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Am I balding?!

Started by Abby Claire, September 17, 2014, 03:14:15 AM

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Abby Claire

No pics unless I feel it's absolutely necessary.

Anyway, I noticed a few weeks ago that my hair is thinning when I saw my scalp clear as day in a small area where my hair was flat. My hair was (and still is) pretty short, so I've decided to let it grow out. My hair was cut down to a size 2 clippers and trimmed on the top about two months ago, so that's an idea of how short it was.

My hairline isn't receding and the area I first noticed isn't growing or even really "there", however, my hair is visibly very thin (especially in the shower I look sick). If I part my hair any place on my head there is a lot of scalp visible. When I wash my hair and dry it, nothing is really noticeable, but in the right light there are lines of scalp on certain places on my head. Also, when I shower or run my hands through my hair, even small strands fall out.

I've seen this with both women and men, so I'm not to the point of paranoia, but I'm still really concerned. I'm thinking maybe it's all from stress since I was extremely stressed and suicidal last month (as I was for a long time before finally coming out). It may be diet related too. I've lost a bit of weight since January, going from 175 to 150 now. I'm still trying to cut weight, and maybe that's related (though I remember noticing some of these signs last year).

My dad still has a full head of hair, so I'm hopeful I'm not going through anything genetics (I know it's supposed to be passed on the mother's side though). I don't think it will look too bad once I'm back to shoulder length, but I'm still scared. Has anyone experienced this? Are they signs of stress or balding? Once I'm on hrt, will the effects go away or reverse? Am I freaking out over nothing?

Ms Grace

MPB often comes down the female line, how is her father's hairline?
Are you on HRT? If so you should probably not be balding unless you are extremely sensitive to DHT and your levels are not low enough. Another option if you are on HRT, and have not been for long, is that it will take several months for the follicles to adapt to the new hormones and levels, they don't just automatically start acting as if they are on estrogen.
Transition 1.0 (Julie): HRT 1989-91
Self-denial: 1991-2013
Transition 2.0 (Grace): HRT June 24 2013
Full-time: March 24, 2014 :D

Abby Claire

Quote from: Ms Grace on September 17, 2014, 05:09:22 AM
MPB often comes down the female line, how is her father's hairline?
Are you on HRT? If so you should probably not be balding unless you are extremely sensitive to DHT and your levels are not low enough. Another option if you are on HRT, and have not been for long, is that it will take several months for the follicles to adapt to the new hormones and levels, they don't just automatically start acting as if they are on estrogen.

Her dad had hair most of his life, up until his death. Even in his 60s he mostly had hair, though his hairline was receding. That's why I'm unsure, because my hairline is completely fine. It's just certain spots where it looks like lines across my scalp.

And no, I'm not on hrt yet.  :-\ This is just one of the already many reasons I'm wanting to hurry up and get started. Lol

Alice Rogers

My hairline was receding AND my parting was getting wider :P until I started my hormones, since then I am actually seeing a little regrowth in the area's where it was thinning. I KNOW this doesnt happen for everyone but at very least the hormones should stop it going any further.

"I would rather be ashes than dust!
I would rather that my spark should burn out in a brilliant blaze than it should be stifled by dry-rot.
I would rather be a superb meteor, every atom of me in magnificent glow, than a sleepy and permanent planet.
The function of man is to live, not to exist.
I shall not waste my days trying to prolong them.
I shall use my time." Jack London

Abby Claire

Quote from: Alice Rogers on September 17, 2014, 06:44:52 AM
My hairline was receding AND my parting was getting wider :P until I started my hormones, since then I am actually seeing a little regrowth in the area's where it was thinning. I KNOW this doesnt happen for everyone but at very least the hormones should stop it going any further.


That's very good to know. My hair doesn't look terrible and I think it'll look much better with more length, but I'm scared of going this route another year or two. God, I can't start hrt soon enough! I wish I could speed up time (without my hair falling out of course).

Alice Rogers

I had the same exact fears as I awaited my approval for hormones, there are some steps you can take that MAY help, scalp massage, avoiding strong shampoo's/conditioners, vitamins and not getting your head too hot (hats, headset bands) and the like.

I was going nuts by the time I got my hormones, I expected every last hair to drop out but as you can see from my profile pic it was all ok.

Hopefully you will be fine too hun.

