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Poll: sexual orientation

Started by Bea1968, May 02, 2019, 03:18:14 PM

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A question was posted that got quite a bit of responses and that's cool, but I'm a numbers gal.  So, I'm doing a poll of trans women.  Pre-op, post-op, non-op.  What is your preference?

Totally straight
Mostly straight
Totally lesbian
Mostly lesbian
Something else
Not much into anything


To me my sexual preference has shifted a lot. As a teen I was 110% gay. As a 30 year old 'man' I was straight heck I even married. As me - the real me at 44 years old I'm very lesbian... go figure! I still admire a man as eye candy but would never sleep with him. (and I've been with quite a few lol).

As for sex drive itself gone through the roof since I transitioned and I enjoy it 1000% more. Even after orchie when the old boy down there got... slow to respond most times. It doesn't matter because there are so many other things to do that feel just as good.
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100% straight.  I seem to be very sensitive to our natural scent and although I love all my girlfriends to bits there is absolutely no sexual attraction. By comparison, however, the smell of men, and one in particular, is just.............phew! Since my transition began and most noticeably since my own scent changed, I haven't even been the least bit sexually curious about other women.


I put mostly straight, because I'm aesthetically attracted to women but if they get too close, that attraction turns quickly to revulsion.  I'm attracted to men and VERY attracted to their sexual parts.   ;) ;D

From age 10 I was attracted to both boys and girls so labelled myself as bisexual as soon as I heard the term until a few years ago when I thought I was primarily gay (as a male) then primarily straight (as a girl) as soon as I realised I was trans.

I think I'm just working my way through the LGBT spectrum lol.  Although the only way I could ever be in a lesbian relationship would be with a transwoman as cis-women don't do anything for me sexually.

(**internalised transphobia alert!**) I could fall in love with a post-op transwoman and a pre-op transman, but sexually there would have to be a penis involved. Guess I just don't like vaginas. 

Not sure how I'd feel about a transman's penis as I've never encountered one.  Ok I guess, but there would have to be no visible vagina nearby...

Apologies to anyone I have offended in this post, but that's how I feel.  :)
Came out to self: mid Oct 17                   Last haircut: 3rd Nov 17       
Came out to wife: 17th Jan 18                 Therapy started: 1st Mar 18
Electrolysis started: 10th Apr 18              Referred to GIC: 16th May 18

Ricki Wright

Quote from: VickyS on May 29, 2019, 04:38:48 AM
I put mostly straight, because I'm aesthetically attracted to women but if they get too close, that attraction turns quickly to revulsion.  I'm attracted to men and VERY attracted to their sexual parts.   ;) ;D

From age 10 I was attracted to both boys and girls so labelled myself as bisexual as soon as I heard the term until a few years ago when I thought I was primarily gay (as a male) then primarily straight (as a girl) as soon as I realised I was trans.

I think I'm just working my way through the LGBT spectrum lol.  Although the only way I could ever be in a lesbian relationship would be with a transwoman as cis-women don't do anything for me sexually.

(**internalised transphobia alert!**) I could fall in love with a post-op transwoman and a pre-op transman, but sexually there would have to be a penis involved. Guess I just don't like vaginas. 

Not sure how I'd feel about a transman's penis as I've never encountered one.  Ok I guess, but there would have to be no visible vagina nearby...

Apologies to anyone I have offended in this post, but that's how I feel.  :)

Wow. Taste the Rainbow! <skittles!>

No offense taken here. It is your life and you used "I" statements, so how could I be offended at YOU living YOUR life?


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Quote from: Ricki Wright on May 29, 2019, 08:35:13 AM
No offense taken here. It is your life and you used "I" statements, so how could I be offended at YOU living YOUR life?

That is a very good point and one I need to remember! Thank you Ricki  ;D
Came out to self: mid Oct 17                   Last haircut: 3rd Nov 17       
Came out to wife: 17th Jan 18                 Therapy started: 1st Mar 18
Electrolysis started: 10th Apr 18              Referred to GIC: 16th May 18


I'll probably regret posting, oh well, here goes. I'll not vote since I'm so confused.

If I'm honest with myself .. I've always felt some attraction/interest/curiosity in man, always definitely been attracted to/interested in women. Now there seems to be a balance of interest for both as far as looks go - nothing sexual. My sexual interest is 100% towards my wife. Is this due to my rational mind directing everything towards her? Most likely. She is my love, my life. I am totally monogamous.

