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Weight loss effects on HRT?-M2F

Started by Brooke, April 03, 2017, 08:44:04 PM

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I have been on hormone replacement therapy for about 10 months, 6 of which were low dose.

Current hrt protocol is
Estradiol patch
Micronized progesterone

All at full transitional dosages.
All hormone levels are within typical female ranges.

I am particularly interested in the impact of weight loss as it regards the development of secondary sex characteristics, mostly breast development.

As I have been in a consistent state of weight loss since starting I am wondering if the loss of fat (and some lean mass) is helping, hindering, or delaying the physical effects of HRT.

As Breast  development even for trans women is usually over a certain time frame, and breasts are composed mostly of fat. I don't know if the weight loss will help as it is moving the fat deposits around (minor fluctuations up/down with a general downward/weight loss trend measured over weeks/months). Or if it will hinder/prevent full potential of my breast development. Or, if it will delay the breast development but won't affect full potential of development, i.e. Just extend the development window.

I have seen quite good progress thus far, currently a solid 34-B cup

Starting weight on hormones was around 170 lbs. currently at 135 lbs. 5 ft 9" current bmi is around 19.7.

Weight loss has been semi intentional as I had rapid weight gain due to medication side effects. Top weight of 245 lbs

I would of course be interested to know of any other impact weight loss would have on cross sex hormones.




At 34B, I wouldn't really be concerned.
I am not a medical doctor, nor a scientist - opinions expressed by me on the subject of HRT are merely based on my own review of some of the scientific literature over the last decade or so, on anecdotal evidence from women in various discussion forums that I have come across, and my personal experience

On HRT since early 2004
Post-op since late 2005


Quote from: KayXo on April 03, 2017, 09:14:15 PM
At 34B, I wouldn't really be concerned.
Thanks Kay :-)
Suppose I'm just curious as to the variable.

I also wonder if my ketogenic diet- 80-% fat is offsetting the weight loss. If my body is fat adapted, I could see the availability of fat helping with breast development.

Probably nothing to really worry about.


I've lost a bit of weight since I started HRT, over 25 pounds.  I'm down to 176 from over 200.  At 5' 11", I'm now just below a BMI of 25.   I've still got fat on me and after 4+ months of hormones, I'm now a definite 38A.  I can't get bras in that size, but the 38B works fine with some room to grow into. 

A friend of mine who is also transitioning lost over 50 pounds in the same time period and I believe the same thing happened to, breast development due to lack of fat to redistribute. 

Like KayXO said, at 34B...I wouldn't worry. 
Therapy - December 2015
Out to Family - 15 September 2016
Start of Transition - 28 October 2016
Full Time - 2 November 2016
HRT - 23 November 2016
GCS - 30 April 2018 (Dr Brassard)



QuoteI'm now a definite 38A.  I can't get bras in that size

Try a proper bra shop.  They'll likely have some.  In fact, I wear a 38A and it fits quite well.  I don't know where you live, but there's one shop in North Carolina and another in Toronto that are quite happy to fit trans women.  I bought my bras from the one in Toronto.

I'm a 65 year old male who has been thinking about SRS for many years.  I also was a  full cross dresser for a few years.  I wear a bra, pantyhose and nail polish daily because it just feels right.

Started HRT April 17, 2019.


Quote from: AnneK on April 04, 2017, 07:38:31 AM
Try a proper bra shop.  They'll likely have some.  In fact, I wear a 38A and it fits quite well.  I don't know where you live, but there's one shop in North Carolina and another in Toronto that are quite happy to fit trans women.  I bought my bras from the one in Toronto.

I'm near Ottawa.  Toronto is a bit of a haul, but if you have the name of the store, perhaps there's one nearby or I can visit the next time I'm in TO.
Therapy - December 2015
Out to Family - 15 September 2016
Start of Transition - 28 October 2016
Full Time - 2 November 2016
HRT - 23 November 2016
GCS - 30 April 2018 (Dr Brassard)



Here's a link to the one in Toronto on their page about fitting men:

I've also included a link for the one in N. C.:

Of course these are not the only shops that server men, trans women etc..  There are plenty of good shops around.  All you have to do is try them.

Also, many stores have web sites where you can order what you want and have it shipped to you.
I'm a 65 year old male who has been thinking about SRS for many years.  I also was a  full cross dresser for a few years.  I wear a bra, pantyhose and nail polish daily because it just feels right.

Started HRT April 17, 2019.


Thanks for asking a question I took have been curious about as I've been in a calorie deficit nearly my entire time on HRT and had the same questions/worries as you if I was hurting/delaying physical changes because of it! Nearly same situation like you 10.5 months HRT, just under 5'9 was 243 when I started now I'm about 165ish, used to be a Mens XL/border XXL in shirts and 44 in pants now I wear Womans size M shirts with some room in them too and size 12 pants, just the mental aspects of wanting to live/motivation to lose weight/get healthy since starting HRT have been the best thing ever, never knew I'd ever smile even that time ago >_< Have just about 10 more pounds at the most to lose, I have a slightly large frame, not huge but as much as I'm jealous wishing I could be 135 pounds with my frame I'd be sickly if not completely skeletal in appearance or dead. 155 is a perfect weight for me as I'd be squarely into the healthy weight BMI, be very skinny and just enough fat in places where I want to round out, even at 165 my ribs are getting quite pokey, and face showing a bit more bones but still roundish, curse my genes/bodytype to store most of my fat in my thighs/legs!