"I would rather be ashes than dust!
I would rather that my spark should burn out in a brilliant blaze than it should be stifled by dry-rot.
I would rather be a superb meteor, every atom of me in magnificent glow, than a sleepy and permanent planet.
The function of man is to live, not to exist.
I shall not waste my days trying to prolong them.
I shall use my time." Jack London

Apples Mk.II

If necessary, get on Finasteride or dutasteride ASAP. My hairline was stable, but overall the hair was thinning and losing density. 16 months on HRT and that it's not going recover. If you have sensibility to DHT, you need to tackle it fast. I come from a family with early onset alopecia, And I could consider myself a survivor.

Abby Claire

Quote from: Julia (Apple-Whatever) on September 17, 2014, 07:59:12 AM
If necessary, get on Finasteride or dutasteride ASAP. My hairline was stable, but overall the hair was thinning and losing density. 16 months on HRT and that it's not going recover. If you have sensibility to DHT, you need to tackle it fast. I come from a family with early onset alopecia, And I could consider myself a survivor.

Gulp... Well, I've never heard of this in my family, and my hair isn't falling out in chunks or in circular spots. I don't think it's anything serious like alopecia. I don't know anything about finasteride or dutasteride, and if they require a prescription then I'm SOL because I have no insurance atm (hrt is different because I'm planning on spending for all my transition stuff out of my pocket right now).

Quote from: Alice Rogers on September 17, 2014, 07:17:45 AM
I had the same exact fears as I awaited my approval for hormones, there are some steps you can take that MAY help, scalp massage, avoiding strong shampoo's/conditioners, vitamins and not getting your head too hot (hats, headset bands) and the like.

Yeah, I've been doing things like these. I've started vitamins (specifically for hair), but I don't know how long it takes for results. I'm trying to hurry up and get to an endo just so I can get my blood work for information regarding this as well. May as well kill two birds with one stone. Thanks for the advice though. It is reassuring.

Jill F

Finasteride, dutasteride and estrogen reversed most of what I lost.  You can't tell my hair was thinning like crazy before and my hairline has even advanced a bit.

I'm hoping that the orchi took care of that problem for good.

Abby Claire

Quote from: Jill F on September 17, 2014, 02:34:47 PM
Finasteride, dutasteride and estrogen reversed most of what I lost.  You can't tell my hair was thinning like crazy before and my hairline has even advanced a bit.

I'm hoping that the orchi took care of that problem for good.

So all I have to do is get an orchiectomy! Hmmm... Lol jk

Should I talk to the endo about finasteride and dutasteride or is this something I need to see a general physician about?

Jill F

Quote from: Abby Claire on September 17, 2014, 02:49:34 PM
So all I have to do is get an orchiectomy! Hmmm... Lol jk

Should I talk to the endo about finasteride and dutasteride or is this something I need to see a general physician about?

Any doc can get you finasteride.  I got mine from a plastic surgeon friend.  Dutasteride is very expensive, and insurance doesn't cover it unless it's for prostate issues.   That one I got from an endo.

I have to say though that the orchi made me feel SO MUCH BETTER, and now I don't have to take anything other than estrogen and progesterone.

Abby Claire

Quote from: Jill F on September 17, 2014, 02:56:15 PM
Any doc can get you finasteride.  I got mine from a plastic surgeon friend.  Dutasteride is very expensive, and insurance doesn't cover it unless it's for prostate issues.   That one I got from an endo.

I have to say though that the orchi made me feel SO MUCH BETTER, and now I don't have to take anything other than estrogen and progesterone.

I've definitely thought about possibly getting an orchiectomy somewhere down the line, but I'm so far from that it isn't even worth thinking about seriously. I've heard pros and cons from orchiectomy, and I'm not even 100% on SRS. More like 80% certain I will eventually, but some doubts. I'm still trying to figure out how to get hrt, working on my voice, and figuring out how to pass. So I'm very far away from some of the bigger milestones.

Jill F

Quote from: Abby Claire on September 17, 2014, 03:04:53 PM
I've definitely thought about possibly getting an orchiectomy somewhere down the line, but I'm so far from that it isn't even worth thinking about seriously. I've heard pros and cons from orchiectomy, and I'm not even 100% on SRS. More like 80% certain I will eventually, but some doubts. I'm still trying to figure out how to get hrt, working on my voice, and figuring out how to pass. So I'm very far away from some of the bigger milestones.

