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Cassandra's Tale - The Making of a Brave New Girl

Started by SassyCassie, January 08, 2018, 05:10:12 PM

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February 25, 2017 - 9:10am
Dictatorship and Theocracy

With all the wailing and gnashing of teeth lately over the new president of this country, I keep hearing the same terms come up repeatedly both online and in conversations. Those terms are 'Dictatorship' and 'Theocracy', and are used typically in that order in reference to the president and the vice president.

While some of these opinions may have merit, the people stating them don't seem to have a true understanding of just what each of those looks like. I can say with confidence that I do.

As a 7-year-old child back in 1979, I had a front-row seat to watch as an ACTUAl dictatorship was rapidly and violently becoming a GENUINE theocracy.

The events depicted in the movie, "Argo" gave a very good look at the way things were during the days leading up the the Iran Hostage Crisis, as it came to be known. My family and I left the country about a week before that happened. Even then, when we gathered up whatever belongings we could carry and left our house in Isfahan, we had to relocate multiple times that night because at one point, there were rebels going from house to house looking for foreigners to kidnap and/or kill.

To give a little background on why we were there, the main reason was my dad. He had been a quality control inspector for Boeing for over 30 years previously and among other things, had specialized on the CH-47 cargo helicopter, AKA the Chinook. Since the United States and Iran were still on friendly terms, a number of those helicopters had been sold to the Iranian army. The army over there hired my dad as an instructor for their CH-47 maintenance crews. So, with that, we made plans to move to Iran.

Since we were planning for the move to take place a few months before my seventh birthday, my parents decided to have my birthday party early at my Aunt and Uncle's place just outside of Philadelphia. Since we had not lived in that area very long, I didn't really have any friends, so the invitees were mostly cousins and other family members. Hooray for me.

Shortly afterward, we cleared out our apartment and headed to the airport. We spent a few days doing the tourist thing in London, which was nice, but being only six years old, I was unable to appreciate most of it. After we flew out of London, we had another multi-day stop in Lugano over in Switzerland. Again, not much to remember for six-year-old me other than that I had my own room with this bizarre bed that was more like a shallow box with a mattress in it, not unlike the cat memes you see all over the internet these days. In this case, I certainly fit in it, so I sat in it...and slept in it. Sorry, that's the best I can do at my present caffeine level.

Why exactly we were in Lugano, I had no idea. Again, six-year-old me was less enthralled with the rich European culture of the region (read that, not at all), and more so with the AM/FM radio built into my hotel room bed as well as playing in the elevator, annoying the concierge during my stops at the lobby in between the half-dozen or so trips from the basement to the top floor.

Hey, don't judge. Everyone needs something to amuse themselves.

Upon leaving Lugano, we finally arrived in Tehran, the capital city of Iran. Hot and dry were my first impressions of that place that my then-limited vocabulary could conjure up. Though I had never been any other places than Chicago and Philadelphia before, Iran didn't seem all that foreign to me. Sure, most of the signs in the airport had multiple languages printed on them, but they also had english markings. Everyone was speaking a language I couldn't understand and some of the signs ony had strange swirly markings on them that my still-developing brain only could interpret as "Jig, jig, jiggla". Previously, I had never even heard of Farsi, let alone having seen its written form, nor Arabic or any of the other languages of that region.

Chapter 2

Having been such a young age back then and now that 38 years have passed since then, I don't have a whole lot in the way of contiguous memory of my time over there. It's more in bits and pieces of significant events that I will share as they come bubbling up to the surface.

Once we got settled in Isfahan, it was in a small house surrounded by a walled courtyard. It seemed that this was the common arrangement for houses in the region. The building was a two-story with us on the ground floor and our landlord (a new term I had learned) was upstairs. Our landlord's name, as I recall, was a Mister Borbor (sp?) who didn't seem to understand a word of english. I remember one day when I had forgotten my key to the gate and was trying to talk to him on the intercom outside to get him to let me in. He definitely didn't speak english. I don't think it was long before my mom came home, so it wasn't a big deal.

