
well, thanks Natallie, here is another more crisp representation of my journey:

Wow is right! Did you have your brow ridge shaved Innainka? It kind of looks like you did. I only ask because I need that to be done for my brow. You look beautiful! Thanks for sharing your pictures!


Quote from: innainka on February 06, 2014, 02:29:53 PM
full on FFS with the master of Facial surgery!

Do tell  ;)

the extra pics are great btw  ;D

Sarah leah

You look simply exquisite. Is there a link, website etc to contact them on for prices, before and afters etc. I only ask as I need to start factoring things into the equation now for a few years down the track.

A straight line may be the shortest distance between two points, but it is by no means the most interesting

oh hai!

Only info I could find on InnoAesthetica appears that it is Dr. Cardenas? If so yet another upvote for him from me for who I eventually settle on (Currently Dr. Cardenas/Dr. Zukowski/Dr. Mayer on my shortlist.)


I know, I know, my posts are always 3 feet tall! lol

Listen guys, I never wanted to start a battle with you here. I shared some pics, and said I'd share my video...
I understand that some of you may find my clothing attire or lack thereof to be ummm shall I say, inappropriate. That's fine, I won't take it personally.
For me, I will never pass my judgement on others until it's requested.

I was being slammed with messages from people all over asking about weight loss, dietary regiments, make-up, work outs, my yoga routines, and so on.
Many of them, not all, but many, seemed to lack a couple of very important things, Self-understanding, Self-acceptance, and Confidence.
They seemed to be holding themselves from acceptance or even an entire transition based off of the notion that they would not pass. :(
Hearing this breaks my heart. :( It seriously does. I can easily get emotional over people who are in obvious pain, especially those who share a similar pain as I did.

My point is that, when you look at what I had done to my physical body to overcompensate... The years in the gym shooting Testosterone, lifting, and then living a very unhealthy lifestyle, I had kinda turned
my body into trash. Garbage in, garbage out... My high school pictures aside, you cannot tell me that I should have assumed, even when coming out, that I was going to pass as a woman let alone have the look I do now.
C'mon, I simply didn't see it happening or at least not anything soon. Can you believe that at least?
So my transition became more about accepting myself as the beautiful person I am on the inside. That helped me build confidence and ignore the bull>-bleeped-< around me.
So, I simply didn't enjoy reading messages of people asking me how to make them look like Kim Kardashian. I reply with, "how about looking like yourself"?
Most say because they don't like the they look. I take this as low self esteem, little or no acceptance, and zero confidence.

Of course women wanna look good, we want to be fabulous and attractive, most do anyway.
But if you don't feel fulfilled in that category, don't set that as your benchmark for being a woman!

Everyone transitions differently, and we all start with different genetics.
I achieved my goal while making new ones everyday. I set the bar high for myself.
I spend about 30s hours a week swimming, spinning, and doing yoga on a very low cal diet. I've been doing it for nearly a year and a half.
I feel that in most cases, if you want it that badly, most can get to their goals if you truly sacrifice for them. That's all.

I'm not here to have people judge me, I honestly never thought that'd be a problem.
I'm truly here to help while I'm transitioning publicly as I may relocate and live a more private lifestlye in a couple of years. Until then, I'm open and I wanna help others.
There are a lot of knowledgeable people here, I figured I could offer my advice when it's requested.

I feel horrible if I've offended anyone with my video or my replies about it. Those were not my intentions.

If you guys have anymore questions for me I will be available on Facebook for the time being. Believe it or not, my video has connected with others, and they're reaching out to me.
They are in need of some advice and QNA, and I want to help them. If you come over, message me and tell me that you're from susans, I will add you as soon as I see ya. :)
I will leave y'all alone, I want this to be a peaceful place.   

Quote from: Just Shelly on January 31, 2014, 06:04:24 PM
I never checked!! Just voiced an that's not to favorable in the TS circles though!

