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One New Life to Live

Started by LauraE, January 19, 2024, 04:36:45 PM

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Brooke Renee

Hi Laura,

I am sorry to read of the rejections at the club, I hope this situation gets better soon. 

Wow, getting a Tiger has to be exciting, a bit more sporty than the 150 for sure! Makes me realize I need to get back in the cockpit, it has been many years since my aviation career shifted gears.  I miss it.  I assume you are IFR rated as well? 


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Hi @Brooke Renee.

To give you a bit of encouragement on the flying front, I didn't fly for 40 years before returning. I had gotten my license when I was 17 and flew regularly until I was 21 or 22. By then, I realized I was spread too thin, with classes, theatrical productions, and a part time job. It was all too much, so I stopped flying and didn't return until I retired 9 years ago. I'd missed it terribly, but there were more important priorities in my life.

I was looking for something larger and faster before I bought into the Cessna 150, but since I couldn't find another group, I bought into the 150. It's been a wonderful day-trip plane, and magic every time I took off. However, the Tiger expands our range and gives us so many more options.

When you're ready, start living your truth.
That's when the magic happens.

Laura Full-Time: November 27, 2020

My FFS Journey   | One New Life to Life (my blog)  |  Should I Stay or Should I Go |   My Breast Augmentation


January 28, 2024

Nora Rides a Tiger

Or not.

Today, Sunday, i'd reserved the tiger so Nora and i could fly to Half Moon Bay for some hiking and lunch. It would have been her first flight in the Tiger, but on Friday, we discovered the switch that operates the flaps had stopped operating. We've found a replacement, but now our mechanic will need to install it. I'm antsy to go flying again.

So, Nora came over to watch the 49ers game which was in itself, a wild ride of an afternoon. We had fresh crab and udon noodles afterwards, not all was lost.

More stories very soon.


When you're ready, start living your truth.
That's when the magic happens.

Laura Full-Time: November 27, 2020

My FFS Journey   | One New Life to Life (my blog)  |  Should I Stay or Should I Go |   My Breast Augmentation

    The following users thanked this post: Sarah B


I am guessing the flaps on a Tiger are electric.  It doesn't sound expensive or like a major problem, but obviously needs to be fix immediately.  I'm sorry. 


Take that as a positive, what would have happened if they packed up during the flight? would it make landing hard? as the little I know about flying says you need the extra lift when touching down.
a long time coming (out) HRT 12 2017
GRS 2021 5th Nov

Jill of all trades mistress of non
Know a bit about everything but not enough to be clever
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@Davina, @Rachel

Yes, our flaps are electric. Our Cessna 150's flaps were operated by a lever that resembles the emergency brake on your car, but most airplanes manufactured after ours had electric flaps.

the primary benefit of flaps is to lower your stall speed, primarily when landing. Slower is always better. Flaps also help create drag with also helps in slowing.

Could we fly without flaps? Absolutely. However, most pilots are as paranoid (ok, safety conscious) as me, so we'd rather fix the problem before flying again.

We've ordered a new switch ($190) and as soon as it arrives our mechanic can install it. Until then, we're grounded just as the weather is becoming beautiful.


When you're ready, start living your truth.
That's when the magic happens.

Laura Full-Time: November 27, 2020

My FFS Journey   | One New Life to Life (my blog)  |  Should I Stay or Should I Go |   My Breast Augmentation

    The following users thanked this post: Sarah B


January 29, 2024

I've one other story from a few weeks ago to tell, but first here's one from last weekend that  scares the heck out of me.

I am Not a Dancing Queen
"Would you like to take dancing lessons with me?"

This, from Kay Saturday on a change over between sets during my regular Saturday doubles group. "Yes", i replied thinking to myself, "What am I getting myself into?"

Dancing terrifies me and has done so my entire life. You might think a theatre arts major would love dancing, but i never have, preferring to stay on the sidelines rather than embarrass myself. But here i was, gladly saying yes when i fear for the worst.

I'm certain this originated from Trinh who is obsessed with TicTok videos of hip hop dances and has spent some time trying to get us to learn specific routines. She even had Kay's son teach us one during Trinh's Friendsgiving in December.

