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Recently had ffs and just wanted to share my experience

Started by Justarandomname, August 13, 2017, 01:59:22 AM

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So as a preface, I'm in my 30's, been on hrt for a bit over 2 years and had ffs not too long ago.  (sorry, this is long)

The procedures I had done were:

Type III remodeling
Orbital rim contouring
Lift lift
Tracheal shave
Jaw contouring
Chin implant (basically took the bone from my jaw and reshaped it before placing on my chin)

I stayed in Belgrano in Buenos Aires for about a month and just want to say that I felt incredibly safe and relaxed there.  My daughter and I walked to do our grocery shopping, eat dinner, or do errands and even when we took walks in the evening, she mentioned how it felt safer there than it did in the US.  After about a week and a half after the surgery, my daughter and I used Uber and pretty much went everywhere to sight see.

One thing I recommend is that you should take someone with you at least for the first week.  My ex came with me and she pretty much took care of me for the first week.  Taking daily pictures, making sure I took my medication on time, making sure that I had enough soft foods and she even helped me bath the first time I was able to do so after the surgery.  Seriously, I don't think I could have done all that by myself.


    Day of surgery:

    I was taken to the hospital at about 7am and had to make sure that I had my passport as you need it to register with the hospital for surgery.  The hospital itself was top notch, like it felt pretty upscale.  (Also, pretty much all the doctors looked like soap opera stars.  Seriously, either they all had plastic surgery or being hot is a requirement for medical school. My ex was joking about how she was going to fake an injury just to get seen.  )

    I get wheeled into the operating room and as soon as I'm on the operating table, I can't stop shaking and next thing you know, I'm awake and told that the they are done with the operation.  The surgery started at about 7:30 am and ended at about 4:30pm.  All I can say is that the first day was the most miserable day I've ever experienced. 

    Since I had to fast (no food or liquids) for about 12 hours before surgery, by the time I woke up, my throat was raw and all I wanted to do was get some water and spit the phlem out of my mouth.  I pretty much couldnt move anything other than my eyes and although I didn't feel any pain, just the discomfort was, well, extremely discomforting. 

    I just want to say that the after care was excellent though.  I had an orderly constantly checking on me, someone came with water and meals (I didn't eat until a doctor told me that I needed the calories to help the recovery process), and in the evening, a doctor from the surgeon's office stayed in the room the whole night, she was really nice and spoke impeccable English.

    Day 2:

    One of the surgeons came into the room, asked me how I was doing, removed the little blood bags attached to my bandages and told me that I would be sent back to my apartment.  I was taken home via Uber by liasion and pretty much slept most of the day.  I have to admit that being back in the apartment was so much better than the hospital, especially the bed, it must have been the most uncomfortable bed I've ever slept on.  I've also started feeling a bit better than the first day although I started swelling and still really couldn't move my mouth to eat or drink easily.

    Day 3:

    My swelling became so bad that 2 of the surgeons came by the apartment at about 2pm and gave me a cortisone shot.  I felt like I was going to faint, vomit, and became incredibly nauseous immediately after the shot.  Anyway, after that went away, I felt a bit better and the swelling started to go down after getting some sleep.  They also took off my face bandage.

    Day 4-7:

    I started feeling better and even though I was still swollen and only on soft foods, I was able to start chewing a bit, although not that well, and still had a problem with drooling due to the lack of feeling in my lower lip. 

    Day 8-11:

    Pretty much stopped using pain killers that they gave me and felt somewhat human again.  Pain did come back but it wasn't too bad.  I took the maybe a pain killer if I really needed it. The surgeon came by to check on me at the apartment and removed my nose cast. 

    Day 12+

    At this point, I felt good enough to go out and do some sight seeing with my daughter.  My face was still swollen, especially my nose, and the visible stitches made me self conscious but since she was getting bored, we decided to explore a bit.

    I finally had all my stitches removed about 3 1/2 weeks after the surgery and flew home the next day.

