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Sarah's New World

Started by sarah1972, January 25, 2018, 12:39:32 PM

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Moving fast without a bra isn't an option anymore. Too painful. Good and bad...
Every day is a totally awesome day
Every day provides opportunities and challenges
Every challenge leads to an opportunity
Every fear faced leads to one more strength
Every strength leads to greater success
Success leads to self esteem
Self Esteem leads to happiness.
Cherish every day.



Wow! it has already been one entire year full time. Time flies.

I knew May was a big month for me and looking back I was not really sure which date I should use, so I decided to use the date I sent out an email to most people at work introducing them to Sarah. This was May 23rd, 2017 at 8:46 AM after quite an awesome week of firsts In this thread from last year

The subject line caused a lot of concern and I did get a few responses saying: "No problem about being trans, we were afraid you would quit" hahaha... I did choose the subject line on purpose.

** left click for larger view

Just as a quick recap -
I admitted to being trans in April 2016, started Therapy in October 2016 and Hormones January 2017. Starting coming out to friends in March 2017.

It has been a fun, thrilling, exciting, incredible, interesting and tumultuous year. But it also had its challenges.

I am out and about and visible every single day. I am Sarah.

Before and After
While thinking about this day, I did go through old photos and I did find a photo from August 2016. This was after coming out to my wife but before any therapy or Hormones. I was wearing a dress I still have, and I do have a picture in it from early May 2018. What a difference. The sad short haired male is gone and has been replaced by a bubbly and happy woman.

One year in 60 seconds
I have to admit, that I have been very lucky in my transition so far. Work took fantastic about my coming out, they changed my email address within a few days and sent me new business cards. All my customers have been great, they changed their systems. All of our friends have been great and very accepting. My family was very accepting and supportive. Parents in law are OK about it.

My wife continues her best to be supportive, but I do know she is still struggling. So far we are both committed trying to make it work, and even her the normality of the new situation is actually helping her too.

Over the past few months, my passing rate in public has dramatically increased and at least for people who did not know me from before, I do get gendered correctly about 99% of the time. I have been seen as my kid's mother at the doctor (Hot Mommy#2). So far I have been able to travel multiple times without issues, use the correct bathroom and the gym locker room. And I finally made it through the "awkward hair" phase. Still not able to do much with it, but it has reached a nice length. I graduated from Laser Hair removal, now awaiting Electrolysis. My other body hair has always been fairly spotty and is in nice female range (shaving every few weeks).

Most days for me are just normal days. Get up, drop the kid at daycare, go to the gym, work, pick the kid up, go shopping and then household chores. I still travel a lot more than I want but in the end, it pays the bills, and I can fully travel as Sarah. The weekend is farmers market, music class, yard work and fun activities. Just normal life as Sarah. A lot of that is documented here in multiple posts.

I am generally accepted into the "girls club" and I am generally treated like the women I am.

I have met fantastic people during my journey so far. I have made so many new friends, on Susan's and beyond, and I am very grateful about every single one

The entire year I have worn men's clothes twice early on and I hated it. All of them are now boxed up and waiting for a friend to pick them up for charity. I do have a decent new wardrobe, a good mix between a soccer mom and "Meghan Markle in the TV show Suits inspired" business style.

Recently I started taking care of my fitness and body better to be able to celebrate many more of these special days hopefully.

Oh... and for all the gatekeepers: 1 year RLE - done and dusted. That was easy.

I am lucky to live in a very accepting area of the US and so far have not had any negative reactions. A few odd looks, especially early on. Nothing has been said to me and I have not heard anything being said behind my back. I am fully aware that this is only a matter of time until it happens and I need to be ready for that day.