Never Ever did I say your video was PORN!! Just some parts could be CLASSIFIED as possibly soft porn!

and the few times I do wear a bikini or even a dress for that matter is because I wanted to look good and yes, sexy....but I thought that was wrong for me to feel when I first went FT....something I struggled with my first year FT. I have come to find out this is why many women wear certain makes us feel good about ourselves. Could VS be in existence if it relied only on the sales from men!!

and yes you look damn sexy!!

I think some of my thinking is still stuck with me thinking I or anyone trans is not allowed to look sexy....I don't believe I do this purposely but I think it shows up at times.

One minute I look at myself and say damn can rock those skinny jeans and the next minute I'm thinking oh should I be dressing like that! Thankfully I think more in the prior and don't limit myself on dressing choices just because I am trans....I must be doing something right, I have had many compliments from women and men on how I dress.


I totally understand where you're coming from honey, I do, regardless if we have different definitions of the term "Soft Porn".
And Thank you for your kind complements I do appreciate them.

Quote from: innainka on January 31, 2014, 06:08:37 PM
Hey girl, quite a fantastic to see the power of truth and then the power of few tiny pills, give life and transform otherwise existence into a blooming wonderful life. I too have taken the green pill (matrix pun intended lol) and found out how deep does the rabbit hole go!!!
It isn't easy, or rather near impossible, but with a bit of love and perseverance anything is possible.

Go Girl!

PS. I did sent you a friend request via fb :-)

Lmao! You look Fab sweetie! I'm blown away by your transformation too! Look at you, you little shape-shifter you! lol
Seriously, you look amazing, you're attitude is even more impressive!
Thank you so much!

Quote from: Laurenza on February 01, 2014, 04:04:28 AM
As much as i pray for a body like yours one day, the biggest prayer for me is to have such a strong acceptance and resolve for myself as you have for you.

thats what i love about your story the most :) the joy that occurs in your mind that is reflected everywhere else.

much love :)

Lauren (Is that your name dear?),

I will tell that you are on the right path. Acceptance if paramount, or at least it was for me and I'd find it hard to keep my determination within my transition if I was worried about everyone else.
Secondly, I have no doubt in my mind that you can transform to another dimension. I mean look at you, you're gorgeous. You look way better than the first 3-4 months I did.
So I have no doubt that you can improve your way of life and or your look just as I did and will continue to do.
Thanks you for your support misssy! :D

Quote from: Keaira Raine on February 01, 2014, 04:27:36 AM
Wow Sona!!! You are like night and day. :D

This month will be 3 years of HRT, fighting tooth and nail for my transition and everything that goes with it. From rejecting family to being homeless to lobbying for a transgender inclusive ENDA and Immigration reform, I think I have weathered fairly well. I mean, I'm still alive and fighting, right?
If I can go from this:

(Happy isn't he? :P)

to this:

Then it was worth all the crap I've been through.

You are a doll! You are transitioning very very well! I mean it!
And ty

Quote from: Mr Hockey on February 01, 2014, 12:19:32 PM
Wow. I'm a FTM but this is truly inspirational. Great transition. :)
Thank you so very much. I'm tickeled to hear people are being motiva8'd by it! :D

Btw, Hockey is my favorite sport! But I am a Wings fan. ;)

Quote from: Sheala on February 02, 2014, 05:10:44 AM
Ok so i know it hasnt been that long since my last photo. however here we go now im only 2 and a half months in. what do you think?


Post 2months

I'm seeing lots on improvements. Your hair looks great, and so does that smile :)
I have some suggestions if I may offer them to you. I can PM you if you like!? They're simple tips and tricks that can go a long way!
But for real, you very nice, very cute!

Quote from: Angélique LaCava on February 04, 2014, 12:05:08 AM
comparing how I looked 2 years ago right wen I started transitioning to now. I took the pic in the same exact spot I took it 2 years ago and its also both same exact lighting. do yall see a difference or no?

Your face is already incredibly feminine. It is. You maintain a natural feminine expression. You have a warm smile, and amazing skin complexion.
I couldn't say anything else, you look amazing!