If you haven't started beard removal and plan on transitioning, then please start ASAP.  It takes a long time to fully lose a beard.

SRS is something I'm not doing until I'm 100% sure.  Right now I'm at 99% and because of that, it's still a no-go.

Abby Claire

Quote from: Jill F on September 17, 2014, 03:15:27 PM
If you haven't started beard removal and plan on transitioning, then please start ASAP.  It takes a long time to fully lose a beard.

SRS is something I'm not doing until I'm 100% sure.  Right now I'm at 99% and because of that, it's still a no-go.

Yeah, it's definitely on my early to-do list. I'm planning on asking one of the transwomen in my group at our next meeting more about it. Fortunately, I can't even grow a beard. My face outside of my upper lip and chin is baby smooth. Lol

SRS is scary. I'm not attached to myself down there, but you hear stories of regrets post-op and all the daily maintainence and the cost... It's a very overwhelming thought process. I think I'll know what will be best somewhere down the line.

Apples Mk.II

Quote from: Abby Claire on September 17, 2014, 02:49:34 PM
So all I have to do is get an orchiectomy! Hmmm... Lol jk

My endo already mentioned it as a last resort if AA's kept losing effect for me... What I mean is that al of my cousings were bald before 20. My brother must be 23 right now and only has a bit more that half the top scalp remaining, and he was fighting it with minoxidil much sooner than me.

BTW, my avatar has a bangs extension, so don't think I had a miracle recovery... In fact I'll need temples transplants after the hairline advancement.


I've been losing hair since I was 22.  Noticed in October 2010, so nearly 4 years now.  I thought I'd be totally bald at this point, but I'm not.  It goes through periods of slowing.  I still have basically a full head of hair, but not really.  I'd say I've lost 30-40% of what I had.  I had REALLY thick hair.  I used minoxidil last summer and it thickened up a lot, but my skin started to look like trash.  It seemed to age about 15 years over the course of a couple months.  Minox can deplete collagen, so don't over do it.  I stopped using it and my skin started to look normal again.  I was using like 2x the recommended amount though.

I'm starting HRT next week I believe, but I still started using minox again a couple weeks ago.  I'm hoping that the minox/hrt combo will save what I have and thicken it up some more.  If it stays where it is now, especially if it thickens up again, then I should be good with a hairline advancement/transplant to thicken up the crown a bit.

If I feel HRT is progressing well and I feel I can pass well-enough, then in a year I may just have SRS.  I plan on waiting 3 years before FFS, BA, or even presenting as female, but I'm starting to think maybe getting SRS early on may be beneficial.  I don't think I'll ever have long hair, but I do hope to have a full head of it when I'm about really to start over.  I personally think I'll look fine with a medium length paige-boy hair cut, as long as it's all there.  Same hair-cut I had as a kid actually, people called me Lydia Deets because I looked like Wynona Ryder back then.

My mothers father had all his hair at 79, literally all his hair, but my dad and 4 of his 5 brothers are/were bald.

Using coconut oil in your hair is good for the scalp, and hair.  There have been some studies that show a healthier scalp can lend a hand to hair growth.

Abby Claire

Quote from: TheQuestion on September 17, 2014, 03:56:03 PM
I've been losing hair since I was 22.  Noticed in October 2010, so nearly 4 years now.  I thought I'd be totally bald at this point, but I'm not.  It goes through periods of slowing.  I still have basically a full head of hair, but not really.  I'd say I've lost 30-40% of what I had.  I had REALLY thick hair.  I used minoxidil last summer and it thickened up a lot, but my skin started to look like trash.  It seemed to age about 15 years over the course of a couple months.  Minox can deplete collagen, so don't over do it.  I stopped using it and my skin started to look normal again.  I was using like 2x the recommended amount though.

I'm starting HRT next week I believe, but I still started using minox again a couple weeks ago.  I'm hoping that the minox/hrt combo will save what I have and thicken it up some more.  If it stays where it is now, especially if it thickens up again, then I should be good with a hairline advancement/transplant to thicken up the crown a bit.