Fun moments over the past year
... being called "mom" by my kid's doctor
... The Canadian Customs Agent was asking me how I am related to the person in my ID's, and after I explained we laughed and she looked up all the steps I have to take whenever I am ready to change my name legally. So sweet.
... Being referred to as "moms" when out and about with the family.
... Meeting a parent of a trans child in a clothing store in the smallest of all towns in the middle of Pennsylvania. She made shopping for the dress I wanted so much easier by telling me about her son.
... A 70-year-old man in a store was insisting on carrying "heavy" items for me.
... Being offered seats and doors being held open.
... Getting the first pieces of mail for "Sarah."
... Seeing "Sarah [lastname]" in TV credits, last time it was still all my old name.
... Breaking out in tears over some of the sweetest things my kid did.
... Finally having emotions.
... Being kicked out of the men's room (yeah!)
... When signing up for Gym, they changed my gender to "female" even though they had my male ID right in front of them. They also pushed me through the ladies locker room for the first time.
... People I worked with walking right past me, not recognizing me after all these changes.
... Being hit on by a mid 20's nerd at the checkout of a computer store.
... Creating guilt trips in men and being brought a lovely dinner at work as a result of it.
... Using the words "Fine" and "Whatever" in stereotypically feminine manner.

and so many more fun moments.

I have been hit with puberty. A 38-year-old woman (well, I am 38 for a few times now) with raging teen hormones. Fun. I think I will subscribe to "teen vogue" next and get some glitter nail polish.


The good days by far outweigh the bad days, so I am happy. I am also working very hard to change my attitude towards life.

Admittedly, I do struggle now and then. I do know I did make the right decision and I don't want to nor can I go back to my old life. Parts of my struggles are caused by the initial thrills having worn off. There was so much adrenalin in the beginning. The first friend to tell, first time out in a dress in general public, starting hormones and coming out at work. And then there was a normal life. Just living as Sarah. And I did start missing the rush of the next step and the reward when crossing another bridge.

While I have long stretches of really enjoying the "normal," I do get interrupted by wanting to take the next steps.

Thanks to the current law in Germany, a name and gender marker change is nearly impossible. While the entire government wants to make changes, it just does not have any priority to them. I could change all my US documents, but that would only cause a lot of confusion, especially when traveling.

My voice is still a significant giveaway. Not sure what to do about that yet. Maybe I need to invest the time in voice training. I have not lucked out in breast growth - stuck at an A cup, and that is shrinking due to my current weight loss.

I am still very insecure about many aspects of my presentation and manners. I think there are still too many giveaways. I am seeking an excellent female mentor.

And of course, I am still struggling with what I have done to my wife.

I also list puberty in this category. It has caused a few issues too. And I cannot stand cold showers. (For all my German speaking friends: I am a "Warmduscher" - someone who only takes hot showers). And apparently "One Direction" split up. "Fifth Harmony" is on Hiatus, and I never liked Justin Bieber, so what am I gonna do now? That sucks.

What will the next year bring?

Continue to live my normal life. Yes, I am a suburban soccer mom. 

My biggest hope for the next year of Sarah is to work on improving the relationship with my wife. This is the foundation for our happiness and moving forward on many other aspects of my transition.

My next logical step is to look into surgery. Initially, I did not think this would be important to me, but it has become essential to me over the past year. I am also starting to consider BA. I was hoping for at least a B cup and I may need some help. Both are much further away than I want and there will most likely not be anything happen in the coming year.

My parents and family will finally meet Sarah - for logistical reasons we only see each other every two years.

And then just a few simple things: complete facial hair removal, add a few items to my wardrobe and get my first mammogram.

Continue to improve my fitness, keeping up with the gym and other workouts.

If you made it till here - Thank you so much for reading through all this.

thank you all for your continued support!!!



Happy >-bleeped-<versary, Sarah.
1 year old!!! Woooohooooo [emoji322][emoji322][emoji322][emoji324][emoji324][emoji324][emoji126][emoji126][emoji126]

Wow! What an incredible journey it has been for you so far. You have come so far these past couple of years. From admitting to yourself to being trans, to your first time out as Sarah, to going full time, to living a normal life as your true self.

I loved reading the summary of your journey so far with the list of fun moments. I had to laugh at your reference to glitter nail polish and teeny magazines. As you know, I am also having similar teeny puberty moments so I can totally relate.

Your struggles also show that this is not an easy road we travel and we only transition because we have to. Your are traveling this road with style, facing each hurdle along the way with the strength you have found inside yourself and the support of your family and friends.

I look forward to following you along your journey in the coming year and hopefully many years to come.

Yay! It's Sarah's birthday!!! [emoji322][emoji322][emoji322]




What a landmark! Well done Sarah, you have faced great battles and are winning in style.