I just want to say that I am very happy with the results.  My surgeon was recommended to me by my GP doctor and my therapist who both mentioned that they have a clients who went to him with beautiful results.  (My GP called him an artist with ffs) and I have met a few women who went to him.  I initially looked into 3 different surgeons but went with him after research and consults.  (Please please make sure you really do your research and talk to people who went to the surgeons if possible before deciding)

Anyway, sorry for making this so long.  If anyone wants pictures, I might post the lower portion of my face and maybe the forehead since I prefer not to post full photos for privacy sake.



Quote from: Justarandomname on August 13, 2017, 01:59:22 AM
So as a preface, I'm in my 30's, been on hrt for a bit over 2 years and had ffs not too long ago.  (sorry, this is long)

The procedures I had done were:

Type III remodeling
Orbital rim contouring
Lift lift
Tracheal shave
Jaw contouring
Chin implant (basically took the bone from my jaw and reshaped it before placing on my chin)

Hallo You! [emoji4]

Thanks for sharing your experience! I am planning on having FFS sometime around February or March 2018 with Dr. Bart Van De Ven and Joel Defrancq, in Antwerp, Belgium, and will be undergoing basically the same procedures as you, with some differences:

[emoji830]forehead recontouring type 3 with hairline recontouring and browlift (incl. orbital rim shaving)
[emoji830]lip lift
[emoji830]jaw angle reduction and chin recontouring
[emoji830]lower jaw setback (although this will probably be a separate procedure)
[emoji830]cheeks and nasolabial lipofilling

I plan on having a part of my body contour surgery, with Dr. Maarten Doornaert, during the same hospital stay (normally two days later), which will for sure include breast augmentation and possibly tummy tuck +/- hip augmentation (through lipofilling).
It's obviously a fairly aggressive surgery and I'm anticipating lots of swelling and probably pain, although my pain threshold is relatively high. It's always interesting to read random accounts of people who have gone through the same, so your account was certainly not in vain!

Thank you for your story!

Hugs, Sarah

Sent from my SM-T810 using Tapatalk



Thanks Sarah,

I wish you the best with your surgery and recovery!  One thing I really recommend is that you take someone with you if you can.  The initial days of recovery are incredibly rough.

I personally didn't experience much pain but not being able to breath through your nose, not being able to move your mouth to eat or drink, and swelling of the face can make recovery pretty unpleasant. 

Anyway, take care and hope that you are as happy with the results as I am!


Hi, May I ask who the doctor is and the costs for the procedures? Thank you.
HRT  5-28-2013
FT   11-13-2015
FFS   9-16-2016 -Spiegel
GCS 11-15-2016 - McGinn
Hair Grafts 3-20-2017 - Cooley
Voice therapy start 3-2017 - Reene Blaker
Labiaplasty 5-15-2017 - McGinn
BA 7-12-2017 - McGinn
Hair grafts 9-25-2017 Dr.Cooley
Sataloff Cricothyroid subluxation and trachea shave12-11-2017
Dr. McGinn labiaplasty, hood repair, scar removal, graph repair and bottom of  vagina finished. urethra repositioned. 4-4-2018
Dr. Sataloff Glottoplasty 5-14-2018
Dr. McGinn vaginal in office procedure 10-22-2018
Dr. McGinn vaginal revision 2 4-3-2019 Bottom of vagina closed off, fat injected into the labia and urethra repositioned.
Dr. Thomas in 2020 FEMLAR
  • skype:Rachel?call


Quote from: Rachel on August 14, 2017, 06:33:25 PM
Hi, May I ask who the doctor is and the costs for the procedures? Thank you.

Sure, I went with Dr. Di Maggio.  The total cost of all the procedures came out to $27,500.00 USD.  The thing is, I don't think many women outside of his former patients realize what a true artist he really is when it comes to ffs.  I'm glad I went with him although he can be quite the diva.

