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Overcoming fear

Started by Dennis, January 26, 2006, 03:49:11 PM

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So...I auditioned for the bass part in a small singing group last night. I have a big fear about singing in front of people (always had it) in other than a large choir. I decided to get over it and try out for the group. Even if I don't make it, at least I've taken one more step toward conquering the fear.

It went fine. My voice didn't betray how terrified I was. I don't know if I got the part yet, but I'm glad I did it.



Way to go Dennis.

I'm not sure I would be able to do something like that at my stage of transition.  I hope that you get the part.  But as you said, "It's another step forward".




I honestly think that you are brave and deep down inside, almost completely fearless -(at least much more than you actually give yourself credit for) - you do truly reek of it somehow - 
i think you probably know that I love you, dear friend, and as well, i think that you can actually
feel it -(one likes to hope...)...
it just came very naturally somehow - when you came along i sensed strongly in my guts that you were real good people, and they've made a good choice in making you a moderator here as well... 
i am always deeply glad in my heart to see you whenever you are here - 
I think that you are a really truly good-hearted person and that you will never have any problem going through dealing with any of your fears, when it simply comes down to the line of it, eh ?

Salute - hopefully many more extremely positive public appearances will be coming for you....
Lovingly always,

Level the playing field


Quote from: Dennis on January 26, 2006, 03:49:11 PM
So...I auditioned for the bass part in a small singing group last night. I have a big fear about singing in front of people (always had it) in other than a large choir. I decided to get over it and try out for the group. Even if I don't make it, at least I've taken one more step toward conquering the fear.

It went fine. My voice didn't betray how terrified I was. I don't know if I got the part yet, but I'm glad I did it.


I recall courage being defind as doing a task (usually unplesant) even though you are afraid.

Congratulations on trying out.  It IS a big first step!



Dennis that is super. What kinda music was it it?



The group sings jazz/gospel/pop. They're accompanied by a band and sing with mikes, 12 person 4 part harmony, sometimes 6 part.

My audition song was pop - Dust in the Wind by Kansas. Accompanied myself on guitar (it seems to help if you have something to hide behind. Especially if you're worried about a packer slipping ;)  )

I still haven't heard whether I got it. Even if I do get it, I'm going to be intimidated as hell the first few rehearsals because they're so good. Will be funny, though, if I do. Transguy beats out the bioguys for the part. The director knows I'm trans, but most of the members don't.

Thanks for the encouragement ladies. I'll let you know as soon as I hear.



I love that song. It's my favorite Kansas piece. Can't listen to it too often. It always makes me cry. I can usually hold the tears back until it gets to the violin solo. By songs end I usually have to dry my face and eyes and pull myself together. My oldest brother knows one of the band members. He lives in Atlanta. My brother told him how he made me cry and how much I loved the song. He was very touched by it and passed it on to the rest of the group.




Congratulations on confronting your fears straight on!

I hope you get the part to, but if you don't at least you learned something about yourself that will make it easier for you the next time you audition.

Follow your heart and reach for the stars.




You're looking at Just in Time's newest, shortest, and cutest bass singer. Beat out the bioboys for the part!


I'm getting a CD of their music in February. I'll try and post a clip when I do.



Quote from: Dennis on January 27, 2006, 08:31:27 AM

You're looking at Just in Time's newest, shortest, and cutest bass singer. Beat out the bioboys for the part!


I'm getting a CD of their music in February. I'll try and post a clip when I do.

Fabulous! Congrats!



Yahoooooooooooooooooooo Dennis,

But if I may - I think you would be the handsomest :)  You are obviously the right man for the job.



Way to go Dennis! How exciting. I'm so happy for you.  :eusa_clap: :eusa_dance:


Sarah Louise

Nameless here for evermore!;  Merely this, and nothing more;
Tis the wind and nothing more!;  Quoth the Raven, "Nevermore!!"


WOW!  Way to go, bro!! :icon_2gun: Who woulda thunk it.  And bass, too.  Can you really sing that low?  I'm jealous.  ::)

Anyhow, if they ever record a CD with you on it, you'd better share that one with all of us!

Congrats  ;D


I do sing bass. I used to sing tenor before T. I don't have the lowest bass range, but I do have most of it. It's nice to have such a good low range, but it's been at the expense of a lot of my high range. I hope I get that back someday.



Congratulations Dennis. Well done.



Hey, congratulations Dennis.  :)


That is stellar Dennis, congratulations!

I hope it turns out to be more fun than you expect! (=

P.s. What do you mean "cutest" ? *wink*


Wow! That's great buddy:) Smash them!


That is great new Dennis. Congrats on a job well done. SHOW ME THE MONEY!!!