I do read the various threads with yourself, Jayne, Laurie and many others all on the transition highway. In some ways they bring back not so fond and some fond memories.

What I can say is that after a while it does all get easier, I was having a coffee the other day and 2 guys were in the cafe and talking away and I was thinking. I wonder how I managed to try and be like them?

I couldn't recall 'him' very well at all. Not sadly missed and almost forgotten!


Sarah, what a year! And NEVER say no to glitter polish, or I'll come over there and paint you from head to toe in the stuff [emoji3]. X

Sent from my MI 5s using Tapatalk


Northern Star Girl

Dear Sarah:   
What a thrilling and exciting update marking your ONE YEAR coming out Full Time ANNIVERSARY!!!!
.... and YES, I read it all, some parts of it, twice!!!

Your descriptions, pictures and comments regarding your experience riding the roller coaster of HRT and transitioning to Full Time and now living your life as the "New You" are a wonderful testimony to your determination and willpower...
... and how you have conquered the obstacles that all of us that are considering transitioning, in the middle of transitioning or have transitioned CAN IDENTIFY WITH.

Thank you for posting your inspirational story....  and the ride continues, please keep those updates coming!!!

You have my Hugs and Admiration,
****Help support this website by:
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Check out my Personal Blog Threads below
to read more details about me and my life.

             (Click Links below):  [Oldest first]
  Aspiringperson is now Alaskan Danielle    
           I am the HUNTED PREY : Danielle's Chronicles    
                  A New Chapter: ALASKAN DANIELLE's Chronicles    
                             Danielle's Continuing Life Adventures
I started HRT March 2015 and
I've been Full-Time since December 2016.
I love living in a small town in Alaska
I am 44 years old and Single


May 24th - Lion's Den

Well, I had to go into the Lion's Den today. Virginia Outdoor Power Equipment, Co. Yes, it is exactly how anyone would picture it. Lots of lawn mowers, chainsaws, and more Testosterone than I ever had in my entire life.

As usual, I was in a rush between Gym and Conference Calls (My boss had already called twice during Gym).

So, here I am, in my all sweaty Gym clothes pulling up in my soccer mom SUV, ready to walk in.

And I did. Got some really odd stares when I was very clear on what I want (Marine Grade Fuel Stabilizer). My butt also got a few looks (another one of these "normal" items, not very pleasant but unfortunately part of the game.) Men are just a funny species.

Guess they all do not see a sweaty chic in gym clothes every day. I don't think anyone clocked me. And of course, I enjoyed having the door held for me :-)

Thanks, @Jayne01, @Cindy, @Megan. and @Alaskan Danielle for reading through my giant long post, the encouragement and congratulations.

I better get some glitter nail polish.

@Cindy - Thanks for the encouragement. You are giving me a lot of hope that my emotional roller coaster will stop one day.

You can see I am already shaking my head when it comes to stereotypical male behavior. There are still moments where I enjoy having both experiences... How do I get men to do what I want? Knowing how I was in my previous life, helps me find the trigger points. Not, that I am abusing it, but it is fun... And I don't mind getting a nice discount on a new laptop either.





Sarah I didn't get to your post yesterday but wow what a year and a great summary.  The comparison photo 19 months apart is incredible but shows only a fraction of how much you have changed inside.  You are inspiring many, and your future holds so much.   
Assigned male at birth 1963.  Decided I wanted to be a girl in 1971.  Laser 2014-16, electrolysis 2015-17, HRT 7/2017, GCS 1/2018, VFS 3/2018, FFS 5/2018, Labiaplasty & BA 7/2018. 


Quote from: sarah1972 on May 23, 2018, 12:42:37 PM
May 24th - Lion's Den

Well, I had to go into the Lion's Den today. Virginia Outdoor Power Equipment, Co. Yes, it is exactly how anyone would picture it. Lots of lawn mowers, chainsaws, and more Testosterone than I ever had in my entire life.

As usual, I was in a rush between Gym and Conference Calls (My boss had already called twice during Gym).

So, here I am, in my all sweaty Gym clothes pulling up in my soccer mom SUV, ready to walk in.

