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'FA Gleason' is not me. I am not on facebook

Started by Nero, April 22, 2014, 11:23:12 PM

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Apparently, many people are getting requests from someone impersonating me on facebook and other sites. It's not me. I don't know what this person (or group)'s problem is. But it's not me. And apparently, there is some attempt to shame me by having 'likes' under this fake profile of 'Narcotics Anonymous' and 'Anti-Social Personality Disorder'.

I have long been open on here about the fact I used to have a drug problem. If I was ashamed by this, trust me, you would not know about it. I am not ashamed of my past. And I am not defined by my struggle with substance abuse.

And the 'Anti-Social Personality Disorder' thing? Funny.  ::)

Really, whoever is behind this, I feel sorry for them. I mean, if you care enough about me to do this and try to go around friending people in my name - that's a compliment to me, not you.

Nero was the Forum Admin here at Susan's Place for several years up to the time of his death.


Some people have way too much time on they're hands.  ::)


I'd noticed the "FA Gleason" persona registered over at "the colony" and interpreted it as an olive branch--a signal that the stupid schism might finally be sutured.

Now I'm doubly saddened. Whoever is doing this to you is being horribly rude and unpleasant, while simultaneously undermining genuine reconciliation between the factions.  :-\



Wow....someone is actually doing that?

People are such schmucks some times.

Jill F

WTF?  Could this person possibly be a bigger loser?  This is so junior high school. 

Why are people so cowardly about their apparent grievances sometimes? 

If I have a REAL problem with someone, I will try to work it out with them if possible.  This is pathetic,  I'm sorry this happened.



Adam (birkin)

Yeah, someone like that obviously has pretty big issues if they're going to waste their time on crap like that. I'm sorry it's happening to you, though. Don't let it bother you too much.


I have to admit I'm not sure if to laugh or cry.

I have done bad things in my past, but I own up to my failures.

If you cannot, then what are you?

You are a lesser person.

If you are a person who can hurt someone who was more than family, as the staff are, then you have problems.

Both FA and I have been banned from this site before because of mistakes we made.

We were forgiven, because we apologised and grew.

Others did not.



That's a pretty immature thing to do and I can only guess at who the perpetrator could be, but I would suspect it to be someone over at the 'imitator site'
The main things to remember in life are Love, Kindness, Understanding and Respect - Always make forward progress

Superficial fanny kissing friends are a dime a dozen, a TRUE FRIEND however is PRICELESS

- V M

Ms Grace

My nephew and his girlfriend had someone doing something similar on FB, I'm pretty sure you can report fake/slander accounts (only if you're on FB, of course)...
Transition 1.0 (Julie): HRT 1989-91
Self-denial: 1991-2013
Transition 2.0 (Grace): HRT June 24 2013
Full-time: March 24, 2014 :D


Quote from: V M on April 23, 2014, 04:16:12 AM
That's a pretty immature thing to do and I can only guess at who the perpetrator could be, but I would suspect it to be someone over at the 'imitator site'

What's happening to FA is despicable, but I'm a little uneasy with the mention of the other site.

While it's true that some of the regulars over there who are former SP members who left on poor terms, the majority, myself included, float freely and comfortably between the two sites, without prejudice.

Going there does not is neither a rejection of Susan's, nor a political statement. Most people there have no axe to grind (save the thought that it's a shame that the Susan's family hasn't yet managed to reconcile.) :-\

Like any family feud, this division has left many sad and caught in the middle. Tarring all members there and you tar many loyal members here. :-\



I agree with Gwynne.

I know the person you're looking to point fingers at is as perplexed as everyone else.

Personally, I think it's just some weirdo looking to stir up the pot even more. So much information is personally available on here to anyone looking to read all the posts.
ਮਨਿ ਜੀਤੈ ਜਗੁ ਜੀਤੁ


I have not publicly named, pointed fingers or tarred anyone, any assumptions you have made are your own
The main things to remember in life are Love, Kindness, Understanding and Respect - Always make forward progress

Superficial fanny kissing friends are a dime a dozen, a TRUE FRIEND however is PRICELESS

- V M


Quote from: V M on April 23, 2014, 08:17:53 AM
I have not publicly named, pointed fingers or tarred anyone, any assumptions you have made are your own

No, you haven't.. But there seems to be as much surprise and confusion about this 'FA Gleason' character at the other site (and FB) as there is here..

Charley Bea(EmeraldP)

I will admit I may be reading too much into it, but referring to the other site as an "imitator site" does bother me, I do not refer to facebook as a myspace imitator though they serve similar purposes. I am happy to be wrong but I think that may have been what Gwynne was referring to.

As for the facebook group I know a few over there caught onto the account being fake and seemed just as puzzled by it's existence.

It shows a real lack of maturity on the part of the person who runs that fake account.