If I feel HRT is progressing well and I feel I can pass well-enough, then in a year I may just have SRS.  I plan on waiting 3 years before FFS, BA, or even presenting as female, but I'm starting to think maybe getting SRS early on may be beneficial.  I don't think I'll ever have long hair, but I do hope to have a full head of it when I'm about really to start over.  I personally think I'll look fine with a medium length paige-boy hair cut, as long as it's all there.  Same hair-cut I had as a kid actually, people called me Lydia Deets because I looked like Wynona Ryder back then.

My mothers father had all his hair at 79, literally all his hair, but my dad and 4 of his 5 brothers are/were bald.

Using coconut oil in your hair is good for the scalp, and hair.  There have been some studies that show a healthier scalp can lend a hand to hair growth.

Thanks for the advice! But SRS after only one year on hormones and not present as female?! Whoa... I don't deal with "down there" problems like other girls so I can't fully understand the need to rush SRS, but if you don't plan on presenting as a female wouldn't that just lead to a lot of possible problems? I'm just thinking bathroom problems, self identity problems, etc. I don't mean to intrude since that wasn't what this post was originally about, but that just seems so rash and makes me concerned.


Yeah, I already have identity problems and bathroom problems wouldn't really have an impact.  It's not like they check before you enter.  I just feel like SRS is inevitable and saving my hair would be big for quelling dysphoria in my case.  Plus, HRT should yield better results afterwards since there wouldn't be much competition between e and t.  I'm not saying it's a given, but it's something I'd consider, especially if the first year is going well and I know that I'll fully transition.


While my hairline remained where it has always been, in the last two years before starting hrt(and I was full time too while this happened) I began losing my hair in two places on the top left side of my head. At it's worse, you could easily see my scalp in those places no matter what the lighting was and I dreaded getting hit with a brush of strong wind before walking into a store. A Dermatologist diagnosed my condition as a "feminine hair loss pattern." I literally cried myself to sleep nightly over this. Every time I brushed my hair I had to clean my brush, and after each shower I had to clean the drain balling my eyes out as I did so. I was nearly ready to, well, I don't want to bring anyone down. Those here who know me know the story.

When I began my hrt in December of last year I insisted on Avodart (Dutasteride) being part of my regimen. Yes, at first insurance didn't want to pay for it due to it's cost. But my Endo stood up for me and Got it approved. On the 3rd day after starting my hrt including Dutasteride my hair loss stopped I combed my hair and saw what to me was a miracle. No hairs came out! My hair loss also began reversing and now 8 months and two weeks and a few days in my hair has thickened and there is plenty of new growth. Now I only see my scalp when my hair is wet, and it continues to thicken and fill in. In addition, my hair started growing again like it used to at a rate of about 1" per month. Before hrt, my hair would get a little past my shoulders then stop growing. Now it's down to my bra strap in the back and I'm needing another trim. My stylist has been amazed at this, so has my Endo and other Doctors. As for me I'm so so happy to be growing my hair out extra long again. And especially at not having to clean my brushes and combs every time I use them, also not seeing any falling out in the shower.

As you can see by my Avatar photo I now have plenty of hair up top, and my bangs have grown long enough for me to brush them to one side -something I couldn't do before hrt.

While Finasteride does work at stopping hair loss in most people. Avodart (Dutasteride) I know literally saved my hair, and my happiness. And to have the results I've had in an 8 month period to me it's well worth the extra expense. Yes, there's more filling in and thickening that needs to happen before I'll have the head of hair I did have. And in time I feel that will happen. But I can go out with my own hair now and not fear the wind anymore.

Disclaimer: It should be noted that the results I've had don't happen for everyone. Genetics and family history play a big part in hair loss -and it's recovery. Also, it takes time for new growth to thicken and fill in. The results mentioned above are soley based upon my personal experience.

Best wishes! :)

Ally :icon_flower:
Full Time August 2009
HRT Dec 27 2013
VFS [ ? ]
FFS [ ? ]
SRS Spring 2015


Abby Claire

Thanks Ally for sharing. Your story really means a lot.  :)

I know that feeling of hair loss triggering emotions. It's basically what kicked me into full transition gear. I'm tired of seeing myself as a man in the mirror and the thought of losing hair on top of that would just kill me. When I manage to get to an endo I'll talk about what I can possibly do. My income is very low right now, so I may have limited options. Sigh... To be trapped in a corner is the worst possible feeling ever.