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On Becoming Julie

Started by JulieAllana, February 21, 2018, 10:23:36 PM

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That is something I have noticed I have started doing, even before HRT....noticing and complimenting women on their appearance.  Not sure why, I just started doing it.
1/4/18 - Admission to self of trans - Start of transition
2/10/18 - First time out in public
2/12/18 - Ears Pierced
2/16/18 - Started Laser Hair removal on face
7/4/18 - Down 101 pounds since 1/4/18.  Maybe start HRT at 210-15
9/22/18 - Weighed in @207 (down 113 lbs) this morning.
10/1/18 - Started HRT



So, I've got a problem that I am sure many here on Susan's run up against...coming out to family.  I'm out to my Aunt and mom, but no one else in my immediate family.  I'm at this point where soon-ish physical changes are going to become apparent and I kinda have this nagging feeling/desire to tell my brother, dad and cousin's but damned if I don't know how to go about doing it.  I suppose I am scared and embarrassed and any other number of emotions that I am not really in touch with about doing this.  I expect my brother and father to totally freak out.  I think I just have to take the plunge but I can't even think of a way to start this conversation.  With my mom and aunt, I was kinda in a different place and they were safer to tell and it was still hard.  I wound up just sorta blurting it out.  Both of them are still struggling with understanding everything, but they are both somewhat supportive.  Why can't this be easy!?

1/4/18 - Admission to self of trans - Start of transition
2/10/18 - First time out in public
2/12/18 - Ears Pierced
2/16/18 - Started Laser Hair removal on face
7/4/18 - Down 101 pounds since 1/4/18.  Maybe start HRT at 210-15
9/22/18 - Weighed in @207 (down 113 lbs) this morning.
10/1/18 - Started HRT



Quote from: JulieAllana on December 26, 2018, 11:15:06 PM
So, I've got a problem that I am sure many here on Susan's run up against...coming out to family.  I'm out to my Aunt and mom, but no one else in my immediate family.  I'm at this point where soon-ish physical changes are going to become apparent and I kinda have this nagging feeling/desire to tell my brother, dad and cousin's but damned if I don't know how to go about doing it.  I suppose I am scared and embarrassed and any other number of emotions that I am not really in touch with about doing this.  I expect my brother and father to totally freak out.  I think I just have to take the plunge but I can't even think of a way to start this conversation.  With my mom and aunt, I was kinda in a different place and they were safer to tell and it was still hard.  I wound up just sorta blurting it out.  Both of them are still struggling with understanding everything, but they are both somewhat supportive.  Why can't this be easy!?


Hi Julie!!!

I have no magic answers for you my dear little sister... But, I want you to repeat after me... all shall be well 🙋‍♀️🙏💕🌺

Here are a few unsolicited opinions that may or may not hold value for you...

If they freak out ... they freak out... their first reaction may be totally different than where their attitude settles after they have time to process this new way of thinking about you... in the end, you are on a journey towards a life that is truly yours...  this tells me that living to the expectations of others is no longer an acceptable way for you to continue... that is a powerful place to be... YOU are a powerful girl on a powerful journey!!! 🌺

You can tell them in whatever manner you feel will work best for the people involved... you could state your intentions gently... and lovingly...but with undeniable will... perhaps having someone you have told already in the room for moral support would help... but, I know you are strong!!! I have seen that since you first came here... Don't waste time beforehand letting fears about how they will react get out of hand...  Do what you must do... Then Live Your Life and Love Your Life...

If members of your family don't choose to not go along on this journey with you... let them walk their own path but, let them know that they are welcome to journey with you at any time in the future if they feel differently later... We all need to walk our own path, in our own way and in our own time...

All good things to you Julie... Amazing things await...

Please don't hesitate to let me know if I can be of help along the way....

Onward we go brave little sister!,,

Ashley 🙋‍♀️💕🌻

PS... I think the Kipling and Emerson quotes in my sign-off below apply here! 🙋‍♀️💕🙏🌸
"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment" ... Ralph Waldo Emerson 🌸

"The individual has always had to struggle from being overwhelmed by the tribe... But, no price is too high for the privilege of owning yourself" ... Rudyard Kipling 🌸

Let go of the things that no longer serve you... Let go of the pretense of the false persona, it is not you... Let go of the armor that you have worn for a lifetime, to serve the expectations of others and, to protect the woman inside... She needs protection no longer.... She is tired of hiding and more courageous than you know... Let her prove that to you....Let her step out of the dark and feel the light upon her face.... amg🌸

Ashley's Corner:,247549.0.html 🌻


Quote from: JulieAllana on December 26, 2018, 11:15:06 PM
So, I've got a problem that I am sure many here on Susan's run up against...coming out to family.  I'm out to my Aunt and mom, but no one else in my immediate family.  I'm at this point where soon-ish physical changes are going to become apparent and I kinda have this nagging feeling/desire to tell my brother, dad and cousin's but damned if I don't know how to go about doing it.  I suppose I am scared and embarrassed and any other number of emotions that I am not really in touch with about doing this.  I expect my brother and father to totally freak out.  I think I just have to take the plunge but I can't even think of a way to start this conversation.  With my mom and aunt, I was kinda in a different place and they were safer to tell and it was still hard.  I wound up just sorta blurting it out.  Both of them are still struggling with understanding everything, but they are both somewhat supportive.  Why can't this be easy!?


