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worried about my friend

Started by 042095, October 25, 2016, 09:30:59 PM

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Hi sorry to bother I just made this account so I can try to help my friend Emily I'm worried about her. She's told me she has an account here so I hope I can help her or someone that knows her here can reach out. Not meaning to intrude  her privacy but she's told me about having autism and how she's having trouble getting help with that and she's mentioned she was asking around the internet but she says she's not having luck with that either. I think it's taking a bigger toll on her emotional state than she's telling me and it bothers me I can't be there to comfort her. I ask anyone here that may either know her or has talked to her to please talk or comfort her make sure she doesn't try to harm herself or something else irrational. I know she needs to get help but her living situation doesn't allow her the internet is the only thing that can help her for now.     


Welcome to Susan's Place. We are willing to talk to anybody who wants to talk to us. Emily is a common name on this site and your friend may have used another name when signing up. We have a number of members who have autism and they can receive treatment and transition.

Another possible issue is many people become members of this site and never make a post. It is very difficult to work with somebody if they are unwilling to talk with us. We will do what we can for Emily as we do for everybody on the site but it may not be possible for us to help.

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Rebirth Date 1982 - PMs are welcome - Use [email][/email] or Discord if your unable to PM - Skype is available - My Transition
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I think she might go by emily ryan that's what she goes by on other internet accounts please talk to her even if you can't help her I know she'll appreciate any comfort anyone gives her and I'd appreciate it too.


The main things to remember in life are Love, Kindness, Understanding and Respect - Always make forward progress

Superficial fanny kissing friends are a dime a dozen, a TRUE FRIEND however is PRICELESS

- V M


I'm a close friend of her and one of few that she trusts


You do understand that this is an information site. We help people with idea and information but in the end, to transition the person wanting to transition has to do the hard work. There are people on the site who have attempted more than one transition but for one reason or another aborted the transition and are now making another attempt. You need to encourage your friend to get out and keep trying even if she fails because in the end, only she can make her life into what she wants it to be.
Rebirth Date 1982 - PMs are welcome - Use [email][/email] or Discord if your unable to PM - Skype is available - My Transition
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She is trying there's only so much she can do please at least talk to her

I search through some topics I and found this:,214000.0.html that's her


If you do additional searches you will find we have been working with her for months and I have received PMs from people who quit posting on her thread because they were tired of their help being rejected. We can only do so much and like many on the site it may take years before she is ready for the difficult task of transitioning. Transition takes time, effort and hard work. It took me 8 years from coming out until surgery in times when help was very hard to find. I didn't have the internet and there were few books published on the subject. There are site members with 20 years between their first and second transition. We have made many suggestions to Emily and she has plenty of ideas to work with but she hasn't been following up on our suggestions. I suspect when she tells about the efforts she has made, people will offer more suggestions.
Rebirth Date 1982 - PMs are welcome - Use [email][/email] or Discord if your unable to PM - Skype is available - My Transition
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Not condoning her actions but what would you suggest someone who is on the spectrum can't get a job to do?


How did I transition when the only thing I knew about was in the newspapers? It was a constant obsession. I would read everything I could get my hands on. When I went to Arizona State University, I went through 5 stories of books to come up with about half a dozen useful books that I read cover to cover several times. I looked for doctors and followed up on any clue I could find in the real world.

Emily dismisses most every suggestion we come up with as she can't do it, it's to hard or it takes to long. There is no fast, easy way to transition. See needs to find out what she is good at by doing it. If you give up, you will stall out and not get anywhere. We have many people on the spectrum that have found work without a diagnosis. If you use a condition as an excuse for not being able to accomplish something, you won't accomplish anything. I didn't let the fact I was transsexual stop me. I lived for 16 years with constant depression but I didn't take help when it was offered. Every cent that paid for my transition, I earned. I would work with depression, my time off I would deal with depression and my only escape was sleep at night.