But I said yes, partly because of my treatise to always say yes now, so as not to miss any opportunities to make new friends or to become better friends. Trinh and Kay are still relatively new friends, and i'm still not sure if I'm really a part of their group or if i'm just an occasional invited guest. That Kay asked me is a good sign, but I've never been asked for so much. This is not one fear i really want to conquer. Flying a plane is much easier, but since it's important to them, i'm making it important to myself.

Do or die, they are my friends and I never want to miss an opportunity to hang out with them.

Within 24 hours, kay had found a teacher who will give us lessons and we begin tonight. Kay even found us dance shoes since the teacher doesn't want us to wear rubber bottomed shoes. I'm certain all this came from my crush Trinh, but Kay is all in.

And i'm terrified.

But, i'm also going.

Wish me luck.

When you're ready, start living your truth.
That's when the magic happens.

Laura Full-Time: November 27, 2020

My FFS Journey   | One New Life to Life (my blog)  |  Should I Stay or Should I Go |   My Breast Augmentation

    The following users thanked this post: Sarah B


January 30, 2024

With this post, i'm nearly caught up with my stories. After today, i'll have one post next week regarding my third electrolysis anniversary. Happy reading.

Keeping a Promise: Maya's First Flight
I first met Maya three years ago, when Yeng and I were competing for a spot on our club's women's interleague tennis team. After Yeng and i beat Laura P and her partner and moved up a spot on the ladder, our final match, one that would earn us a place on the team, was against May and her partner, Sharon, who would turn out to be my first bully.

Sharon and Maya had been a part of the previous year's team, as Laura and her partner were, so we knew this could be a tough match. Yeng and I easily took the first set and then lost the second, pushing us into a deciding third set. During the 10 minute break after set two, I needed to wash my glasses, so walked over to the women's bathroom.

Up until then, i was still anxious each time I walked into the bathroom, wondering if any one would out me or challenge me, so i'd normally do my business and get out asap. As i approached the faucet, i saw Sharon and Maya standing there talking, but as soon as they saw me, they exited quickly. I cleaned my glasses and walked back to the court for set three.

Which we won easily, placing Yeng and I as Line five for the team. We were elated.

Retribution would come quickly though, as Sharon began a campaign to encourage women to leave the club and play for another team. My blogs from the time are a remnant of the depression i experienced at that time. Eventually, Sharon and Maya would join a sister club of ours in another city, also line five, meaning Yeng and I would be playing them during the season.

Yeng and beat Sharon and Maya during each of our three matches. Sharon, of course, was cold to us, but Maya, who i later learned is rather progressive and easy going, was approachable, so after the season ended, I reached out to her, began chatting, and eventually shared a lunch together.

Which was so unlike <deadname> at that time. However, by reaching out, i gained a new friend. Maya has been my guest at all three of my Friendsgivings.

During one of my conversations with her during the 2022 Friendsgiving, Maya expressed interest in flying with me, which pleased me to no end. Her only available day each week is Thursdays, so i began looking for wonderful weather to fly. I never really did find a great day, and by late May, I had stopped flying the Cessna 150.

Then we bought the Tiger and everything changed. Because of weather, it took some time to find windows for my instructor and i to fly, so i could be checked out in the Tiger, but I finally was before Christmas. Now, i was more enthusiastic about finding the perfect Thursday for her.

Which turned out to be January 11th, the only perfectly sunny day that was surrounded by rain on the other sides. When i texted her early in the week, Maya was entirely enthusiastic, even going out to buy airplane earrings. She's adorable, and they type of woman I wish i'd been when i was young.

Now, Maya lives about 30 minutes east of me on a ranchette, fostering a variety of animals. It's really a chore for her to drive to my airport, but since she lives close to another airport, about a 10 minute flight away, i picked her up there.

She had a marvelous time, as the pictures will attest. On the way home, she asked if I could circle around her ranchette so she could take a few pictures before landing.

Of course, Nora was slightly jealous because i'd really wanted her to be my first passenger, but she was working that day. Nora and will go up as soon as our flap switch is repaired.

It was a wonderful day to fly.



When you're ready, start living your truth.
That's when the magic happens.

