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Hi everyone, It's my Birthday!!!

Started by SarahElizabeth1981, February 25, 2016, 11:11:27 PM

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I'm not that easy to get rid of  :P

Amazing how fast time is screaming past though only a couple of weeks until May.
It's like where did all the time go?!?!


Quote from: Jerrica on April 17, 2017, 12:08:57 PM
I'm not that easy to get rid of  :P

Amazing how fast time is screaming past though only a couple of weeks until May.
It's like where did all the time go?!?!

  Hi Jerrica,

    No one is trying to get rid of you. Glad you have returned even.



No worries Jeanette I only jest about being gotten rid off.

Always nice to be to hear people are glad to see me though :)


Ah what the heck you're all around I'm gonna have a whine/laugh  ;D

I'm a bit bored as I won't allow myself to exercise until after the 3 month mark just in case something goes wrong.
It shouldn't but if I do what I'm told and something goes wrong then it's not my fault and that's easier to deal with than if I considered myself at fault.

Anyhoo on with the fun of my brain going in circles.

Eat LessEat More
Lose weightGain weight
Smaller BreastsBigger breasts

So yeah I'm wanting to lose weight but grow bigger breasts so anything apart from "normal" eating will land me in the red. No probs I hear you say.... exercise is the key!!!!

ExerciseDon't Exercise
Lose weightDon't lose weight
Risk of damageFinish healing
Tone upLook like Jabba
Gain/maintain muscleLose muscle

So I want to lose weight, finish healing, tone up and lose muscle  :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

It's like my Papa used to say "You cannae win!!!".

Short term I've decided sod it and had numerous treat days which is as good a way as any to pass the time.
I'll have another 2-3 weeks of not really caring, then go for a weigh in and get back to work on my body.

The gym and dieting awaits but not today  >:-)


hey girls so one other big thing to mention. after my follow up with the doctor in February when I went to get my prescriptions there was a Spiro shortage. so instead of that they gave me aldactone. over the course of the following 4 or 5 weeks I got sicker and sicker and never made the connection. So by sicker I mean severe stomach pain, nausea vomiting loss of appetite. runny nose and my ears kept closing which would screw with my balance. with all that i also wasn't sleeping. No fun at all. so it seems I can't take aldactone. will have to talk to the doctor about an alternative as it seems Spiro shortages are somewhat common here.

oh and, I hate to jinx it but I might have begun a breast growth spurt. Yay!!


Oh dear I can't remember why but I did have an "uh oh" moment as soon as I read Aldactone. Maybe you can use your reaction and Spiro shortage as leverage for an orchi. My own chemical focus was very narrow shooting just for E & Spiro I never considered other options tbh sorry hon.

Breast growth spurt though..... yay you ya lucky witch ;)

As they say in Glasgow "You'd fall in the Clyde (river) and come out with a salmon" :D


lol Jerrica, as exciting as a growth spurt is.... and I am getting a lot of pains and discomfort.... so it's seeming more likely. lucky for me they are brief and pass in seconds... I've had a lot of development around the nipples and general fat accumulation around the chest I still don't even have distinguishable breasts, so I have a longgggggggg way to go.

As for an orchi as I understand it if they pay for an orchi they won't pay for SRS for a couple years after. so that isn't a good option. but that could be wrong too. I'll talk to my doctor. 


That's funny cause I am on Androcur. Same thing i think.
It's supposed to be far better as regards a blocker.
Maybe it was really working well and droped your T to nothing?
Or maybe just a reaction to it lol
I have had no bother, my changes have been gradual, boobs are coming along great for 5'11" and 65kg
Talk to the doc for sure



Quick update to explain my extended absence,  and I'll probably be gone for a while again.

First,  we started running shirt on time to finish this house,  meaning less money coming in,  landlord sold our house and haven't been accepted into a new one out of 20 apps,  only have 3 weeks left, landlord is constantly coming over and pointing out obvious repairs we are responsible for, and today,  to top it all off,  my truck broke down so no way to make dump runs and had to spend house savings to fix other car. The motor on my truck is seized... While trying to turn the harmonic balancer I slipped and bruised my rids so it hurts like hell to even breath.

AND... Apparently since I started being more brave about having nails painted, people in town have been refering to us as the cross dressing crew and spreading crap about us so I havent been able to be myself in lime 2 weeks.

It is honestly too much. I don't know how much more can go wrong before I lose my effing mind. Anybody got 20000 i can borrow to reset my life with😵😵😵

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Oh darling that's so horrible with all that happening at once.