At one point, we adopted a dog and named him Ben (short for Benji). I'm not sure what his lineage was exactly, but he was just like the dogs we saw running loose around the neighborhood. The locals called them "Jube Dogs" and the common trait between all of them seemed to be a curly tail. One day, we noticed that Ben had gotten out of the courtyard by slipping under the gate. We found him the first time he did this, but the second time, less than a week later, we never saw him again. It was only until some time after that I found out that sometimes people around there would kill and eat dogs. I don't want to sound heartless or anything but we really didn't have Ben long enough for me to become really attached to him, so I pretty much just shrugged and moved on with my life at that point.

We didn't stay in the house for very long though and I sure didn't lose any sleep after saying a final farewell to our beloved landlord.

The new place we moved into was another two-story house, but it was ours and we had the run of the place. I had both my own bedroom and a playroom that was somewhat detached from the rest of the house. Naturally, the playroom was almost instantaneously strewn with toys from wall to wall.

This time, instead of another dog, we adopted a cat. He was a tuxedo-pattern kitty we named Peppermint Patty (Pepper for short). Well, I say "We" but it was really my mom who named him. Having never experienced living with a cat in the house, I was pretty much indifferent to Pepper so, naturally, he wanted to be wherever I was most of the time.

Another significant event I can remember from that house is waking up at some ridiculously late hour and I thought I could hear voices whispering. They seemed to fade away down the hall from my room, so what else could seven-year-old me do but follow them? I went downstairs to the living room and sat in one of the chairs down there where I could still hear the whispers. I don't remember anything they actually said, but maybe being that it was in Iran, maybe they were speaking Farsi. I don't know. After a while, the whispers faded away and I just fell asleep in the chair. I never heard them again.

The house had a basement with a gas water heater heater in it. The reason I know this is a friend of my dad, this guy named Ed Moorehead, was trying to fix something wrong with it and wound up burning off his eyebrows and the hair on one of his arms. He managed to fix the water heater though, so I'd consider that a fair trade.

I had a friend named Matt who went to the same American school with me. We were thick as thieves. When we weren't complying with some requirement of our parents, we were wandering around the neighborhood, doing the things that kids our age do when allowed to run free. One of the places we went was into the apartment buildings down the other side of the street from where I lived. We used to climb up the stairs all the way to the roof and jump from building to building across the roof. The building at the end was under construction at the time and we used to go over there in the afternoons and visit with the construction crew working on the building. We still had a language barrier to deal with but they were kind enough to share their afternoon tea with us from time to time. There was one occasion when we were at that building and had gone up to the roof where some of the guys were working. When we got bored with that, we went to go back down the stairs and there was a guy there whom we had never seen before. He was only speaking Farsi to us but he seemed angry about something. Maybe it was just us being there in the first place or maybe something else. We didn't hang around long enough to find out. He blocked us from going into the stairwell and kept yelling at us all the while, so we just turned around and ran to the far side of the roof, vaulted the parapet and landed on the roof of the neighboring building. We then jumped the next three buildings until we got to the one at the end where we knew the rooftop door was left unlocked. Once there, we made good our escape and never went back to that construction site.



February 25, 2017 - 11:37pm
I just had an epiphany of sorts. I was reading an article on the effects one's transition has on one's partner - at least from a mtf trans person who is in a relationship.

What stuck out to me was this:

"Sometimes when you get the 13 year old girl attitude I have to call you out on it. It is like I'm sorry I know you have some of the emotions but I am dating a grown woman not a child."

I'm wondering if maybe that's some of what I may be experiencing with these impulses to just say something unforgivably cruel to just bring the whole situation to a head and let it come crashing down and finally be over. They say that trans-women undergoing HRT experience a second, female puberty. I had never considered that this may be a part of it. It does make sense though.

I seem to be experiencing some of the effects of this second puberty beyond slow breast growth and the propensity for crying over a much wider range of feelings. Last week, my right breast felt a little sore when I applied pressure around the nipple area. That soreness has increased to the point where it only takes a little bump against something to make it hurt a bit. It's not a debilitating pain or anything that seems a cause for concern, but it's just like a dull ache. The left side has started to feel that way as well but not nearly as far along as the right. That strikes me as odd since my left breast is somewhat more developed than the right one. From what I understand, this disparity is not uncommon so, again, not a cause for concern at this point.

