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Small penis size and SRS?

Started by Stella Lunaris, November 01, 2013, 06:30:47 AM

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Quote from: Jenna Marie on November 02, 2013, 09:52:28 AM
JennX : Mine shrank, at any rate. Not permanently, it turned out, so you're probably right that it's usually reversible. But I lost length and girth both (and glad of it!).

There's a logical reason why it will shrink. If AA affect erections then it will not get so much daily/weekly stretching. Also, the scrotum will shrink as the gonads shrink.  I definitely lost something in both areas.

Northern Jane

My phallus was less than 2" erect and not much of a "scrotum" thanks to my medical condition but Dr. Biber turned it all into 5" of depth with inversion in 1974. I don't know how he managed without harvesting some material elsewhere but he did. My labia majora and minora are a little sparse but I don't care. He said he would do everything he could to ensure I had a satisfactory sex life  and he succeeded in spades!

victoria n

 1 st of all start with hormones. worry about shrinkage later. you have to see how hormones affect you. some people do much better on them, less aggressive feel more girlish.
but it  also can cause mood swings that really continue after srs. hrt can cause depression and does not protect against heart disease.
If you feel hormones are not making you feel better and make you moody more depressed and not happier you should reassess transitioning. you might do just fine everyone is different
Shrinkage is not that much of an issue they can do a graft and all sorts of tricks.
the issue is will SRS improve my life will I be happy.
I know people  get srs for various reasons.

You have to take hormones for the rest of your life. the smallest dose possible.
If you don't you will get menopause symptoms could get osteoporosis and could  die an early death( I think).
Endo's  say  hormones are mandatory after SRS
and don't forget the dilation  you have to do.  less of that as time goes on
many people are happier after transitioning but some are not.
no rose colored glasses here with Victoria  n


Well Tao I'm sure you will likely need to take the same risks as other girls then. Not all girls get to get a man that has anything to wave around proudly :)
Well being TG is no treat, but becoming separated has sure caused me more trouble that being TG ever will be. So if I post, consider it me trying to distract myself from being lonely, not my needing to discuss being TG. I don't want to be separated a lot more than not wanting to be male looking.


Quote from: Lesley_Roberta on November 02, 2013, 02:12:02 PM
Well Tao I'm sure you will likely need to take the same risks as other girls then. Not all girls get to get a man that has anything to wave around proudly :)

indeed....but the search is half the fun, IMO  >:-)


Quote from: victoria n on November 02, 2013, 01:49:28 PM
1 st of all start with hormones. worry about shrinkage later. you have to see how hormones affect you. some people do much better on them, less aggressive feel more girlish.
but it  also can cause mood swings that really continue after srs. hrt can cause depression and does not protect against heart disease.
If you feel hormones are not making you feel better and make you moody more depressed and not happier you should reassess transitioning. you might do just fine everyone is different


no rose colored glasses here with Victoria  n

You've assayed all my hopes and fears. :D
Best I can say about myself is that I think I'll do well on HRT... but I can't say why - it's just a feeling I have. I'm an optimist.
Really, I just want this amorphous feeling of "not being myself" to go away.
~ Tarah ~



Quote from: Nicolette on November 02, 2013, 10:50:56 AM
There's a logical reason why it will shrink. If AA affect erections then it will not get so much daily/weekly stretching. Also, the scrotum will shrink as the gonads shrink.  I definitely lost something in both areas.

Again, it doesn't work that way for all. Many MTFs on HRT can still get and achieve erections, as well as some albeit more mild form of ejaculation. My sailor could still come to attention and spit, right up until the day before my SRS. This was after 2.5 years of HRT too. I've met many other postop MTFs with similar stories. I do think regular use is a good thing, as it keep the plumbing and muscles in good working order. My SRS surgeon felt the same way as well. There's no way someone with start with a 6" penis, and wind up with 3" no matter how long they've been on HRT or how long a dry spell.
"If you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain."
-Dolly Parton

Violet Bloom

To the OP:

  This is really weird for me to talk about now, but once upon a time when I was still working through wondering if I was 'man-enough' for the world I put a lot of time and effort into researching what was normal for penis size.  Your measurement is totally normal compared to what is most common in the world's population.  This should also present no significant challenge to a GRS surgeon.  My own size (from when I still cared to measure and mistakenly believed that an erection was sexually necessary for me) may be longer than yours but it means nothing more to me.  I'm sure you'll have plenty enough skin to work with.  Keep in mind that if you are also physically small in the pelvis area then your depth limit via surgery may actually be available space within the body cavity.

  Just to add my own take on how I feel about my body sexually, since others have done so already here, I would like a relationship with a woman and would not need major depth.  That said I would want to feel normal for a woman and would want to be able to receive penetrative sex from another woman without any complications.  While the prostate taking on the role of Skene's Gland (g-spot) will be located at a rather shallow point within the neo-vagina, a little overshoot for thrusting would be sensible.  I have no way to know in advance of surgery how I will best sexually respond to a partner's actions but I would like to leave all my options open.  I would at least have the benefit of a partner being able to select and tailor their size to my needs seeing as a cis female partner would be using artificial means to penetrate.  It is rather nice that this allows significant freedom in finding a compatible life-mate because it is not so dependent on the anatomy of the person.  This is particularly useful given the 'less pliable' nature of the neo-vagina versus a cis one.



I am hung like a small bicycle kick stand, but my tea bag is good size. I really want the surgery and I am being recomened for it. I live in Massachusetts so I dont pay a dime for the surgery, I just got to get it done at BMC in Boston. I want to be able to take at least 6" seeing my boyfriend is about 6-6 1/2"  and about ans 1"1/2 -2" thick. Will I be having these problems, with having him in me? I been in hormones for about 14 months. And it is maybe 3" long, an 3/4 thick.

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