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Website outing transwomen: Anyone know anything about this?

Started by suzifrommd, November 23, 2013, 04:41:42 PM

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Quote from: Heather on February 02, 2014, 08:06:44 PM
Wow I swear some people just love to argue.  ::)

No. You've got me all wrong. I am not arguing with you. I am saying what I feel about the individual in question. Do you think that person would give a damn if they outed YOU?

Don't think so.


Quote from: Laura Squirrel on February 02, 2014, 09:14:23 PM
No. You've got me all wrong. I am not arguing with you. I am saying what I feel about the individual in question. Do you think that person would give a damn if they outed YOU?

Don't think so.
Lol outing me would be kinda pointless I'm not really hiding it.  :laugh:


Nor am I. But you're missing the point. What this person is doing is wrong and they suck. Any excuses they can give for why they do what they do are absurd and pathetic. They deserve nothing but scorn and contempt. I get sick of seeing the attitude that it is okay to give a pass to people that hate us.


Quote from: Laura Squirrel on February 02, 2014, 09:29:45 PM
Nor am I. But you're missing the point. What this person is doing is wrong and they suck. Any excuses they can give for why they do what they do are absurd and pathetic. They deserve nothing but scorn and contempt. I get sick of seeing the attitude that it is okay to give a pass to people that hate us.
So by calling her names what are you accomplishing? It's not about giving a pass it's about opening a dialog with someone instead of getting involved in pointless childish name calling. 


Quote from: Heather on February 02, 2014, 09:37:12 PM
So by calling her names what are you accomplishing? It's not about giving a pass it's about opening a dialog with someone instead of getting involved in pointless childish name calling.

I didn't call anyone names.

You know what? Do what you want.

You want to think that people like this are okay? Knock yourself out.


Quote from: Laura Squirrel on February 02, 2014, 09:39:42 PM
I didn't call anyone names.

You know what? Do what you want.

You want to think that people like this are okay? Knock yourself out.
Quote from: Laura Squirrel on February 02, 2014, 08:03:57 PM
That won't make a bit of difference. She sucks. She's a loser. She's pathetic and that is all there is to it. It's no different than someone who runs a site that is homophobic, racist, etc. Anyone under that umbrella sucks.
I could be wrong but that sure looks like name calling. Did I say she was okay? I just saying two wrongs don't make a right. And if you want respect you must be willing to give it too. ;)


Quote from: Heather on February 02, 2014, 10:01:15 PM
I could be wrong but that sure looks like name calling. Did I say she was okay? I just saying two wrongs don't make a right. And if you want respect you must be willing to give it too. ;)

Go on and coddle those that hate you. It's your choice to make. I don't care. But don't expect me to do the same.


Quote from: Laura Squirrel on February 02, 2014, 10:06:19 PM
Go on and coddle those that hate you. It's your choice to make. I don't care. But don't expect me to do the same.
If somebody hates me that's they're problem not mine. But you must realize I am a feminist and while I may totally disagree with with her point of view I still respect that she cares for women's rights and is willing to fight for them because I am a woman too! 


Quote from: missadventure on February 02, 2014, 10:20:40 PM
It's not about her kicking in brains. The quote from Rev. Martin Niemöller is still very valid, even without the threat of death by Nazis. Nazism began as a fringe group with an ideological distrust of other fringe groups. Although I am unsure of it, I suspect Hitler himself never killed a Jew. His rhetoric got other people to do it for him.

Now, I'm not saying this woman will rise up to lead the 4th Reich. But, what she's spouting is rhetoric, and rhetoric in any form is dangerous, because people sadly find ways to identify with it and act upon it rather than form original educated opinions for themselves. No matter where you go in the world you'll find plenty of sheeple ready to line up for a cause. The goal should be to diminish her cause in favor of causes that are more progressive and actually move humanity forward.
Well freedom of speech wasn't created for popular speech it was created for speech such as hers. I'm a believer in the right to free speech even I don't agree with what she is saying I still believe in her right to say it!


Quote from: missadventure on February 02, 2014, 10:20:40 PM
It's not about her kicking in brains. The quote from Rev. Martin Niemöller is still very valid, even without the threat of death by Nazis. Nazism began as a fringe group with an ideological distrust of other fringe groups. Although I am unsure of it, I suspect Hitler himself never killed a Jew. His rhetoric got other people to do it for him.

Now, I'm not saying this woman will rise up to lead the 4th Reich. But, what she's spouting is rhetoric, and rhetoric in any form is dangerous, because people sadly find ways to identify with it and act upon it rather than form original educated opinions for themselves. No matter where you go in the world you'll find plenty of sheeple ready to line up for a cause. The goal should be to diminish her cause in favor of causes that are more progressive and actually move humanity forward.