I wonder if this soreness will increase to a point where it starts to ache all by itself. I hope not because I really don't need another distraction right now. If it does happen that way, I'll deal with it of course but only time will tell. This morning, when I had accidentally bumped my right breast on the edge of the bathroom door, it hurt quite a bit - to the point that I saw that I had the little crease above my nose that I recall having seen on nearly every adolescent girl I saw back when I first noticed such a thing. Maybe that is another of the unspoken, unwritten, "Welcome to the sisterhood" things that I've been discovering of late.



February 26, 2017 - 12:19am
Preparing for the visit to the new doctor.

I've got to say that the patient portal they have set up is pretty impressive. I went in and filled out all of the information it asked for. The forms seemed to be a lot less burdensome for this doctor, as opposed to others but I'm sure they'll have me pushing some paper when I come in for my first visit.

What stuck out to me as I was going through the forms was that there were a few items already filled in by information I gave to Sean over the phone. One of those items was, "Gender: Female". I couldn't help but break out into a wide smile at this. What would ordinarily have been a barely significant scrap of information found on countless forms throughout the history of bureaucracies stood, for me, like the monolith in the beginning of 2001: A Space Odyssey. That tiny little shred of information stood up loud and proud, declaring that this is yet another milestone on Cassandra's journey.

In addition to that, in the appointment detail was remarked, "tg m-f. Pt will have letter from therapist."

That was another big smile moment for me as well as making me a little misty-eyed.


Next?  Well girl what you been doing lollygagging all around the country with Shorty?

April 13, 2019 switched to estradiol valerate
December 20, 2018    Referral sent to OHSU Dr Dugi  for vaginoplasty consult
December 10, 2018    Second Letter VA Psychiatric Practical nurse
November 15, 2018    First letter from VA therapist
May 11, 2018 I am Laurie Jeanette Wickwire
May   3, 2018 Submitted name change forms
Aug 26, 2017 another increase in estradiol
Jun  26, 2017 Last day in male attire That's full time I guess
May 20, 2017 doubled estradiol
May 18, 2017 started electrolysis
Dec   4, 2016 Started estradiol and spironolactone



Quote from: Laurie on January 23, 2018, 08:44:13 PM
Next?  Well girl what you been doing lollygagging all around the country with Shorty?

Coming right up! The journal app (Journey) I've been using has an annoying tendency to show entries only in the order in which they were saved - not according to the sometimes adjusted entry date. I found some gaps in what I posted but I can't go back and edit those posts. I was thinking backfill a bit and post the missing ones. I'll note it in the post so people don't get confused.

BTW, thank you for your help with that image tag!


Feb 26 2017 - 12:32am
There's always an upside.
I was doing some thinking earlier about this whole transition process and all of the thought and work that goes into it, as contrasted to my previous life, and what differences there are. I had the notion to quantify it as worthwhile or not.

Let's see how the financial, temporal, and psychological costs stack up...

At this point, close to $1000 in cosmetics and other beauty products.
Hundreds of dollars worth of new women's clothes, most of which are between a little and a lot loose on me due to weight loss. (What an awesome problem to have!)
Again, a few hundred dollars worth of new shoes - most of which still fit. At least my feet weren't very fat!
Over an hour to get ready every morning, what with shaving face, arms, and upper chest, doing moisturizer, pore eraser, primer, foundation, eyebrown mascara, and setting powder, and then doing my hair. (EVERY day, no days off!)
$120 every six weeks or so for hair cut, color, style, and now eyebrow waxing. (Love the purple highlights, BTW!!!)
Having to be mindful of my mannerisms, movements, gestures, gait, posture, and so many other things.
Backing off of the "guy talk" such as gentle ribbing that builds camaraderie within male groups but appears to be rare in female groups and is probably not looked upon in a positive way.
Having to constantly tell myself, "Girl, you need to just slow it down" when I start to rush through something and my movements become stiff and clumsy.
Breaking nails when I fail to tell myself to slow down in time to avoid nail breakage.
Having to back up and use tools to accomplish simple tasks for which brute force would suffice.
Asking for help with things. This one is huge and I'm trying to ease into it before diminished muscle mass makes it a necessity.
Working to feminize my voice which I'm just starting out to do.

