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Hi everyone, It's my Birthday!!!

Started by SarahElizabeth1981, February 25, 2016, 11:11:27 PM

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Oh I did think of one curiosity that catches my mind occasionally.

My skin is changing colour on my head.
The areas I didn't have hair on have gone lighter.

No idea what if anything it means but obv I'm hopeful that it might be a precursor to hair growth.
If I was to have a new hairline the newly coloured parts would be a perfect match.

Hard to say conclusively if anything has changed but I'd swear I can see wee hairs growing.
Probably just wishful thinking but who knows.........


Hey girls so appointment #2 for the week is done. it was in another city about an hour and half south of me. I took a friend who's parents live there. she got to visit with them while I went to my appointment.

it was the funnest appointment I've had. we mostly just chatted about things. the bad news however was that I'm going to have to wait until January 3rd of next year to apply for funding. there was some good news they budgeted for 25 surgeries a year however about a third of people don't go through with surgery. so they weren't completing 25 surgeries a year. last year they funded and completed 35 surgeries though. so to account for the people that don't go through with surgery they are approving 46 people and completing another 35 surgeries this year. so hopefully it shortens the wait for surgery. hopefully by the time I apply for funding it won't take that long to actually get it done. 


A shame for the wait but always better something than nothing.

Hard to imagine not going through with surgery but hey ho.

Pity you can't say you'll take a cancellation at like 5 mins notice.
Y'know with people all ready to go ahead then the patient leaves a hole in the wall and ta da a wasted day for the hospital staff is saved when you turn up  ;D

Fingers crossed that you'll get through their list quickly x


Well this thread has been incredibly quiet.  I assume it's because we have all been busy living life.  I have some down time and I figured it's time for a nice long update on me!  I have talked to a few of you off Susan's so this may be a rehash.

I got a new job back in July.  Nothing fancy, but a much needed stream of income.  I am Amber at work and that is just awesome.  I was definitely self conscious for the first two weeks since this job entails dealing with the public.  However, it has been totally validating.  No issues, no jerks, lots of ma'am and miss.  Just awesomeness.  Plus since I am a lot more active and eating healthier I've dropped 13 pounds since starting.  I'm working to make sure this trend continues.

I had my 1 year endo visit.  My levels are doing fine and we are pretty much in maintenance mode.   I still would like my E a little bit higher (it's at 128). But I'm getting results and T is in a good spot (26) so it's not worth rocking the boat over.  So nice to not have to go back for 6 months.

I am planning to move forward with getting my name changed in September.  I was mapping out our expenses and realized I have the money to file by mid-month.  That's crazy and awesome.  I called a place about electrolysis to do some pricing.  Turns out I can afford to start that by the end of September.  I discovered my insurance covers orchiectomy, but requires 2 letters.  I broached the subject with my therapist and she is totally okay with writing a letter.  So we are going to spend a little bit of time discussing gender stuff over the next few sessions (I am seeing her for ADHD primarily) and then she will have enough to do that for me.  I will just have to lock down a second letter and I can move forward with planning that.

I have been continuing to bang my head against a brick wall trying to get my ADHD treated.  No one that deals with it seems to accept my insurance.  I have been looking to get a formal evaluation done, but everyone listed seems to only accept my insurance for psychotherapy, not testing.  It's been very demoralizing.  However, I just found out that the office my therapist is at (they historically haven't dealt with adult ADHD) is just drafted guidelines to begin working with adult ADHD.  Apparently, the neuropsychology people accepted my referral and I will hopefully hear from them soon.

We found out that my wife's family has been talking crap about us behind our backs over the last few months.  Apparently, according to the rumors, she doesn't agree with my transition and is now a prisoner in a loveless marriage,  she is miserable, and the kids aren't taking my transition well, etc.  Funny thing is that if any of them bothered to talk to her they would find that these rumors are the exact opposite of the truth.  I feel sorry for my wife.  I am used to my family being a disappointment, this is a new thing for her to deal with.  I told her that I was sorry that I happened to be the catalyst of this, but that type of behavior had always been present among them.

I had noticed over the past few months that I have been developing a more feminine shape.  It's hard to not see it as wishful thinking.  Well I took some measurements when I started work and 3 weeks later and got some neat data.  My under bust dropped 1.5 inches and my over bust stayed the same.  My waist dropped 2.25 inches, while my hips grew 1.75 inches despite losing 13 pounds.  I'm not crazy and it's frickin neat to have data to support these changes.

So many positive changes all happening in rapid succession is just swell.  Aside from being on hormones this last year just felt like a situation of no forward progress regarding transition.

How are all of you ladies doing?

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That's really great about getting the job and hopefully being able to advance all these little pieces of your transition.
The smack behind your backs is typical, thers alwayshas gonna be some dud spitting crap, it's sadly how the world goes.
And it's good work on the body changes too.
I haven't been having the best time with loosing my appartement and must leave the country by the end of the year, it has stagnated alot of my transition.
When I get home I will take care of my name change.
Other than trying to stay positive this last week of my holidays, aint much been happening. After this it's 3 months grind and I am home free :)
Hope you all are well.



So by the end of the year will you be back in Ireland?  It's terrible that you are being forced out.  Luckily for you, you are 10 years younger than I, so life putting the breaks on transition isn't proportionally as wasted [emoji6].

