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Finally started down the path.

Started by Sabrina Rei, August 06, 2018, 09:02:47 AM

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Sabrina Rei

Oh how many times I've made an account here and then deleted it in frustration as roadblock after roadblock, some ordained by a higher power, some self imposed by fear, were erected in my path to mental peace. I'm now 41 years old, 15 lbs heavier and pudgier round the middle than I feel comfortable with, but I realize now that I was rushing at 37 to make a narrative happen before the celestial writers had set everything up for success.

I've shared my story here long ago but the gist is; I was underemployed, had no health insurance, sprang the idea of transition on my wife out of the blue (she was already aware that I'm transgender,) my daughter was still too young to understand and I think I was immature in my goals. At the end of a nasty ultimatum, I tossed my prescription in the trash bin and soldiered on.

Flash forward to 2018, and at 41, I've got a steady job, my career is in full swing, I have health insurance, my wife has had time to grow an understanding of what this all means and how our life together can adapt and flourish under these circumstances, my daughter has come to accept the idea, and my goal is simple: to feel better, comfortable with who I am and be my best self.

About three weeks ago, I started properly again and this time it's lovely.

And in a hilarious turn of events, I've realized something. I feel more like a woman now even in cargo pants and a t shirt, than I ever did wearing pretty dresses and high heels. All of that seems to have been an expression of some deep rooted desire to belong, to get right and with the dysphoria sort of evaporating, that sense I was looking for is there in the forefront. Like, I still feel comfortable in women's dress clothes, but it's not required any more. I can just... be.

I'm still stealth at work and haven't broached the subject with my father and mother but I'm okay with that for now. It just feels like we'll tackle these issues as a family one at a time if and when they come up.

I look forward to sharing this journey with all of you.


Hi elle's bells 🙋‍♀️ Welcome to Susan's Place!  I'm Jessica.
I'm so happy you have found a path that helps you be you and works with your wife and daughter.

I see your new here, so I'll post some links that may help you get better acquainted with the site. Pay attention to the site rules they can be of great help and don't forget the link highlighted red.  It has answers to questions that are commonly asked.  Then join in on a topic you find interesting and learn and share.

Please feel free to stop by the Introductions Forum to tell the members about yourself!

Things that you should read

"If you go out looking for friends, you are going to find they are very scarce.  If you go out to be a friend, you'll find them everywhere."



Hi, elle's bells, and welcome to the forum.  Congratulations on starting HRT.  It sounds like you are doing transition right this time around.  I wish you smooth sailing.
2015-07-04 Awakening; 2015-11-15 Out to self; 2016-06-22 Out to wife; 2016-10-27 First time presenting in public; 2017-01-20 Started HRT!!; 2017-04-20 Out publicly; 2017-07-10 Legal name change; 2019-02-15 Approval for GRS; 2019-08-02 Official gender change; 2020-03-11 GRS; 2020-09-17 New birth certificate


Many of us, including myself have a history of false starts. We try our best to work things out. We are in a state of denial. We deny that we have this condition called gender dysphoria. We have done everything within our power to work this out and it is still there within us.

We all must make our own decision. And accept the consequences, both personal and financial. But many times we are much happier after all is done.  ;)


@elle's bells
Welcome back Elle, It sounds like things are coming together in a much more coherent way this time!

Well done, I look forward to reading more about you in the future.

Take care,


Northern Star Girl

@Elle's bells
Hello Elle,    Thank you for introducing yourself.   Congratualtions on starting your HRT... I will post another comment regarding HRT in a few moments but first things first.
I am glad that you have become a member of Susan's Place and that you have shared your introductory posting with other members here on the Forums.
I am thinking that you may lots more questions and concerns, this is the right place for you to be to find out what others have done that may have been in your circumstances.
Be aware that there are a lot of members here that can identify with what you may be going through.