Quote from: TiffanyT on February 04, 2014, 11:05:24 PM
I would like to be on record for pilling on the incredible Sona story and transformation. I rarely visit this thread because I get very jealous but that was an incredibly inspiring, moving and powerful story. God I needed that sort of kick in the ass. Thank you for sharing.

Thank you so much Tiffany! You kick your self into gear and get to work! :D Get excited, and determined. Set your initial goals!!! It you know it's gonna happen, than it normally will girl!

Quote from: PrincessDayna on February 05, 2014, 11:57:40 PM
Having the seven month blues...sorta....but ya, small comparison:

pre HRT:

7 months, 2 days ago:

Double DANG Missy! You Nailed it!


Wow, wow and triple wowza. All of you ladies are so inspiring to me, and goes without saying you all look so amazing. I'am so proud to even be apart of the same community as you all. Much love! :)

And Sona, I remember seeing your transition video like 2 weeks ago, and it was wonderful. Some things in that video really stuck in my mind and are giving me confidence, so thank you!
~How we endure will justify, the history we leave behind.~


Quote from: oh hai! on February 06, 2014, 06:15:48 PM
Only info I could find on InnoAesthetica appears that it is Dr. Cardenas? If so yet another upvote for him from me for who I eventually settle on (Currently Dr. Cardenas/Dr. Zukowski/Dr. Mayer on my shortlist.)

Same here, could a link be provided?

Wow Sona, you weren't kidding about three feet long. lol  I enjoyed reading it all though! (That post would take me an hour to make wowzers)

Paula white

Is this really possible? I am speechless. At the moment I feel. My life is totally hopeless without a future. But when I look at this thread I feel that with the right level of application and determination almost anything is possible! Innainka if you don't mind me asking approximately how old were you when you started your transition? I will understand if you do not wish you answer


Quote from: Sona~TS on February 06, 2014, 08:26:12 PM
I know, I know, my posts are always 3 feet tall! lol

Listen guys, I never wanted to start a battle with you here. I shared some pics, and said I'd share my video...
I understand that some of you may find my clothing attire or lack thereof to be ummm shall I say, inappropriate. That's fine, I won't take it personally.
For me, I will never pass my judgement on others until it's requested.

I was being slammed with messages from people all over asking about weight loss, dietary regiments, make-up, work outs, my yoga routines, and so on.
Many of them, not all, but many, seemed to lack a couple of very important things, Self-understanding, Self-acceptance, and Confidence.
They seemed to be holding themselves from acceptance or even an entire transition based off of the notion that they would not pass. :(
Hearing this breaks my heart. :( It seriously does. I can easily get emotional over people who are in obvious pain, especially those who share a similar pain as I did.

My point is that, when you look at what I had done to my physical body to overcompensate... The years in the gym shooting Testosterone, lifting, and then living a very unhealthy lifestyle, I had kinda turned
my body into trash. Garbage in, garbage out... My high school pictures aside, you cannot tell me that I should have assumed, even when coming out, that I was going to pass as a woman let alone have the look I do now.
C'mon, I simply didn't see it happening or at least not anything soon. Can you believe that at least?
So my transition became more about accepting myself as the beautiful person I am on the inside. That helped me build confidence and ignore the bull>-bleeped-< around me.
So, I simply didn't enjoy reading messages of people asking me how to make them look like Kim Kardashian. I reply with, "how about looking like yourself"?
Most say because they don't like the they look. I take this as low self esteem, little or no acceptance, and zero confidence.

Of course women wanna look good, we want to be fabulous and attractive, most do anyway.
But if you don't feel fulfilled in that category, don't set that as your benchmark for being a woman!

Everyone transitions differently, and we all start with different genetics.
I achieved my goal while making new ones everyday. I set the bar high for myself.
I spend about 30s hours a week swimming, spinning, and doing yoga on a very low cal diet. I've been doing it for nearly a year and a half.
I feel that in most cases, if you want it that badly, most can get to their goals if you truly sacrifice for them. That's all.