The total cost breakdown:

  • Air fare: $1800.00 * 3 = $5400.00

  • Month rental: $1450.00

  • Monthly spending: $1900.00

  • Procedures: $27,500.00

  • Total cost: $36,250.00 (approximated value)



HRT  5-28-2013
FT   11-13-2015
FFS   9-16-2016 -Spiegel
GCS 11-15-2016 - McGinn
Hair Grafts 3-20-2017 - Cooley
Voice therapy start 3-2017 - Reene Blaker
Labiaplasty 5-15-2017 - McGinn
BA 7-12-2017 - McGinn
Hair grafts 9-25-2017 Dr.Cooley
Sataloff Cricothyroid subluxation and trachea shave12-11-2017
Dr. McGinn labiaplasty, hood repair, scar removal, graph repair and bottom of  vagina finished. urethra repositioned. 4-4-2018
Dr. Sataloff Glottoplasty 5-14-2018
Dr. McGinn vaginal in office procedure 10-22-2018
Dr. McGinn vaginal revision 2 4-3-2019 Bottom of vagina closed off, fat injected into the labia and urethra repositioned.
Dr. Thomas in 2020 FEMLAR
  • skype:Rachel?call


Quote from: Justarandomname on August 13, 2017, 01:59:22 AM
> So as a preface
You started with a great pun!

But seriously, thank you for this amount of detail.  This type of information helps others with important decisions.  I have bookmarked and will read again as I am narrowing down my FFS options. 
Assigned male at birth 1963.  Decided I wanted to be a girl in 1971.  Laser 2014-16, electrolysis 2015-17, HRT 7/2017, GCS 1/2018, VFS 3/2018, FFS 5/2018, Labiaplasty & BA 7/2018. 


Quote from: Kendra on August 15, 2017, 12:30:30 AM
You started with a great pun!

But seriously, thank you for this amount of detail.  This type of information helps others with important decisions.  I have bookmarked and will read again as I am narrowing down my FFS options. 

lol, didn't even realize that.  Anyway, wish you the best in your decision and I hope you are as happy as I am when you get ffs!


Quote from: Justarandomname on August 14, 2017, 08:14:24 PM
Sure, I went with Dr. Di Maggio.  The total cost of all the procedures came out to $27,500.00 USD.  The thing is, I don't think many women outside of his former patients realize what a true artist he really is when it comes to ffs.  I'm glad I went with him although he can be quite the diva.

The total cost breakdown:

  • Air fare: $1800.00 * 3 = $5400.00

  • Month rental: $1450.00

  • Monthly spending: $1900.00

  • Procedures: $27,500.00

  • Total cost: $36,250.00 (approximated value)

What!! $27,500??? He quoted me last year 18K for everything. Wow i guess he has since gone up in price?


Quote from: clawdeenwolf on August 15, 2017, 07:01:14 PM
What!! $27,500??? He quoted me last year 18K for everything. Wow i guess he has since gone up in price?

He initially quoted me at $19,500.00 but with the chin implant, it came out to 21,500.  During our face to face consultation, he told me that after jaw and chin work, he recommended that I get a mid face lift due to the change in my jaw structure a week after the initial surgery but it would cost more since I would have to go back to the hospital and for another procedure.

I told him I wasn't interested and it was too expensive so he asked me if I wanted to get a facelift along with the ffs which he would charge an extra $6000.00.  He mentioned that it might not be possible based on the operation but if I wanted it, he can attempt it if there arent any complications.  I told him that if they could do it, do it since I didn't want to go through more than one procedure.  Well, they were able to do it.


Initial quote: $19,500.00
Chin implant: $2000.00
Mid-facelift: $6000.00
Total:  $27,500.00


Quote from: Justarandomname on August 16, 2017, 01:05:47 PM
He initially quoted me at $19,500.00 but with the chin implant, it came out to 21,500.  During our face to face consultation, he told me that after jaw and chin work, he recommended that I get a mid face lift due to the change in my jaw structure a week after the initial surgery but it would cost more since I would have to go back to the hospital and for another procedure.

