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Time to Swap Bodies.

Started by Wendy, July 22, 2007, 06:25:14 PM

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Would you consider an experimental body swap?

Not at this time.
Yes if failure rate is less than 1%
Yes if failure rate is less than 5%.
Yes if failure rate is less than 10%.
Yes if failure rate is less than 25%.


***This poll is very complex and should prove interesting.  By the way if humans can imagine something then they are halfway home to making it a reality.****

The Georgia Tech engineers have developed "nanobots" (microscopic robots) that can attach neurons and change the molecular structure of a cell to prevent donor cell rejection.  With this new technology you now have the option of surgically transplanting brains between bodies.  The nanobots are very expensive so that this experimental surgery can be done on only one couple with a success rate of over 99%.  That means if you can convince someone on this forum to swap bodies you each can wake after the surgery with your new body.  Of cause that does mean that each of you would have a 1% chance of failure.

The capitalist director of research would prefer to do as many surgeries as possible to gather scientific data.  It happens that if you decrease the nanobots in half, you can successfully do two couples but the success rate drops to 95%.  Three couples can be done for a success rate of 90% and four couples for a success rate of 75%.

You can change your answers to "compete" for a slot if multiple couples decide to do the surgery; however, a maximum of four couples is the limit for this no cost free experimental surgery.

I am interested in your thoughts on why you would or wouldn't do this surgery.  It would also be interesting if a couple does decide to swap bodies why they would select each others body.


It's really tempting, I'll admit.. to have a truly female body, womb and all...

But as I see it, this is my fate, my challenge to make the best of things. I have this sneaking suspicion that the REAL point of this insane paradox isn't so much to be a girl, but rather to create a motivation to face up to the inner demons which have haunted me all my life. THAT's been the real treasure of transitioning... the being a girl thing is just a Value Added bonus ;)

Although OK, if my Muse over there is offering, then I'm IN ;)



It sounds like fun, but who the hell would I switch with, and what would be the point?

I wouldn't want to place that burden on someone else.

The Middle Way

Quote from: AshleyMichelle on July 22, 2007, 07:36:58 PM
what if...

they could transplant your brain (or essence, or self, or whathaveyou) into someone that had no brain function, like they do with hearts and kidneys and such?
Oh geez.

to the philosophy forum, batman! or some sound.

If the woman I'm switching with is young and vital and voluptous and drop-dead gorgeous and has working plumbing and fertile, maybe I'd just do the damn thing.

The Middle Way

She has all that going on, she/I can make her/my own fortune.  :laugh:


I really dont see the point for me personaly at this point LoL... yes thats allot of points... add a few more and we can have a star LoL.

This boils down to looks and physicality I beleave....
What FTM would want my body at this point... The hormones have changed my body chemestry and added some of the things they seek to be rid of... oh, and unlike with there natural bodies, mine is pretty shot in the facial and body hair areas...  it just aint happening anymore LoL. the damage has allready been done and the point of a body swap would be to skip all the normal transition mumbojumbo... right?

Also on the other side...  I dont think I would want the body of any of the FTM's here...  Id have to turn around and transition all over again just to attempt to correct the damages they have done....

I believe this type of thing would be best for thsoe who havnt allready altered there bodies through surgury or hormones or other drastic mesures...


let someone else have this hourly glass figure? no way!


Hmm. Actually I'm kind of partial to mine. With one exception.  ::)
An mtf swapping bodies with me would have to accept that she'd have nice tits, face, and hair, a beer gut and she'd never have the legs for a skirt.
Nero was the Forum Admin here at Susan's Place for several years up to the time of his death.


Nero was the Forum Admin here at Susan's Place for several years up to the time of his death.


Quote from: Nero on July 23, 2007, 09:28:49 AM
Hmm. Actually I'm kind of partial to mine. With one exception.  ::)
An mtf swapping bodies with me would have to accept that she'd have nice tits, face, and hair, a beer gut and she'd never have the legs for a skirt.

Hmm.  A body swap has no money back guarantee.  It is far different than body modifications.

Although it is not perfect it would prove interesting.

Well a FTM would have to accept a bigger and stronger than average male body.  No one calls me Madam.

I stopped singing at 12 because my voice got very deep.  I still will not sing in public.  Yes I sang in the choir when I was young.  I would prefer the new body to have a higher voice than mine.

The new owner gets a pair of pretty blue eyes and nice teeth.

This body does not come with a beard and will not grow one.

You will need to keep you shirt on in public. 

Body is very healthy.  Brain is the problem.


Quote from: Nero on July 23, 2007, 09:28:49 AM
Hmm. Actually I'm kind of partial to mine. With one exception.  ::)
An mtf swapping bodies with me would have to accept that she'd have nice tits, face, and hair, a beer gut and she'd never have the legs for a skirt.




Quote from: Wendy on July 22, 2007, 06:25:14 PM
***This poll is made to make you smile and think.
To be honest it made me cry. :| Tis just a topic that hits close to home for me is all; It is a good poll but please excuse my lack of response.