I see that one of our forums Moderators and very lovely member  @Jessica  has already welcomed you but also please allow me now to also warmly WELCOME you to Susan's Place.  You will find this a safe and friendly place to share with others  and to read about others similar trials, tribulations, and successes.
It is nice that you had signed up so you can share with others and involve yourself with some give and take with other members.
When frustrated or if you have successes you can share it here if you wish and receive support from others and offer support to others. ....

***It's a very good chance that you might find that you will make some new friends here. 

Please come in and continue to be involved at your own pace. 

Below the Welcome Message that @Jessica  posted, she included Important LINKS that will tell you about Susan's Place.  Included there is information about the site that will help you navigate around and best utilize the features here.   
As she indicated please look closely at the LINKS in RED, there answers there to many questions that new members ask.

Again, Welcome to Susan's Place.

****Help support this website by:
Subscribing !     and/or by    Donating !

Check out my Personal Blog Threads below
to read more details about me and my life.

             (Click Links below):  [Oldest first]
  Aspiringperson is now Alaskan Danielle    
           I am the HUNTED PREY : Danielle's Chronicles    
                  A New Chapter: ALASKAN DANIELLE's Chronicles    
                             Danielle's Continuing Life Adventures
I started HRT March 2015 and
I've been Full-Time since December 2016.
I love living in a small town in Alaska
I am 44 years old and Single

Northern Star Girl

@Elle's bells
Dear Elle:
Well, certainly CONGRATULATIONS are in order for you....  write this date down in your journal, it will be a day to celebrate.

As has been stated over and over here on the Forums... and by me in many of my comments on various posts, HRT will work uniquely on your unique body.
What you read about other transtioning members experiences with HRT most likely will not be identical to your own experiences.
Some will experience more significant changes more quickly and then some will experience less significant changes more slowly....   it is all up to your genes and how your body reacts to the HRT.   Your doctor will be looking at your frequent blood test results to determine if any alterations in the HRT regimen are needed.
The adage around here that you should know regarding HRT and how it may work for various individuals  is "YMMV"  meaning that Your Mileage May Vary.   
PATIENCE is definitely required.... usually not much happens very quickly with HRT... but changes will happen.  Do some reading of other transitioners posts and look many of the posted HRT timelines and the before and after pictures. ....  they can give you a rough idea of what you MIGHT expect.

All of this is very "EXCITING and SCARY all at the same time."   Hang on for an amazing ride.
We are here to rejoice with you in the good times and to support you in the not so good times.
One more time.... PATIENCE is required.   The attitude of many people today is "I want it all and I want it now" ... that will not apply to HRT.

Hugs and well wishes... we will be looking for your updates as you feel free to post them.
****Help support this website by:
Subscribing !     and/or by    Donating !

Check out my Personal Blog Threads below
to read more details about me and my life.

             (Click Links below):  [Oldest first]
  Aspiringperson is now Alaskan Danielle    
           I am the HUNTED PREY : Danielle's Chronicles    
                  A New Chapter: ALASKAN DANIELLE's Chronicles    
                             Danielle's Continuing Life Adventures
I started HRT March 2015 and
I've been Full-Time since December 2016.
I love living in a small town in Alaska
I am 44 years old and Single


Congratulations Elle on starting HRT - its a wonderful feeling as you know when you take the first tablet and/or apply the first patch. You'll remember that day forever.

Welcome to the HRT joyride and I wish you every happiness on your journey as a whole.




Sabrina Rei

Thank you all for the very warm welcome! I'm a little nervous about this all because aside from some Paxil prescribed in my teens, that I quickly decided wasn't the answer to my problems, I've never had health issues or at least ones that required me to take medicine with any sort of regularity. My new normal is a little frightening.


Hi Elle,
  It really is amazing how HRT reduces dysphoria. The reduction in existential angst - ability to just be - the reduction in the compulsion to dress. Everything really does become less frenetic. Just wishing you the very best in the new chapter of family life. Maybe you can pass on some good tips to me as things unfold.
Yours truly, Kirsten.

Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk

As a child prayed to be a girl- now the prayer is being answered - 40 years later !


Congrats on the courage to move forward.  Life is short

Sabrina Rei

Thank you all for the supportive words and encouragement!

A quick update on my progress and a kind of warning of what to expect in a worst case scenario kind of way... The hormonal sea changes temporarily knocked down my immune system and because of that the herpes zoster virus, popularly known as shingles, that was dormant in my spine, was able to attack a nerve cluster causing, basically, chicken pox to develop in small patches on one side of my chest and back. I AM ITCHY AND SORE! On a positive note, it could've been worse, it could've attacked my face. I'm not sure how feasible it is, but I would look into maybe getting the shingles vaccine before embarking on your own HRT journey if you've had any history of immune deficiency, which I have though I didn't quite understand it until now.

On a much more positive note, I've seen some pretty great changes already and it's not quite a month yet. For one thing, my skin is SO much smoother and my leg and facial hair take a good bit longer to grow back after shaving. I used to be Mr. Five O'Clock Shadow at 4PM but now I can go about 2 days before significant grow back. The head on my hair is also growing in a touch faster and it's now brushing my shoulders. I'm not AS pleased about what little muscle I had turning to jelly, but it does make me look softer overall. My scent has changed too. My wife used to describe me as having a kind of spicy taco musk XD but these days it's more like... nothing? sweetness? I don't know how to describe it. Good riddance. LOL Though my wife will probably miss it since its one of the best signifiers that I was physically a man.
Even though I'm still very much stealth I've taken to wearing women's under shirts, tank tops and such and it's not like i feel naughty or something or I'm trying to get away with it (tee hee.) I'm doing it because it feels comfortable and I have a sense that they're what I should be wearing. If that makes sense?

Psychologically, I keep getting blips of something. A need to chat incessantly with women I previously couldn't stand talking to. Like I just started blabbing at one point and then my co-worker picked up on my signal and immediately engaged her tractor beam. I could've talked at high speed for an hour if i didn't have work to do. Honestly, I didn't know how to get out of the conversation! This only happened twice so far but it was like a tidal wave. I'm also able to pick out women's conversations as they walk by, like HEAR EVERY WORD which I never did before. That's freaky. It's like suddenly having a super power. Speaking of, SMELLS. Every so often, I'll smell something like it's right in front of me from across a room. The most obvious example was the morning bagels that they had delivered. I NEVER took note of their smell before now.

Sorry if some of this is redundant. I'm sure everyone marvels at these changes in the exact same way, as if each moment is an epiphany and it probably gets old. :P

One last note, I broke my toe on the landing at the bottom of our stairs! So... yeah. Luckily I bought a pair of brothel creepers just last month, so I have a shoe that stands about as high as the medical hard shoe they have me wearing. Heels are out for now though. Luckily, I'm pretty happy in jeans and a top at the moment. :D

Sabrina Rei

I made it to my one month tranniversary! Yay! I had to share an amazing experience I had this morning because it's fueling my hope, BIG TIME. As someone who is transitioning a little later in life, I'm amazed at the speed and significance of the changes.

This morning before work I tried on a dress I've had for some time that I plan on wearing to a very good friend's rock n roll themed wedding at the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame in the fall and IT FITS AND LOOKS RIGHT. I mean, I have almost ZERO in the chest department. I haven't shaved my face yet today. I have my hair pulled back in a messy pony tail and I have full leg hair because I'm about to go on vacation with my parents who are as yet unaware that I'm transitioning medically.  But I feel, and this is huge for me, BEAUTIFUL. Maybe for the first time ever? And on top of the dress fitting right and looking like it was made for my body (I'm probably going to have to get it taken in at the tailor's shop before the wedding to be honest,) I seem to have dropped a half shoe size from a 11-11.5 to a 10.5-11 which is making all of my shoes fit like they're supposed to. Oh, I'm crying. 