I told him I wasn't interested and it was too expensive so he asked me if I wanted to get a facelift along with the ffs which he would charge an extra $6000.00.  He mentioned that it might not be possible based on the operation but if I wanted it, he can attempt it if there arent any complications.  I told him that if they could do it, do it since I didn't want to go through more than one procedure.  Well, they were able to do it.


Initial quote: $19,500.00
Chin implant: $2000.00
Mid-facelift: $6000.00
Total:  $27,500.00
Oh i see. I did plan to see him but too many people mentioned he had made disparaging comments about them so I kind of shied away. I'd love to see him as I haven't had FFS yet, but knowing that he may not think I'll be passable post-surgery is rather off putting even if he says it in Spanish so I don't understand.. Glad you had a great experience!


Quote from: clawdeenwolf on August 16, 2017, 05:34:00 PM
Oh i see. I did plan to see him but too many people mentioned he had made disparaging comments about them so I kind of shied away. I'd love to see him as I haven't had FFS yet, but knowing that he may not think I'll be passable post-surgery is rather off putting even if he says it in Spanish so I don't understand.. Glad you had a great experience!

I think I've read those and I can see how he can be a bit off putting at first but I can share what I personally experienced with him.

During the skype consult, he seemed pretty nice although very confidant.  One thing about him is that he is honest about what he can and can't do.  He also told me all the issues I had with some of my features and what he could change and what he couldn't.  After a few more consults and emails, I decided on him after researching and speaking with other surgeons.

When I first met him in Buenos Aires, he came by to my apartment along with his liaison and told me what he recommended and what he didn't.  His personality was very brusque he didn't mince words.  He was off putting with his bluntness tbh.

After the surgery, he talked to me a bit before I went into the resting room and told me everything went better than expected although there were complications with my bleeding (This was something I forgot to mention to his surgery team) I think on the 3rd day, I had extreme swelling and once he was notified, he drove all the way to my apartment along with one of the other surgeons to check on me, give me a shot to reduce the swelling and made sure that I was ok. 

He made sure to check in on me personally at the apartment at least once a week and rode his motorcycle over to make sure I was okay.  On our final meeting, he told me that my results came out perfectly and that I should wait at least a year for the final results.  He then gave me a hug, told me to keep in touch, and email if I have any questions or need anything.  (I was honestly touched)

I think you should at least speak with him before deciding tbh.  He might not be for you and you might find someone that is much more suited for your needs but I'm very happy and I can't complain. 



I have been researching this today. Thanks for sharing with us!


Quote from: Justarandomname on August 14, 2017, 08:14:24 PM
Sure, I went with Dr. Di Maggio.  The total cost of all the procedures came out to $27,500.00 USD.  The thing is, I don't think many women outside of his former patients realize what a true artist he really is when it comes to ffs.  I'm glad I went with him although he can be quite the diva.

The total cost breakdown:

  • Air fare: $1800.00 * 3 = $5400.00

  • Month rental: $1450.00

  • Monthly spending: $1900.00

  • Procedures: $27,500.00

  • Total cost: $36,250.00 (approximated value)

Thanks so much for sharing things in detail! Am located in the US & factoring travel details in, kind of evens out staying in the States to have FFS. But at the same time, you have to go with the surgeon you trust & feel is right for you. Hope you are recovering wonderfully!


