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The All New 'Before & After Topic (v 2.0)

Started by Jennygirl, July 01, 2013, 03:41:32 AM

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Quote from: Carrie Liz on April 23, 2014, 07:27:44 PM
I've already posted this picture over on the "Fabulous" thread, so I'm really not looking for any more kudos here.

I'm posting this again over here for one reason and one reason only... to hopefully inspire other people who, like me at this exact point just 15 months ago, were looking at their pre-transition selves, and seeing a guy who is overweight, large-built, seemingly unfixably-masculine, and scared that they will NEVER pass and never look feminine, and that transition is hopeless. Well, it's not. It really is possible. And I hope that these pictures can help to
Just do it.


So I've been away for awhile and a large part of that is because I've started living full time and I moved from Minnesota to West Virginia.

Here is an oldish picture of me, total guy mode and I was still in great denial about my dysphoria.

Then 2 months ago I finally hit rock bottom and when I moved to West Virginia I came out to most of the rest of my family.  I started living full time pre-HRT.

Here are the results.

I pass pretty well from what I'm told so getting HRT will only make things better.



Quote from: Androgynous_Machine on April 25, 2014, 08:41:31 AM
So I've been away for awhile and a large part of that is because I've started living full time and I moved from Minnesota to West Virginia.

Here is an oldish picture of me, total guy mode and I was still in great denial about my dysphoria.

Then 2 months ago I finally hit rock bottom and when I moved to West Virginia I came out to most of the rest of my family.  I started living full time pre-HRT.

Here are the results.

I pass pretty well from what I'm told so getting HRT will only make things better.


Looking good hon, nice fish btw!


Quote from: Androgynous_Machine on April 25, 2014, 08:41:31 AM
So I've been away for awhile and a large part of that is because I've started living full time and I moved from Minnesota to West Virginia.

Here is an oldish picture of me, total guy mode and I was still in great denial about my dysphoria.

Then 2 months ago I finally hit rock bottom and when I moved to West Virginia I came out to most of the rest of my family.  I started living full time pre-HRT.

Here are the results.

I pass pretty well from what I'm told so getting HRT will only make things better.

Nice fish!!! I've a 21 foot Shadow Bass Boat and loooove fishing myself. You should see the looks I get though when my petite self climbs down out of my big 4x4 Ram 2500 though at the Boat ramp, lol! :laugh: Especially if I'm in a summer dress or shorts that show my long legs off. I get a crowd of guys offering to launch my boat for me.

Anyway, we have a few things in common. One, I used to own a 267 acre farm in West Virginia just outside of Mannington (20 min from Fairmont, 40 min from Morgantown). I wasn't accepted too well up there though, but it was hard for me to pass as a male. Due to my having Klinefelter's Syndrome I've always been tiny (5-5, 117 lb's) with no upper body and had feminine features. In addition, I'm originally from California and they seemed to know I wasn't from around there without my saying a word. I sold the Farm in 2001, and I sincerely hope things have gotten better up there with the issue of accepting us for you.

What part of West Virginia are you in? I did notice things were a little better in the southern area's of the state than the northern area's where I was.

Second, I started living full time before starting my hrt myself 5 years ago when I bought my current home. Being full time is a little harder without hormones so if your not on hrt yet I can sincerely understand what your going through.

You do have very nice facial features and should do well on hrt. I am curious though as to where in West Virginia you'll be able to find a therapist and Endo experienced in TG care? If your in the northern part of the state though you might try Allegheny Medical Center in Pittsburgh. It's where I used to  go for my medical care up there. I'm not too familiar with Charleston if your in the southern part. No matter where your at up there though it's beautiful country.:icon_flower:
Full Time August 2009
HRT Dec 27 2013
VFS [ ? ]
FFS [ ? ]
SRS Spring 2015



I finally got around to uploading some pics (currently 6 months on HRT) so thought i would contribute to this.  So many of the pics in here gave me inspiration and hopefully mine will inspire others thinking about starting the greatest journey in the world!