Having days sometimes that I can honestly call Great Days.
Smiling often and having that smile be genuine and extend all the way to my eyes.
Being able to cry when I need to and not just for negative reasons.

Totally, totally worth it!!

Feb 26, 2017 - 10:13pm
Another affirming moment.
We were at Cracker Barrel this morning, waiting on our breakfast to come out of the kitchen. When it did, it was being carried not by our waitress but by one of the food runners. When she got to our table, she said, "Good morning, ladies," to us. All I could do was smile at her while doing a little internal happy dance. It may only be a small thing, but so meaningful to me during this stage of my life.



Author's note: I only just found out that my journal app doesn't always display the entries in their chronological order, as they were marked - it displays them in the order in which they were entered, regardless of how they're marked. Some of the entries I had backdated in it didn't get posted here, so I'm filling them in below - arranged by date.

Jan 22, 2017 - 06:19am
Makeup tips or, "Yes, I can do this."

I was wondering what I could bring with me in case I needed to touch up my foundation in the middle of the day - like from inadvertently dragging a fingernail through it while brushing errant strands of hair out of the way. The first thought that crossed my mind was, "Ask another woman."

Not, "Ask a woman.", but "Ask another woman."

That little internal conversation just made me realize how my perception of 'self' has shifted since Acceptance Day.

Just this little affirmation gives me a positive feeling and enhances the belief that, "Yes, I can do this."



Feb 27, 2017 - 10.09pm
Went to Ulta tonight.
I wondered what my wife thought when I texted and asked if she needed anything from there as I was stopping on the way home. Maybe the things I do that make her feel slapped in the face are some of the same things that are very affirming for me. I'm torn between the two and wondering what's to become of all this? Will she finally accept the fact that I'm transitioning and starting to do things that are the normal everyday of any independent woman? Will this just hasten us down the path of irreconcilable differences?

I like the fact that I can walk in there alone but with complete confidence with my head held high as though it were just another ordinary day which, I suppose, it is and ever shall be. I do wish we could do so together or with friends and just hit the place like a pack - you know, the way girlfriends do.

Feb 27, 2017 - 11:19pm
I'm down to 68 pounds lost since June of 2016!
Last Friday, I decided to treat myself to a couple of items from my 'Baubles and Gewgaws' list on Amazon.

I ordered two bangle bracelets from Alex and Ani.

The first one is the Phoenix, which symbolizes Magic, Healing, and Rebirth.
The second one is the Star of Venus - Love, Beauty, and Inspiration.

Both are deeply meaningful, considering what I'm going through right now.

The other bracelet says, "I love you to the moon and back". I'm thinking about getting one with the A. A. Milne quote on it, "You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think." I'm wondering if replacing the former with the latter is in some way symbolic of my letting go of the relationship I have right now. No more "love to the moon and back". Instead, I'd be shifting to a message encouraging a more self-reliant attitude.

Could this be further proof of a subconscious desire to close the book on that chapter of my life and begin a new one?

This is some heavy {EXPLETIVE} for a Monday night.



Feb 27 2017, 10.55am
Transgender and multiculturalism.
I'm wondering how coming out at work will be taken by the folks from different cultures, some of which might be openly hostile to trans people. Consider the higher homicide rate of trans people of color.

The department I work in is quite the diverse group, so it will be interesting to say the least, to see how they react.

Feb 28 2017, 11.17pm
I think I got mansplained today!
I'm not sure whether to be happy or insulted.

I was with a couple of the guys from our department trying to troubleshoot some issues with a stadium P.A. and A/V system this afternoon. There was a tech out there from the vendor who installed the system as well. Since there was a possible short in one of the speakers, the original audio amp for the P.A. was dead, so we had brought a spare, older one we had in the warehouse. Before hooking it up, I suggested checking the speaker lines with an ohmmeter and see if one of them might be shorted. The tech who was there hooking up the amp proceeded to correct me in my (apparently mistaken) idea that a shorted speaker line would have less resistance than one that was still okay. He then started lecturing me on reactance versus resistance and how there is apparently a huge difference between the two, punctuating the whole thing with an "Are we clear on that now?".

I didn't quite know how to take that, so I just nodded dumbfoundedly.