Hi Julie, I am at a similar stage of when and how to tell my extended family. My father and brother know and both are supportive, although my brother doesn't understand what I am experiencing. I am encouraging him to ask me notwithstanding this may difficult because we live in different provinces in Canada. I will be easier if he can ask me in person, I guess.

I am learning that confidence and believing in yourself are the most important traits to cultivate. You need to be mentally and emotionally strong, control your behaviours, thoughts, and feelings. You can't control what others will think or how they will behave. The pathway forward won't be easy, but the emotional strength you cultivate will serve you well.

Hugs Zoey



The method you use to tell your other relatives depends on many variables -- the two big ones would be distance and the closeness of your relationship. All of our relatives lived 1000 miles away. I had the luxury of not telling them until about six weeks after I had gone full-time. My wife and I drove down to visit. They knew we were coming, but not why. We started with the person I thought would be most receptive, our youngest niece. Once she was on board we asked her opinion on how to tell her Mom (my sister-in-law) and her dad (my oldest brother). Unexpectedly her Mom decided to drop by for a visit while we were there, but everything worked out well. The next day we met my oldest brother for lunch. He seemed oblivious to the change, but he always got my name and pronouns right!

I did not want to shock my parents, they are in their mid-80's. Since my brother's family has lunch at our parent's house on Sundays, we gave them a letter to deliver. After lunch they gave my parents the letter, which explained the situation. At the bottom I asked them to call me if they wanted us to come out and visit. It was the longest 10 minutes of my life. I expected my Mom would be OK, but I had been 95% sure my dad would reject me. I was amazed that they both accepted me. It took several months, but now he gets my name right all of the time, and my pronouns most of the time. He has even began referring to me as his daughter. For those friends and relatives too far away to visit, I sent a letter. Most didn't respond, but all of the Christmas cards we received were addressed properly!

I would prepare a letter explaining everything, but keep it down to a single page. I'm sure you already know how emotional this could be, so having a letter as 'backup' to help explain things would be a good idea. Tell them in person if possible. Stay calm and confident. If it does not go well don't argue, just depart gracefully.

This is a huge step, but win or lose it must be done. I wish you the best of luck.

Love always -- Jessica Rose 
Journal thread - Jessica's Rose Garden
National Coming Out Day video - Coming Out
GCS - GCS and BA w/Dr. Ley
GCS II - GCS II and FFS w/Dr. Ley
FFS II - Jaw and chin surgery w/Dr. Ley
Hair - Hair Restoration
23Mar2017 - HRT / 16Feb2018 - Full Time! / 21Feb2019 - GCS / 26July2019 - GCS II / 13Oct2020 - FFS II
"It is never too late to be what you might have been." - George Eliot
  • skype:Jessica_Rose?call


Thank you all for your well thought out responses.  It gives me much to ponder upon.  I am thinking it will be just like getting into a cold swimming's best to just take the plunge, but OMG what a plunge!! 

1/4/18 - Admission to self of trans - Start of transition
2/10/18 - First time out in public
2/12/18 - Ears Pierced
2/16/18 - Started Laser Hair removal on face
7/4/18 - Down 101 pounds since 1/4/18.  Maybe start HRT at 210-15
9/22/18 - Weighed in @207 (down 113 lbs) this morning.
10/1/18 - Started HRT



    I just got back my pre-Endo bloodwork.  Of course, I am not a doctor and don't know anything, but looking at my E  and T levels, they aren't that far off from average male.  I hadn't yet taken my morning doses when they drew blood so I don't know how much that would affect things.  I try to take my doses 12 hours apart at 8. 

    If my E levels are low, I guess that would explain why I really don't feel any different than pre-HRT and why physical changes have been minimal. 

    I think that any breast development is more the result of me gaining a bit of weight back and it coming back in the chest area.  I haven't felt the growth of any actual breast tissue yet. 

    I'll see the endo in two days so I'll just have to wait to see what she has to say.

