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Sarah's New World

Started by sarah1972, January 25, 2018, 12:39:32 PM

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Northern Star Girl

Quote from: sarah1972 on May 14, 2018, 11:36:58 AM
May 4th - MIA...

Sarah's World Is Back!

I guess a few noticed. Sarah and Sarah's World have been MIA for a few days. And you are right. Sarah had to work out a few things and in that process had to re-think a lot of things. I do want to thank one very special Lady here who kept on top of me to make sure I am getting through this. Thank you so much! Also thanks to all the other ones reaching out.

I will not share more of my drama for now.

So what happened in-between?

I did keep up with my exercise!! Yeah me! One day I ditched the 10k steps - by the time I could go for a walk to catch up, it was almost midnight and I knew I did not have a chance. Did attend Zumba Friday and did my usual cardio / back strength routine this morning. Also peeked in one of the other group classes to see if this could be interesting. Unfortunately scheduling may not work out on those, so I just keep my routine for now. Still thinking of a couple of trainer sessions to improve what I do compared to my goals. Not having "gym friends" means I need to get my motivation and knowledge another way - keep in mind I have not been doing any planned exercise since I graduated middle school and left the swim team. (well I did swimming in the summer but that is it, nothing in the winter).

I am starting to get more at ease about the ladies locker room - This morning I realized I could never change in a mens room anymore, just do not want to show off my breasts in a mens locker room. One day I may actually be confident enough to also use the showers (private stalls).

It finally starts showing on the scale too:
21lbs to go

The only catch is... I lost almost a cup size. back to almost nothing...

Kiddo is pretty much back to normal, still a bit exhausted and sleepy which is not all that bad since it allows Mommy #1 to relax a bit and regain some of her strength.

Had a pretty busy weekend, Music Class, Farmers market, catching up on sleep, laundry, a visit to the Air and Space Museum and a nice dinner with friends.

Now back to work...

Sorry again for all the worries I have caused.

Hugs - Sarah

By "Popular Demand" I am glad to see that Sarah's World is back up and running...  Yaaahoooo!

Big congratulations are in order for you regarding your continued exercise regimen....
... wow wheee...  only 21 pounds to go.

Oh yeah, I fully understand about the women's locker room and showers gauntlet... I am happy for you that you finally feel at ease there where you now belong... next step... the showers!!!!  Private stalls do help for sure. 
I overcame that hurtle at the beginning of the year, as it turned out I was worried for nothing... and of course, like you, the men's locker room and showers are no longer a viable option because of dramatic and significant body changes thanks to HRT and external primping at a beauty salon.
And, yes, having workout buddies and gym friends do indeed to keep you accountable for your commitment to a good exercise and workout plan....  I hope that you can get those kinds of realtionships developed soon... it really does help.

Oh, for sure... dieting and loosing a lot of weight certainly does impact and reduce your breast size... that is why on so many threads here that it is mentioned that a weight loss program BEFORE HRT is most recommended.   But what is done is done and getting your weight down to where you want it is of prime importance anyway...  the breasts will continue to grow again as you stay on the hormones.   

I love your picture... that is certainly one that I could use on my proposed "hot and sweaty" montage that I will hopefull start working on this summer.  With your permission of course.

** No worries about causing worries for your Susan's Place followers... we are just super-happy that Sarah is BACK!!!
It is great to know that your extreme drama is mostly resolved now.... but in life there will always be drama... so keep after it and keep it trimmed down as it comes up... much like dandelions and other weeds.

Hugs and well wishes... and looking forward to your continued updates as always.

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             (Click Links below):  [Oldest first]
  Aspiringperson is now Alaskan Danielle    
           I am the HUNTED PREY : Danielle's Chronicles    
                  A New Chapter: ALASKAN DANIELLE's Chronicles    
                             Danielle's Continuing Life Adventures
I started HRT March 2015 and
I've been Full-Time since December 2016.
I love living in a small town in Alaska
I am 44 years old and Single


Quote from: Alaskan Danielle on May 14, 2018, 12:03:35 PM
Oh, for sure... dieting and loosing a lot of weight certainly does impact and reduce your breast size... that is why on so many threads here that it is mentioned that a weight loss program BEFORE HRT is most recommended.   But what is done is done and getting your weight down to where you want it is of prime importance anyway...  the breasts will continue to grow again as you stay on the hormones.   

