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A Smelly Poll

Started by Carlota, June 28, 2014, 12:19:53 AM

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What Kind of smells do you like?

Incense and/or Amber (soft oriental)
2 (3.4%)
Oriental Resins (oriental)
0 (0%)
Sandalwood and/or Patchouli (woody oriental)
3 (5.2%)
Aromatic woods and/or Vetiver (woods)
2 (3.4%)
Oak moss and/or Amber (mossy woods)
4 (6.9%)
Dry woods and/or Leather (dry woods)
4 (6.9%)
Lavender and/or Aromatic Herbs (aromatic)
8 (13.8%)
Bergamot and/or Citrus Oils (citrus)
5 (8.6%)
Marine and/or aquatic notes (water)
1 (1.7%)
Galbanum Green Notes (Green)
1 (1.7%)
Berries and/or Fruits (Fruity)
2 (3.4%)
Fresh-cut Flowers (Floral)
3 (5.2%)
Aldehydes Powdery Notes (soft floral)
2 (3.4%)
Orange Blossom and Sweet spices (floral oriental)
4 (6.9%)
I like a mixture of two or more smells
9 (15.5%)
I can't stand smelly stuff and/or I am very sensitive to smells because of medical reasons.
5 (8.6%)
I have no idea what I like for a variety of reasons
3 (5.2%)

Total Members Voted: 49


Hi!  ;D Options for the poll were taken from the fragrance wheel I saw online. Some of the options leave me a bit perplexed. I gave the option of no smell because I understand that for many it triggers serious health problems, which I totally understand. Gotta give folks with sensitivities and allergies a voice. :)

I started thinking of smell because my SO, Sarah, got super smelling abilities after starting HRT. She surprised me after detecting the smell of Chinese takeout from the neighbors. Low and behold, they told me the next day they had take out. I might add, she lives in a sky-rise, so they're close to her place. There have been other super smelling moment that made me go, "wow".

Sarah love sugary smells (cakes and pies) and vanilla. She likes the smell of desserts and pastries as well as soft, floral stuff. Very feminine stuff. She hates spicy smells and powdery stuff (like grandma's mothballs).

I like, amber, sandalwood, resins, vanilla, and incense. The smell of bergamot and dried, spicy orange peels are nice.

Have any of you noticed changes in smell? What smells do you love? Which make you go eek?  :)
La conciencia es, a la vez, testigo fiscal y juez.

Consciousness is, at the same time, witness, prosecutor, and judge.

Jessica Merriman

After a while on HRT I had to take everything out of my room. I pulled the carpet, repainted, etc. I cleaned everything and put it back in. I DO NOT miss my man smell, ugh! Now their are flowers and scented candles all over the house. I just thank the maker my sons room is at the other end of the house.  ;D


This is an interesting question.

My sense of smell seems to have gotten less sensitive after starting hrt, and my preferences now are broader and less specific. I don't wear oils or cologne or burn incense, but I enjoy it when other people do. I used to not like it. Almost every intentional smell that a person put on themselves or in their space used to be more likely to make me annoyed or sneezy than anything but now I'm cool with it.

I like woody and musky scents.
everybody's house is haunted

Megan Joanne

I can't inhale any of that @#$%. Perfume will make my lungs itch and get me wheezing. Scented candles, incense, air freshener (air polluters), and anything else like them, same results as perfume. I can't handle smelling smoke of any nature, be it cigarettes or someone grilling, burns the eyes, gets me coughing and eventually wheezing. Baby powder, strong smelling soap, bodywash (ugh, back when we were in North Carolina my nephew used to use this stuff, AXE, crap was potent, would stink up the whole house from him being around after washing up, made my chest tight smelling it), fabric softer sheets (I hate walking by the laundry room when lots of people using it, the air filtering out spoiling my fresh air), and oh, so many other things, mostly all chemicals, all very toxic, yet somehow most people can not only tolerate but I can't, but they thrive on it. Crazy.

I can't handle rubber, especially the smell of tires, puts my mind in a state of panic, causing dizziness when I smell them in the air, remember all too well vertigo that I had which was set off by similar odor.