Thinking about it later, I started to wonder if I had just experienced my first mansplaining, though I'm not sure why. I wasn't outwardly presenting as female - in fact, I was just wearing dress pants and a polo shirt. Granted, I had a bra and panties on underneath, but still. I mean, I had definitely been using a lot of feminine body language today, both gestures and posture. Could that have been it? If so, I should be at least a little bit happy that I provoked a male response almost exclusively directed toward women. That would make this one hell of an affirming moment.

On the other hand, he could just be a garden-variety >-bleeped-<.

Maybe I'll run into him again some time. If I do, I'll have to see if I can repeat the experiment and achieve the same results. Then, I can write up a research paper that probably no one will read. If nothing else, it will make for a funny story to tell.



Mar 03 2017, 02.06pm
Thoughts on friends' upcoming wedding.
I have some friends I've known for a number of years now and they've recently announced plans to get married. These are the friends I came out to a few weeks back. The proposed wedding isn't until almost a year from now. What I'm wondering is how to appear at the wedding. What I find most significant is that I'm thinking not about whether to present as male or female, but rather whether I should wear a dress of some sort or maybe a blazer with a matching skirt.

I don't know how my personal development is going to be at that time, but maybe by then, I'll even be out at work. Who knows? The way my breasts are developing, I may not be able to hide it by then without some significant effort. Not that I really want to hide them anyway. I was walking around at work yesterday, wearing that velour V-neck burnout top that once again fits me properly. I didn't notice until later in the day exactly how prominent my breasts were with that on. Nobody seemed to take notice, so I don't think anyone is at the point where they might say something. Regardless, I made the effort to walk tall with my shoulders back and head held high.

I will say one thing too, though, it was kind of a thrill to feel the way they bounce ever so slightly when I walk down the stairs.

Mar 03 2017, 02.20pm
Female voices.
Earlier this morning, I was feeling some distress about the lack of development of my female voice. I made a few attempts but it sounded so fake to my ears. I was also depressed because I haven't been doing any of the voice training exercises with the chromatic tuner. During the lunch break from the virtual class I'm taking this week, I decided to get back in front of the tuner and do a practice session. I think I found a comfortable pitch for my voice, right around the low range of A3. After being able to hit that note consistently and hold it, I tried a few words at that pitch. It still sounded kind of fake to my ears, but maybe not as much. (?)

I started just reading just random sentences from the voice training directions and while I can't say I was overjoyed with the results, I was pleased with myself that I had taken the time to sit down and go through the steps. I guess I can say that I'm encouraged by the fact that I believe I've found my best female pitch. I even tried introuducing a lilt to the words I was saying and it seemed to make my voice a little bit more authentic.

What I noticed is that afterward, while I was doing my nails, I got on a phone call with a friend and found I was using a slightly higher pitched voice and still had that lilt to my words. He was one of the friends to whom I've already come out so I think that had something to do with how freely I was speaking. I noticed as well that I was getting kind of bubbly and excited at one point in the conversation and starting to feel really good about myself.

Speaking about feeling good, I need to go up and change my {REDACTED} patch before my level drops low enough to get mood swings again!

Mar 03 2017, 10.27pm
More on that wedding thing.
Something occurred to me. I hope my friend was not thinking about asking me to be his Best Man at the wedding. By then, I'll be around a year into HRT and probably wouldn't look the part very well.

At least, I hope not. :)

Author's note: I did ask him at one point exactly what his intentions were for my participation in the wedding. I expressed my concerns to him as far as if they wanted me to be the Best Man or the Maid of Honor. He just laughed and without missing a beat, said, "Oh we were going to have you do both. It's cheaper that way."

I laughed so hard, I almost dropped the phone.