I had lost 30 lbs before starting HRT, pretty good - and I went into HRT at 160 lbs. After a year I was between 162 lbs and 165. Unfortunately at the beginning of this year it spiraled and maxed out at 175. Now I am at 171. So I am still almost 20 lbs below the weight I had mid 2016.
My real goal is between 150 and 155 lbs and not have any fat around my waist (the DRESS of course)

Not sure about the breasts, the last few month they stopped hurting and what i thought was a growth spur at the beginning of the year, turned out to be me getting fat  ;D ;D ;D Well, girls have their tricks.

Quote from: Alaskan Danielle on May 14, 2018, 12:03:35 PM
I love your picture... that is certainly one that I could use on my proposed "hot and sweaty" montage that I will hopefull start working on this summer.  With your permission of course.
Of course you can use it! not very sweaty and there may be better ones in the future - maybe after Zumba... many girls take selfies after class, so I would just fit right it...

Quote from: Jayne01 on May 14, 2018, 11:51:25 AM
I'm glad you have kept up with the exercise. Yes, it takes extra effort to get motivate without a group of gym friends. I'll give you s gentle poke if I notice you slackening off.
<<<POKE>>> just testing the poker is working. [emoji12]
I felt the POKE very strong this morning after waking up (preemptively!!!)

and I'll <<<POKE>>> right back, I saw you got on the treadmill! Very proud of you girl! One day we may have to race @Alaskan Danielle if we continue the pace ;D ;D; ;D

Quote from: Jayne01 on May 14, 2018, 11:51:25 AM
I am also glad Kiddo is getting back to normal. Just so I'm clear, which of you is Mommy #1?

If I am lucky, I am Mommy #2 (Hot-Mommy #2  :-*)

Quote from: Jayne01 on May 14, 2018, 11:51:25 AM
I loved visiting the Air and Space Museum when my wife and I visited way back in 2006. If we ever get back that way, I'd like to visit it again.
We went to the Annex at the Airport, I know you saw pictures in the Steph2.0 thread. I heard they plan to expand it and it is just so amazing. This time, I did see it through kids yes which gave me a whole new perspective. If you are ever in the area, let me know and we go together! I am sure you can fill in a lot of nice technical details.



Quote from: sarah1972 on May 14, 2018, 02:20:27 PM
If I am lucky, I am Mommy #2 (Hot-Mommy #2  :-*)
I thought so. Just wanted to be sure. [emoji16]

We went to the Annex at the Airport, I know you saw pictures in the Steph2.0 thread. I heard they plan to expand it and it is just so amazing. This time, I did see it through kids yes which gave me a whole new perspective. If you are ever in the area, let me know and we go together! I am sure you can fill in a lot of nice technical details.
I really enjoyed both the annex and the main museum. What really impressed me was that most of the displays were the real thing, not replicas.

I have an interesting story about the technical details, well interesting to me anyway. Before going on our trip to the USA, I had just completed some training on the Airbus A330. The main landing gear on this aircraft has some fancy wizardry that makes the landing gear shorter so that it fits into the hole when it retracts into the fuselage for flight. I was initially having trouble getting my head around how this shortening mechanism worked. Fast forward a few weeks and I find myself in the annex of the Air and Space Museum looking at the landing gear of an A340 (which is the same as the A330) and some nice museum curator had thought to cut out a section of the landing gear structure to get a look inside at this magical shortening mechanism. Soon as I saw the inside workings, I though "aha, that's how it works". I took some photos and sent them to my training instructor to use as a training aid in future courses.

Sorry, I didn't mean to bore you with aircraft techno babble. You can have your thread back now. [emoji23]



Quote from: Jayne01 on May 14, 2018, 03:12:21 PM

Sorry, I didn't mean to bore you with aircraft techno babble. You can have your thread back now. [emoji23]


Not a chance you could bore me with that! I do have a mechanical engineering degree (with a very odd specialty), so anything mechanical is always of great interest to me.