And I did. Got some really odd stares when I was very clear on what I want (Marine Grade Fuel Stabilizer). My butt also got a few looks (another one of these "normal" items, not very pleasant but unfortunately part of the game.) Men are just a funny species.

Guess they all do not see a sweaty chic in gym clothes every day. I don't think anyone clocked me. And of course, I enjoyed having the door held for me :-)

Thanks, @Jayne01, @Cindy, @Megan. and @Alaskan Danielle for reading through my giant long post, the encouragement and congratulations.

I better get some glitter nail polish.

@Cindy - Thanks for the encouragement. You are giving me a lot of hope that my emotional roller coaster will stop one day.

You can see I am already shaking my head when it comes to stereotypical male behavior. There are still moments where I enjoy having both experiences... How do I get men to do what I want? Knowing how I was in my previous life, helps me find the trigger points. Not, that I am abusing it, but it is fun... And I don't mind getting a nice discount on a new laptop either.


Hiya Sarah,
I'm glad you are having a bit of fun in the process of being yourself. Having a little knowledge of how men think from living life on both sides of the fence can have its benefits.

Just like a theme park roller coaster, the emotional roller coaster can make you feel unwell, but oh what a rush it can be!!!

You gave me this vision of a bunch of Neanderthals frozen in awe, staring at the hot chick who just walked into their cave speaking their language. Where they coherent enough to find the fuel stabiliser you were looking for? [emoji23]



Quote from: Jayne01 on May 23, 2018, 04:20:39 PM
You gave me this vision of a bunch of Neanderthals frozen in awe, staring at the hot chick who just walked into their cave speaking their language. Where they coherent enough to find the fuel stabiliser you were looking for? [emoji23]

Hahaha, what a funny picture. But it did sum it up pretty nicely. It did get a bit quiet and the most prominent sound I heard was a chipmunk squeaking and running around.

Took a second of disbelief stare, but then I was pointed to the shelf with the fuel stabilizer. And of course, I paid with a Macy's credit card (Macy's is a large department store chain and ONLY women have a Macy's credit card  :angel:) I just could not resist.



Wow Sarah, I've just caught up on your anniversary post, you have come so far in the last year and your two year photo comparison is virtually unbelievable, so happy for you.


Quote from: Jayne01 on May 23, 2018, 04:20:39 PM
You gave me this vision of a bunch of Neanderthals frozen in awe, staring at the hot chick who just walked into their cave speaking their language. Where they coherent enough to find the fuel stabiliser you were looking for? [emoji23]

Now I had another thought... They may have seen me walking in "Slow Motion"... Hahaha, guess a bit of self-confidence never hurts.

Now... for an added quiz... which (really bad) movie is the "Slow Motion" quote/scene from??

Quote from: Nicole70 on May 24, 2018, 03:42:46 AM
Wow Sarah, I've just caught up on your anniversary post, you have come so far in the last year and your two year photo comparison is virtually unbelievable, so happy for you.

<Blushing>  Thanks for the compliments Nicole!! <Blushing>



May 24 - End of the week

Ugh - it has been an insanely busy week between work, some other issues, a leak in our house's foundation and finding time for the kiddo. Oh, and me celebrating my one-year full-time anniversary. But it has been a good week overall, better than I had in a very long time.

I am somewhat exhausted, and my sleep tracker is not happy about this week:

In all this crazy, I only slacked two days on my fitness routine, where I spent 9 hours on the phone and then worked another 6. So I missed my 10k step goal these two days.

I did my usual gym visits, including Zumba this morning. Different instructor, all new move combinations, and songs. And people stood in different positions, so I did not have my usual orientation. Being a rookie, I need someone with medium skills to tone it down for me.

And I finally was brave enough to take a shower at the gym. Wise decision, the second I stepped out of the locker room, I had another day of back-to-back calls until now.
Showers where packed with several classes ending at the same time Fridays, usually a situation I would bail.
Yeah Me, I did not bail. Another hurdle is taken.

The sad part is, weight went up a pound again :-(

23 lbs to go. Guess more sleep would help.