The other day I had this irrational crying spell, when I started to think about my 7 year old no longer wanting to jump in the bed while I was making but when she asked what was wrong I was completely rational and went back to making the bed. It was seriously like vomiting with my heart and eyes and afterward I was whistling like a light shower had passed. This feels SO RIGHT even though I know it could mean trouble down the line when I lose control in front of others.

Sabrina Rei

Hi all,

I thought I'd just give a brief update on where I'm at in my transition. I'm now 2 months on HRT and life has been spectacular but not without some adjustments.

The first thing is, my face got really dry and then broke out in acne like I haven't had since I was a teen. I would come to learn from my dermatologist and from the helpful gals here that I was using too harsh an exfoliant, too often. I have since, despite my early misgivings, "allowed the deadskin to build up a bit" as per my dermatologist's recommendation, switched to a gentler cleanser and have seen a dramatic improvement.

I'm excited to announce that "Houston, we have breasts!" My nipples and the surrounding fleshy bits have been sore for a while but there's definite growth in the latter half of month 2 and my wife (who at some point I may simply call my partner) has taken a sick pleasure in poking them at inopportune times. SADIST! While I am thrilled to be growing in that region and they feel like an essential part of me, I'm still stealth at work and in my day to day (somewhat) so I have taken to wearing undershirts, barrettes and today a sports bra to hold everything down. I have to tell you, the moment I saw myself in a bralette and joggers it was like seeing myself for the first time. Aside from just having booblets, my waist has cinched in a bit and my hips have started taking shape. Sort of going from two weird mounds to one smoother slope. I have, like, A FIGURE. And I could cry I'm so happy.

Another change that I've noticed is the hair on my head. I'm not sure if it's just that it has hit that perfect length for a choppy lob that I was going for but it seems to have changed the way it lays on me. It's distinctively girlier even when I don't do much to it. The little hairs around my temple have grown in too making my face even more ovular and egg shaped. I haven't noted too many other changes to my face but since I've lost weight this last month, I've lost a bit of fat in my face too. I'm mixed on that. I know changes to the face aren't the first thing in a transition and may come much later so I just have to be patient.

There was a fun episode with my wife and daughter where we went to Ulta beauty shop together and we both got some assistance searching for a new concealer and a better matching foundation. I learned the power of using a brush with liquid foundation (sponges soak up too much makeup and it also feels REALLY nice!) and it was a fun little thing to do together. I used to always be so nervous to do things like this in public, but my confidence in my self image has grown so much these days that I barely flinched.

My wife isn't always the most feminine of women, so it's nice that I can be that motivating force for her. I actually run point whenever she needs new shoes or outerwear because I know what she likes, what looks good and how far I can push her out of her comfort zone. Someday we'll probably be able to try on dresses and stuff together! The thought makes me happy. She recently bought me these socks that have little moscow mules printed on them because that has become my drink of choice since trying one at a hipster party. So it goes both ways.

As much as I know what looks good on my wife, I apparently had no idea what looked good on me --though I did get lucky a few times, thank god. I've been purging my closet in an effort to eliminate stuff I don't, can't or refuse to wear any more and it was like taking a trip down memory lane from when I alternately dressed like a barbie doll, a stepford wife, someone's grandmother at a wedding, someone's grandmother at a funeral and what I probably would've worn when I was a teenager if i'd been born a cisgender girl. I think every transgirl goes through that second childhood of dressing and experimenting and I'm just glad to be on to better things now.

That's it for now. I'm on to month three and the further changes that it brings. Suffice to say I've never been so content in my skin or at peace with my self. It probably won't always be this easy or this rosy but for now, I'm in a good place.


That really is a wonderful uplifting summary! I am so happy for you.

I wish you future success with HRT, make up and clothes.




Sabrina Rei

Quote from: pamelatransuk on October 01, 2018, 09:39:14 AM
That really is a wonderful uplifting summary! I am so happy for you.

I wish you future success with HRT, make up and clothes.



Thank you for reading my rambling stories!