Oh - and speaking of aircraft: I do operate my own ADS-B receiver. Being in close vicinity to three major airports, I do catch a lot of planes, including the famous Air Force One and the airplane of the German Chancellor... Pretty cool to see what is up in the air and how it changes. All the labs doing blood work operate their own fleet of gulf streams flying through the night only accompanied by FedEx, UPS and Amazon planes... Airspace is super packed during the day...

I always had a dream to learn to fly either a plane (Cessna class) or even a helicopter. But i guess I never get to it....





Quote from: sarah1972 on May 14, 2018, 03:21:58 PM
I always had a dream to learn to fly either a plane (Cessna class) or even a helicopter. But i guess I never get to it....


You can learn to fly at any age. I don't know what it costs over where you are, it has become quite expensive here in recent years. You never know what opportunities may present themselves in the future.

Helicopters always fascinated me. I wanted to build one at one stage, a RotorWay Exec, or a Baby Belle. Lessons were way to expensive at the time, so I learned to fly fixed wing aircraft. Life kind of happened and I haven't flown in over 10 years. Talking with @Steph2.0 has gotten the flying bug biting me again. I really miss flying. Maybe once I get Jayne on track I can get back into it.

You have me intrigued what your "odd specialty" in engineering may be!



Quote from: sarah1972 on May 14, 2018, 03:21:58 PM
Not a chance you could bore me with that! I do have a mechanical engineering degree (with a very odd specialty), so anything mechanical is always of great interest to me.

Oh - and speaking of aircraft: I do operate my own ADS-B receiver. Being in close vicinity to three major airports, I do catch a lot of planes, including the famous Air Force One and the airplane of the German Chancellor... Pretty cool to see what is up in the air and how it changes. All the labs doing blood work operate their own fleet of gulf streams flying through the night only accompanied by FedEx, UPS and Amazon planes... Airspace is super packed during the day...

I always had a dream to learn to fly either a plane (Cessna class) or even a helicopter. But i guess I never get to it....



Whoa whoa whoa! Talking airplanes without me? What the heck?!

Sarah, did you build your own Stratux ADSB receiver? That's what I use in the plane for ADSB in, showing traffic and weather, along with my navigation, in the iFly app on an iPad Mini. For those who don't know, Stratux is public domain software you run on a Raspberry Pi computer with a software definable radio USB module. It talks via WiFi to a tablet. I built one up myself, and have about $90 in the whole thing (not counting the iPad of course).

As for flying lessons in the US, since 2008 there has been a new license available, called Sport Pilot. Day VFR only, max 2 seats, max gross weight 1320 lbs, max cruise 120 knots, etc. you can fly the kind of planes I do, and the requirements are half of what's needed for private pilot - 20 hours minimum training instead of 40. I think Light Sport training, plane and instructor, is about $120 an hour.

If you ever get to Florida and the weather cooperates, I can show you what it's all about!

- Stephanie

Assigned male at birth 1958 * Began envying sister 1963 * Knew unquestioningly that I was female 1968 * Acted the male part for 50 years * Meltdown and first therapist session May 2017 * Began HRT 6/21/17 * Out to the world 10/13/17 * Name Change 12/7/2017 (Girl Harbor Day) * FFS With FacialTeam 12/4/2018 * Facelift and Lipo Body Sculpting at Ocean Clinic 6/13-14/2019 * GCS with Marci Bowers 9/25/2019


Sweet! I have a very similar Setup, and I also built it myself. Raspberry PI, 2 Software Defined Radios for ADS-B (1090 MHz) and ULAT (970 MHZ). Tuned antennas on the roof. I am using a modified PIAware software which is more for stationary receivers. Stratux offers better options for pilots.
My system also feeds the data to FlightAware and a few other sites, they all give you free premium accounts for sending data in and since I travel a lot, this is a pretty good deal. I also get Multilateration data out of feeding other sites which gives me more aircraft s on my screen.

My initial setup was about $75. Now with the tunes antennas and really good antenna cables it is a bit more, but I also catch a lot more planes... real fun stuff.

My neighbors already ask what is going on with all the antennas on my roof... (there is also a lightning detector, a TV antenna and a FM antenna as well as a weather station)

Thanks for all the tips on flight lessons. This sounds very intriguing now. Even the 40 lessons does not sound too bad... for me it is primarily a time issue.