Laura Full-Time: November 27, 2020

My FFS Journey   | One New Life to Life (my blog)  |  Should I Stay or Should I Go |   My Breast Augmentation


Sometimes, when there is a strong crosswind, I use 50% flaps or no flaps at all and come in faster.  Flaps can make a strong crosswind harder to handle. And, our runways are plenty long.   


Nice pictures.  You both look like you are having a great time. 


March 19, 2024

It's spring and while i've been absent here for six weeks, I've so many stories to tell.
It's spring, my favorite season and a perfect time to fly as the world wakes up from a cold and wet winter. 73F today.

So, where to start? I'm going to work backwards.

Kay's Birthday / Korean Spa Version

About three weeks ago, Trinh texted, inviting me to participate in a spa day with her and Kay. Apparently, last year, for Trinh's birthday, Kay took her to the same location in the Bay Area, about an hour from here, and they had a grand time.

Note that i'm going to be using exact quotes from our texts because i'm still a bit dazed.

I'd met Kay a little over a year ago, not getting to know Trinh for many months after. In the beginning, she'd attendi my Saturday doubles group during which we'd find time to talk a bit, definitely a slow beginning to a friendship. Nora would say that this is the best way for friendships to develop, that a too quick start to "best friends" is also the path to a quick ending, as it was with Yeng's friendship.However, i'm not good with slow so there were plenty of times i really wondered if anything would develop between the three of us.

It slowly did, although it wasn't until last fall that i began receiving invitations to attend her group parties at her house, a small band of friends who get together to eat and play games.

For some time, i wondered if all this was real, that these people actually liked my company and wanted to include me. During the last year or so, this group goes on adventures together, renting an AirBnB somewhere and spending a weekend together. I've yet to be included in these which led to my questioning whether I was really part of the group, I was still wondering in my year end post.

Several events seemed to confirm that Kay and Trinh really liked me and wanted me to be a part of their adventures. The first came about seven weeks ago when Trinh, who had become obsessed with TikToK dancing videos, asked Kay and me to take dance lessons. After some searching, we found a dance teacher and signed up for four lessons, all to help us learn a routine she'd found on TikTock.

Now, i've been scared of dancing my entire life, but because i'm doing my best to say "yes", i went along. The first lesson was a bit terrifying to me, but Trinh took me under her wing and slowly helped me learn the first steps.

In all, it was a fun experience with them.

And then three weeks ago, Trinh sent the following:
Hi girlfriend! Kay's bday is 4/16 and she would like to go to a Korean Spa for a massage and scrub down.
We went for my bday last year and they have you go in naked or bikini.
You get in the hot tub and/or sauna . Make one side, female the other side.
I'd like to take her back but wanted to see how you can join us?
Are you comfortable if we all wear bikini's.
But if you get a scrub down, do you want to do that or skip that or go to which side?
Is it all too much to navigate?
What do you think?

My reply: "My mind just exploded"

She followed with:
So, how will this go down? First time for you and us with you.
When they scrub us down, they go to the crotch. Lift your leg while you lie on your side and literally scrub you right up to your genital and anus.
I don't know if they've had any transgender ladies even.
But if not, would you like to go with us to just the spa, sauna and you can maybe do a facial while Kay & I get the scrub down?
What do you prefer?

You see where this is going, yes? My mind was swimming at this point.

Something to consider. Because I've transitioned so late in life, I really don't pass and it's common to be stared at every time I'm out. How would the other women in the spa react once they've seen me? Would that create a stressful experience for you and Kay on her special day?  I'm just thinking this out.

The scrub down room is male & female at opposite ends of building.
But on the female side, the scrub rooms are all open and you get placed at whatever bed. There's one private in the end but the scrubber places us at whatever opens first. When they lift your leg, there is no way that they will not notice what you're tucking.
How should we prepare for this?
If I ask them tomorrow:
1) they may not approve  b/c they don't know what to do.
So, maybe we should just keep it quiet and you join us in the hot tub & sauna only. Then you get a dry massage without getting a violated scrub down?

About a week later, as we were discussing Spa Day in a group text, i tried to gracefully back out:
I have some thoughts. First, i'm touched to be included in Kay's BD celebration and a special spa day with all of you.