Sabrina Rei

Here's a fun but short update.

My friend Midori came over recently and taught me the right ways to curl my hair which is now just past my shoulders in the back and just under my chin on the wings in the front. It was kind of amazing! I've had this red-pink-blonde streak in my hair since The Emmy awards pre-HRT earlier this year, but I've always worn my hair kind of flat and one dimensional so it's never been as interesting a detail as I envisioned.

WELL! Two dozen twists of the curling iron later (man, the back is hard to do!!) and these soft curls have added texture and personality I didn't know I have! You know, I don't think I ever considered that I might want to curl my hair until now but this is a look I'm building up for a friend's rock and roll themed wedding and it's so edgy and fun!! The boys I work with (both younger than me and clueless with women) didn't even notice that my hair was completely different at work the next day! LOL. The girls in the office however... didn't say anything but I'm pretty sure they know what's up. Boys...

One other thing about my hair... I used to never like wearing it parted at my natural part (a little left of the middle but not quite 3/4), in part (haha) because it reminded me of my father who was so straight laced and manly and didn't (I thought) have a any rebel soul in him. I also didn't like showing my forehead and preferred to wear my hair like a Jpop/Kpop Idol and play up the slight Asian features I got from my Vietnamese mom. But since growing my hair out, starting HRT and embracing womanhood I like parting it roughly where it wants to fall and showing my full face. I think one of the reasons my parents have ceased complaining about how long my hair has gotten is that they can see my face now. XD

I'm working on my voice in the mornings before work and when I come home at night. It's really hard and I'm not at all pleased with my progress yet. I've been trying on different role models and I think I finally settled on Evan Rachel Wood for inspiration. Her natural speaking voice is a little bit theater, a little bit video game nerd, a little bit So Cal, a little bit country. Mixed with my own inflections and style, I think I can build solid girlspeak. Sometimes it's weird to think that I'm going to be like this new person to everyone that knows me even though I'm still the SAME person inside. Don't know whether that will be 3, 6, 9 or 12 months from now but it's happening...

I'm like anxious and excited at the same time!

Sabrina Rei

Okay, fam. Prepare yourselves for this...

Are you prepared? Is the wine chilled? Are your feet up?

Good. Because I went DRESS shopping with THE GIRLS. This is huge for me. A milestone and a revelation. A little backstory, my cisgender friend K recently moved to our town and though we've never been super tight, we have daughters around the same age so we've recently been having play dates for the girls and wine dates for the women (I'm talking about me here.)  She mentioned off-handedly about three weeks ago that she still hadn't bought anything to wear to the wedding and without really thinking I leapt in and offered my fashion services for a mall outing. She immediately seized on the idea and before I knew it, her friend D was added to the roster making this my first official GIRLY DAY OUT.

Two weeks flew by but about a week before the shopping trip, I suddenly got butterflies in my stomach. What if I make a fool of myself? What if I'm absolutely clueless about what I like or don't like or I send this poor woman home in tears because I said the wrong thing or forgot to nod at the right moment???? What the hell am I doing??? Then I started to fret about what I was going to wear? What were they going to wear? I know enough women and I've observed enough women at the mall to know that most don't wear club dresses and heels for a long day of rack raiding. But I actually didn't decide what to wear until the day of and then it came together quickly and, if I may so, stylishly? Even my makeup which I had to put together in half an hour because I was running late, went on without a hitch.

Dare I say it?

I looked kind of cute and... hip? For a woman in her 40s anyway. I wore my ASOS grey skinny jeans with a pair of adidas kicks with teal laces I used to replace the boring grey ones. If you're looking to girl up androgynous or boy shoes btw, ribbon for laces or color pop laces can be a fun detail and show you put thought into your look. My laces happened to match my winter beanie hat so they kind of pulled the whole look together. I had on a slightly oversized cardigan in a darker grey over my black see-thru Uniqlo button down and a black lace bralette. While I didn't receive compliments on my outfit, I didn't really expect to. The point is, it was camouflage. I blended in a way i thought would be impossible for me just a year ago. I didn't have to "own my look," a phrase you'll hear a lot of as a tall girl, even at 6'2" and boy shoes, because people didn't give me a second glance.