I want to get back in my other time consuming hobby after taking a bit of a break and all the transition related activities are just eating too much of my day already... So I just watch planes on my screen....

Quote from: Steph2.0 on May 14, 2018, 11:57:54 PM
Whoa whoa whoa! Talking airplanes without me? What the heck?!

Sarah, did you build your own Stratux ADSB receiver? That's what I use in the plane for ADSB in, showing traffic and weather, along with my navigation, in the iFly app on an iPad Mini. For those who don't know, Stratux is public domain software you run on a Raspberry Pi computer with a software definable radio USB module. It talks via WiFi to a tablet. I built one up myself, and have about $90 in the whole thing (not counting the iPad of course).

As for flying lessons in the US, since 2008 there has been a new license available, called Sport Pilot. Day VFR only, max 2 seats, max gross weight 1320 lbs, max cruise 120 knots, etc. you can fly the kind of planes I do, and the requirements are half of what's needed for private pilot - 20 hours minimum training instead of 40. I think Light Sport training, plane and instructor, is about $120 an hour.

If you ever get to Florida and the weather cooperates, I can show you what it's all about!

- Stephanie



Yaaaay! You have your profile picture back. Looking good, Sarah!



May 16th - Just a quick one

Not really anything big to report at the moment. Just living my Sarah Life.
I am at my forth week since I joined a gym. And I am still at it. Going two to three times a week. Still keeping up with my steps (ugh - last night I crossed the 10k line at 23:57 / 11:57 PM running around the suburbs). Weather is messing with my swimming plans. It does look sooo inviting, but nightly thunderstorms do not want me to be in the water.

Besides that it is mostly day-to-day life. Shopping, going to the office, traveling, doctors appointments. Not a lot of excitement. But you know what? This is actually a nice change. Almost no-one suspects anything.

Sarah out grocery shopping.

And outside our headquarters at work.

Well, and then there is all the special stuff: Still dealing with a bit of fallout from my recent meltdown. I have my last facial laser hair removal tomorrow, then it will be electrolysis for all the grey hair. 18 month HRT checkup coming and my first Mammogram this fall. And a PSA test. Very odd to think about having to do both, but it is what it is.

Kiddo is mostly back to normal. Still a bit tired, but back to happy smiles and crazy ideas. And she is such a "girly girl", always wanting to wear the cute dresses and sparkly shoes. Wonder where she got all that from  :angel: :angel: :angel: (She bought her first pair of heels at 18 month, and she picked them, not us!!!)

So much for now, bigger updates in the future.

Thanks for taking the time to stay on top of my crazy little world...


Northern Star Girl

Sarah:  What a happy and good news report, thank you for posting your today's update.
As you indicated, you are busy with life... and I am so glad that you are keeping up with your gym and exercise commitments along with your "steps" program.   Sometimes walking/jogging, exercising and working out can be something that takes determination and will power to keep doing but in the end you will not only feel better but you will feel better about yourself....   plus you can look better in those clothing styles that you like.

Ah ha, I had to chuckle about having a mammogram and then having a PSA test that also may also include the digital(finger) probe.....  women have their own types of exams, men have their own types of exams, as transgenders we get it all!!!!

I am very happy that your meltdown is past history now and that you are doing well in your "crazy little world" (your words) .... and I am also glad that sickness has apparently left your household and that your daughter has mostly recovered.

Again, thanks for your update, it was a joy for me to read....   and YOUR PICTURES !!!!  very nice indeed.
Hugs and well wishes,
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Check out my Personal Blog Threads below
to read more details about me and my life.

             (Click Links below):  [Oldest first]
  Aspiringperson is now Alaskan Danielle    
           I am the HUNTED PREY : Danielle's Chronicles    
                  A New Chapter: ALASKAN DANIELLE's Chronicles    
                             Danielle's Continuing Life Adventures
I started HRT March 2015 and
I've been Full-Time since December 2016.
I love living in a small town in Alaska
I am 44 years old and Single


Quote from: Alaskan Danielle on May 16, 2018, 02:24:54 PM
Sarah:  What a happy and good news report, thank you for posting your today's update.
Ah ha, I had to chuckle about having a mammogram and then having a PSA test that also may also include the digital(finger) probe.....  women have their own types of exams, men have their own types of exams, as transgenders we get it all!!!!