Work has been crazy, after almost a year, my new role in the company is finally shaping up a bit, and my Manager decided to dump a load of critical issues on my desk immediately. Anything from Staff freakouts to professional development planning, large RFP responses and more. During the 3rd call in one day on the same critical project, he was almost apologizing, and I told him that I had the best day at work for a very long time. And it was true. I do like crisis management. Not sure why, but it caters well to the way my brain works. Fast analyzing, quick conclusions, action plan, go. Love it.

So - overall, this was a great week, and it seems I am finally getting out of the blues.

I am still looking forward to a quiet three day weekend.

Hugs, everyone! Stay classy Internet!


Northern Star Girl

Quote from: sarah1972 on May 25, 2018, 02:44:03 PM
May 24 - End of the week
- - - - - - - -- -
. Oh, and me celebrating my one-year full-time anniversary. But it has been a good week overall, better than I had in a very long time.

I am somewhat exhausted, and my sleep tracker is not happy about this week:
- - - - - - - - - - - --
And I finally was brave enough to take a shower at the gym. Wise decision, the second I stepped out of the locker room, I had another day of back-to-back calls until now.
Showers where packed with several classes ending at the same time Fridays, usually a situation I would bail.
Yeah Me, I did not bail. Another hurdle is taken.

The sad part is, weight went up a pound again :-(

23 lbs to go. Guess more sleep would help.
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
So - overall, this was a great week, and it seems I am finally getting out of the blues.

I am still looking forward to a quiet three day weekend.

Hugs, everyone! Stay classy Internet!

Dear Sarah:
I am so very glad to hear that your self-proclaimed that you have a "good week  overall, better than what you have had in a very long time.   I am certain that you one-year anniversary had a lot to do with it.

Ahhhh, the women's locker room and shower gauntlet....  I've been there and done that....  the very first time is quite exciting in a frightful way....  like you said, another hurdle is taken.  I am happy for you.

That is  wonderful.... "finally getting out of the blues"   ...   Life it too short to be unhappy and blue.

Enjoy your 3 day long holiday weekend.    I know that I will enjoy mine too... and mine started today on Friday.
4 days for I am back to my long weekend, hiking with friends, etc.   Finally the weather is cooperating...   Spring has sprung !!!!

Thanks for posting your update... you have friends here that want to know!!!!
****Help support this website by:
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Check out my Personal Blog Threads below
to read more details about me and my life.

             (Click Links below):  [Oldest first]
  Aspiringperson is now Alaskan Danielle    
           I am the HUNTED PREY : Danielle's Chronicles    
                  A New Chapter: ALASKAN DANIELLE's Chronicles    
                             Danielle's Continuing Life Adventures
I started HRT March 2015 and
I've been Full-Time since December 2016.
I love living in a small town in Alaska
I am 44 years old and Single


Quote from: sarah1972 on May 25, 2018, 02:44:03 PM
May 24 - End of the week

Ugh - it has been an insanely busy week between work, some other issues, a leak in our house's foundation and finding time for the kiddo. Oh, and me celebrating my one-year full-time anniversary. But it has been a good week overall, better than I had in a very long time.

I am somewhat exhausted, and my sleep tracker is not happy about this week:

In all this crazy, I only slacked two days on my fitness routine, where I spent 9 hours on the phone and then worked another 6. So I missed my 10k step goal these two days.

I did my usual gym visits, including Zumba this morning. Different instructor, all new move combinations, and songs. And people stood in different positions, so I did not have my usual orientation. Being a rookie, I need someone with medium skills to tone it down for me.

And I finally was brave enough to take a shower at the gym. Wise decision, the second I stepped out of the locker room, I had another day of back-to-back calls until now.
Showers where packed with several classes ending at the same time Fridays, usually a situation I would bail.
Yeah Me, I did not bail. Another hurdle is taken.

The sad part is, weight went up a pound again :-(

23 lbs to go. Guess more sleep would help.

Work has been crazy, after almost a year, my new role in the company is finally shaping up a bit, and my Manager decided to dump a load of critical issues on my desk immediately. Anything from Staff freakouts to professional development planning, large RFP responses and more. During the 3rd call in one day on the same critical project, he was almost apologizing, and I told him that I had the best day at work for a very long time. And it was true. I do like crisis management. Not sure why, but it caters well to the way my brain works. Fast analyzing, quick conclusions, action plan, go. Love it.

