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L Ron Hubbard

Started by ILoveTSWomen, November 20, 2005, 05:17:03 AM

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Just interested on your take...

Scientology.. founded by SciFi writer, L Ron Hubbard views homosexuality, transgendersim, etc. as simply "wrong thinkinh" and something to be "fixed".

Real life example: My ex was an ordained Scientology minister, one of her best freinds is transsexual, in that she was born with a little "nubbin", devloped breasts and hips as a teen and went on to have SRS. Now that was all good because it was a "biological error". BUT, if there wasn't a biological reason - - you just thought you wanted to be the opposite sex, or are attracted to the same sex, well that's just wrong thinking.

What happens if you are "wrong thinking" -- you get sent to the Church Ethics Officer where they'll work on getting you "straight". Actually, if I was involved with the Church at the moment, just my presense here would warrant a trip to the Ethics Officer.

As I have been told, gayness or transsexualism is an abombination. Whew - so much for tolerance eh?

Anyone running to the closest Scientology Org to have themselves "straightened out" ??



Hi Dennis,

Ron L Hubbard is quite representative of the thinking of his time. I believe that the flat worlders of Columbus's era were ultimately proved wrong also.

I think you have also missed a point in relation to biological error. Many here fel that they are living a biolgical error and are working toward an SRS adjustment.



Right Shelley, maybe I worded my post poorly. I agree whole heartedly with you regarding biogcal errors....

I guess what I meant was, as in my example where this woman was born male so to speak, but developed female characteristics - the biology was obvious.

In those cases that are not obvious physically, they would just be considered as "wrong thinking" by the COS.

Thanks for your reply  :)

Jillieann Rose

Hi Dennis,
I think when Shelley said, "Many here feel that they are living a biological error and are working toward an SRS adjustment." she meant that many of us feel that the gender that we were born with is what is biologically wrong, because mentally we are the opposite sex.
At times I feel that way too.
Is that what you meant Shelly?

Cross Dresser Plus,




Quote from: Jillieann on November 20, 2005, 04:25:13 PM
  gender that we were born with is what is biologically wrong

Gender is who we are.  Sex is the physical appearence of the body

Surgery changes the sex/physical.  Nothing can change my gender.




           This thinking by Hubbard is much the same as most religions/churches except he isn't mentioning sin.


Jillieann Rose

Hi Leigh,
Yes your right gender is who we are. 
QuoteSex is the physical appearence of the body
Surgery changes the sex/physical.  Nothing can change my gender.
That's what I was trying to say. I appreciate your correction.





Quote from: Leigh on November 20, 2005, 07:15:04 PM
Gender is who we are.  Sex is the physical appearence of the body

Surgery changes the sex/physical.  Nothing can change my gender.

Well I have always said Gender is something you are while sex is something you do.
Susan Larson
Susan's Place Transgender Resources

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I think you got gist of it anyway Jillieann. That's the main thing. :)


Jillieann Rose


L Ron Hubbard wrote a fiction novel if I remember right and now he has made it into a religion or such.  He is the founder of Dianetics and Scientology.




Ya'll ever read any of Ron Hubbard's science fiction? I read his dekoligy (spelling? a 10 set book series). It was a great story....he had a great imagination. I was not surprised that he decided to 'write' a religion. Wow how ironic.... a guy so smart he could write a bunch crap that sounded like it makes since enough.... that it sounds real! LOL POWER to L RON Hubbard! LOL He did it.

L Ron Hubbard had no idea about the truth.....but he was genius about the 'story' and knew nothing about transgender....

I know this is all true because of a character he created in the dekolgy. Background to plot: The big universal power "universal CIA" director found about heroin grown only on earth.... and used the drug to poison the leaders and take control of the universe. Then the 'universal FBI" sent a good guy to Earth to find out what's goin to protect his interest on Earth the director send a bad dude to earth.

In his book Hubbard had this "bad dude" say what he thought of people on earth. I think his name was something like "Girth", well he said (my memory of what he said, was 20 yrs ago) "Earthlings are stupid and will believe anything they see on TV." and "Earthlings are simply mass minded"

The bad guy fought the good guy with boldly manufactured public relations...just like what happens now :(

Believe me...Hubbard made this up to just f**k with those stupid mass minded people!

In that dekolgy He had the bad gut fall in love with a m2f tg.... big time! lol



Haven't read the series you speak of, but he was an imaginative writer.

RLH has been quoted when he was near broke, something to the effect of "The way to make millions is to start a religion". If true, he did. $600 million in personal assets when he died.

My ex-mother-in-law studied Scientology with LRH himself in England and LA.

The ex herself is high on the COS food chain. Had she not been a Church employee for several years getting to that point would have cost something in the $200-250k range.

Don't misunderstand, I'm not bashing the COS. It has some beneficial teachings. But I have seen first hand the Ethics Office targeting those of a different persuasion. Met a lesbian Canadian Mountie in Oklahahoma.. she had these tatoos of topless women on her back - Ethics was all over her.




Battlefield Earth comes to mind. This was a great book. Do not, I repeat do not see the movie. It's only resemblance to the book is the title and main characters. The man could seriously write a good tale.



Half of my family is Scientology, it totally totally SUCKS!  They think that everyone that CD's is gay  >:(  among numerous other serious problems.  Stay as far away from it as possible!!!