Hugs and well wishes,

Ha! Yes, Maybe I ask if they can do both exams at the same time  ;D >:-)

What I did not know for a long time is that even after surgery, prostate exams will still be required, along with a whole new set of checkups I do not have to worry about now. The medical community (or the insurance lobby) is questioning the value of prostate screening altogether these days. Let's see what my GP thinks the next time I am there. Mammogram I have avoided so far and my doctor said there is a bit of time since they where still in growing pains. But she also said, she wants a baseline scan before the end of the year. Oh well. We can just make it a family outing to the radiology center.

When I looked up transgender care guidelines of my insurance, they clearly stated they would cover both exams. Apparently they even pay for the more fancy 3D Mammogram.

So true, we getting it all! Including a chance for a second Puberty.

Gym is somewhat addictive. First few times, I was lucky to get through 30 minutes. Now I am over an hour and I just wanted to continue this morning... But work called.

Thank you @Alaskan Danielle for being such a loyal follower of my thread!



Quote from: sarah1972 on May 16, 2018, 01:21:50 PM
May 16th - Just a quick one

Not really anything big to report at the moment. Just living my Sarah Life.
Sarah, I can't tell you how happy it made me to read that. You are doing what we are all striving for, to live a normal life as our true selves.

Your opening statement made the rest of your post so interesting, even the grocery shopping part.

I enjoy reading all your updates, keep them coming no matter how "ordinary" you think no they might be. Those of us not yet able to  live as our true selves get hope and inspiration from people like you.



Aww @Jayne01 - Thanks so much, you are another one of the loyal readers here.

The day is almost over for me, just came back from my nightly walk to get my steps logged. On my way, I stopped by our local drug store / pharmacy to get some gum and for the first time in ages, I have been misgendered and called "sir". In a skirt and a skimpy top. Very odd. To the clerks defense, he knows me for many years. It did not really bother me much, but I did stumble over it. Guess the next time I have to give him a little hint. Don't think he did it on purpose.

Reminder to self: Pack shower stuff into the gym bag. 

Sleep well everyone and stay classy internet!

Quote from: Jayne01 on May 16, 2018, 06:39:51 PM
Quote from: sarah1972 on May 16, 2018, 01:21:50 PM
May 16th - Just a quick one

Not really anything big to report at the moment. Just living my Sarah Life.
Sarah, I can't tell you how happy it made me to read that. You are doing what we are all striving for, to live a normal life as our true selves.

Your opening statement made the rest of your post so interesting, even the grocery shopping part.

I enjoy reading all your updates, keep them coming no matter how "ordinary" you think no they might be. Those of us not yet able to  live as our true selves get hope and inspiration from people like you.




May 18 - More sweating

First I do want to thank all of my friends here, it is amazing having such a great bunch around, with advice and help, no matter what the issue.

Since there is really not much to report right now (sorry you have to wait a few more days for a bigger, more exciting update), I just have a gym update...

Oh - Last Laser session today. Then a few months of Electrolysis....

Last time I was compiling about not losing weight. Yeah, my diet may play a role too, but i did discover something else thanks to my body composition scale:

I have lost almost 5 lbs of fat. YEAH!!!! but in return, I gained almost 3 lbs of muscles. For now I assume this is normal in the beginning and I hope that once I have some more muscle I'll simply burn more fat.

After my vacation to Europe in June, I will most likely get a few personal trainer sessions so I get a better handle on my "problem areas".

Here are a few more "sweaty" pics after Zumba this morning. @Alaskan Danielle: a few more you can pick from  for your collage ;D



May 21 - sunburn

Usually not a picture I would post, but it has some relevance... I got sunburned during yard work over the weekend (yeah I know Mommy, always use sunscreen).
Back to the relevance: when I looked at my back in the mirror, I had happy tears in my eyes, I could clearly see the (very cute) tank top I have been wearing. So happy to be where I am today compared to 3 years ago... My first real "girly" sunburn  :angel: :angel: And yes, I promise to be a good girl and wear sunscreen in the future.