I am sure if Emily makes up her mind not to let this stop her and she keeps trying, she will find something she can do. Perhaps it will be her photographic ability. Yes it take time but every millionaire made that million a dollar at a time. A few dollars here, a few dollars there, they all add up over time. You need to get Emily to stop feeling sorry for her self and try as many things as possible. 

I have seen pictures of handicapped people born without arms but it didn't stop them. Anything you can do with your hands, they could do with their feet. The could eat, dress themselves, wash themselves, operate a keyboard or write with their feet. There are many other handicaps but the important thing  is those people decided they weren't going to let it stop them so they succeeded. Emily has to learn this lesson and until she does, she will fail.

One final though, you might have a movie night with Emily and pick Just a Little Inconvenience as the movie. The man who lost his leg in the movie lost his leg as the result of a motor cycle accident. While the movie may be fictional, many people have been taught to ski with only one or no legs and the adjustment process mirrors what many returning war veterans faced in real life.
Rebirth Date 1982 - PMs are welcome - Use [email][/email] or Discord if your unable to PM - Skype is available - My Transition
If you are helped by this site, consider leaving a tip in the jar at the bottom of the page or become a subscriber


She's trying more than you think and both me and my mom agree she needs extra help with getting a job my mom worked 25 years as a social worker and worked with young adults that were on the spectrum while I don't condone Emily rejecting suggestions given she does the same to me but I refuse to give up some can't help their condition no matter how much they try to change and for someone on the spectrum it can be mentally exhuasting and some get easily overwhelmed by the enviroment and Emily is one of those seen it many times luckily I know how to calm her down she's better than she used to be but I don't think that can be fixed no I'm saying the world needs to adjust to her but needs to understand she sees the world differently than us. Until she's officially diagnosed she can't get the help she really needs if I had the money I would pay to help her. Please do not give up on her I understand there's only so much can you can do but at least talk to her.


I am very happy that Emily has the support of your Mum and yourself. I see no evidence that people are ignoring Emily, the concern I have is that Emily is ignoring or finding it too difficult to follow the advice of anyone who is supporting her.

Maybe your Mum and you can help her by accompanying her to work situations and see if she can get a part time job for now? As you are in her environment she may be more willing to listen to you than she is to the members here.



Another problem Emily has is her living situation with her parents they're very conservative even more than mine when she came out to them they no longer let me and her see each other only time we get to is on campus but the college we go to has more than one campus and I moved to one the other campuses for my job so I don't get to see Emily like I used to and that along with Emily's living situation there's not a lot she can do
it's making her act more desperate than I seen her before she doesn't know what to do about getting out if she can just get out of her parents my mom and I can possibly help her on her feet but we need a way to get her out and as much as my family loves her we're not exactly in position to take her in so where will she goes if she leaves her home that what's keeping her from leaving. If anyone can give some input for her to get out it'll not only be helpful but maybe then she'll listen to suggestions more I know her main problem is she gets overwhelmed easily but once she clears one hurdle we can help her cope better.


Quote from: 042095 on October 26, 2016, 01:46:20 AM
If anyone can give some input for her to get out it'll not only be helpful but maybe then she'll listen to suggestions more

We've already done all this. As Dena has already said she doesn't like any of the suggestions.

Just go through any of the threads she has started and read all the help we've tried to give.;area=showposts;sa=topics;u=43214


But did any of you take account of her living situation? Maybe suggest things to help that can help her follow the advice given she needs more direction other than a blunt suggestion otherwise she's going to reject everything you tell her she followed my advice well with seeing a counselor because I directed her on how to.


Quote from: Cindy on October 26, 2016, 01:26:30 AM
I am very happy that Emily has the support of your Mum and yourself. I see no evidence that people are ignoring Emily, the concern I have is that Emily is ignoring or finding it too difficult to follow the advice of anyone who is supporting her.