Quote from: V M on April 23, 2014, 08:17:53 AM
I have not publicly named, pointed fingers or tarred anyone, any assumptions you have made are your own

I'm not defending any particular individual. I'm actually not sure which member of the other site you have in mind.  :-\

But it doesn't matter. My point was that I would be deeply sadenned if, in the public discourse of Susan's, membership in the other site were to be equated with some kind of sedition.

As far as I'm concerned, we're all still one big happy family waiting to be reconciled. Call me naive. :-\



Oh well, I don't want to feel like a mother who's asking her kids "Who got in the cookie jar?" while one of them wipes the chocolate and crumbs from their face

I just hope the immature wank head finds better things to do with themselves
The main things to remember in life are Love, Kindness, Understanding and Respect - Always make forward progress

Superficial fanny kissing friends are a dime a dozen, a TRUE FRIEND however is PRICELESS

- V M


 I just wish to say one thing.  Even if you like the people that have created this attack, it doesn't justify it.  I don't know the whole story nor do I don't care to.  There are good people all around and that's all I care about.  I'd love to see people resolve their conflicts as well. However, when you impersonate someone on a different site without it being known that it's satire, that's a bit of a low blow and wrong.  I mean people here could impersonate a character and make fun of their past.  That wouldn't be cool, so why is it cool here? 

Again, I don't care about the other site nor do I know what started all of the feuds.  I wish everyone well and refuse to take sides, but there is no reason to take the fighting to the next level and impersonate them. 

Can't we all find a way to get along and make peace?  Seriously, people we're friends for so long here that there has to be a way for everyone to get past their anger. Maybe this is just the idealistic hippie who wants to have everyone get along in me, but I wish things were that simple at times. 


QuoteI wish everyone well and refuse to take sides, but there is no reason to take the fighting to the next level and impersonate them.

Yes, the fighting should stop, but as far as I know, it's no one on the "imitator" site.

We've had things pop up in the past and we cooperated directly with Susan before, and are continuing to do so on this matter. The mods here don't know everything, because we have no reason to go through them. I saw the fake facebook account and immediately informed FA about it. If I knew it was someone I was friends with or some kind of sick scheme on the other site which I am also a member of, I would have stopped being their friend or deleted my account there since impersonating is wrong.

It's just a rogue, reading all this BS on here and having some fun. Apparently, the person(s) is getting what they want.
ਮਨਿ ਜੀਤੈ ਜਗੁ ਜੀਤੁ


Quote from: Nimrata (aka LH) on April 23, 2014, 10:17:37 AM
Yes, the fighting should stop, but as far as I know, it's no one on the "imitator" site.

We've had things pop up in the past and we cooperated directly with Susan before, and are continuing to do so on this matter. The mods here don't know everything, because we have no reason to go through them. I saw the fake facebook account and immediately informed FA about it. If I knew it was someone I was friends with or some kind of sick scheme on the other site which I am also a member of, I would have stopped being their friend or deleted my account there since impersonating is wrong.

It's just a rogue, reading all this BS on here and having some fun. Apparently, the person(s) is getting what they want.

Okay, that makes me feel better.  Like I said, I don't want to get involved in other people's drama.  And I have the hippie mentality that would love to see everyone one day hugging and no longer fighting, so I don't want to become part of any feuds and hope they end.  I just don't think it's cool that people are impersonating FA.  It goes over the line and it's really messed up of whoever it is that's doing it. 


VM is just trying to defend me and the site.
But I will say no more about the other site. Other than that we don't believe its creator is behind this (unless they're a good actor). And some from the site in question (including Nimrata) have been kind enough to inform us of the problem.

There is no need to defend this other site. Or yourselves. If you're not one of the ones ridiculing me and the site on facebook or elsewhere, there is nothing to defend.

I know what it's like to be stuck in the middle. I was for a very long time leading up to the firings and bannings of certain staff members. Staff members I cared about and considered friends. I just wish people would realize that just because you're friends with someone, it doesn't mean they were a good staff member.
Like, it would be natural to sympathize with my friend if she got fired or otherwise was having problems at her job. But just because she is my friend does not mean she is not an absolute nightmare to her boss. She's my friend and it's my duty to support her. But I'm only hearing her side. I truly do not know what she is like to deal with at her job. And the same with our volunteer staff.

If you know me, you know that I am actually on the side of being too lenient, giving too many chances. I always believe that everyone can be reasoned with. That everyone has a good heart. It's very difficult for me to believe ill of anybody. I am naive in this way. I share a lot about myself here. Because I truly find it hard to believe anyone would be cold enough to use it against me.

I am surprised at the level of hatred against me and the site on facebook and by this latest maneuver. I think whoever is laughing about me and my pain on facebook or creating this fake profile must be really hurting. Because it's hard for me to believe anyone is that mean.
Nero was the Forum Admin here at Susan's Place for several years up to the time of his death.