Busy week ahead with a lot of work and finally good enough weather to clean up the yard and add swimming to the exercise regime. I may have to reduce one of the other activities to conserve time.

Have a great week everyone!

Stay classy internet!



Quote from: sarah1972 on May 21, 2018, 07:56:04 AM
May 21 - sunburn

Usually not a picture I would post, but it has some relevance... I got sunburned during yard work over the weekend (yeah I know Mommy, always use sunscreen).
Back to the relevance: when I looked at my back in the mirror, I had happy tears in my eyes, I could clearly see the (very cute) tank top I have been wearing. So happy to be where I am today compared to 3 years ago... My first real "girly" sunburn  :angel: :angel: And yes, I promise to be a good girl and wear sunscreen in the future.

Busy week ahead with a lot of work and finally good enough weather to clean up the yard and add swimming to the exercise regime. I may have to reduce one of the other activities to conserve time.

Have a great week everyone!

Stay classy internet!
I wonder if that photo would fit in with Danielle's Hot and Sweaty montage?

That is a very red sunburn you got there. And yes, wear sunscreen next time. Nice moment though, with the happy tears for something as simple as getting a "girly" sunburn from wearing girly clothes. You are making me want to go buy more girly clothes and ditch all my boring boy clothes.

Thanks for your update.


Northern Star Girl

Quote from: sarah1972 on May 21, 2018, 07:56:04 AM
May 21 - sunburn

Usually not a picture I would post, but it has some relevance... I got sunburned during yard work over the weekend (yeah I know Mommy, always use sunscreen).
Back to the relevance: when I looked at my back in the mirror, I had happy tears in my eyes, I could clearly see the (very cute) tank top I have been wearing. So happy to be where I am today compared to 3 years ago... My first real "girly" sunburn  :angel: :angel: And yes, I promise to be a good girl and wear sunscreen in the future.

Busy week ahead with a lot of work and finally good enough weather to clean up the yard and add swimming to the exercise regime. I may have to reduce one of the other activities to conserve time.

Have a great week everyone!

Stay classy internet!

Sarah:   That is wonderful seeing your sunburn picture... and no, I am not condoning your sunburn, and you do indeed need to use sunscreen to protect your skin....
....but it brings back my own fond memories of my first experiences getting "girly" sun tan lines on my body...   tank tops, racer back tops and sports bras and bikini tops and an bikini bottoms too.... nothing like seeing sunburns, tan lines and tans in places not experienced before as my old male self...  particularly shocking was the seeing the suntan after wearing a thong bikini bottom.    At first all of that was shocking but it brought lots of my wonderful emotions to the forefront.

Thanks for your posting... I loved your picture.
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Check out my Personal Blog Threads below
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             (Click Links below):  [Oldest first]
  Aspiringperson is now Alaskan Danielle    
           I am the HUNTED PREY : Danielle's Chronicles    
                  A New Chapter: ALASKAN DANIELLE's Chronicles    
                             Danielle's Continuing Life Adventures
I started HRT March 2015 and
I've been Full-Time since December 2016.
I love living in a small town in Alaska
I am 44 years old and Single


I had a bit of regret today when I put on a tankini over the sunburn. Ouch. Now sunscreen is right next to the door. At least the water provided some cooling.

@Jayne01 - Ha! Yes, go for it!! Isn't it turning winter where you are? Stay warm!

@Alaskan Danielle - Glad I am not alone being happy about such minor things. I do envy your courage for bikini's, especially of the lesser fabric kind. I am just not good enough at hiding a few things to be able to pull it off. Maybe one day. But then - there is a lot I said I'd never do three years ago.



Note to self: Even a "Barely Cup" hurts when jogging without appropriate support...  :(

At least tonight I saw someone else jogging after 11:00 PM... made me feel a lot less lonely  :angel:



Quote from: sarah1972 on May 21, 2018, 10:42:43 PM
Note to self: Even a "Barely Cup" hurts when jogging without appropriate support...  [emoji20]

At least tonight I saw someone else jogging after 11:00 PM... made me feel a lot less lonely  :angel:
Oh yeah! I discovered that a few weeks ago. I ended up running with my arms folded across my chest to finish my workout. I can tell you that running that way is very awkward.

Stay safe running out there at that hour of the night.
