Yet another medically interesting day...
I did my 1 year (OK, 13 month) followup on my Gender Confirmation Surgery (GCS) with the reconstructive surgeon. Everything looks properly healed up. I then asked about revisions to remove some irritation and discomfort, and improve the appearance.
He suggested three changes: pulling the upper parts of the labia together to partially cover the clitoris; a small revision to improve definition of the labia; and an adjustment to the posterior commisure to open the floor of the vaginal opening slightly, removing a source of discomfort on dilation or penetration.
OK, that sounds like it will address the irritation and discomfort issues.
He then asked about breast augmentation (BA), which I had not expected. I mentioned that I had seen another surgeon about that, but no dates had been scheduled. The surgeon explained that he could easily do the revision and BA during the same surgery, which would save me a pass of general anesthesia and some recovery time. The procedures would likely not even require an overnight stay.
He went over a few details, and then had a nurse bring in their 'sizing tray' of implants. I tried on a number of sizes, and for what I would like I think that 275-325 cc implants would be about right. I'm smallish, 5'7", 135 lbs, 34" band size. These didn't look 'topheavy'.
With all of this recorded, the surgeon sent in his scheduler. I now have a date for BA and the labiaplasty revision, March 22, 2019. Wow!
I had to celebrate in my own odd way, so I went out for a late breakfast at The Grove on Fillmore for their French Toast and coffee, taking Laurie along in the phone... Yum! After breakfast I walked several miles, my thing, and wound up in North Beach. Lunch was coffee and pannacotta at Stella's.
I eventually did come home.
Interesting medical outcome that I hadn't expected, but definitely appreciate, and a fun walk to stretch afterward.