Maybe your Mum and you can help her by accompanying her to work situations and see if she can get a part time job for now? As you are in her environment she may be more willing to listen to you than she is to the members here.

I finally had the talk with Emily today I can confirm she's not ignoring any advice given by anyone here or me I made a realization and I'm not being mean or making fun but she really is clueless she doesn't know where to begin on the suggestions given so you are right she does find it too difficult to follow most aspies my mom worked with needed additional instruction you can't just tell them to do this and that without telling exactly how or they get lost and give up. In case anyone wondering Emily is doing ok right now she's not mad for intruding she actually feels bad I told her not to worry and she needs to calm down and listen and I'm going to make sure she does. Please continue to give her advice and I'll make sure she listens she'll listen to me at least. 


   I really believe that people here are overwhelmingly interested in helping others.  It is natural to get frustrated at times when others don't see things as clearly as we do. Actually we all have our specific areas of cloudiness in our own lives. After hearing this amazing person advocating for her friend, I think it is important to remember to offer help yes, but if it gets to the point of being frustrating maybe the better solution is to not express it. One never knows the emotional state of those who post.
   I am not in any way claiming to be an expert by saying this, but I work with kids with autism. They are some of my favorite people. They do see the world a little differently. They teach me lessens about acceptance every day. They do a good job of teaching me to be patient with someone who is different also.
   Not trying to be preachy here. Sorry if it sounds that way.
If I ever offend you, let me know. It's not what I am about.
"Never let the dark kill your light!"  (SailorMars)

HRT June 11, 2015. (new birthday) - FFS in late June 2016. (Dr. _____=Ugh!) - Full time June 18, 2016 (Yeah! finally) - GCS June 27, 2017. (McGinn=Yeah!) - Under Eye repair from FFS 8/17/17 - Nose surgery-November 20, 2017 (Dr. Papel=Yeah) - Hair Transplant on June 21, 2018 (Dr. Cooley-yeah) - Breast Augmentation on July 10, 2018 (Dr. Basner in Baltimore) - Removed bad scarring from FFS surgery near ears and hairline in August, 2018 (Dr. Papel) -Sept. 2018, starting a skin regiment on face with Retin A  April 2019 -repairing neck scar from FFS



I just wanted to briefly chime in and say that I remember seeing Emily's posts and what she was going through. Her situation is similar to mine, only I cannot know if I'm on a spectrum as she is (there is a high possibility). One of the things I am really trying to do, is instead of trying to work for others due to my own unique situation, I am actually trying to create some work for myself using new and old skills. This way I can be in control, be creative, and try and work my way from the inside out of this situation.

The hardest part is really not knowing if there will be success or failure, but putting in effort is never a waste. The only hard part I will be coming into soon, is understanding money and taxes. I understand increase, decrease, but I will have to find someone to help me understand how to pay my taxes for my business for the first time.

You can actually go online and take part in a free course on taxes on Just google irs and tax tutorial and you get a whole course. They also have a self-employment section where you can watch videos and seminars. As I said though, I have a hard issue when it comes to numbers and the taxe percentages just don't make enough sense even when doing the course. So I know I have to seek someone outside for that.

Thanks for being there for Emily and I pray she will see, or you can find a way to get her this information. Whether she takes the advice now or not, is no issues. Just her having the awareness will be enough when the time comes to take action.
What do the eyes say when you look into them? What do you see?


<3 I hope everything works out for all of you guys soon. I too am trans ad have been diagnosed with a very mild form of autism... among other things. sometimes it can be a challange, but so is life. Hope all goes well <3
AMAB Born: March 1994
Gender became on radar: 2007
Admitted to self : 2010
Came out: May 12 2014
Estrogen: October 16 2015


Quote from: SlateRDays on October 27, 2016, 09:45:35 AMinstead of trying to work for others due to my own unique situation, I am actually trying to create some work for myself using new and old skills.
Hey, if you need some advice on that, contact me: I'm a professional small business consultant as my primary source of income right now.