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47xxy with uterus????

Started by PrincessDayna, August 21, 2013, 10:55:56 PM

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So tonight I go to the hospitol from bleeding.  I am mtf, on high high amounts estradiol valerate IM to "attempt to jump start my "cycle" naturally....., and miniscule spiro.  I've been diagnosed 47xxy with dysphoria.

Well, tonight test are ran, ultrasound is done.  No bloodclot, my original worry.  Dr. comes back and says ya i know all your stuff says female, i get you are 47xxy, but your situation is an angry uterus. Do you have a penis? i just stared at him.  He asked if i got what he was saying.  I just looked at him in shock.

never bled before?  had cramping from 11 up to 18 when a semi male puberty hit.

would I still be 47xxy, or is the xxy now considered something else?  I get thats the 47 chromosomal variation I have, but is this something more now?  Or what??? :( I'm sooo confused.....
"Self truth is evident when one accepts self awareness.  From such, serenity". ~Me  ;)


Northern Jane

Quote from: PrincessDayna on August 21, 2013, 10:55:56 PMI'm sooo confused.....

Welcome to the world of Intersex, the land where questions loom large and answers are as illusive as unicorns! LOL!

It doesn't matter what label the hang on you as long as you get the medical care to keep you healthy and happy.

I am XY, went through transition and SRS in my early 20s with no complications, and didn't find out I had a uterus until my late 50s. It doesn't make any difference - I am beyond using it now  :o ROFL!

Were you not taking any progesterone? I am surprised you would bleed without progesterone.

Don't try to figure it all out Sweetie - there are just too many variations with Intersex and you will just hurt your brain. See that the doctors give you what you need to stay healthy and don't mention the Intersex too much as it can screw up your treatment for the dysphoria.


I think it means you're like that guy in Syria who found out when he went in to the doctor that he was actually female.

Also, it means (I think...?) that you may be able to make it all the way - to be fully female.
Heck, I'm not sure what's possible for the doctors to do, but...

To put it another way - Congratulations? I think?
Don't lose who you are along the path to who you want to be.



I hope you can find your answers. And at least you got something to go on too. Last time I asked my doctor why I was getting cramps she just kind of shrugged. I asked her, could it be my appendix, an intersex condition... maybe even an alien chestburster? She said, "not necessarily".  And that was that. She was more interested in giving me a rectal exam and feel my boobs with her icy cold hands. Why do they have such cold hands?

Anyway, good luck. ^_^


that's a tough one, define fully female, or all the way? to me, we all are, interesexed or not, its all in the gender mapping of the brain and how one feels, lives, and for ovaries, have none.  so even with surgery and being IS I still cant have children.  if there is no fertilized egg, uterus lining sheds.  im not sure if this is going to be a continual thing, or if it was just some freak thing that occurred.  in the end, it doesn't change much other then an "oh".  im still kinda in shock today.

as for the cold hands thing?  they had me doped up at the hosp for cramping, so all I really felt was my sisters hand when he did his finger exam thing, and what not......I was tired, and out of it.  I remember the sister rubbing my belly as I laid there and fell asleep, but that's about it other then the ultrasound tech saying "the doctor has to tell you", which freaked me out.  lol.

but ya.  as of today? minor spotting, nothing more. cramps, meh, not as bad as say, week ones cramping...the cramping comes and goes.
"Self truth is evident when one accepts self awareness.  From such, serenity". ~Me  ;)



I did a rather in-depth post in "Intersex talk/XXY, any here and what of it??" A month or so back.  In that post, I quoted a paper that looked at an individual who had a karyotype that included 46XX, 46XY and 47XXY. Both the 46XX and the 46XY came from a division of cells that had been 47XXY.  It is quite possible that you have some 46XX in you that resulted in formation of your uterus. I think you may wish to get a pelvic MRI and look for other female parts.  Also, think about an ultrasound of your testicles to make sure they are just testicles and not ovatesties or even a descended ovary.  Talk to you doctor.  I don't believe this is anything to worry about and for MTF, this could be really good news.