 Sure sure leave us hanging... best man or maid of honor and skirt or dress sheeeesh  ::) ::) ::)
April 13, 2019 switched to estradiol valerate
December 20, 2018    Referral sent to OHSU Dr Dugi  for vaginoplasty consult
December 10, 2018    Second Letter VA Psychiatric Practical nurse
November 15, 2018    First letter from VA therapist
May 11, 2018 I am Laurie Jeanette Wickwire
May   3, 2018 Submitted name change forms
Aug 26, 2017 another increase in estradiol
Jun  26, 2017 Last day in male attire That's full time I guess
May 20, 2017 doubled estradiol
May 18, 2017 started electrolysis
Dec   4, 2016 Started estradiol and spironolactone



Quote from: Laurie on January 25, 2018, 05:28:05 PM
Sure sure leave us hanging... best man or maid of honor and skirt or dress sheeeesh  ::) ::) ::)

Duh, she's doing both; like the person in the circus with half a tux on and half a dress :)
HRT since 1/04/2018


Quote from: Laurie on January 25, 2018, 05:28:05 PM
Sure sure leave us hanging... best man or maid of honor and skirt or dress sheeeesh  ::) ::) ::)

Well, the actual wedding only just happened IRL, but I'll get to it in good time. Sometimes, the entries get fewer and further apart as I've gotten accustomed to all of these new things as what constitutes "normal".


Mar 05 2017, 10.45pm
Gender teminology.
Peppered throughout the conversations relating to "trans-stuff", one term I frequently run across is the term "cisgendered" in relation to people who are their assigned gender both inside and out.

I find myself hesitant to embrace this particular term since it's often used maliciously or in an otherwise negative connotation. I can't reconcile such usage in relation to my current situation. I don't really hate people referred to as cisgender and I refuse to allow others to influence me into hating same. I am who I am. They are who they are. There is an enormous gap in understanding between us, which I acknowledge. I just don't know how we can work past it and meet in the middle somehow.

I don't want to spit bile at people I don't really know but then again, I'm not going to stand idly by and have them do that to me, whether overtly or otherwise.

Mar 05 2017, 10.46am
Had a good day yesterday.
I went out shopping the outlet mall with my wife and mutual friend, "D" yesterday. The retail therapy was only part of the experience though. I got dressed in my navy cap-sleeve tee shirt with my shades-of-purple plaid button-down layered over it, along with my kitten pendant on a longer chain, my black capri pants, and I debated whether or not to wear my Champion flats with the outfit but then decided upon my regular sneakers since we were planning on doing a lot of walking. The navy tee worked nicely in my opinion since it pulled in the small checks of navy on the button-down. Imay be focusing to excess on my fashion a bit this time around but that's because I felt particularly well put together yesterday.

To top it off, instead of my usual side-parted hair style, I just brushed it back, twisted it up, and put it in that smaller hair clip I bought recently. Surprisingly enough, with my usual subtle makeup, it worked very well.

We went to the outlet mall and to the regular mall and we got addressed as 'ladies' a couple of times and I didn't get 'sirred' a single time! I was perfectly at ease and it felt like just an ordinary Girls' Day Out.

We chatted and laughed and I can distinctly remember that genuine laugh and smile coming out on several occasions. Happy times!

I can only hope to have more days like these, but I know in my heart that I'm on the right path to get there!

Of course, coming away with a new purse and hanging makeup organizer from the Vera Bradley store and a new keychain from Brighton didn't hurt to make the day brighter. :)

Mar 09 2017, 08.09am
Hit a milestone of sorts.
Today marks my 100th day on {REDACTED}. Looking (and feeling) good so far. I'm looking forward to another 265 days of it!

Developments are proceeding in accordance with the data I've gathered, and so far no unexpected side-effects have manifested. I'm still experiencing the soreness behind my nipples as well as feeling something firm behind them which as I understand, is normal. I believe it's the milk ducts and other supporting structures that are forming.

Had a 14-hour gap on Tuesday due to the odd dosage timing but nothing unusual happened. I was expecting some degree of mood swings as I had seen before but there were none this time. Maybe the mood swings during periods of low estrogen levels require some triggering event - a word, a thought, or some other form of stimulus. It was suggested that should it happen again that I note any observations made about mood changes or other things out of the ordinary. It's a bit difficult to observe from the inside out though.

I'll try to remember.



Mar 11 2017, 06.06pm
Another nice day out.
We went to the local farmers' market and, surprise! They were having an art show there as well.

I was dressed summer-casual again with my hair up in a clip and we got addressed as "ladies" a few times. It was a nice treat! That is until on several occasions, my wife referred to me as, "him" when conversing with other folks here and there.