Flowers I can handle short term, some I'm fine with others will make my eyes itch and cause sneezing, but at least they're natural, so I don't have any serious problems with them.

Wood, such as cut for lumber or craftwork, or sawdust, I can't handle, besides bothering my breathing makes my skin itch if handled. Cut grass bothers me somewhat, I hate it when too many people are mowing their lawns, releases so many allergens into the air along with the scent of grass juices.


Quote from: Jessica Merriman on June 28, 2014, 12:28:24 AM
After a while on HRT I had to take everything out of my room. I pulled the carpet, repainted, etc. I cleaned everything and put it back in. I DO NOT miss my man smell, ugh! Now their are flowers and scented candles all over the house. I just thank the maker my sons room is at the other end of the house.  ;D

Pushes makeup, candles and vanity case on the floor and places big TV and playstation in pride of place hahahaa  ;D ;D ;D ;D



Your poll needs to allow multiple options.

Jessica Merriman

Quote from: radsi on June 28, 2014, 01:35:39 PM
Pushes makeup, candles and vanity case on the floor and places big TV and playstation in pride of place hahahaa  ;D ;D ;D ;D
Calls animal control, reclaims room! ;D

Adam (birkin)


Blue Senpai

Generally I like simple nature scents like ocean air, fresh towels, pine and baby powder.

Dani Davis

I'm old fashioned, I guess.  Love the smell of flowers.  Honeysuckle and rose are my favorite.  I have a wall of honeysuckle just outside of a window on one side of the house and climbing roses on the other.  Depending on my mood, I will open one or the other during the season and it fills the house with wonderful floral scents.

I grew up on the coast and I do love the smell of the salt air and beach too.  Except the mud flats at low tide in certain parts of the bay (frown).
There are few limits - just unexplored options.
Mariette Pathy Allen
Author of Transformations

Megan Joanne

Actually I do have a couple things that came to mind just now that I like the smell of.

The smell of the air and rain during a cool, hard storm, and dampened rocks after a hard rain.

The smell of my doggie's mom says they stink nasty, that it must be some maternal thing for me because she used to love smelling our ears when we were babies and only a mother would love to do such a thing.


Ok I like two or more smells. I love the smell of roses specifically, any other flowers I can take or leave. And what goes hand in hand with roses? Romance. I love the smell of male. Even if it isn't the quite pleasant smell of cologne. The smell of roses mixed with masculinity will drive me absolutly insane and I melt. :embarrassed: It may not be the most popular answer but I really can't help it.

Fox in Socks

I chose oak/moss, but I burn incense on my desk too.  I like earthy, smokey smells.  (Not so much BBQ though.)


When I get more money I plan on buying Angel. It has bergamot notes, but to me the best part is the chocolaty scent.


my nose is highly sensitive so i can't stand strong smells thus i use unscented items for either bathing or cleaning and wear a mask when cooking.


Favorite smell is the smell of burning wood- that campfire/fireplace smell


I am so far the only one who put I dunno what I like. This is because I have no sense of smell.


P.S. I know it says 2. I accidentally voted it twice :p
Not allowed on for awhile. Be back soon!


I love the smell of burning wood. If it could somehow be put in an airfreshener, cologne, perfume, etc... I would spend WAY too much on it


Quote from: CaseyD on August 31, 2014, 07:49:25 PM
I love the smell of burning wood. If it could somehow be put in an airfreshener, cologne, perfume, etc... I would spend WAY too much on it

OK at a bonfire party the smell of burning wood and a nice glass of wine, wine cooler, beer or a margarita is nice but mixed with Drakkar Noir, or any other cologne is really, really, really good especially if the cologne is a lot closer and stronger than the drink unless you are taking a drink at the time. Even the smell of male, sweaty, almost stinky without cologne during an outside get together. Ok, that's enough. I am starting to feel a little flutter somewhere. I need to shut up now. :embarrassed:


Y'all are making me jealous. I dunno what anything smells like!!!
Not allowed on for awhile. Be back soon!