Quote from: Sarah.VanDistel on August 13, 2017, 02:41:00 AM
Hallo You! [emoji4]

Thanks for sharing your experience! I am planning on having FFS sometime around February or March 2018 with Dr. Bart Van De Ven and Joel Defrancq, in Antwerp, Belgium, and will be undergoing basically the same procedures as you, with some differences:

[emoji830]forehead recontouring type 3 with hairline recontouring and browlift (incl. orbital rim shaving)
[emoji830]lip lift
[emoji830]jaw angle reduction and chin recontouring
[emoji830]lower jaw setback (although this will probably be a separate procedure)
[emoji830]cheeks and nasolabial lipofilling

I plan on having a part of my body contour surgery, with Dr. Maarten Doornaert, during the same hospital stay (normally two days later), which will for sure include breast augmentation and possibly tummy tuck +/- hip augmentation (through lipofilling).
It's obviously a fairly aggressive surgery and I'm anticipating lots of swelling and probably pain, although my pain threshold is relatively high. It's always interesting to read random accounts of people who have gone through the same, so your account was certainly not in vain!

Thank you for your story!

Hugs, Sarah

Hello Sara,

I'm thinking myself to do a jaw revision and an upper jaw (I will ask for this one), cheeks, nose revision, temple skull filled.  I'm thinking about Dr Defrancq but I don't know if he's doing FFS or only jaws.  I read in your post Dr. Bart Van De Ven is working with him ?
Or maybe Dr. Noorman Van der Dusssen because I read he's able to do all.

Thank you to share with me some information to help me in my analys for my FFS in 2018



Quote from: Justarandomname on August 13, 2017, 01:59:22 AM
...  I am very happy with the results. ...

Congratulations on your positive experience!

Researching FFS can be very difficult ... I've heard others say the before (research, contemplation, planning, travel) is much harder than the after (returning home, continued recovery, enjoying the results). I have to agree with that.


Quote from: Ashley3 on September 12, 2017, 06:41:14 PM
Congratulations on your positive experience!

Researching FFS can be very difficult ... I've heard others say the before (research, contemplation, planning, travel) is much harder than the after (returning home, continued recovery, enjoying the results). I have to agree with that.

Thank you, I truly believe that as well.  As much as I am happy with the results, I can't imagine doing all of that all over again.  Btw the, just want to say that you look beautiful in your profile pic!


Quote from: Justarandomname on September 13, 2017, 02:40:14 AM
...Btw the, just want to say that you look beautiful in your profile pic!
Now I must top by this thread more often! ;) Thank you!


Just wanted to give an update on my FFS experience with Dr. Di Maggio.

I'm now at about 4 1/2 months post op and still feel some mild swelling in my cheeks and nose but nowhere near what it used to be a few months ago. 

Middle portion of my chin is still very numb and my scalp, running from the crown area to the front hair line is also numb.  I feel quite a bit of sensation possibly due to the nerves starting to regenerate.  ie. scratch the middle of my forehead and I can feel it on my left eyelid etc.

For the most part, I didn't feel any pain or complications during the recovery but the post op depression was much worse than I thought, lol.

Anyway, here is a picture.  (no make up / guy mode)  Sorry, picture isnt the best because it was taken a bit before typing this.



Quote from: Justarandomname on November 28, 2017, 01:21:39 AM
Just wanted to give an update on my FFS experience with Dr. Di Maggio.

I'm now at about 4 1/2 months post op and still feel some mild swelling in my cheeks and nose but nowhere near what it used to be a few months ago. 

Middle portion of my chin is still very numb and my scalp, running from the crown area to the front hair line is also numb.  I feel quite a bit of sensation possibly due to the nerves starting to regenerate.  ie. scratch the middle of my forehead and I can feel it on my left eyelid etc.

For the most part, I didn't feel any pain or complications during the recovery but the post op depression was much worse than I thought, lol.

Anyway, here is a picture.  (no make up / guy mode)  Sorry, picture isnt the best because it was taken a bit before typing this.

Very nice! And I'm really sorry, but "boy mode" no longer applies to you! [emoji4] Congratulations! Every time I read such an account, I look even much forward to my own FFS, scheduled for 15/02/2018 (Dr. Bart Van De Ven).

Hugs, Sarah

Sent from my SM-T810 using Tapatalk