I was a bit disappointed at that but to be fair, I never asked her to do otherwise. I think it's another one of those touchy subjects like the vocal exercises and probably the estrogen dosing too, if I were to mention it. I'm wondering when might be the best time to have that conversation. How would she react to being asked to refer to me as 'she' and 'her' and address me as Cassandra? Probably not well but we have to get around to that eventually.

In one store, she called me by name and the lady running the store thought she had called me, "Joy". Not that that would be such a bad thing, but the only Joy I can think of is the sad, bitter mom in "Dead Like Me".

At least, she seems to be getting accustomed to being out and about with me when I'm 'en femme'. Thinking about it further, I didn't have a single item of male clothing on today. Even down to my shoes, which were my simple Champion flats. They were pretty comfortable in spite of all the walking we did today. Still, my feet were a bit sore afterward. Maybe I need a foot rub. :)

From one of the shops, I got a little set of charms on a pin that I attached to the front flap of my purse. It's got a paw print, a gem, and a kitty on it. I've attached a picture of it.

Mar 12 2017, 04.52pm
Meh. Just M.E.H.
I had been looking forward to taking my kayak out on the water and finally had the perfect day to do it. Except for the weather, that is.

When I got everything loaded up and ready to go, it started to rain a little bit. After looking at the weather radar, I decided to go for it anyway and hope that it would pass by the time I got up there. I was wrong. When I got to the bridge where I wanted to put in, it was {EXPLETIVE}ing pouring. It continued to pour on and off for the next 45 minutes while I sat in the truck, hoping to wait it out. No such luck.

I turned around and went right back home. When I got home, there was not a single drop of rain coming down and the busybodies next door were hanging out in their driveway, as per usual. My boat was sagging pretty badly by the time I got there on account of the rope that held it up being soaked through. Wonderful.

I came into the living room, stepped on a cat's paw and accidentally kicked him when trying to recover my balance. When I went upstairs to get my tablet, I guess he decided that was time to attack the dog, so I ran back down the stairs amid barking and growling. I broke up the fight, sent the cats upstairs and put the dog outside.

What a craptacular day so far.

I was thinking about going out into the wood shop to cut up some pallets since I have a new sawzall, but I'm almost afraid to see what sort of disaster that's going to turn into.

Maybe I should just get on some comfy clothes and huddle in the theater to watch stuff on the TV. It might be safer.

All that other stuff aside, what happened today should have driven me almost into a blind fury and would have ended up in something broken. As it is, I managed to keep my cool and just do what needed to be done to put things in order. I'd like to thank estrogen for that.



Mar 13 2017, 09.08pm
Decent day. Lousy night.
Just a few questions though...

I try to understand what you must feel
But what will you do when these are real?

Will you shun me and avert your gaze?
Will I never see you again, the rest of my days?

You fell in love with a fake me
This is the real me, can't you see?

If you feel you must leave, I will try
to understand wherefore, how and why

If it comes down to a bitter end
I thank you for being my friend.

Mar 13 2017, 09.16pm
Cleaned the kitchen tonight.
Now, I'm writing poetry. (Sigh)

Tonight, my wife came home and saw that I had my breast forms on again. She shut down on me almost immediately. I tried asking what was wrong but only got evasive answers. It's not like I really needed to ask though. I know exactly why.

I just want to have the final talk with her and lay out everything - no more holding back.

This is me.
This is who I am.
I'm doing this.

I want to feel the warm rays of the sun on my face for the first time in 30 years. I don't want to hide in the darkness any more. I want to pull out the splinter that's been causing me pain all these years.

I. Want. To. Live.



Mar 15 2017, 02.24pm
Choices to be made...
Another frustrating day in class today.
More labs that are messed up. It seems like there's a brick wall lurking around every corner in these things, just waiting for me to beat my head against it.

I thought that going over to {LOCAL COFFEE SHOP} might have a positive effect on me and I guess it did, to a degree but I was the only one in there for most of the time. The owner seemed to want to chat but my heart really wasn't in it at the time. We just didn't seem able to connect. That and though I was looking more on the femme side, I wasn't really feeling it enough to make an effort at even softening my voice. I bet that's part of why I wasn't chatty. The voice, the {EXPLETIVE}ing voice. Just a reminder that I haven't been doing {EXPLETIVE} as far as the exercises go, even though I've had ample opportunity. I feel like maybe I don't really want it.