God I wish I did have 20 grand but atm I'm nearer minus 10 thousand.

Between bad timing, bad luck and bad people no wonder you're feeling down. I'm just hoping you get break and everything else falls into place.

You are both strong, intelligent and resourceful women so one way or another yous will get through this.

I'll try not to pry but if you ever need to vent or whatever I'll be around.


Thank you! I do try to keep the negative to myself and my wifey... Hate spreading it. Thanjs for being there g'night 😘😘

Sent from my HTC6535LVW using Tapatalk



Your major positive thing is having each other honey.

You are both great and the rest of this stuff as big as it is right now will be just temporary.

Sleep well and sweet dreams x


Yeah I'm not good with pain but if I could get a short term agony for a C cup I'll take it.
Eek an either/or option is brutal. Guess they'll just have to give you your SRS now instead.

Colour me as jealous as ever  :D but perhaps also the answer to my problem.
At 65kg your breast development is going well now that I can work with.
I should have remembered your stats and saved myself a lot of guesswork lol
Never easy knowing you've got 1 shot to build your breasts with no do overs.

Think I need to back to just looking after everything else and let nature take its course instead of trying to optimise it like a game.

All I need now is to hear about an anorexic girl that still grew decent breasts and I'll be cured.


I have been super chill about my changes, seems the more people look from em the less they get :/
I don't really want big boobs anyway. So whatever I get will do lol.
The only thing I really want is for my hips to keep going, and I should be able even if I just start squaring and leg work.

And unfortunately Tasha I'm in the same boat as Jerrica, pretty much 10k in debt for my E30.
Will blast that all away at the end of the year though :@



For the most part I've been the same and don't so much chase changes than fear somehow screwing myself up. My breasts did shrink while I was away but whether that was due to coming off my meds or my new diet was unknown. I've since been back on my meds and eating more and they have grown. Guess I should try my diet again and see what happens but fear of harming my final results sucks.

Still not used to "fear" of all the emotions etc I got back I could have done without that one  :laugh:

I'm gonna keep it simple and go back to what I was doing previously.


I think boobs will blow up anyway if you put on weight.
I've seen it before with cis girls.
And often the boobs are the last to loose fat, they always look big even you become thin again .
I think anyway.... Lol



As conflicted as ever I want everything  ;)

Want to be a skinny witch with reasonable (C probably although a full B might do) firm breasts.
Wanna make my super fit, ultra hot cousins jealous some day - Mwahahahahahahaha >:-)

I don't ask for much  :-*


So good to hear from you ladies.

Tasha so sorry things are not going well. Stay strong and stick to your guns (not literally of course lol). Things will get better in time.

Sarah, hope you feel better soon. Seems like I have heard you speak of not feeling well often. Talk to your doc and get it resolved. Last thing you need is a bad reaction to something. Best of luck.

Jerrica, so happy to hear of your progress with surgery and such. So exciting. It's like reaching the finish line in the long road of transition.

As I have said before, not much going on except unpacking and trying to make my new house my own. I think I too am having nice results.  Boobs are growing nicely. Would love to dump the forms but still not enough volume for my liking. They are such a pain.   I wear a B bra which is definitely still too big without the forms. It's so frustrating since with the forms, the bra might be over full but without them, too much room inside still. A friend recently mentioned she thought my hips were filling in nicely. I have gained a bit of weight so that could account for the hips and boobs filling in. Just wish I could get rid of the belly. Ugh. I think occasionally I do notice my face being different and more feminine when I look in the mirror. I hope it continues. Wish I started my transition at a younger age. Oh well. Nothing I can do about that.

Of course, still loving being me. That other guy was so boring. Hehe

It's been fun comparing notes since some of us are in about the same stage in our transition.

Thanks for all the updates. You girls are fricken beautiful!


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Been trying to find myself since 4/5/16. Was lost before then. Still long road ahead.



It's great that you managed to get a house Jenny.
That will be my next big thing, trying to buy a house back home in Ireland.
But not for a few more years.
Well I have been looking a little at SRS here in Switzerland, I have found a guy who does It here.
I must see
I will hopefully go for a consultation soon. To check how everything looks.
My changes so far have been minimal but everything that could have has changed a little
You look so much happier Jenny too and your hair looks really good too.




Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Been trying to find myself since 4/5/16. Was lost before then. Still long road ahead.