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Yep, mid December I'd guess.
My boss is a damn rat. Tossing me for my problem, it has never effected work in anyway.
Oh this won't slow down my transition either, don't worry about that



Yeah it's always fun to have a jerk for a boss.  At least you will be home for Christmas.

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Yay now I'm friends with most of you on Facebook and I can keep up with what all of you crazy ladies are up to.  Also, next paycheck I will have the money to file for a name change with the courthouse.  So much awesomeness!

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We are all connected anyway :)
Though my Facebook is pretty dead lol



I don't use mine much to post, but I like reading updates from others.  Unfortunately many of us have reached a point where we don't post here much because we are just busy living life now.

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Quote from: amberwaves on August 30, 2017, 09:06:35 AM
I don't use mine much to post, but I like reading updates from others.  Unfortunately many of us have reached a point where we don't post here much because we are just busy living life now.

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In a way it's a very good sign.

Us two duds still linger hahaha



Dudette, thank you very much [emoji39]

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Haha duds = loosers
Dudes = bros term
Dudettes = bros term for girls haha

We are just duds haha



Hey girls,
  Great to hear things are coming together for you Amber. I thought of posting an update a couple weeks ago then I realized I didn't really have much to share. most of us have stayed in touch on facebook so day to day life things I post there and this site I see more for gender and transition related things.

  so all of my measurements are up. which is good for the hips and bust but I'm seriously POed my waist has continued to go up. grrrrr!  after a few months of little change my boobs are growing again. it seems changing my HRT regime has been a good thing. I was hoping I would get enough growth that I wouldn't want a boob job but it was always a long shot and it doesn't look like I will. but I'm still hoping.

I've been dealing with some health issues the last couple of months. Abdominal pain and bleeding. Things finally hit a breaking point last week. I ended up in emergency three times last week, the last time by ambulance.  a whole lot of tests, xrays, ultra sound, a CT scan and a procedure and still not sure what's going on.  I have another CT scan in a couple hours. the analysis of the tissue samples they took should come back soon. so, between that and this latest scan hopefully I will get some answers.

The doctor has also put me on a restricted diet. I'm following the fodmap diet with the addition of no red meat. if you don't know what that is you can google.  ;D


Oh that sounds terrible Sarah.  I hope they find out what's wrong soon.

Its still very early for you to be so pessimistic about breast growth.   Remember that you got a late start because the Dr had you on the wrong stuff.  As far as the waist going up, do you think it's related to swelling or anything from all the abdominal issues?

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yeah I've been a wreck the last couple of months.  the increase in the hips I think is fat because it's  you know more padded. the increase in the abdomen I'm hoping is some swelling, inflammation or something but my weight is also up 8 lbs so i don't know. everything has come back normal so it doesn't seem like that would be the case

You're right Amber and I am hoping for the best for boob growth. I had the same thought about the hormones. maybe I will still get a couple of years of good growth. the have been pretty active for a while now. I've added a 1 1/2 cm in the last month and a bit. a few more cm and I'll be a B cup... i'm getting there slowly but surely.


So an amazing thing happened at work the other day.  I got hit on by a lesbian coworker.  It was surreal.  I had never considered that could even happen.  Likely because as a guy, who was rather unexceptional in appearance, I had only ever been hit on twice by a woman, without having initiated the flirting first.  I had prepared myself mentally for the possibility of being hit on by a guy.

I thought it was just pleasant conversation for about 10 minutes.  She gave me a few compliments about my nails and such (not an uncommon occurrence). Then a few subtle references that she was gay, once again, I thought nothing of it.  Then suddenly there was casual touching and it hit me what was going on.  OMFG!  I played it cool and started flashing my wedding band and talking about my spouse and kids.  Talk about validation.

I had a >-bleeped-< eating grin the whole rest of the shift.  I couldn't wait to call my wife and the end of the shift and tell her.  I don't particularly think of myself as pretty. I know I'm not unattractive, but with the weight issues and the lifelong self image problems I just don't see myself that way.  Holy crap, maybe the mirror is lying to me.  I know I pass physically, but I always thought my mannerisms and speech outted me.  I guess that's not as bad as I thought either.  It's quite flattering.

I was telling a friend of mine about it and she was unsurprised.  She was like, your very pretty why would it surprise you.  Apparently, it's more than just my physical appearance.  I guess I have confidence, doesn't feel that way usually, and just give off that vibe that I am a nice person.  Turns out she is Bisexual so I take the compliment even more highly.

A few takeaways from this.  One is that I guess I'm better than I give myself credit for.  Two, since transitioning I have clearly become a happier person.  Three, all those years of poor self image were likely based on faulty perception.  So many years wasted on self hatred.  It's sometimes very surreal to think that this is my life now and this is who I am.  I am just  glad to finally be a happier person.  Still have a lot of work to do on that, but there's light at the end of tunnel.

I realize this post is a bit of a humblebrag, but I'm going to ride this wave for a while.  It's just so awesome that I felt the need to share.


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Hey girls,
       Not sure if anyone is still paying any attention to this post but I thought I would post something. So this weekend is thanksgiving in Canada. went to a family dinner tonight. I was really hesitant to go at all as there are a couple people that aren't comfortable with my transition and at least one person that is quite adverse to it. it wasn't that bad. I wasn't dead named or mis-gendered. but other then my aunt no one really talked to me either. I was actually just bored out of my mind. I think I will be skipping the next family dinner.


Jeez some people are just pathetic Sarah.
I would definitely skip the next one too, F that