Quote from: DuchessBianca on April 04, 2017, 10:50:47 AM
Thanks for asking a question I took have been curious about as I've been in a calorie deficit nearly my entire time on HRT and had the same questions/worries as you if I was hurting/delaying physical changes because of it! Nearly same situation like you 10.5 months HRT, just under 5'9 was 243 when I started now I'm about 165ish, used to be a Mens XL/border XXL in shirts and 44 in pants now I wear Womans size M shirts with some room in them too and size 12 pants, just the mental aspects of wanting to live/motivation to lose weight/get healthy since starting HRT have been the best thing ever, never knew I'd ever smile even that time ago >_< Have just about 10 more pounds at the most to lose, I have a slightly large frame, not huge but as much as I'm jealous wishing I could be 135 pounds with my frame I'd be sickly if not completely skeletal in appearance or dead. 155 is a perfect weight for me as I'd be squarely into the healthy weight BMI, be very skinny and just enough fat in places where I want to round out, even at 165 my ribs are getting quite pokey, and face showing a bit more bones but still roundish, curse my genes/bodytype to store most of my fat in my thighs/legs!

I am curious as to what you're Breast development has been like while losing weight, if you're open to sharing.

I totally get that motivation aspect. I think there is something (at least for me) that made me not really care about my physical appearance in male mode/life. Getting comfortable in my own skin definitely helped motivate me to see an attractive body in the mirror.

I also think that getting rid of the extra fat in typical male spots helps with finding more flattering and better fitting women's clothing. I had issues for months where my tops would fit until it got to the belly than super tight. Ended up having to go up a size and always ended up looking like I was wearing a pillowcase.

As fat doesn't actually redistribute, rather with weight fluctuations is gained and losses from different areas I found that getting as little fat on me as possible has definitely helped with my shape since I got to full hrt doses.

I definitely have a small frame- at least for a male, which is very helpful.

One of the reasons I've gotten so low with my weight is I have extra skin around my tummy- I'm basically trying to get the visceral fat there lost so the skin doesn't have anything to hang onto, and then will be eaten by my body (autophagy)

I appreciate the input- Thanks!

Tessa James

Hey Brooke,

Good for you and our sisters for working to stay fit.  I jumped back on the regular exercise wagon recently after shocking myself at a weight I won't tell about ;) 

It has been my anecdotal experience, after 4 plus years on HRT, that we often loose weight or fat from our breasts when I actually want it gone from my belly, damn>:(

That is the same story countless cisgender girls have lamented about too!  I understand that targeting exercise to our area of interest can help.  I have also noted most highly active and aerobic working girls are thin and relatively small breasted. 

As always, correlation is not causation so FWIW we join the club of remodeling women ;D
Open, out and evolving queer trans person forever with HRT support since March 13, 2013


Quote from: Tessa James on April 04, 2017, 01:46:02 PM
Hey Brooke,

Good for you and our sisters for working to stay fit.  I jumped back on the regular exercise wagon recently after shocking myself at a weight I won't tell about ;) 

It has been my anecdotal experience, after 4 plus years on HRT, that we often loose weight or fat from our breasts when I actually want it gone from my belly, damn>:(

That is the same story countless cisgender girls have lamented about too!  I understand that targeting exercise to our area of interest can help.  I have also noted most highly active and aerobic working girls are thin and relatively small breasted. 

As always, correlation is not causation so FWIW we join the club of remodeling women ;D
For sure on all of that. I know that the breast size of adult women is highly dependent on weight. I however have not been able to find any information on how Breast size is affected by weight loss in the developmental stages, i.e. For a girl during puberty.

I guess what is surprising me is that even with a consistent weight loss my breasts are developing quite well, which i didn't expect this rate of growth over such a short period of time. I'm not sure how much of this is the weight I've lost seems to be mainly from typical male regions, and thus the fat on my chest from when I was at my heaviest stayed put, or if it's actual development that will stick around regardless of weight.

Tessa James

Sounds like you may have some genetic luck going for you Brooke :)  Bottle that and you become rich and hot looking! ;D
Open, out and evolving queer trans person forever with HRT support since March 13, 2013


Quote from: Tessa James on April 04, 2017, 05:07:27 PM
Sounds like you may have some genetic luck going for you Brooke :)  Bottle that and you become rich and hot looking! ;D
If it's something I'm doing, besides the ketogenic diet it would be intermittent fasting on a daily basis.

I basically do restricted time feeding where I fast for 19 hours and eat for 5 hours.

Fasting has been shown to increase counter regulatory hormones including norepinephrine (keeps your metabolism up) and HGH- growth hormone, which typically leads to laying down of lean mass when you do finally eat.

Not sure if it's legal to bottle and sell those. Hmmmm.....