I'm not a geneticist. I am not a medical doctor. I do lead a nice sized research group for a very large multinational corporation that is concerned with molecular toxicology so I'm not totally ignorant.  But again, consult with your doctor.  Whoever decided to "jump start" your cycle with high doses of estradiol knows things.  That alone, in my experience, is rare and somewhat impressive. 

I would ask you to share developments so that others with the same or related conditions could learn and perhaps get help.
To move forward is to leave behind that which has become dear. It is a call into the wild, into becoming someone currently unknown to us. For most, it is a call too frightening and too challenging to heed. For some, it is a call to be more than we were capable of being, both now and in the future.


At the least, in vitro fertilization could be an option. Maybe?

I dunno - I'd give almost anything to be able to give birth... Might just be me.
Don't lose who you are along the path to who you want to be.



Quote from: JLT1 on August 22, 2013, 01:38:05 PM
I did a rather in-depth post in "Intersex talk/XXY, any here and what of it??" A month or so back.  In that post, I quoted a paper that looked at an individual who had a karyotype that included 46XX, 46XY and 47XXY. Both the 46XX and the 46XY came from a division of cells that had been 47XXY.  It is quite possible that you have some 46XX in you that resulted in formation of your uterus. I think you may wish to get a pelvic MRI and look for other female parts.  Also, think about an ultrasound of your testicles to make sure they are just testicles and not ovatesties or even a descended ovary.  Talk to you doctor.  I don't believe this is anything to worry about and for MTF, this could be really good news.

I'm not a geneticist. I am not a medical doctor. I do lead a nice sized research group for a very large multinational corporation that is concerned with molecular toxicology so I'm not totally ignorant.  But again, consult with your doctor.  Whoever decided to "jump start" your cycle with high doses of estradiol knows things.  That alone, in my experience, is rare and somewhat impressive. 

I would ask you to share developments so that others with the same or related conditions could learn and perhaps get help.

I think I may have seen or responded in that for the whole ultrasound thing, wouldn't that show up in that area if there were more female parts, ie, fallopian tubes, etc etc?  none of having any of that was mentioned to me.  as for testis, not sure on those, they look, uh, predominantly male aside from the fact they shrunk a ton on hrt so far.  and ya, ill be sharing more as time goes on here, for sure.  I just don't think there is much more to this all physiologically down there.  I mean, I hate talking about it, but its not something to be fully avoided when discussions like this arise with other women who are mtf, IS, or what not.  Sometimes we compare similarities and differences with our treatment as things go along to measure our own progress out of worry of the speed or correct actions of HRT, which is normal.  We all in the end, inherently want out of that cycle of dysphoria and discontent, and to blend in normally as who we are.  when they did my genetic testing, they only said 47xxy, nothing about 46 this, or xx that, aside from the 47th.  so unless they only tested that, then who knows?  one would think they look for more? 

but to those of us who are 47xxy, don't make too much of it, we're still the same women, and still fighting for our identities.  I tend not to dwell too much on it, and just live my life day by day week by week with HRT..

its just something that is, I guess.  in the end, I really don't think its that big of a deal, really.  just curious as to how many people out there may be in the same boat?  I just never heard of having a uterus as xxy, really.  that, intrigues me. 

as for the endo "jump starting" things, ya, hes a pretty good guy, in and out fast though.  he comes in talks really fast about this or that, and says "heres your meds, see you in a few monthes".  wonder what he will think when I see him next?  don't know if he is doing any research into this himself?  most likely is, but he says "women like you" when I asked about this or that.  I did ask if I could get progesterone, and he did say there is no need for it as I cant get pregnant,,,,so, really, I don't know how in depth he is on my case or in general on our care/needs.  but he *is* super friendly and all his staff are amazing ladies.  So who knows, well see on the 20th next month what all he has to say on this.  I do know right now, my emotions are super high.  like, they were more fine tuned, but right now?  I get frustrated easier and am tending to cry over stupid things the last few days heh. and the cramping sucks.  its like ur insides are being eaten alive with a hot poker fork and spoon, twisting like spaghetti.

calling my mgr at work though, to say, "it was nothing, just an angry uterus" had to be the highlight of my night, aside from saving my first ever hospital bracelet that says F as my gender marker.  im also keeping my work note with it too :)
"Self truth is evident when one accepts self awareness.  From such, serenity". ~Me  ;)



Quote from: ZoeM on August 22, 2013, 02:00:03 PM
At the least, in vitro fertilization could be an option. Maybe?