I'm not here to have people judge me, I honestly never thought that'd be a problem.
I'm truly here to help while I'm transitioning publicly as I may relocate and live a more private lifestlye in a couple of years. Until then, I'm open and I wanna help others.
There are a lot of knowledgeable people here, I figured I could offer my advice when it's requested.

I feel horrible if I've offended anyone with my video or my replies about it. Those were not my intentions.

If you guys have anymore questions for me I will be available on Facebook for the time being. Believe it or not, my video has connected with others, and they're reaching out to me.
They are in need of some advice and QNA, and I want to help them. If you come over, message me and tell me that you're from susans, I will add you as soon as I see ya. :)
I will leave y'all alone, I want this to be a peaceful place.   


I totally understand where you're coming from honey, I do, regardless if we have different definitions of the term "Soft Porn".
And Thank you for your kind complements I do appreciate them.

Lmao! You look Fab sweetie! I'm blown away by your transformation too! Look at you, you little shape-shifter you! lol
Seriously, you look amazing, you're attitude is even more impressive!
Thank you so much!

Lauren (Is that your name dear?),

I will tell that you are on the right path. Acceptance if paramount, or at least it was for me and I'd find it hard to keep my determination within my transition if I was worried about everyone else.
Secondly, I have no doubt in my mind that you can transform to another dimension. I mean look at you, you're gorgeous. You look way better than the first 3-4 months I did.
So I have no doubt that you can improve your way of life and or your look just as I did and will continue to do.
Thanks you for your support misssy! :D

You are a doll! You are transitioning very very well! I mean it!
And ty

Thank you so very much. I'm tickeled to hear people are being motiva8'd by it! :D

Btw, Hockey is my favorite sport! But I am a Wings fan. ;)

I'm seeing lots on improvements. Your hair looks great, and so does that smile :)
I have some suggestions if I may offer them to you. I can PM you if you like!? They're simple tips and tricks that can go a long way!
But for real, you very nice, very cute!

Your face is already incredibly feminine. It is. You maintain a natural feminine expression. You have a warm smile, and amazing skin complexion.
I couldn't say anything else, you look amazing!

Thank you so much Tiffany! You kick your self into gear and get to work! :D Get excited, and determined. Set your initial goals!!! It you know it's gonna happen, than it normally will girl!

Double DANG Missy! You Nailed it!

Girl wear what you want. If people don't like it that's there problem. If you have the body for it now flaunt it if you want to. Let the haters hate.


Quote from: Sona~TS on February 06, 2014, 08:26:12 PM
I know, I know, my posts are always 3 feet tall! lol

Listen guys, I never wanted to start a battle with you here. I shared some pics, and said I'd share my video...
I understand that some of you may find my clothing attire or lack thereof to be ummm shall I say, inappropriate. That's fine, I won't take it personally.
For me, I will never pass my judgement on others until it's requested.

I was being slammed with messages from people all over asking about weight loss, dietary regiments, make-up, work outs, my yoga routines, and so on.
Many of them, not all, but many, seemed to lack a couple of very important things, Self-understanding, Self-acceptance, and Confidence.
They seemed to be holding themselves from acceptance or even an entire transition based off of the notion that they would not pass. :(
Hearing this breaks my heart. :( It seriously does. I can easily get emotional over people who are in obvious pain, especially those who share a similar pain as I did.

My point is that, when you look at what I had done to my physical body to overcompensate... The years in the gym shooting Testosterone, lifting, and then living a very unhealthy lifestyle, I had kinda turned
my body into trash. Garbage in, garbage out... My high school pictures aside, you cannot tell me that I should have assumed, even when coming out, that I was going to pass as a woman let alone have the look I do now.
C'mon, I simply didn't see it happening or at least not anything soon. Can you believe that at least?
So my transition became more about accepting myself as the beautiful person I am on the inside. That helped me build confidence and ignore the bull>-bleeped-< around me.
So, I simply didn't enjoy reading messages of people asking me how to make them look like Kim Kardashian. I reply with, "how about looking like yourself"?
Most say because they don't like the they look. I take this as low self esteem, little or no acceptance, and zero confidence.