    In the life department, things just continue to roll along.  There was a bit of unpleasantness with my estranged wife.  I was helping her at an event for her business.  I was wearing a sports bra because I am a bit self-conscious about my growing chest and I had clear nail polish on.  After a couple of hours of working with her, she asked in something of an accusing surprised tone if I was wearing a bra.  I told her yes.  Then a few minutes went by and in the same tone she asked if I was wearing nail polish to which I again replied yes.  Mind you, she knows that I am trans.  I asked her why she sounded so surprised at these things.  She replied that she thought I didn't present female in public.  I had told her that I'm not (clearly) and don't because I don't feel comfortable with how I look and that I wanted to be on hormones longer.  She then asked what I would do if I never got to a point where I felt comfortable with how I looked.  It really made me feel bad because it is those sorts of thoughts and feelings that kept the trans beast in the box my whole life.  She says that she wants to work things out even if I am trans, but I keep getting the idea that really she is just holding out hope that I change my mind or something, as if this is just simply something I decided to do.  It's hard enough figuring out my own >-bleeped-< without someone helping you to second-guess everything.

Anyway, I guess that's it for now.  Gotta get to the gym so I can eat dinner.

1/4/18 - Admission to self of trans - Start of transition
2/10/18 - First time out in public
2/12/18 - Ears Pierced
2/16/18 - Started Laser Hair removal on face
7/4/18 - Down 101 pounds since 1/4/18.  Maybe start HRT at 210-15
9/22/18 - Weighed in @207 (down 113 lbs) this morning.
10/1/18 - Started HRT



Went to see my endo this morning.  She is upping my HRT doses by 100%. 
1/4/18 - Admission to self of trans - Start of transition
2/10/18 - First time out in public
2/12/18 - Ears Pierced
2/16/18 - Started Laser Hair removal on face
7/4/18 - Down 101 pounds since 1/4/18.  Maybe start HRT at 210-15
9/22/18 - Weighed in @207 (down 113 lbs) this morning.
10/1/18 - Started HRT


Northern Star Girl

Quote from: JulieAllana on January 23, 2019, 12:50:21 PM
Went to see my endo this morning.  She is upping my HRT doses by 100%.

Dear Julie:
I have been eagerly awaiting your updates and now I see that you have posted 2 new updates just in the last 2 days!!!
I am very happy that you went to see your Endo again and that your HRT dosages have been adjusted in an effort to get your transition journey kick-started and give it "a kick in the pants."   

I am saddened to hear that your wife has been less than accepting of you and your transition journey... just remember that this is all a work in progress.   Not only is it very difficult for a spouse or partner to come to terms with the fact that the love of their life is now transitioning but also there are almost always stereotypical thoughts p existing and past conceived phobias of the transgender community.
I trust that with some more patience and perhaps more therapy session that things will improve on that front.   Has she or  will she consider individual or couples therapy?... that can be a big help.

Thank you again for your long awaited and very important update on your thread and sharing your thoughts.
I will eagerly be looking for your next postings...

Many Hugs and well wishes I am sending your way.... [emoji173]
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Check out my Personal Blog Threads below
to read more details about me and my life.

             (Click Links below):  [Oldest first]
  Aspiringperson is now Alaskan Danielle    
           I am the HUNTED PREY : Danielle's Chronicles    
                  A New Chapter: ALASKAN DANIELLE's Chronicles    
                             Danielle's Continuing Life Adventures
I started HRT March 2015 and
I've been Full-Time since December 2016.
I love living in a small town in Alaska
I am 44 years old and Single


     Thanks for checking in, Danielle!  You are simply the best as suitor #4 I am sure will attest! 

     So the issue with the wife is a bit more complicated than just the trans bit.  She is bi-polar with some significant borderline personality disorder traits if not a full blown BPD diagnosis.  She moved out back in Apr. 2017 before I was even at terms with being trans myself.  She was having some severe side affects from her meds which was causing her to be highly erratic in her behavior. 

     She took several "tours" of the psych ward in early 2018.  It was about this time based on her self-destructive behavior that I filed for divorce.  It is also about this time that she found out about me being trans.  Initially we agreed that we would get divorced and we could continue to be friends, but since she has decided she wants to try to patch things up. She says that she doesn't care that I am trans, but I get the feeling she does and is just hoping that I will change my mind.  We have seen a therapist a few times now, but I don't really see how things will work out as she is already starting to engage in some of her poor behavior. 

    Some of the things she does is lash out in anger (with very personal attacks) when she doesn't get her way as well as blame anyone or anything else for her shortcomings or the predicaments she finds herself in.  She also sees criticisms and judgements against her when none exists or were intended setting off bouts of the above-mentioned anger episodes.

     Despite all of this, I care for her deeply and don't want to see her hurt.  The divorce is at a holding point wherein a simple petition to the court is all that is required to finalize it.  I intend to wait as long as I can to give her the opportunity to get back on her feet before she would lose spousal benefits from my employer.  I guess I am also holding out hope that she is able to pull herself together emotionally, but realistically, that isn't possible as her woes are pathological and not just bad behavior. 