Did I pass? Probably not? But no one bothered to clock me either. I wasn't the target of whispering campaigns even when I walked among the teenagers looking for the perfect quincinera dress. I just was and it was fantastic.

I feel like I buried the lede here. SHOPPING. WITH THE GIRLS.

Our main goal was getting K her dress and shoes. All that worrying I did about whether I would have an opinion or feel validated in the words i said went immediately out of my head as I went spinning from rack to rack choosing looks that matched with K's description of a "dark colored, fit and flare style dress, not too short with a bit of edge." We didn't always agree on our choices but there's no cost or sin in trying on anything and everything you think might work.

Now, I didn't need a dress or shoes. I have had my dress and shoes picked out for months but I took a cue from D who told me she had also had her dress and shoes picked out in advance but and I quote, "I'm not married to the look. If I see something better..." So although it took me a few laps to get comfortable, by the second store, I was also trying on dresses in the same fitting room (you may not know but the big department stores usually have at least one party-size fitting room) and sometimes, even trying on the SAME dress as each other. That was one of the highlights for sure.

When we started trying on stuff, I was a little shy about being in the same dressing room as my friends excusing myself to stand outside after each new look, and then K just flat out told me it didn't bother her if I stayed to which D agreed. And then we were just girls, having fun, playing dress up griping about our physical shortcomings, and I, well, I don't think I'll ever be a boy again.

Wipes tear away...

I think an important lesson i learned and one which every transgender woman should take to heart, is that a lot of women who have been doing this their whole lives, struggle with it at some point; the hair, the makeup, the shoes, the accessories, the right clothes. It takes work, and other women, and an adventurous spirit to look really good. I am just glad to have done my part in helping others. And although I didn't buy the dress with the Day of the Dead like color palette that looked so cute on me, K and D did help me choose some accessories to finish my look and I'm also probably going to buy that dress online or tell the store to hold it because I want to wear it and think of this day.

P.S. one way in which I was bluntly told I did not have as much experience as others was in the pre-buying "justification of purchase" ritual which pulls in algebra, trigonometry, astronomy and alchemy to make the numbers bend to the will of the woman and "provide evidence that buying these shoes is not only necessary but somehow beneficial to finances." They said, don't worry. You'll get it. I'm already starting to. XD

I repeat. I'll never be a boy (I should probably say man here) again. Not that I ever was. ;)

Sabrina Rei

Chapter 7: the rock n roll wedding.

Part 1: on passing and belonging

This is the first time I've ever traveled with zero intention of presenting as male. I have male items still but i'm A woman wearing them for sure. My weekend began with a road trip on Friday in a Ford Expedition with six good friends who I almost didn't realize I cared for as much as I do! One of whom is my shopping pal from the dress story above and her husband whom I kissed in a moment of doofy Rocky Horror convention passion. Neither of us took the moment seriously and everyone was kissing everyone at that time. But, I digress. I was looking pretty andro so I chose to use the male restroom to both avoid the lines and as an admission to myself that I wasn't passing and would face less scrutiny and be less a liability for my ride share buddies.

Once I got to my room at The Westin though, and had swapped my skinny jeans for a maxi dress for our Tiki night, I wasn't misgendered again. In fact, while I was still only half dressed I called maintenance to come fix my drain which would not drain and when the guy arrived something new happened to me that would repeat through out to he weekend. He saw me. He really saw me. He really saw the real me and... he was adorably disarmed by my... charm???

First of all, I had this poor fellow come all the way to my room to fix a drain that was not broken. Apparently it was just a tricky style I was unfamiliar with. Well I immediately felt like an idiot and I got so embarrassed, I apologized with flush red cheeks and in a girl voice I would learn was "good enough" and he blushed too and looked like a school boy with a crush as he tried to assure me that I wasn't the first to make that mistake. Whaaaaaa!? I was really being treated like a woman! It was such a new sensation for me. I have strong bull>-bleeped-< detectors and they didn't go off.