Of course women wanna look good, we want to be fabulous and attractive, most do anyway.
But if you don't feel fulfilled in that category, don't set that as your benchmark for being a woman!

Everyone transitions differently, and we all start with different genetics.
I achieved my goal while making new ones everyday. I set the bar high for myself.
I spend about 30s hours a week swimming, spinning, and doing yoga on a very low cal diet. I've been doing it for nearly a year and a half.
I feel that in most cases, if you want it that badly, most can get to their goals if you truly sacrifice for them. That's all.

I'm not here to have people judge me, I honestly never thought that'd be a problem.
I'm truly here to help while I'm transitioning publicly as I may relocate and live a more private lifestlye in a couple of years. Until then, I'm open and I wanna help others.
There are a lot of knowledgeable people here, I figured I could offer my advice when it's requested.

I feel horrible if I've offended anyone with my video or my replies about it. Those were not my intentions.

If you guys have anymore questions for me I will be available on Facebook for the time being. Believe it or not, my video has connected with others, and they're reaching out to me.
They are in need of some advice and QNA, and I want to help them. If you come over, message me and tell me that you're from susans, I will add you as soon as I see ya. :)
I will leave y'all alone, I want this to be a peaceful place.   

I'm not at all offended. Envious? maybe. :P

But, this is my journey. I don't need to follow in anyone's footsteps and I want to blaze my own trail. I see myself in the mirror now. And I'm pretty happy with how I look for the most part. I am also working on getting my somewhat stocky body down a few pounds. Just yesterday I discovered I can pull my belt tighter a notch. I'm down to 175lb when not more than a few months ago I was 198lb. I try to eat better, drink less soda and I have even started going to the gym at work. If I still look muscular, then so be it. I know for a fact that there are a couple of women who wish they had arms like mine. People like you Sona inspire people like me to go the extra mile to  become a better me. Wear what you feel comfortable in, because girl, you have every reason to show it off! that's an amazing transformation and you have a fantastic attitude to go with that fantastic body you have.


QuoteI'm truly here to help while I'm transitioning publicly as I may relocate and live a more private lifestlye in a couple of years. Until then, I'm open and I wanna help others.
There are a lot of knowledgeable people here, I figured I could offer my advice when it's requested.

Sona, I read your post and I'm simply flummoxed.

You're open and want to help others, yet you've described a large part of Susan's as not getting 'it' and needing a lot of help. So I'm confounded that you've decided Susan's isn't a good place for you. I would think it would be ideal.

Self-help gurus don't go where people don't need help, they do just the opposite.

You're not all that unique, I was a far more advanced bodybuilder than you appeared to be. I've lost most of my mass so I wasn't as shocked by your video as others were because they don't have this history. They see a huge guy become a very feminine young woman and they're desperate to know the HOW you did it.

I'm not surprised you found the attention a bit annoying, and the judgment of your attire or lack of is absurd. I suppose those people need some help too.  ;)

Perhaps you could ignore the PMs and instead create a thread for helping people achieve their goals. You mention a good 30 hours of physical and emotional effort you do a week that may benefit many girls plenty.

You also have some very keen insight to what is necessary on one's inside.

I hope you decide to stay, I think you could be a real treasure around here, who knows... you may be able to have real impact on a few lives or two.

That's my take, but I do get where you're coming from.

Good luck to you either way.  :)



Quote from: Sona~TS on February 06, 2014, 08:26:12 PM
I know, I know, my posts are always 3 feet tall! lol

Listen guys, I never wanted to start a battle with you here. I shared some pics, and said I'd share my video...
I understand that some of you may find my clothing attire or lack thereof to be ummm shall I say, inappropriate. That's fine, I won't take it personally.
For me, I will never pass my judgement on others until it's requested.