Taken July 2013

After (photos taken at 6 months HRT)
Taken 4th April 2014

"What do you fear, lady?" he asked.
"A cage," she said. "To stay behind bars until use and old age accept them, and all chance of doing great deeds is gone beyond recall or desire."
                                                                                     ― The Return of the King


Pretty fantastic alright, very nice! Wonderful physique to begin your transition with too I might add!


That's an impressive transition Anna! I hope HRT will have that good an effect on me.



Quote from: Shantel on April 25, 2014, 11:52:28 AM
Pretty fantastic alright, very nice! Wonderful physique to begin your transition with too I might add!

haha thank you :)  For some reason i did used to attract much more women back then!
"What do you fear, lady?" he asked.
"A cage," she said. "To stay behind bars until use and old age accept them, and all chance of doing great deeds is gone beyond recall or desire."
                                                                                     ― The Return of the King


Quote from: f_Anna_tastic on April 25, 2014, 11:48:53 AM
I finally got around to uploading some pics (currently 6 months on HRT) so thought i would contribute to this.  So many of the pics in here gave me inspiration and hopefully mine will inspire others thinking about starting the greatest journey in the world!

Taken July 2013

After (photos taken at 6 months HRT)
Taken 4th April 2014

Awesome transformation! Love the hair!
Full Time August 2009
HRT Dec 27 2013
VFS [ ? ]
FFS [ ? ]
SRS Spring 2015



Thank you :)

It's a wig im afraid but it does a good job of minimizing my shoulders!
"What do you fear, lady?" he asked.
"A cage," she said. "To stay behind bars until use and old age accept them, and all chance of doing great deeds is gone beyond recall or desire."
                                                                                     ― The Return of the King


Quote from: f_Anna_tastic on April 25, 2014, 12:25:15 PM
Thank you :)

It's a wig im afraid but it does a good job of minimizing my shoulders!

The muscle bulk will dissipate in time on HRT. Nice abs, they look good on women too!


Quote from: f_Anna_tastic on April 25, 2014, 12:25:15 PM
Thank you :)

It's a wig im afraid but it does a good job of minimizing my shoulders!
I have long straight black hair, but I've got a wig too that looks great on me when I wear it. Shoulders were never an issue with me as mine are narrow -always have been.

Your makeup looks excellent as well too though in the bottom photo I posted with my earlier reply. Very feninine! :icon_flower:
Full Time August 2009
HRT Dec 27 2013
VFS [ ? ]
FFS [ ? ]
SRS Spring 2015



Anna, wow what a transformation!  How did you manage to shed so much of that muscle mass in just 6 months?

Quote from: f_Anna_tastic on April 25, 2014, 12:25:15 PM
Thank you :)

It's a wig im afraid but it does a good job of minimizing my shoulders!

Christine Eryn

Quote from: Bijou on April 22, 2014, 08:24:14 PM
SO a couple days ago i decided to compare a pic of my wife and I from a few years ago, to now, and the difference was just amazing to me.

2-3 years ago (maybe more, it's fuzzy):

2 days ago:

That hat and jacket are the only "boy" clothes i've kept, btw.

Absolutely astounding! It's kind of like you were always there. It almost looks like you could have been your own sibling too.
"There was a sculptor, and he found this stone, a special stone. He dragged it home and he worked on it for months, until he finally finished. When he was ready he showed it to his friends and they said he had created a great statue. And the sculptor said he hadn't created anything, the statue was always there, he just cleared away the small peices." Rambo III


Quote from: Bijou on April 22, 2014, 08:24:14 PM
SO a couple days ago i decided to compare a pic of my wife and I from a few years ago, to now, and the difference was just amazing to me.

2-3 years ago (maybe more, it's fuzzy):

2 days ago:

That hat and jacket are the only "boy" clothes i've kept, btw.