Later that evening as I was finishing laying the base down for my makeup and finalizing my look, I received an invite to the girls makeup lab (aka the hotel room bathroom that had become a dressing room) which had been previously discussed during our shopping, and skipped happily off to join them. When I got there what I saw was a giant array of makeup palettes cups filled with brushes, rows upon rows of lipsticks  and three women each vying for mirror real estate. I was encouraged to join them and I did, but not before standing back to observe the unique rhythm of practiced application, single track focus, and collaborative spirit. When my moment came, D started putting palettes next to my face to help find a look to go with my beachy maxi dress and the 80s 90s look of converse a jean jacket with rolled sleeves and hair pulled into a pony with a scrunchy. I learned a lot about eye makeup that even my precious tutorials had not adequately prepared me for. Including when to use setting spray on your brush before applying.

While D showed me some ideas and taught me some tricks this was a performance I needed to do for myself. So when the time came I assumed her prime mirror spot while she fanned her nearly finished makeup and showed off my own brush skill. Once I was done and had received the thumbs up from all 3, I felt like I had passed my final test. I was a certified member of this cool girl crew and had an open invitation to future such moments.

To be continued...

Sabrina Rei

Part 2: Pictures Speak A Million Words

Once we were dolled up, we hopped in an Uber and went to the Porco Lounge and Tiki Bar. At this point I had only eaten Arby's at lunch and I was starving. I actually had several wallets, wristlets and bags for this trip so like an idiot I left my ID and money in one bag and took the other. The ladies checking IDs at the front door took pity on me and grilled me about my age and birth sign before giving me the okay to head inside for what would become a night of heavy drinking and very little else.

The atmosphere was fantastic... The food was AWFUL. The nachos (gah, I spit up a little just thinking about them) were the bargain tortillas from the super market served COLD and with COLD cheese on top. As like many girls on Spiro, I craved pickles and pickle juice but I really shouldn't have chased my fruity (mostly boozey) cocktail "The Top Flight" with that sweet rancid juice from the appetizer platter. I was seated next time the schmooziest dude amongst my gathered friends so I tried to make small talk with him but I wasn't important enough to hold his attention long so I sat mostly disengaged but chill in a good way, until someone got the bright idea to order the beast: The Botany Bay. A literal giant barrel of rum punch with two bottles worth of rum content in it. The barrel had holes all over and straws sticking out the sides one for each of us... and I took more than my share of drags off my straw. At first I didnt' feel anything,  and then I felt my insides doing somersaults. After some boisterous good times paying homage to the god of drink and merriment, I excused myself to the ladies' and suddenly felt the world tilt but I was alright. Everyone else went off to catch a surprise Reel Big Fish show but I didn't have any money or ID and was worried I would get separated from the group even if I was let inside.

So, I went back to the hotel with some others who didn't want to go to the concert. Including N, a friend of a friend I'd known but was not as close to as some of the other members of our party. All of a sudden N, who's nickname spoke to her love of wine, nuzzled in close to me and became my instant BFF; complaining about her job (on a major TV show that you all probably watch BTW) and the sometimes unreasonable demands of her bird-like boss (HINT.) The point wasn't what she was saying the point was that she went from 0 to grotesquely intimate in 60 seconds flat. It was impressive and disorienting but I just rolled with it. It was nice to be needed and nobody had really talked with me all night because, I couldn't compete with the noise of the bar or the memories of these long time road buddies. Later D told me, alcohol makes strange bedfellows and I think she's right. I enjoyed the sense of a secret sisterhood. 

