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Your best moments / memories of your transition.?

Started by Mark3, September 23, 2014, 04:06:43 PM

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What were your best memories or best moments during your transition.? 
It might be positive and uplifting for those struggling in transition to hear about your best moments.?
Please share..
"The soul is beyond male and female as it is beyond life and death."


A few so far (and perhaps more to come) ...

My first makeup lesson and then going out in public as me ... Thanksgiving 2010.
When I first voiced that I was a woman to my therapy group (addiction) ... and was not rejected or scorned.
A short time after starting Oestrogen ... the wonderful feeling, like being wrapped in a lovely snuggly comfy dressing gown.
The first time I didn't need to wear my breast forms anymore, just a padded bra.
Trip back from first round of FFS when the luggage attendant at the Brussels train station address me as "Madame".
Being asked by a girl I'd been climbing with for 3 days if I'd ever heard of a SheWee.
Getting a date confirmed for my GRS.

Sam x
The journey is the reward - Taoist Proverb

Jill F

The first dose of E and feeling clear-headed for the first time since I was 12.
The first time I left the house in a dress and was able to get out of the car.
That first weekend in Vegas where I left the boy clothes at home.
The day I stopped worrying about what others thought of me.
Being closer to my family than I ever had been before.
Realizing the power of chocolate.
Purging my boy clothes.
Waking up with no balls.
Just being able to finally be me.


Either my mum getting me my first ever male clothes and male boxers
Introducing myself as Matthew for the first time when out and not even being given a second look.

Starting HRT and then surgeries will surely blow these out the water though!  ;D

Carrie Liz

The one moment for me that was the absolute best, which made me happier that I'd ever felt in my entire life, was that first day that I looked in the mirror and saw a girl. And I shared that picture here, and people commented me, and I was seriously so happy that I started crying. For that one day, everything was perfect. :')

Secondary to that would be getting my new drivers' license and seeing "sex: F" :)


Being a Bridesmaid for an old friend..
Being loved for who I am.
Being Mother of the Bride at my adopted daughters wedding last July - she adopted me after her mum (My GF) died in May last year.
And last, but not least, being told that he could see no reason for me to continue with therapy


So far the best moments have been
Getting my ears pierced because it was first task I did when I started my transition.
Getting my I.D. with F on it
Getting my birth certificate with my name and Female listed on it.
Starting HRT
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me.
I am also spouse of a transgender person.
Retired News Administrator
Retired (S) Global Moderator


Quote from: Matthew on October 02, 2014, 06:08:46 PM
Either my mum getting me my first ever male clothes and male boxers
Introducing myself as Matthew for the first time when out and not even being given a second look.

Starting HRT and then surgeries will surely blow these out the water though!  ;D
Yoooo, Matt, I feel this. Haven't started any of the medical stuff yet either, but did just go to a local FTM group where I introduced myself as Cameron and got to hear he/him pronouns for the first time ever. And like, we went to Denny's. That's it. But damn if it wasn't the happiest I've been in recent memory.
- cameron


The first time I was out in public (not a club/bar).  I went shopping with a friend at the mall and it was so scary but fun at the same time.

My first piercing.  I had my naval done and it was just the coolest thing in the world to me.

First time at the beach in a bikini.  Wow, can you say liberating to say the least?

First time I was correctly gendered when I wasn't trying.  I remember ordering food at the mall food court and I had longish hair and wearing a baggy t-shirt and L.E.I jeans lol, and the woman at the counter said: "Can I help you miss?"

The first time you look in the mirror and seeing the girl you know staring back at you.  For me, this took a couple of years on HRT to really see but when I did, it made me happy and have remembered that day and feeling now for 8 years.


I went to a party. The guy who answered the door was someone I've known well for ten years and to whom I'd come out in email, so he knew I had transitioned. He also knew I was coming to the party, so he was on the lookout for a male-bodied person dressed as a woman.

Despite all that, when he answered the door, he had no idea who I was. He led me into the kitchen to put away the food I brought, and had a conversation with him, but it wasn't until about 5 minutes later when it became clear that I knew him, that he realized who I was.
Have you read my short story The Eve of Triumph?


I was standing in line for the women's restroom in a strip club. line was long as hell tired of waiting I went to the men's  restroom with only to guys in front of me, standing there waiting patiently the 1st guy in line looks back at me and says your damn women what the hell you doing in here? I told him line was long as hell and had better chance over here I had to go bad...they let me go in front of everyone else to the only toilet with a door. You had to be there but it was funny
Dream as if you'll live forever, Live as if you'll die today.....J.Dean


Haha, I love that story MyKa..  ;D

Maybe this isn't technically transition,
But I really ended up feeling great about coming out last week
to everyone i know online. At first I was a bit scared, then after overnight with little acknowledgement I felt disappointed..
But then for days after I posted it, I got lots of really sweet comments and support from almost all my friends that I have trusted in the past.
Now, a week later, people are msging me about advice and help, or just to talk about they're gender questions, like I have some sort of wisdom I didn't have 2 weeks ago.?
Its kinda funny.. But I really enjoyed coming out to people, it went really well..
Thank you.. :)
"The soul is beyond male and female as it is beyond life and death."


For me, I came out to mum about 3 months before Xmas, until about 10 years ago I had no idea she told my family what was happening, what was the "rules" and what would happen if the rules were broken.
So each Xmas we would have a huge family day on Xmas day, pretty much every family member would be there, I was out to mum, we had moved back to Victoria and while I was living full time I had only seen my cousin once since coming out.
I got there, wearing jeans & a basic tank top (Aussie Xmas and such) and was greeted with "oh my god, nicole you look so amazing" from the one person I thought I would have the most trouble with.
To do this day, even waking up after GRS nothing compares to that second of walking into my family's Xmas Lunch and getting that
Yes! I'm single
And you'll have to be pretty f'ing amazing to change that