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worried about my friend

Started by 042095, October 25, 2016, 09:30:59 PM

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Look at yourself, you are making the same argument that Emily would make. I could paste one of your posts into her thread and nobody would be able to tell the difference. As you are not transgender, you wouldn't understand but the biggest hurtle we face as transgender is to overcome the mental barriers. If Emily's problem is that is is on the spectrum which I am unsure of at the moment as we only have her word on this, she faces the same issue of overcoming the mental barriers. Nobody can do that for her and she must do that herself.

As you don't have restrictions yourself, I assume that you have had some success in life. If you think about it, the reason you had success in schools or work is because of the hard work you put into the task. Emily hasn't put out the effort and would prefer to tell us why she can't succeed instead of fixing her problem or finding a work around where she can succeed. You can't help somebody who is unwilling to help themselves and that is what we are facing with Emily.
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WTF I give up I can't reason with you I explained again and again about Emily and her condition but you fail to realize she done more than you think on trying to better her life and you fail to take account her controlling parents who resctrict her access to get a job because they want her to do what they want her to do and the fact they refuse to acknowledge her condition or do anything about it they think she's lazy and you think so to WELL SHE'S NOT LAZY you have me all angry now I'm going to bed.


Instead of insisting emily doesn't need help why don't you stop and put yourself in her shoes as well as anybody else on the autism spectrum i have a feeling you either never interacted or worked with anybody with autism so maybe you need to educate yourself more. This is my last comment I'm making emily is on her own dealing with this site I'm done trying to help on here only to get narrow minded answers from members stuck in the last century.


Quote from: 042095 on November 07, 2016, 09:33:47 AM
Instead of insisting emily doesn't need help why don't you stop and put yourself in her shoes as well as anybody else on the autism spectrum i have a feeling you either never interacted or worked with anybody with autism so maybe you need to educate yourself more. This is my last comment I'm making emily is on her own dealing with this site I'm done trying to help on here only to get narrow minded answers from members stuck in the last century.

Emily, send me a message sometime, i have aspergers and i'm trans i can help maybe.  Dena is trying to understand but i think it's sometimes hard to grasp
Even more to the point we all tend to preserve things differently. For example if we put three people inside a room and asked them there thoughts on why the oven isn't working but we given all three people the reason behind why. Every person would probably have a different perception of how this was explained to them. Not saying anyone here was misunderstood or is right or wrong but what i'm saying is
it's best to leave it alone in a twisted way. That's probably a horrible example and iv'e probably confused you heck you're both probably reading this thinking totally different ideas of what this even means.     


I been silent long enough. Seeing some of the responses I'm honestly appalled with some of the attitudes toward people like myself.

I'm just gonna leave this here in an effort to educate those who have no clue what I go through everyday and what challenges I face in the work place:

p.s. look on page 13 that's why I supposedly make "excuses"