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How did you pick your new name?

Started by QuestioningEverything, August 21, 2014, 05:43:02 PM

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My mum suggested Francesca to me but I didn't settle on it right away. I wrote down one name for each letter of the alphabet to try and choose both my first and middle names. I ultimately settled on Francesca as my first name with Paige as my middle name.


My middle name is more likely to be a girl's name. I might choose it if I can ever be a girl.


My parents had names picked out for both a boy and a girl so when it came to it I just took the name they would have given me had I been born male. It just felt right to do so.


It was pretty close to my male name, Lucia that is, so I'm sticking with that, now my middle name, is up for grabs, maybe Mayra, yea that's it,  ::), see if I don't change it in a week.
To know thyself is to be blessed, but to know others is to prevent supreme headaches
Sun Tzu said it best, "To know thyself is half the battle won, but to know yourself and the enemy, is to win 100% of the battles".



Years back I was gonna be a Sophie as I've always loved that name but when we had a daughter I was allowed to name her and she got it.  When the ex wife was still being nice she helped me choose a name and she maybe rightly said keep the same initial as that makes signatures easier to do but outright banned me from using Sophie :) so we went through all the S names we could come up with and eventually got to my name. I arbitrarily added my middle name Jane as I wanted to choose one myself and then that felt right as it rhymed with pain which the wife said I was :) A pain that is  ;D


Sorcha :)
Full Time : July 2007,  ;D ;D
HRT : December 2007,
GRC, (Gender Changed on Birth Certificate) December 2009,  :eusa_clap:
SRS Dr Chettawut March 2015, ;D ;D

Melissa Forever

I went through a few names before choosing Melissa, which was just a few days ago. The funny thing is that it was the first name I wanted to use, but some people in my life didn't like it or didn't want me to use it.

It is a name that has been with me since I was 6 or so years old. It was the name of my first "girlfriend", who was the sweetest and most beautiful thing I had ever seen. She moved away a few years later and I could not stop thinking about her for the next 20 years. I can't remember much about her now, but the name is still in my mind and it feels like home.




My mom and my great grandma! My great grandmother's name was Alice, and I'm a huge fan of Alice in Wonderland. And my middle name, Terre, which is also my mom's middle name. It sounded fancy so :)

Chris R.

I don't know how I ended up choosing Christopher (I just liked it I guess) but I still have no ideas for my middle name. I don't want short names (like Jack, Jason and so on and so forth) so I'm having a tough time choosing  :D


I decided on Ashazti because it was similar to my real name, Ashley. I wanted to still have a part of it so my friends could still call me Ash. Both my first and middle names are also from characters I created in online games... I just thought them up. Soroya is my middle name. As for my new last name, I adopted my old middle name.
                      Don't be afraid to be who you are.
Trust yourself. Think for yourself. Act for yourself. Speak for yourself.
                  Be yourself. Imitation is suicide.
~ Sara


i've gone thru a few...but I always like the name Suzanne it has stuck for about 4-5 years now .  I always likde it as I thought it was pretty and feminine :)  .


So, I wanted a name that reflected my where I came from. I did not however want my fathers last name because I don't really get along with that side of my family (nor my father) so I got to thinking perhaps it would be a good idea to reflect this in the first name.

My mother had a very unusual name, I took the letters that made up that name and rearranged them to form a much more common name (Vera). It is simple, easy to pronounce and remember, and it fits. So I have stuck with it. I will say most other Veras I meet are older or Eastern European though.

I was going to choose something really plain for my middle name, but I have changed my mind, so my middle name is now going to be Euphemia after the Christian saint who lost her life for refusing to do something she didn't believe in (make sacrifices to the god Ares). While I am an atheist the story always resonated with me, that someone could have the determination to die rather than go against their beliefs and I wanted to honor that in my name. I have yet to meet anyone who wasn't eastern othadox named Euphemia but whatevs it is my name and I love it.

My new last name is a simple common one, that sounds well with the rest of my name and also has the same initials as my previous one as I have leaded there are advantages to having a last name that starts near the top of the alphabet.
私は女の子 です!My Blog - Hikari's Transition Log,377.0.html


I've always loved 3 names:


I had to scratch Emily off the list immediately as one of my closest girlfriends (and an ex-gf too) is named Emily... So I just thought it would be weird.