So - overall, this was a great week, and it seems I am finally getting out of the blues.

I am still looking forward to a quiet three day weekend.

Hugs, everyone! Stay classy Internet!
Hey Sarah!

What a week for you! So good to see your manager is giving you more of the type of work you like doing. It is very satisfying to be busy with challenging work and finding ways to meet those challenges.

I hope the leak in your house foundations is nothing too serious.

Well done in keeping up with your fitness routine while being so busy. And congrats on braving the gym showers. I am way too shy for that. Even changing clothes in a locker room I usually wait till there is no one else around. Even more so now that I have some boobs....Yikes!!!! How could I ever explain that in a men's locker room. [emoji23]

Hope you have a great 3 day weekend...



Quote from: Jayne01 on May 26, 2018, 07:08:10 PM
Hey Sarah!

What a week for you! So good to see your manager is giving you more of the type of work you like doing. It is very satisfying to be busy with challenging work and finding ways to meet those challenges.

I hope the leak in your house foundations is nothing too serious.

Well done in keeping up with your fitness routine while being so busy. And congrats on braving the gym showers. I am way too shy for that. Even changing clothes in a locker room I usually wait till there is no one else around. Even more so now that I have some boobs....Yikes!!!! How could I ever explain that in a men's locker room. [emoji23]

Hope you have a great 3 day weekend...


Admittedly - I could not use the men's locker room anymore. My breasts are super small and sure there are men with way bigger "moobs" but it is a psychological thing. I would feel extremely uncomfortable. I would have to make sure that I change at home.
I am also very nervous about the women's locker room - after all, Virginia offers almost no protections based on Gender Identity, so I assume I could potentially get in trouble. I can only hope. make it undetected until being trans becomes a protected class. Until then I just try to blend in and make myself as small as possible.



May 28 - Surprise

Memorial Weekend is almost over and tomorrow it is back to work. So far it has been very relaxing, something I really needed after the sleep deficit raked up last week. Lots of family time, shopping and today we will try to catch up on housework.

Our town has their annual Memorial Day Event with a mix of arts and crafts show and carnival. Carnival was heaven for a two-year-old and we had to drag her away since she was getting exhausted in 32 C / 90 F temperatures and blaring sun. I am amazed how many rides such a small kid can go through. The lesson for next year: Buy the day passes...

Due to the rapid heat up, afternoons have had rain and a few rumbles of thunder and we decided to rather go spend a few hours at the mall, I still needed a bit more summer outfits. Kiddo could ride the mall train too, at least there we have a multi-ride pass. Overall Mall is usually a cheap entertainment for bad weather. You would be surprised, how many parents ride the escalator for hours with their kids.
I did get two new dresses and since VS had a nice panty sale, I could replenish. The first (cheap) ones I bought during the early days of my transition are starting to fall apart. I also got a nice crop top dress at the arts and crafts show.

All in all, an uneventful weekend.


Those of you following this thread along know about Facebook being the final frontier for coming out due to my wife's worries about her friends' reaction. Some have made transphobic remarks in the past. While I did get away setting my gender correctly as female, there was no way I could post a current picture.

To my big surprise... My wife posted a picture of me and kiddo on the carousel last night!!! While most of me is hidden, I am clearly visible and if you zoom in you can see the painted fingernails, earrings and me clearly wearing (one of the new) dresses. I almost fell off my chair. Something I had not expected to happen in the next year. We also negotiated another carousel selfie I had taken which I could post. I ended up finally updating my profile picture to the carousel picture.
Admittedly, the picture is most likely ambiguous, it is still a huge step forward for us.

There was a bit of a sad part in me: Since I started my fitness regime, I had already mentioned losing fat on my breasts which resulted in quite some shrinkage and I now also realized having lost some fat in my face and some of the softness I liked so much and made me more feminine is gone. I have seen my old male self in the mirror a few times and he was gone forever.

Here is at least my half of the carousel picture...

For those of you who have served... Thank you for your service!