I guess I'm not in a position to say one way or another at all.
I left the door open, only a few came through. such is my life.



Quote from: Faith on May 29, 2019, 08:52:21 AM
I'll probably regret posting, oh well, here goes. I'll not vote since I'm so confused.

If I'm honest with myself .. I've always felt some attraction/interest/curiosity in man, always definitely been attracted to/interested in women. Now there seems to be a balance of interest for both as far as looks go - nothing sexual. My sexual interest is 100% towards my wife. Is this due to my rational mind directing everything towards her? Most likely. She is my love, my life. I am totally monogamous.

I guess I'm not in a position to say one way or another at all.

Faith, you sound perfectly normal in this in my opinion.

Way back when, the Kinsey Report (1948,1953) noted roughly a third of the population admitted to experiencing both opposite and same-sex attraction.  Other metrics show around 80% of the population may have some mix of opposite and same-sex attraction.

I suspect that many people will consciously deny having this blend in favor of the culturally acceptable binary model.  Those of us who break taboo by transcending gender tend to be more open to considering other taboos, particularly around sexual orientation.

None of this really interacts with the desire to be monogamous, poly, sex-positive, or any of the other experiential variations.  It is perfectly possible and reasonable to have some mix of opposite and same-sex attraction, and be monogamous with a single other person.
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Quote from: VickyS on May 29, 2019, 04:38:48 AM
I put mostly straight, because I'm aesthetically attracted to women but if they get too close, that attraction turns quickly to revulsion.  I'm attracted to men and VERY attracted to their sexual parts.   ;) ;D

From age 10 I was attracted to both boys and girls so labelled myself as bisexual as soon as I heard the term until a few years ago when I thought I was primarily gay (as a male) then primarily straight (as a girl) as soon as I realised I was trans.

I think I'm just working my way through the LGBT spectrum lol.  Although the only way I could ever be in a lesbian relationship would be with a transwoman as cis-women don't do anything for me sexually.

(**internalised transphobia alert!**) I could fall in love with a post-op transwoman and a pre-op transman, but sexually there would have to be a penis involved. Guess I just don't like vaginas. 

Not sure how I'd feel about a transman's penis as I've never encountered one.  Ok I guess, but there would have to be no visible vagina nearby...

Apologies to anyone I have offended in this post, but that's how I feel.  :)

I don't mind having a penis (it folds up small lol) but wanting to play with one? pass.
Every day is a totally awesome day
Every day provides opportunities and challenges
Every challenge leads to an opportunity
Every fear faced leads to one more strength
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Cherish every day.


I mean like I'm 95% straight. I'm into men and i can feel like some attraction to women? But like the thought of sleeping with them creeps me out.

Melody Rich

I said "mostly straight".  I'm not attracted to men at all.  However, if I could be a woman, I think I would at least like to try PIV sex.  Emotionally and physically, I'm all about women.  Yet, it's the typical female experience that interests me


Ah, this poll has been resurrected from 5 years ago.
I do not think I voted last time so thought, why not. It's as relevant now as was then. But also thinking perhaps a new poll to see if things have changed. But this one needs to be archived first.

So I voted Bi, over the years I have been leaning further into the bisexual range from lesbian. I am finding men attractive as a woman, where I was never Gay before transition. To me it's a natural progression. The more female I am the more straight I become. As still pre op and absolutely ancient it will be nothing more than fantasy.

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Polls like these leave me to misinterpretation or at least a concern on how I honestly answer as being AMAB and MTF.  I consider myself a woman.  I am sexually attracted only to women.  Does this make be a lesbian or transbian?  If so, I am not straight but I am gay?  Does it matter if the women I am attracted to are straight or lesbian to ascertain the correct label?  I am not concerned about the labels.

Confusion arises!

Also confusing if two AFAB lesbians are a couple and one transforms to a man and they remain a couple.  Are they now straight or still gay?  Bi?

This is not anything important to me, it is simply a curiosity.

Always stay cheerful, be polite, kind, and understanding. Accepting yourself as the woman you are is very liberating.
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I am happily married to a woman. I voted totally lesbian. I have no interest in men, they turn me off.
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Quote from: Alice V on May 02, 2019, 04:14:18 PMI'm pretty close to be asexual. For a long time I looking at men and women and see people instead of partners in bed :D

Amen, sister.
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Maybe the journey isn't so much about becoming anything.
Maybe it's about un-becoming everything that isn't really you,
so you can be who you were meant to be in the first place.

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