That was so cute how you wore the same hat and glasses. You look almost like a completely different person. Wow

sad panda

Umm. sorry lol but llerret have you ever been told you look like Rhianna? Sorry lol had to ask XD


Okay, I'll join in.  This one is especially rough for me, as I was a mess a few years back as the result of a crippling injury sustained in the military.  I walked with a cane until I got off it a few months back.  I busted my booty to get where I am right now so I guess there is no shame: I am my own progressing masterpiece so this is definatley a work in process.  I am yet to be on hormones and not quite where I want to be yet, but I guess I shouldn't stress it too much as I am sort of in the "cacoon" stage right now.  I'll include my 300Lb. "male" pic, me down to 165 w/0 makeup a couple months ago, and me not even a week after I decided to go forward with the process psychologically.  I'll include my mid/post-HRT pic on a later date when I get it.  All I can say is never give up, ladies!  If Gruffy McFatty here can do it, anyone can!



Quote from: Ev on April 27, 2014, 04:28:06 AM
Okay, I'll join in.  This one is especially rough for me, as I was a mess a few years back as the result of a crippling injury sustained in the military.  I walked with a cane until I got off it a few months back.  I busted my booty to get where I am right now so I guess there is no shame: I am my own progressing masterpiece so this is definatley a work in process.  I am yet to be on hormones and not quite where I want to be yet, but I guess I shouldn't stress it too much as I am sort of in the "cacoon" stage right now.  I'll include my 300Lb. "male" pic, me down to 165 w/0 makeup a couple months ago, and me not even a week after I decided to go forward with the process psychologically.  I'll include my mid/post-HRT pic on a later date when I get it.  All I can say is never give up, ladies!  If Gruffy McFatty here can do it, anyone can!

I would say you're well on your way. Kudos on the weight loss! Did you follow any certain diet?

"The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are." -- Joseph Campbell



Quote from: JaneNicole2013 on April 27, 2014, 06:49:13 AM
I would say you're well on your way. Kudos on the weight loss! Did you follow any certain diet?


Thank you.  I should be starting HRT here in a month or so, knock on wood.  Weight has always been a big issue for me: I am one of those types that can burn off 10 Lbs. in under 2 weeks but I can put on 5 Lbs in 3 days if I am not careful.  However, I can also lose too much/too fast without even meaning to so it is a balancing act.  Lots of work, managing diet without actually being on a diet mentality.  Lifestyle.  Lots of little snacks and only 1-2 meals a day, tops.  The weight goes to my chest and butt first: I think I have the high estrogen I already have to thank for that hahahaha.

I had to do several things:

1: Get off certain meds.  They created a lot of water retention.

2: My body doesn't handle heavy animal proteins too well, so I had to get off the meats.  I bloat, get sick, so forth so forth.  I still do eggs, cheese, milk (in moderation) on a vegetarian diet.  I still snack, eat chips, cakes so forth so forth to keep weight: but because the meat just put on a lot and got me ill, I've removed it.  (Health, not ethical.)  As I said I have to be careful not to go too low: if I went down to 160 like I was a few years ago, being 6'0, and I got put on HRT I would probably go too low.  So I am trying to stay at a 170-ish range at the moment to prep for the potential weight loss.

3: Progressive workouts: slow but steady.  You have to take it slowly for numerous reasons: one of which is flesh retention.  If you lose too much too fast you'll get that "empty skin hang" that is just annoying, not to mention stretch marks.  Lots of stretching, Tai Chi, and Kuk Sol Won, Karate, and Muay Thai for me.   I never could gain muscle definition even after 20 years of martial arts and military, no matter how much I worked out: solid but marshmellow-ish.  I guess also the estrogen causes this "feature."

4: Put miles in on high heels.  I was doing about 5+ a day sometimes.  That forces you to move, not just walk, if you follow. 

5. Minimize stress/use stress reduction/redirection.  Stress can produce chemicals that actually turn toxic and settle in your tissue, causing inflammation.  Inflammation can make you look pudgier, not to mention causes discomfort.

Now, mind you, this is me.  Some people just fall into it naturally it seems hahahaha.



WOw! A lot of great results :)

I don't think I will be able to post because I will probably end up looking the same. ;/
I already look like a girl before hrt...