1/4/18 - Admission to self of trans - Start of transition
2/10/18 - First time out in public
2/12/18 - Ears Pierced
2/16/18 - Started Laser Hair removal on face
7/4/18 - Down 101 pounds since 1/4/18.  Maybe start HRT at 210-15
9/22/18 - Weighed in @207 (down 113 lbs) this morning.
10/1/18 - Started HRT



Julie, my numbers stayed low until my estradiol was doubled -- then it went up by 4x. We are not quite sure why it went up so far so fast, but I'm not complaining.

The comment about your wife lashing out in anger, blaming others, and finding criticisms against her when none exist sounds exactly like me pre-HRT. I think it is very compassionate of you to want to help despite the way she treats you. Hopefully things will improve for both of you.

Love always -- Jessica Rose
Journal thread - Jessica's Rose Garden
National Coming Out Day video - Coming Out
GCS - GCS and BA w/Dr. Ley
GCS II - GCS II and FFS w/Dr. Ley
FFS II - Jaw and chin surgery w/Dr. Ley
Hair - Hair Restoration
23Mar2017 - HRT / 16Feb2018 - Full Time! / 21Feb2019 - GCS / 26July2019 - GCS II / 13Oct2020 - FFS II
"It is never too late to be what you might have been." - George Eliot
  • skype:Jessica_Rose?call


     Today at work I had the pleasure of dining with a co-worker who is quite outspoken about LGBT's and not in a flattering way.  I get the impression that his views are based on ignorance rather than malice.  I choose to not be offended by him, though I find myself listening to him and rolling my eyes a bit at his antics.  I am even on friendly terms with him.  The idea though, that probably within the next 12 months I will have to go into his office and explain to him that I am indeed transgender isn't one that I relish.  Maybe it will be different for him if it is someone he knows and talks with often.  Like on many issues, we are on the same page...I mean for one, I get how a cis-person wouldn't understand being trans...I am struggling to understand it all myself.  I kinda think that he feels like there is some "leftist" agenda that is being forced down his throat.  To some degree, I agree with him (though, I am not sure I would say it is a leftist agenda). 

     There seems to be this whole idea that there is a right and wrong way to think and that if you don't agree with the right way of thinking that you are just a waste of space.  That I think is where he has a problem.  For whatever reason, he is homo/trans-phobic.  Maybe its religious, maybe he feels threatened or maybe it hits too close to home with secrets he keeps himself.  Regardless of why, he has that right and I respect it.  I feel like for me to make demands on the way he interacts with the world is wrong.  My freedom ends where his begins. 

     I would hope that when I start looking female at work and go full-time that he continues to see me the human vs. me the trans-woman and treat me accordingly.  I think if he continues to see me as a human, common courtesy will win out, which is to say if he knows I want to be referred to a certain way that he would accommodate that.  And if he doesn't, so long as he isn't being openly hostile I wouldn't press the issue.  I think that when I come out to him, it will be a really good opportunity to explain everything from a trans person's help him see past any pre-conceived notions that he seems to have.  I am not sure that he knows that being gay/trans isn't really a choice.  Indeed, if I had the choice, I would opt not to be trans but to have been born female.  If at the end of everything he chooses to hold me in disdain and not accept my gender identity, then at least I know where I stand with him and how to act.  I'm there to earn a living, not socialize and as long as my living isn't put in jeopardy, such is life. 

     So with this person at least I know what I am facing.  How many other people are there at work that feel like he does, but that censor their speech because it isn't politically correct?  I'd rather them speak their minds and out themselves as the closed-minded people that they are.  If things come to a head with anyone, when all is said and done, I think HR will be on my side based on their posted policies. 

    I am sure many of you will have really strong opinions on what I have said above.  I invite any and all to impart their perspectives.  I would ask that if you do, to do it in a courteous manner and that there is always the option of agreeing to disagree rather than having a discussion devolve into something nasty.


1/4/18 - Admission to self of trans - Start of transition
2/10/18 - First time out in public
2/12/18 - Ears Pierced
2/16/18 - Started Laser Hair removal on face
7/4/18 - Down 101 pounds since 1/4/18.  Maybe start HRT at 210-15
9/22/18 - Weighed in @207 (down 113 lbs) this morning.
10/1/18 - Started HRT



Hello again Julie

I agree with your thinking absolutely.

There are many reasons why some people have an anti-reaction to Transgender matters but in my opinion they usually fall into one or more of these categories:

1. Religious views make them against
2. They do not appreciate the difference between Gender Identity (brain internal) and the body (external|) and as a separate subject Sexual Orientation (hetero or homo or bi or asexual etc)
3. They see it as a new idea and going against previous accepted gender norms
4. Sadly but It must be listed - they simply don't like it
5. Pure ignorance

Younger people are usually more understanding and supportive than the older generation. The answer is continued education and campaigning. Things are improving for us gradually. We are getting there!