I've come so far though, I can't just throw it all away on account of my voice. I seem to be getting a lot of the other aspects in order, so I shouldn't let this one albatross hang around my neck. I need to focus on what I have that's positive.

For instance, I made the call to {ELECTROLOGIST} at {LOCAL CLINIC} after I left {LOCAL COFFEE SHOP} and got an appointment set up for 1pm on Wednesday. I'm stacking appointments pretty close together that day but it can't be helped. At least I can talk to her about the time constraints and let her make the call as to whether we just do a consultation that day or an actual treatment. It still represents another step forward. That makes me feel a little bit better at least. That and the fact that the only name I gave them was Cassandra.

My wife seems distant tonight. I can't help but feel like the rift between us is drawing a bit wider. We need to talk but the only things I need to say will surely push that rift even further apart. I feel like the only way to heal this rift is to give up entirely on transitioning and go back to living as the bitter, routinely depressed gorilla I pretended to be most of my life. After all these revelations, I don't think even that would put things back the way they were. Every time she looked at me and saw the sadness in my eyes, she wouldn't have to ask me what's wrong. She would know exactly what is wrong, what I've given up on.

I'm starting to feel trapped again and that's not a good place to be. I stand at another crossroads of two possibilities. Either be alone but with the potential for great joy in my life or turn my back on who I truly am and be together but with a constant sadness drifting just below the surface for the rest of my days.

It's a {EXPLETIVE}ty choice to have to make but I can choose to choose or keep rolling along on my present course and a choice will be made for me. I really already know what my choice will be but I keep putting off the day that I declare it. I'm like the addict, hoping for "just one more" happy day.

Mar 15 2017, 07.05pm
Well, it's over. That's all folks! That's all she wrote. The fat lady has sung. Elvis has left the building.

After a supremely {EXPLETIVE}ty day in class, I suggested we go out for wings and beer. My wife accepted and over said wings and beer, she dropped a bomb. She's filing for divorce. She says she can't support me in my transition and be my cheerleader while still being married to me. I can't be angry with her because I saw this coming from the day I first came out to her. We were talking amiably about it and I suggested that my coming out just shed light on all of the things that were wrong with our relationship, so it's not like my being transgender was the sole cause of our breakup.

We decided to sell the retirement property and split the proceeds since she was leaving a whole lot of stuff with me including the house to which she contributed financially and physically over the last 7 or so years. I didn't have a problem with that and even was the first to suggest doing it that way.

One lighter moment was when she was trying to explain the reasons why she couldn't stay with me. I just smiled and said, "I understand. You're just not into girls."

She chuckled and said, "Yeah, that's part of it."



    Well you haven't left us at a cliffhanger this time but it is oh so sad. As sad as it was I can only wish my marriage was ended so amicably. I won't go into it here though. I'll only say that I am sorry that yours had to end. (((Hug)))

April 13, 2019 switched to estradiol valerate
December 20, 2018    Referral sent to OHSU Dr Dugi  for vaginoplasty consult
December 10, 2018    Second Letter VA Psychiatric Practical nurse
November 15, 2018    First letter from VA therapist
May 11, 2018 I am Laurie Jeanette Wickwire
May   3, 2018 Submitted name change forms
Aug 26, 2017 another increase in estradiol
Jun  26, 2017 Last day in male attire That's full time I guess
May 20, 2017 doubled estradiol
May 18, 2017 started electrolysis
Dec   4, 2016 Started estradiol and spironolactone



That is so sad, Cassie.  I know this is months in the past for you, and that you are moving on, but still, it is sad to read.  Here's another ((((hug)))).
2015-07-04 Awakening; 2015-11-15 Out to self; 2016-06-22 Out to wife; 2016-10-27 First time presenting in public; 2017-01-20 Started HRT!!; 2017-04-20 Out publicly; 2017-07-10 Legal name change; 2019-02-15 Approval for GRS; 2019-08-02 Official gender change; 2020-03-11 GRS; 2020-09-17 New birth certificate


Thank you for the hugs.

You're right though - all this was a long way off in the past, and I was crying as I wrote many of these entries. Not all were sad tears though, there were many happy and hopeful tears too.