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My First Shot of T :D

Started by SithMeowth, October 06, 2018, 09:02:23 PM

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This month on the 4th marked the first day of T for me, I'm so very excited! I've been waiting over ten years since I was seven for this moment. It was literally like a shot of liquid confidence and freedom. I felt the energy increase within ten minutes I felt like I was on speed all of a sudden, my throat felt taught and went up and down all day long. A little TMI (forewarning here) I felt awkward down there as well, not painful, just a weird sensation that I can't explain even today. I def felt my libido shoot through the roof the last 24 hrs though, watching a simple youtube video with scantily clad women was like a rush of adrenaline for the eyes. Oh and my scents on my body have COMPLETELY changed.
So my question for all is what did everyone experience any similar situations to mine out there?


The first time I took e and blockers was a great revelation. The calmness and centeredness was wonderful. T does things to me I really don't like. Was happy to be rid of it :) What you describe sounds about right.
Every day is a totally awesome day
Every day provides opportunities and challenges
Every challenge leads to an opportunity
Every fear faced leads to one more strength
Every strength leads to greater success
Success leads to self esteem
Self Esteem leads to happiness.
Cherish every day.


Dear Sith,

  I'm just a simple crossdresser, so I may be making a mistake (sorry if I am) but I suspect that "T" refers to Testosterone?  If so, the guy with whom I inhabit this (strongly male) body also takes testosterone and has for maybe 8 or 10 years.  It is the fountain of youth drug for him, makes him feel 20 years younger, helps him heal more easily from the bumps and cuts he gets from his lifestyle, gives him an aggressive edge which is important in his business world, and causes him increased sexual desire (me too, since I also inhabit this body).

  Testosterone also keeps my guy up and moving, doing the things that need to be done rather than sitting around and watching tv or something.  It helps increase "focus", helping him to keep following things through to completion. And it also does away with "the wintertime blues", some sort of low level depression that happens when its cold and cloudy a lot.  A marvel drug.

  As part of my guy's business world, he often went to a certain office where he was friendly with the secretaries who worked there.  One day one of them asked what aftershave he wore.  Puzzled, he said he didn't.  She said, "come on, I want to get some for my husband".  Kept after him over several visits.  But he doesn't wear any.  Later he mentioned it to his wife and she said "its your testosterone she's smelling".  So yes, the body scents change.

  Downside?  Well its expensive and the insurance companies don't like paying for it.  My guy uses the daily "gel" instead of the weekly injection -- he believes that it smooths out the effects better for him.  But the insurance companies prefer the less costly injection.

  Also, at his prescribed (fairly standard) dosage, the aggression and sexuality can be a bit high.  So he often does half-dosages much of the time, upping to full dosages a few days before a difficult event when he needs to be at his best.

  I see that Krobinson mentioned that "T does things to me that I really don't like".  My guy's body may run different in various ways.  First, his natural testosterone level is low when compared to the "standard male population".  So his dosage amounts do not "overload" him (and when he feels overloaded, he goes to half dosages).  Second, he's a guy.  My understanding is that Women also benefit from testosterone (primarily libido I've heard) but they do so at much lower dosage levels than are given to men.

  So if you're talking about testosterone, it sounds like its working good for you.  It certainly has for my guy.  Enjoy.






Thank you both for commenting and giving your input! And yes I'm using T (testosterone) for FTM transformation. I've been put on the injection and it was covered no problem thank the gods, not that it would have been expensive where I live (another blessing).
The scent change is definitely a welcome change because I smell like I want to ( a guy) I find my scent now amazingly pleasing as before I was unhappy cuz I swear I smelled like a bouquet of flowers.
As for the other symptoms I'm having even though the muscle soreness is annoying I welcome all of them, I'm extremely excited to be going through them because that is letting me know that it's working and even if I put up with them for life now, I'd be okay with that.
As for my energy, yes it's absolutely fabulous, before especially after I had my daughter I was groggy, always sore and down from having fibro and MDD but now it's like none of that ever happened/exist. It is absolutely a miracle drug for sure.


Hi and By Sith,

  I suspected that you might be a FtM, and good luck!  I'm not a transition desire person, I'm happy to quietly be in the background most of the time (although influencing while in the background), being out and about merely occasionally. 

  One reason I don't mind my guy being dominate is because the world is a difficult place and males tend to have some advantages in living a successful life in this difficult world.  But there is a learning curve -- for both FtM and MtF transitioners.  That learning curve must be very steep for those of you who transition -- there's a lot of things we've all learned as M or F children and young adults which must be learned later by those who transition.

  I think that it must be exciting to have made such a decision and to have started on your journey to the new person you will become.  I am happy for you.  May your life as a man be all that you have hoped it would be.

    Love,  Caroline
