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Started by beth_finallyme, May 28, 2005, 01:20:04 PM

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just to note that i have some more things that i want to say on this.  considering the "no more!" statement, i will only say them if i'm told it's okay.


Post away as long as you abide by the rules.


Rose Dawson

I think the "no more!!!!" comment was a tad harsh, considering the circumstances.

Unless my eyes deceived me, no one actually "said" a bad word - in fact, they were bleeped out and censored (i.e. F***). Furthermore, they were being used to make a point and used in the context of an adult conversation - I certainly did not receive the impression anyone was slinging fire at the other.



Actually they did.  I censored the words.  Look at the bottom of those posts!

It does not matter what the context was,  the fact of the matter is that this forum is basically for all ages and groups. 




fagot: "1. A bundle of twigs, sticks, or branches bound together.",

Try it with two g's


As far as I know they were censored after the fact, fwiw.
Erm, Leigh just said that for that matter. Eesh I type to slow.

Fwiw faggot has the same definition by the by; how I spelt it initially.


fag·got 2    (fgt) KEY 

Offensive Slang
Used as a disparaging term for a homosexual man.


Quote from: Rose Dawson on May 28, 2005, 09:33:58 PM
I think the "no more!!!!" comment was a tad harsh, considering the circumstances.

Unless my eyes deceived me, no one actually "said" a bad word - in fact, they were bleeped out and censored (i.e. F***). Furthermore, they were being used to make a point and used in the context of an adult conversation - I certainly did not receive the impression anyone was slinging fire at the other.

Leigh was right on in this if she had to mask the words as she said she did. So I back her 100%
Susan Larson
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Rose Dawson

Knowing that Leigh had to mask the words because they were written in full by the original author, then yes, I agree. But at least on my end, I can't see what exactly has been edited in the original post, so I had no idea. A mere misunderstanding.


Quote from: Leigh on May 28, 2005, 10:42:59 PM
fag·got 2    (fgt) KEY 

Offensive Slang
Used as a disparaging term for a homosexual man.
Yes that is true and I believe all the terms (well >-bleeped-< didn't) had the newer 'bad' meaning as well.

My point is that the terms did not originate as being bad and their definitions even still reflect that.


"Knowing that Leigh had to mask the words because they were written in full by the original author, then yes, I agree. But at least on my end, I can't see what exactly has been edited in the original post, so I had no idea. A mere misunderstanding."

Actually the editing may have been somewhat unnoticable to some as a word or two we had been using was stared out as in ****.  I din't give the word, which had already been used, much thought and just reused it and I gtuess Lana did the same.

It wasn't caught for a while since some of us had been online a while and replying to new messages before a moderater had a chance to see it, thus the apparent delay in rhe editing.  Those of us who had used the word should have had more respect and were thoughtless when we used it.  The editing was warrented.

As to any heat, no, there really wasn't, but the staff here is aware of my own volital nature in the past and with that in mind, could very well, come in somewhat earier then they normally would in any conversation I'm involved in which their experience tells them is headed that way, which I couldn't blame them for if they did, and if such had been the case, it would have been a preventive move rather then any statement about what was going on at the time.  I am only back here because of a lifting of bans by Susans and I would understand.

As it was, all that was happening was different points of view which were hopefully being discussed reasonably, but with inappropriate words being thrown out which are inappropiate to a public setting.  Thoughtlessness at best.



I used the word first. After i saw it being reused several times i realized i had made a mistake and i asked Leigh to edit my posts and thankfully she did.



*still thinks the words in question are basically pointless* ;)

But there seems to be no commentary as to be for or against the thought.

Bad thought or is everyone just distracted ?


More likely uniterested.  It wasn't exactly the height of literary or philosohical achievement and really made no concrete proof either way, just different ways of seeing things based on different cultural, geographic, environmental points of view.

For my side of it, I live in, around and associate in a culture and climate where being called a "trannie" or a "queer" is so second nature  and unthreatning, it is hardly noticed and we call ourselves as such and see no shame in it.  Of course I would take the view I did, as would most up and down this coast who are in for keeps.  Others in less exposed areas and cultures might naturally feel differrently.

Depends on where your from, who you primarily associate with and how you relate to people and yourself I guess.



Quote*still thinks the words in question are basically pointless* ;)

But there seems to be no commentary as to be for or against the thought.

Bad thought or is everyone just distracted ?

I dont think the definitions in a dictionary are relevant. If a term is found offensive to a group or part of a group it is offensive regardless of any definition.


"If a term is found offensive to a group or part of a group it is offensive regardless of any definition."

Personally, now that I run around picking up and delivering Medical Records and Lab Specimens, I find the word WORK to be offensive, after all, it is a 4 letter word.  Does that mean nobody on the job can use that offensive word around me?

Or how about the popular car, the PT Cruiser?  I just bet that those whip smart colledge kids who named it don't have a clue what a PT was when I was in school.  PT was an insult to a girl, probably as bad or worse then calling her a whore, slut, or like in Nevada, a Flat backer.  Yet these cars are on the road by millions with PT Cruiser in crome letters on the side.  I almost fell on my face the first time I saw one of those.   Such a car when I was young would have brought the company to it's Knees.  Talk about Obsenity and Offensive.  And I see women driving them around proudly showing them off.  Ignorance I guess, but to many of the older generation to be seen driving something with PT Cruiser on the side would be like getting naked on main street.


All right, valid points.

Still if we only go by what our current environs use the words as communication over distances is going to be a mess isn't it?

PT is like what has happened to gay, etc. The common definition has changed. By the by it's Physical Therapy to me. Though apparently they think it means "Personal Transportation." (a google on "Personal Transportation Cruiser" seems to support this).  I thought it was Plymouth townsend or something like that, but cars are not something I've ever paid much attention to.

Hum. Still seems to me that it is more reasonable to be perturbed at someone for trying to perturb than the words they chose to use. *shrug* I guess I don't have a clue, don't mind me (=

Sand and the wind as I'm fond of saying ;)


PT as in what JFK served on in WWII was my first thought.


Don't sweat it 4 years.  anyway, back in the 60's and I don't know for how long afterwards PT ment, forgive me "P**** Teaser".  It was applied to a girl who was prone to heating you up and then not putting out.  It was considered to be worse then a flatbacker since PT's didn't play fair.  Dumb Juvinile thing, but thats what it was, and highly offensive to the girls as the term ment the lowest of the low concerning them, worthless, good for nothing, deserving a good g***b*** etc.  Anyway, offensive word.


What about all of the sexual inuendos in computer jargon,  such as when yu click on the menu yu get a "drop down box."   Mention it in any eigth grade class and they catch the meaning.   In the 50s and 60s the word box in slang referred to a female's private parts," at least it did in the Dakotas.

Be true to yourself.  The future will reveal itself in its own due time.    Find the calm at the heart of the storm.    I own my womanhood.

I am a 69-year-old transsexual school teacher grandma & lady.   Ethnically I am half Irish  and half Scandinavian.   I can be a real bitch or quite loving and caring.  I have never taken any hormones or had surgery, I am out 24/7/365.