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(Graphic Content) Just in case you're wondering about the male side of SRS...

Started by Luc, June 11, 2007, 01:10:32 PM

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After seeing the pics from Suporn etc., I thought it might be interesting to check for some phalloplasty results. Don't know about anyone else, but this is one FtM who won't be going for that new penis until there's some better methods...


Oh yeah, and these are not for the faint of heart.
Links to phalloplasty pics:
"If you want to criticize my methods, fine. But you can keep your snide remarks to yourself, and while you're at it, stop criticizing my methods!"

Check out my blog at


Hmm, the grossest part was the missing skin/fat from the forearm because it was showing only muscle and ligaments. :o


What's up with the pic of the hand growing from the belly?


my atheist god!  :eusa_sick:  and the sad thing is that after all that work, it doesn't even look real.  tsk tsk tsk


Wow, frankly if I were to choose between the two surgeries, I'd go for metoidioplasty.  Phalloplasty, IMO, is way to expensive and the patient doesn't get the desired results.  Thanks for posting the links DeanO :)

tink :icon_chick:


Quote from: DeanO on June 11, 2007, 01:10:32 PM
Don't know about anyone else, but this is one FtM who won't be going for that new penis until there's some better methods...


another here bro. :laugh:  no way jose!


Some of the results looked *okay*. Uncircumcised penises look very, very weird. But generally, those are pretty disappointing results  :-\

Obviously they're doing the best they can with present medical knowledge, but I feel for you guys. I'd be glad to do a star-trek style swap with one of you :p


Ummm...   No!    :icon_crazy:

I'll be waiting for better options before considering these operations.  It's not the surgical detail that bothers me, simply the poor overall appearance/preformance standards compared to the price and problems.  Yikes...   :-\

Thanks for the link though - great info!  Sad to see technology hasn't improved things much since 1990.

(For me, a remarkably short post!   ;)  )



I feel so sorry for you guys.  The results are very discouraging.  They really need to figure out a technique that is acceptable. 


Quote from: Amy T. on June 13, 2007, 02:41:59 AM
I feel so sorry for you guys.  The results are very discouraging.  They really need to figure out a technique that is acceptable. 

LOL...  thanks Amy.  The good news though, is that while the surgical techniques may not have improved much since the 80's/90's, both mainstream medicine and our own sub-cultures have changed - a lot.

When I first started checking out gender-reassignment in the late 70's, I was quickly put off because everything was based on the assumption that the only way to start the trip, and that the whole goal of it, was to end up with a penis.

The fact that the new equipment wouldn't work well for either urination or sex, and was 4 times the cost of a MTF operation was enough of a deterrent to me that I basically said forget it.

Now days, I certainly plan on getting a hysterectomy, for many reasons - the transitioning and getting rid of the little estrogen factories being only one of them.  But I've come to realize that my male identity isn't married to a given set of genitals.

All my life, I've been told that I "have a set..." (which I've always accepted as a compliment!), and my life experience has shown me that the measure of a man has never been the size of equipment.  I've come to believe that the mere existence of 'male' equipment' isn't a mandate to being a real man for everyone.  I applaud and thank the people who have gone before me, that have made it possible to be considered fully male without genital reconstruction.

I'm very grateful that things have changed, such that the idea of a complete and legal transition from female to male no longer requires a full genital surgery. And as such, I'm perfectly happy to be the man I am, with or without female genitals.  If I may be blunt, at this time, I can't see replacing a perfectly working and enjoyable piece of equipment with one that doesn't work very well.

That's my own milage and options, and I wouldn't presume to think that everyone else would feel the same way.  For now though, I'll personally be passing on genital surgery.  If medical advancements ever bring us better options, I'll certainly be open to exploring the options.

For those that go for it, more power to them, and I wish them the best of success!




Quote from: Mallard500 on June 13, 2007, 03:47:05 AM

All my life, I've been told that I "have a set..." (which I've always accepted as a compliment!), and my life experience has shown me that the measure of a man has never been the size of equipment.  I've come to believe that the mere existence of 'male' equipment' isn't a mandate to being a real man for everyone.  I applaud and thank the people who have gone before me, that have made it possible to be considered fully male without genital reconstruction.

I totally agree Scott.
If any guy I know had an accident or illness that meant he lost his penis, that just couldn't change the fact that he's still a man!
I can't see how he could be anything else, penis or no penis.

Is a woman with no womb, not a woman...?  Nope.



[clinically, analytically]

Wow. That's fascinating.

The construction and fabrication are more advanced than I had thought.


I'd never actually seen any FtM surgery results and found this very interesting.

After hearing so much about how the surgery is incomplete, now that I've actually seen the pics I'm actually kind of impressed. The results are better than I always pictured based on verbal descriptions. I even thought some of those looked fairly normal. Better than nothing, anyway, right? Maybe not, but that's just my input.


Quote from: Elaine on August 19, 2007, 10:24:23 PM
I'd never actually seen any FtM surgery results and found this very interesting.

After hearing so much about how the surgery is incomplete, now that I've actually seen the pics I'm actually kind of impressed. The results are better than I always pictured based on verbal descriptions. I even thought some of those looked fairly normal. Better than nothing, anyway, right? Maybe not, but that's just my input.

Nowhere near as how 'better than nothing' MtF surgery is. To be honest, I'd rather have a hole I can pee out of and a neo-penis that I can do some things sexually with, than something which does neither and looks ugly. I understand the ugliness will be there no matter how functioning it is, but the point was I'd rather something that I could (at the very least) urinate with, without fear of constant infections.