I dunno - I'd give almost anything to be able to give birth... Might just be me.

I'd have to ask my endo that one.  not sure how functional/in depth this is?  I mean, I *did* have a male like puberty start at 18.  Not sure the extensive damage that T has wreaked upon my body other then the obvious.  I had zero issues serving in the army physically as a male, if that says anything.  :/ 

but if the day comes I could carry to term, hell ya I would!  but I don't see it being possible, who knows?  its wishfull thinking.  its a huge part of my dysphoria too, in my middle teens realizing I couldn't be a mom due to being a male, really really was something that has and still does cut me deep to this day emotionally.  ive learned that not all women can give birth.  so if I can id be exstatic, but I don't know really if it were possible, or not.....
"Self truth is evident when one accepts self awareness.  From such, serenity". ~Me  ;)



Quote from: PrincessDayna on August 22, 2013, 02:03:56 PM
I'd have to ask my endo that one.  not sure how functional/in depth this is?  I mean, I *did* have a male like puberty start at 18.  Not sure the extensive damage that T has wreaked upon my body other then the obvious.  I had zero issues serving in the army physically as a male, if that says anything.  :/ 

but if the day comes I could carry to term, hell ya I would!  but I don't see it being possible, who knows?  its wishfull thinking.  its a huge part of my dysphoria too, in my middle teens realizing I couldn't be a mom due to being a male, really really was something that has and still does cut me deep to this day emotionally.  ive learned that not all women can give birth.  so if I can id be exstatic, but I don't know really if it were possible, or not.....

My puberty was fairly late too, but I always attributed it to my being short. Its pretty bad when in 9th grade you're shorter than any boy in the shool. What made it comical was at one school I was the oldest student because of my birth date and I hung out with the tallest kid in school. If he and I walked together with another friend in the right order, we looked like human cell cell phone signal bars. I was 19-20 when I had to start shaving.

Also, when you joined the Army, the military just looks for physical abnormalities. They dont go in-depth.
So, did you have any cramping before growing up? Or did this start after hrt?

I know I started cramping after getting on hrt and at first I thought it was the hormones or spiro. But, 2.5 yrs later its still happening. And as I said earlier, my doctor doesnt seem worried or interested.



Quote from: Keaira on August 22, 2013, 04:54:23 PM
My puberty was fairly late too, but I always attributed it to my being short. Its pretty bad when in 9th grade you're shorter than any boy in the shool. What made it comical was at one school I was the oldest student because of my birth date and I hung out with the tallest kid in school. If he and I walked together with another friend in the right order, we looked like human cell cell phone signal bars. I was 19-20 when I had to start shaving.

Also, when you joined the Army, the military just looks for physical abnormalities. They dont go in-depth.
So, did you have any cramping before growing up? Or did this start after hrt?

I know I started cramping after getting on hrt and at first I thought it was the hormones or spiro. But, 2.5 yrs later its still happening. And as I said earlier, my doctor doesnt seem worried or interested.

I cramped at age 11 bad, was called a freak by my dad, that whole nine yards.  my mom eventually would ignore it, where id be in a ball of pain for days on end monthly, and any attempts for me to see a specialist were met with his staunch disapproval of having a son.  I didn't even know *what* I was until I saw an episode of I think sally or maury? at age sorta made sence, but in ways otherwise didn't.  the cramping ceased around 17 or so....when I was self medicating at 23 with progesterone and menopause suppliments, it started again, was so bad id be in tears. ofc after that did nothing to my self image after six monthes I ceased.  once hrt started this june, and the first shot flooded my system, a lot changed emotionally over night and that first week, the cramps returned.  this month, they were met with the hospital visit.  :/
"Self truth is evident when one accepts self awareness.  From such, serenity". ~Me  ;)