Yes I would and I wish that this actually exsisted :(



Quote from: Jaston on July 24, 2007, 10:38:07 AM
Yes I would and I wish that this actually exsisted

Jaston these medical marvels will happen.  Of course the first phase will be to heal nerve damage within the same person.  This could allow deaf people to hear, blind to see, cripples to walk.  This will probably happen prior to 2030.

Frankly I am amazed that the body swap procedure would be considered by about 75% of the respondents.  It is even more surprising that about 20% would accept a 25% failure rate.  My guess is that males are more aggressive than females and are more likely to accept greater risks.  I would hypothesize that a greater proportion of FTM's would accept a higher failure rate.

Even though 75% would consider swapping bodies no couple to this point could agree on a swap!



Quote from: Wendy on July 24, 2007, 10:55:40 PM
Quote from: Jaston on July 24, 2007, 10:38:07 AM
Yes I would and I wish that this actually exsisted

Jaston these medical marvels will happen.  Of course the first phase will be to heal nerve damage within the same person.  This could allow deaf people to hear, blind to see, cripples to walk.  This will probably happen prior to 2030.

To me it would be less hassle and at least you wouldn't have to go through the whole hormone procedure your body would just be the sex that you want it to be! With out any hesitation. I have always said that you should be able to choose what sex to be when you are young say 6-9 years of age as thats when you sort of know what gender you are. But I dont think that would happen!

Roll on 2030.... Damn I will be 43 years old..... I think that would be to late for me........



Quote from: Wendy on July 24, 2007, 10:55:40 PM
Even though 75% would consider swapping bodies no couple to this point could agree on a swap!

LOL, well what F2M would WANT this body now? The face ain't ever gonna grow a beard again, there's never been chest hair, he'd STILL need to get top surgery, and I have NO idea if the genitals work anymore after a year of HRT, lol. And the overall frame is small, so you're not gonna be intimidating anyone, ever.

But, you get 6'2" height and a good starting weight (165lbs)... you could *probably* develop the muscles, though I never did. Still have a decent amount of hair. Teeth are finally good and fixed. Not SO bad overall, but still...



Quote from: Jaston on July 25, 2007, 06:24:05 AM
To me it would be less hassle and at least you wouldn't have to go through the whole hormone procedure your body would just be the sex that you want it to be! With out any hesitation. I have always said that you should be able to choose what sex to be when you are young say 6-9 years of age as thats when you sort of know what gender you are. But I dont think that would happen!

Jaston one point of this survey was to show how difficult it is to swap bodies even within the transgender forum and even with very advanced futuristic medical techniques.  I present a challenge to find one couple to agree to swap bodies.  Would you be willing to trade with someone that is of a different race, or lost an arm in an auto wreck, or is blind, or is too tall, or too fat, or is too old?  Tink and Kiera knew the potential trap of this survey.  Tink wrote a book when she said NEVER.

I think delaying puberty is a reasonable option.  I also think some counseling by gender specialists would be useful.  But I think understanding parents are more important than anything.  Educating the public is a great way to start making inroads.

The best I can tell you Jaston is to get  lots of education and follow your heart.  Forgive yourself and forgive others otherwise you will continue to live but somehow will not feel alive.

Sarah Louise

I used to dream of doing just that when I was young.  I would look at some girl and say "if only".

Sarah L.
Nameless here for evermore!;  Merely this, and nothing more;
Tis the wind and nothing more!;  Quoth the Raven, "Nevermore!!"


Quote from: Kate on July 25, 2007, 10:32:22 AM
LOL, well what F2M would WANT this body now? The face ain't ever gonna grow a beard again, there's never been chest hair, he'd STILL need to get top surgery, and I have NO idea if the genitals work anymore after a year of HRT, lol. And the overall frame is small, so you're not gonna be intimidating anyone, ever.

But, you get 6'2" height and a good starting weight (165lbs)... you could *probably* develop the muscles, though I never did. Still have a decent amount of hair. Teeth are finally good and fixed. Not SO bad overall, but still...


Kate I have been trying to swap my body with a beautiful Clairol potential and you start talking about what the hormones are doing. Sell only the good points.  Let me show you my bio:

Do you have any idea of how long it takes to build muscle?  Why wait!  No need to waste time shaving and a pretty boy face to boot.  What a deal!

***By the way for you newcomers.  I am teasing Kate.  We have some inside jokes that you will miss.***


Quote from: Wendy on July 25, 2007, 01:29:57 PM

Kate I have been trying to swap my body with a beautiful Clairol potential and you start talking about what the hormones are doing. Sell only the good points.

LOL, well I believe in full disclosure...

I should add that because of the hypospadias and shrinkage from HRT, you can kiss any dreams of writing your name in the snow goodbye...

Unless your name is something like sp&  (+$^^ (@+++ 8&1& *.

And you STILL have to sit to pee, cuz it gets... well... mischevious and contrary when it comes to aiming.

I notice my PM box is noticeably quiet.