Tiffany is a great name... but I also find it to be a bit of a "stripper/porno" name.. haha So that prevented me from choosing it as something to go by for the rest of my life.. I only want to do this name change thing once.

So Stephanie it is..
Oct 15/14 - Fulltime
Jan. 31/15 - Electrolysis Started



My best friend hated the name I had chosen (Tracey) and the next day she suggested Devlyn. I fell in love with that, turns out her daughter was going to be Devlyn or Shannon and they went with Shannon. So my friend actually named me.


I've had a hard time deciding and I am still deciding. "Kate" is a placeholder but it's growing on me, at least as a middle name or variations thereof (Kaitlin, Catherine etc).

Growing up I always loved the name Alice, but it seems soooo boring now. I also liked Kimberly (I love it actually) but I hate the shortened version "Kim."

Then there are indian names because I'm ethnically indian (as in East Indian, not Native American). I often wondered if I should choose one of those instead. My kids have an Indian first name followed by a Christian middle name. Manisha Koirala is one of my favorite Bollywood stars but the presence of "Man" in it could lead to problems if I'm in a situation where I'm outed. Decisions, decisions. It's hard.


I'm still trying to decide upon a name.. I'm between Delphine, Divinia, or Kareena... Perhaps others.. I'm pretty obsessed with the origins of names and want my name to have a history and meaning that I connect with.. My birth name is pretty boring. I'm also trying to find a name that begins with a D as I have all of my artworks monogrammed and it'd be less confusing.. although my work is relatively new, so I've also considered just using whatever name I can connect with regardless of the first letter. I've yet to ask my parents what my name would have been had I been born with the correct parts. That sounds like a good idea! :)


When I was a kid I had asked my mom what my name would have been if I were born a girl, she said Sarah.  Never forgot that conversation, so it felt right to go with it.

Daisy Jane

Quote from: ImagineKate on October 10, 2014, 06:59:59 AM
I've had a hard time deciding and I am still deciding. "Kate" is a placeholder but it's growing on me, at least as a middle name or variations thereof (Kaitlin, Catherine etc).

Growing up I always loved the name Alice, but it seems soooo boring now. I also liked Kimberly (I love it actually) but I hate the shortened version "Kim."

Then there are indian names because I'm ethnically indian (as in East Indian, not Native American). I often wondered if I should choose one of those instead. My kids have an Indian first name followed by a Christian middle name. Manisha Koirala is one of my favorite Bollywood stars but the presence of "Man" in it could lead to problems if I'm in a situation where I'm outed. Decisions, decisions. It's hard.

I can understand wanting to avoid "Man" in your name, but what about shortening it to Nisha? I think that sounds nice, and would probably be fairly original.


My name (Aaryna) was my first character's name in Asheron's Call.  It was based on a woman's name from Beastmaster. It was in AC that I finally learned what it felt like to interact socially as a female.  I used the name for a lot of my online life which is the only place I could be genuine.  Ten years later when I finally figured out I needed to transition, I had discovered that this name I literally made up actually existed with that spelling and there are several girls in the world that have it.  So I kept it.

I chose the middle name Michelle in honor of my father Michael who never got the chance to know the real me because I was too angry and afraid to tell my parents.

Its a silly origin for a name.  I occasionally regret it for the attention it gets.  But I enjoy being Aaryna too much to care. 


Quote from: Daisy Jane on October 19, 2014, 10:02:02 AM
I can understand wanting to avoid "Man" in your name, but what about shortening it to Nisha? I think that sounds nice, and would probably be fairly original.

Nisha is actually very common. But it's nice.

Silver Centurion

I never really liked my given name so I always went by some nickname or another. Once I came out to a few people I got asked what I would change my name to and I sorta cheated really. I'm an enormous Iron Man fan so I started toying around with some way to use Anthony(Tony) as either a first or middle name and I ended up recalling that I really liked the name of a character that was on a tv show way back so I put the two together and came up with Anthony Nikolas and whether someone calls me Tony or Nick is totally cool! It's so strange actually liking my name for the first time in 36 years.