Northern Star Girl

Dear Sarah:   
Yes, indeed, the holiday weekend is coming to a close and for us working folks that are not retired it is back to the salt mine tomorrow-Tuesday.   Hey, but I enjoy my work, and of course the next door coffee shop scene. It will be interesting to get back into the groove and routine again.

Today, like you stated is Memorial Day... and it is a day for us here in the USA to honor those that have served and are serving to protect our freedoms and our country.   
Thank you to those on Susan's that have made that personal commitment.  THANK YOU does not say enough about how I feel about that subject. 

Regarding your higher temps, that sure changes things as far as how we tolerate the longer days especially when out and about in the open air at craft shows, walking-jogging-running and exercising... and the dreaded yard work...   keeping hydrated is the key.
Getting into the air-conditioned mall was the smart move...  your kiddo could be entertained riding the mall train and you could do some serious shopping.
Higher temps here where I am but that means high 50's to mid-60's........ much more tolerable.

Well.... your big surprise regarding your wife posting on FB your carousel picture of you all pretty in your female mode with painted nails, earrings... and your new dress.  I am so very happy to hear that you and her seem to be on a good path together.

Oh yeah, for sure, while it is good that you are losing your desired weight, but unfortunately along with that you are losing some of the female features that you have been happy to have......  not to worry however... as you continue your journey all of that and more will come back....   the important thing is to get to a healthy body weight and shape that will be more compatible to your goals and your new clothing.

Well, for me, the last day of my vacation holiday long weekend is kind of a let down....  in some ways I will be glad to get back into my routine and in other ways I will be sad to see the holiday activities come to an end... a quandary for sure... but that is LIFE.

So, Sarah, thank you for posting your good news report about your holiday weekend....
I am always looking forward to following your updates about your journey and your goings on in you and your family's adventures.

Hugs and well wishes,

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Check out my Personal Blog Threads below
to read more details about me and my life.

             (Click Links below):  [Oldest first]
  Aspiringperson is now Alaskan Danielle    
           I am the HUNTED PREY : Danielle's Chronicles    
                  A New Chapter: ALASKAN DANIELLE's Chronicles    
                             Danielle's Continuing Life Adventures
I started HRT March 2015 and
I've been Full-Time since December 2016.
I love living in a small town in Alaska
I am 44 years old and Single


You painted a funny picture in my mind of the escalators being full of parents and their kids going for rides up and down with queues forming for the famous escalator ride!

I don't like hot summer temperatures. Low 30's C (90's F) are about my limit before I start getting grumpy at the sun. Especially if there is associated high humidity. Retreating into the air conditioned mall was a wise move. And as Danielle already said, stay hydrated.

That is a big step forward with Facebook! Hot Mommy #2 is looking good on the carousel. I guess time will tell what kind of reaction the photo will get on Facebook. I feel as though I am missing out on something not having an active Facebook account. It seems like everybody is on Facebook.

The loss of some of the feminine softness from the fat loss is a two steps forward one step back kind of thing. You are still making a net gain with your progress. You are getting fitter, which is never a bad thing and the hormones are still performing their magic. You will get back to where you want to be with the benefit of being healthier and also being able to rock those dresses you are wanting to wear. Short term pain for long term gain!



Quote from: Jayne01 on May 28, 2018, 05:03:29 PM
You painted a funny picture in my mind of the escalators being full of parents and their kids going for rides up and down with queues forming for the famous escalator ride!
Pretty accurate picture. First time I noticed, it was 5 dads, me and a total of 9 kids... up and down and up and down. Still cheaper than 2x$5 for the mall train... guess most moms where just happy to get all the disturbance out of their way... I was the only Mom doing it while my SO met a friend for coffee. Kept us busy for a good 90 minutes [emoji23][emoji4][emoji23][emoji4]

The loss of some of the feminine softness from the fat loss is a two steps forward one step back kind of thing. You are still making a net gain with your progress. You are getting fitter, which is never a bad thing and the hormones are still performing their magic. You will get back to where you want to be with the benefit of being healthier and also being able to rock those dresses you are wanting to wear. Short term pain for long term gain!


Guess for now I just have to accept being "Tischlers Tochter" (a german phrase referring to a "woodworkers daughter", an analogy to how flat a board of wood is.)[emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]

I think the English term is "flat as an ironing board" 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