Trinh had previously invited me and shared some of the details of what happens at the spa, beginning with a sauna or hot tub followed by a full body massage. She shared that you chose to go naked last time and gave details about the crotch wash.

Now, i've not had GCS (bottom surgery), so exposing that part of me is a bridge too far, so i was thinking about wearing a one piece bathing suit (which old gals like me would wear), but drawing it down to my hips during a massage, telling the attendant to avoid my crotch. I don't really care if you see my boobs. At the time, Trinh was talking about you guys wearing bikinis.

However, this experience is all about Kay, not me, and the last thing i'd want is to make any of you uncomfortable in my presence. I don't care if you're naked but i'm happy to do something else if you might feel any discomfort or embarrassment in my presence. Like i said, this is about Kay.

I'd love to participate particularly if we'll be gossiping during the massage season, but i'm ok doing something else during that portion of our session..

They wouldn't have it, suggesting that I wear a full swim suit for the sauna / hot tub and then they'd be nude for their massage and i'd get a "dry massage" wearing my suit.

Curious, i went to the spa's web site which mentioned that no swim suits were allowed in the sauna or hot tub.


At this point, it's still several weeks until Spa Day, but my anxiety is growing to the point where i can't see this happening. I love them both, but this is about Kay's birthday, and i'm afraid my presence will make it more about me.

To be continued.


When you're ready, start living your truth.
That's when the magic happens.

Laura Full-Time: November 27, 2020

My FFS Journey   | One New Life to Life (my blog)  |  Should I Stay or Should I Go |   My Breast Augmentation

Sarah B

Hi Laura

Nice to hear from you again, when you tell us what is going on in your life it's really appreciated, especially when you describe your love of flying.  Thank you.

A couple of years before I changed my life around, on weekends I would travel to a place where one could learn to fly gliders (Blaniks) and Parachute, never told my mum as she would have a fit.

I eventually got my gliders and parachute licenses.  These were the days that I lived my life to the fullest and I loved it so much.  I lost those licenses, when I left my family and friends behind.  Those are cherished memories of my past and they remain with me to this day.

I have not mentioned these in my previous posts on Susan' one day soon I will as I have a few others.

Thank you posting those stories.

Love and Hugs
Sarah B
Be who you want to be.
Sarah's Story
Feb 1989 Living my life as Sarah.
Feb 1989 Legally changed my name.
Mar 1989 Started hormones.
Feb 1991 Surgery.


Thank you for stopping by, @Sarah B.

While I earned my PPL when I was 17, I quit flying when I was 21 or 22, deciding to focus on my studies and career. As soon as I retired, I studied all the changes that had take place, updated my pilot's license with the FAA (plastic now instead of paper), and began lessons to essentially get my biannual.

So, it's highly likely your glider endorsement is still active. check the FAA web site. it's never too late to get back to it.

When you're ready, start living your truth.
That's when the magic happens.

Laura Full-Time: November 27, 2020

My FFS Journey   | One New Life to Life (my blog)  |  Should I Stay or Should I Go |   My Breast Augmentation

Sarah B

Hi Laura

Thank you for your reply

Quote from: LauraE on March 19, 2024, 09:51:17 PM Thank you for stopping by, @Sarah B.

While I earned my PPL when I was 17, I quit flying when I was 21 or 22, deciding to focus on my studies and career. As soon as I retired, I studied all the changes that had take place, updated my pilot's license with the FAA (plastic now instead of paper), and began lessons to essentially get my biannual.

So, it's highly likely your glider endorsement is still active. check the FAA web site. it's never too late to get back to it.


I got my glider license when I was about 26 years old and I obviously stopped in late 1988.  However, I live in Australia so I cannot consult the FAA! Since you mentioned the FAA, it gave me food for thought.

I would have to contact the "Civil Aviation Safety Authoriy (CASA) and or the Gliding Federation of Australia (GPA) and maybe I'm still on the books after 39 years!!

Love and Hugs
Sarah B
PS Forgotten to mention, Beautiful Pictures love them.
Be who you want to be.
Sarah's Story
Feb 1989 Living my life as Sarah.
Feb 1989 Legally changed my name.
Mar 1989 Started hormones.
Feb 1991 Surgery.