When I got back to my room I had enough good sense to shimmy out of my dress and into my PJs, though my makeup remained. I woke up under two hours later and the god of drink and merriment required a show of my faith, at the porcelain. The less said the better but this is how I worded it the next day in a txt to D: "all my insides are on my outsides now"

When I finally recovered I decided to order room service. I thought I'd treat myself to a bagel with lox and all the trimmings. One of my favorites. I cleaned up, fixed my makeup and threw a hoodie over my bralette in a kind of effortless morning activewear style. When the service guy arrived, I thanked him and signed for my breakfast bestowing a decent tip for a meal I hadn't even looked at yet.

I should've looked. Under the tin was lox, capers, lemon, pickled onions and... a side of bacon? HEY! Where was my bagel and cream cheese!!?!? It was at this time that the groom invited me to join his brother in law and he in picking up the flowers and wanting to make the most of my time and having not seen my good friend yet at all I happily agreed. I called down and asked them to rush a bagel to me ASAP. They said they could handle it but... it never got there in time. I had to go so I stuck a note on my door instructing them to leave the bagel there. They never did.

After hanging out with my friend and delivering the various flowers to members of the wedding party, including a peak in at the bride to be getting gorgeous (I felt so happy for her I almost cried right there!) I returned to my room, took a breather and then set about painting my nails for the big event. It took me FIVE TRIES to get it right and I'm no novice! I just had extraordinarily bad luck or was sloppy and rushing. Once they were done I hopped an Uber by myself, a first for me, and took it over to the Science Center to look for a souvenir for my seven year old. I sent a txt to K asking if she wanted me to get anything for her little girls and then set about finding the right thing. I settled on a small rock collection, a gross gummy bug tape for my daughter and a little polished stone animal figurine for K's eldest. The guy at the store was super sweet though he kept trying to sell me on little extras like donating my change and getting a collectible bag. I relented on both accounts but I did so happily. It was nice to be treated so well, and have my friendliness returned in kind. I took some selfies around the city in my street look.

As you can tell it was super windy. There were like little mini tornadoes forming on the streets. While taking this picture, by the way, I left my souvenir bag on the ground, but a good natured gentlemen was kind enough to call my attention as I skipped away on my carefree fairy cloud to the sounds of Mitski's song Nobody. I thanked him with an embarrassing number of bows (I'm married to a Japanese woman and have long been part of that culture.) and finally got on my merry way again, taking a tour of the city freshly coated in Autumn rain. Pretty city, that Cleveland.

When I got back to my room I started getting ready. I had a number of txts from K and D summoning me back to the makeup lab but before I could do that, I needed to execute my hair plan. This is something my stylist friend M and I came up with at my home. I was going to part my hair way to the side, and curl the under side with tight curls, then pin back one side in a sweeping swirl and curl the unpinned top part with what she called mixie matching curls; some that curled towards the head and some that curled away but looser and sexier. My vision was to be a hot 80-90s goth rock bisexual queen like Kristen Stewart via Evan Rachel Wood. Well, I can SHOW you.

Then came the wedding. A beautiful, dark, rock and roll affair. Two of my favorite people in the world, both artists, were involved in the ceremony and two of my other favorite people in the world stood on stage and exchanged vows and it made me tear up like I never have before. Later that evening at the reception, K dragged me onto the dance floor and I also got to explore the labyrinthine Rock Hall at my leisure which I did with an Emma Stone looking new friend I made and her boyfriend who was once my partner in crime in all my artf@!k glory. I toughed it out in my heeled chelsea boots despite a growing fatigue and after my new friend ditched her painful strappy stilettos, and was just about to change into the flats I brought (this wasn't my first rodeo!) when K caught me in her tractor beam and dragged me to the dance floor again. I happily went. It was a night of subdued drinking, dancing with my girl squad, selfies, and friends. I know I'm still early in my transition but I saw it as my official arrival. My cotillion. Here I am world. A confident woman who is finally ready to share her gifts with everyone.

That was all great until the next day... and I'll discuss that in the final part of this wedding weekend. A TRANSWOMAN IN TRUMPVILLE.

Thanks for reading so far.