Stop it for Pete's sake.

Adolf Hitler killed millions of Jews, not with rhetoric but with orders because he was a dictator and ruled with absolute cruelty.

This feminist activist is a private citizen who is exercising her free speech rights, she's not advocating any violence whatsoever, she's doing what feminists do, she's promoting women's rights.

That's a fact. Do I like everything she says? No. But to argue this way against Heather is outrageous. She's made it clear she's not agreeing with her.


You know, I've now shown up on two of Cathy Brennan's anti-trans hate websites.  But it is interesting how when she posts something about something I said or did or wrote, she treats me differently from most people.  She does not misgender me. She does not disrespect me or be rude to me in any way.  Not in personal communications to me.  And not even when I'm on her anti-trans* sites.  I expect to make it again this coming week when an opinion piece I wrote will be published.  She is usually kind enough to share my writings with a wider audience.  If past is prologue, then I will be described something like "(my name), a lawyer who has her own private practice."

I can only assume that she treats me differently because: (1) she has heard and believes that rumor about me being a retransitioner who was born biologically female and is going back or (2) she respects me at least a little bit, perhaps because I am nicer to hear than most.  I'm betting on #2. 

Many of us learned while growing up that becoming belligerent and fighting things was a way to deal with them.  But sometimes that doesn't work very well.  I find Cathy Brennan to be a case in point.  I refuse to argue, debate, or otherwise get into a tussle with her.  As a result, she has nothing to react to and nothing to push back against.  And her anger and her own wounds need something to push back again.  She does this out of her own wounds.  Just leave her alone and she would probably fade away.  Sometimes the best way to fight truly is by not fighting.


Quote from: Nikko on February 02, 2014, 10:30:02 PM
That's a fact. Do I like everything she says? No. But to argue this way against Heather is outrageous. She's made it clear she's not agreeing with her.

Thank you for pointing this out.  I agree 110%.  We have enough enemies.  No need to add ourselves to the list.

Quote from: missadventure on February 02, 2014, 10:20:40 PM
Now, I'm not saying this woman will rise up to lead the 4th Reich. But, what she's spouting is rhetoric, and rhetoric in any form is dangerous, because people sadly find ways to identify with it and act upon it rather than form original educated opinions for themselves. No matter where you go in the world you'll find plenty of sheeple ready to line up for a cause. The goal should be to diminish her cause in favor of causes that are more progressive and actually move humanity forward.

I do a lot of spouting rhetoric too.  In my case, I spout a lot about the need for all trans* people to stand together, to stop tearing one another down, and to look after one another.  It does move people to action, or so I'm told.  But I think it is not dangerous.  Unless, of course, you are one of the individuals who benefit from discord and conflict. 

Rhetoric can be used for good or for ill.  Cathy Brennan chooses to use hers to target some vulnerable people.  I choose to use mine to try and make them less vulnerable.  But it's all rhetoric. 


Quote from: Nikko on February 02, 2014, 10:30:02 PM
Stop it for Pete's sake.

Adolf Hitler killed millions of Jews, not with rhetoric but with orders because he was a dictator and ruled with absolute cruelty.

This feminist activist is a private citizen who is exercising her free speech rights, she's not advocating any violence whatsoever, she's doing what feminists do, she's promoting women's rights.

That's a fact. Do I like everything she says? No. But to argue this way against Heather is outrageous. She's made it clear she's not agreeing with her.
Thank you Nikko! I really didn't expect what I said to cause such controversy. I just don't see the point in all the the name calling and this situation will keep going as long as there is name calling being thrown back in forth.

Jenna Stannis

Quote from: Nikko on February 02, 2014, 10:30:02 PM
Stop it for Pete's sake.

Adolf Hitler killed millions of Jews, not with rhetoric but with orders because he was a dictator and ruled with absolute cruelty.

Actually, that's not quite true. Hitler was politically shrewd and did use rhetoric to eventually become leader. Sure, he was a violent, ruthless monster, but he couldn't act that way immediately (or openly). You don't just dictate to the population of a country like Germany and expect them to follow you. No, Hitler had a bit of luck with the timing -- a social and economic period ripe for the ideals of the National Socialist party -- and he had a great marketing department that created a mythology around Hitler's rise to power. My point being, that dictators don't generally appear out of nowhere (unless you're talking ruling family dynasties), they are allowed to grow and develop incrementally. What's that common maxim that people like to repeat on these boards? "Every journey begins with a first step".


I really can't see that continuing this thread will achieve anything.

I'm locking it.