I was being slammed with messages from people all over asking about weight loss, dietary regiments, make-up, work outs, my yoga routines, and so on.
Many of them, not all, but many, seemed to lack a couple of very important things, Self-understanding, Self-acceptance, and Confidence.
They seemed to be holding themselves from acceptance or even an entire transition based off of the notion that they would not pass. :(
Hearing this breaks my heart. :( It seriously does. I can easily get emotional over people who are in obvious pain, especially those who share a similar pain as I did.

My point is that, when you look at what I had done to my physical body to overcompensate... The years in the gym shooting Testosterone, lifting, and then living a very unhealthy lifestyle, I had kinda turned
my body into trash. Garbage in, garbage out... My high school pictures aside, you cannot tell me that I should have assumed, even when coming out, that I was going to pass as a woman let alone have the look I do now.
C'mon, I simply didn't see it happening or at least not anything soon. Can you believe that at least?
So my transition became more about accepting myself as the beautiful person I am on the inside. That helped me build confidence and ignore the bull>-bleeped-< around me.
So, I simply didn't enjoy reading messages of people asking me how to make them look like Kim Kardashian. I reply with, "how about looking like yourself"?
Most say because they don't like the they look. I take this as low self esteem, little or no acceptance, and zero confidence.

Of course women wanna look good, we want to be fabulous and attractive, most do anyway.
But if you don't feel fulfilled in that category, don't set that as your benchmark for being a woman!

Everyone transitions differently, and we all start with different genetics.
I achieved my goal while making new ones everyday. I set the bar high for myself.
I spend about 30s hours a week swimming, spinning, and doing yoga on a very low cal diet. I've been doing it for nearly a year and a half.
I feel that in most cases, if you want it that badly, most can get to their goals if you truly sacrifice for them. That's all.

I'm not here to have people judge me, I honestly never thought that'd be a problem.
I'm truly here to help while I'm transitioning publicly as I may relocate and live a more private lifestlye in a couple of years. Until then, I'm open and I wanna help others.
There are a lot of knowledgeable people here, I figured I could offer my advice when it's requested.

I feel horrible if I've offended anyone with my video or my replies about it. Those were not my intentions.

If you guys have anymore questions for me I will be available on Facebook for the time being. Believe it or not, my video has connected with others, and they're reaching out to me.
They are in need of some advice and QNA, and I want to help them. If you come over, message me and tell me that you're from susans, I will add you as soon as I see ya. :)
I will leave y'all alone, I want this to be a peaceful place. /Snip 

I know I don't post often anymore, but I would like to say something if I may. I think you have touched on something very very important and I would like to add my opinion as well. I think a lot of trans-women, in general, have this misconception that transition is all about the outward appearance. When transition becomes vanity based it is almost doomed to hardship and frustration. I think it becomes this shallow goal that ultimately will leave you wondering why you still aren't happy or satisfied. Beauty and youth are fleeting. Becoming beautiful on the inside will reward you for the rest of your life.

In my opinion transition should be about becoming who you are. Embracing who you are and really doing some soul searching to become your authentic self. In my own experience, that is what I have done. In my case it just so happened that once I found myself and really explored my authentic self, the outward appearance fell into place. I think knowing and loving who are should be paramount to becoming some beautiful bombshell. Not everyone is born with the looks or the financial freedom to modify themselves to look how they want. We should all be striving to become your own person. Beautiful in our own ways. Its our flaws and uniqueness that make us truly beautiful.

I would have gave you a reputation point but apparently I'm not a member. At any rate, I wanted to offer my own opinion. Thank you for stating that point. I think it needed to be highlighted and brought to the forefront of peoples transition.

<3 Liv

I realize that I have posted something like this in a vanity thread. But I think that this fits with the theme of "Before and After" I think all too often the pictures only reflect the physical, when most of the time the biggest changes are mental and emotional. I just wanted to commend you for touching on the most important (in my opinion) part of transitioning into who you really are. Whatever and whomever that may be. :)

Comrade Eva

May 2013

February 2014
at the time of the first picture I would never have been confident enough to wear what I did in the second picture
Eva  :)