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Accurate calorie calculator

Started by Equestriaghoul, March 03, 2015, 11:01:03 PM

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I've been trying to lose about 30 or 40 pounds, but I don't know how many calories I burn, I know that there are a lot of websites that try to calculate how many calories you burn, but I want to make sure I use an accurate one, but how can I tell which ones are more accurate than others, I am going to get a pedometer eventually, but in the mean time all I can do is try to find an accurate website.

I posted this question on yahoo answers, but only one person answered and all they did is give me a link to a website that has nothing to do with my question.

Thank you for your time.



How many calories you burn is very individual, so whatever a website tells you is only a rough estimate. It's important it takes your weight into account as well as the level of strenuousness.

Have you considered taking a different approach though? Just find out what your resting metabolic rate is (the calories you need to just maintain your weight without being active). Start eating the amount of calories you need to maintain your weight and start exercising lightly. Like this you can be sure to have a negative calorie balance. Just observe what happens. If you lose weight, great. If you don't, increase the exercise or decrease the calories. 


I've lost weight, and I've never though of doing this. I'm not sure how it would really help, although perhaps that just me.

I usually start by cutting out all the obvious unhealthy food and eating less. The weight goes down until it gets stuck on some plateau. I then increase exercise and/or eat less and more healthy food until I reach anther lower plateau. I repeat this until I'm at my target weight. I do check up on how much calories in various kinds of foods, but only so I know what kinds of things I should eat and what to avoid - I never measure it.

I think it would be difficult to calculate everything exactly, and I don't find it necessary at all. It it motivates you to lose weight on the other hand then go for it, as that the most important thing of all.

I've also done it using a VLCD meal replacement, but that's a different kind of thing.


Well knowing, even roughly how many calories I burn helps me decide what to eat, I was told that to find out how many calories you need to eat to stay your weight, you just have to multiply your weight times 14 if you're sedentary, 15 if your lightly active or 16 if you're very active, and I've lost weight by multiplying my target weight and limiting my intake to that many calories, but I can't remember how long that took, and different activities burn different amounts of calories, plus I don't know how long it took to lose those few pounds before, so getting an accurate calculation would help me to know how often I'm supposed to lose a pound, and I like knowing.


I've found this to be the most accurate calculator for me so maybe you'll have some success with it too. I usually just calculate my BMR then go from there since my activity level isn't always consistent.

I like that it shows you the exact calculations it uses to find what your calorie goal should be. It also provides some great information you can read up on.


I'm using a fantastic app on my iPad, but I'm sure there is an Internet version and app for other devices.
Look for "Lose It!"

What I like about the app is you set weight goal and a date.
The app takes into account your age, current weight and what kind of active lifestyle you lead.
My goal was to lose 10 pounds in two months.
Because I've been diligent entering what I eat, scanning bar codes, my fitness activity, I've lost 7 of the 10.
The app allows you to create recipes, lists 1,000,000 common foods by brand, and all the nutrients.
I haven't starved myself, but instead eating two sensible meals (breakfast and  dinner) and four snacks throughout the day.
This is my yesterday:
Breakfast: oatmeal, yogurt with blueberries, 1/4 cup each cranberry juice and prune juice
Snack: greek yogurt with stevia, 1/4 pumpkin purée
Lunch: 1 cup low cal chicken noodle souple, 7 whole wheat crackers, 1/3 cup low fat cottage cheese
Snack: carrots with hummus
Dinner: shepards pie, salad

I've eliminated bread, fast food, soda, salty snacks and alcohol. These are calorie killers.
I feel great!
3 more pounds to go.

Did I need an app to do this?
Yes, it helped me be disciplined and forced me to look at every ingredient.


Try this online calculator Count how many calories you burn doing your favorite activities or how long you should do an activity to lose weight. How many calories did you burn?  I already use this calculator check for my, body fat percentage calculator, calorie calculator, weight loss calculator, lean body calculator, weight watcher points calculator etc.

Felicity R

Most of the success I've had in losing weight came down to being very conscious of the amount of calories I was eating vs the amount I was burning in a day. Most of the websites people have already listed are pretty good for checking how many calories you need to maintain your weight. Simply eating less than that and creating a calorie deficit will help you to begin to lose weight.

Tracking calories isn't a must, but I can say from personal experience that it does work. Even something as simple as keeping a food diary can help.

I use a combination of two wonderful apps on my phone for this. One is called MyFitnessPal, which I use to track my calorie intake, and the other is C25K, a running app which I use to track my progress at interval running (it also integrates my exercise directly into MyFitnessPal, subtracting the calories I burn when I go running).
Full time - 02/08/16
HRT - 04/08/16


You might try fitbit. I jave heard good things. Its like myfitnesspal only you get a pedometer to track calorie expenditure


Quote from: Equestriaghoul on March 03, 2015, 11:01:03 PM
I've been trying to lose about 30 or 40 pounds, but I don't know how many calories I burn, I know that there are a lot of websites that try to calculate how many calories you burn, but I want to make sure I use an accurate one, but how can I tell which ones are more accurate than others, I am going to get a pedometer eventually, but in the mean time all I can do is try to find an accurate website.

I posted this question on yahoo answers, but only one person answered and all they did is give me a link to a website that has nothing to do with my question.

Thank you for your time.

Just for math,

3,850 cal = 1 kg
1,746 cal = 1 pound

Last week, I ran about 26 km (16 miles), burning 1,832 cal, which is equivalent to loosing weight by 0.48 kg or 1.05 lbs.

Just do it.