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Just how big is too big?

Started by Just Mandy, April 03, 2008, 11:04:40 AM

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Just Mandy

I was reading another thread earlier and read that someone who is much smaller than me body
wise (I think Kirsa, but sry if that's wrong) had a 13" neck. I measured mine last night and it's
14.25. (Yes... I'm constantly looking for changes LOL)

Anyway... when you compare the difference between 13 and 14.25 (1.25 inches) it does not look to
be much at all. I'm wondering if my slender face makes my neck look much bigger than it really is?

So my question is.... just how big is your neck?

Thanks for indulging me :)


Something sleeps deep within us
hidden and growing until we awaken as ourselves.


Quote from: AlwaysAmanda on April 03, 2008, 11:04:40 AM
I was reading another thread earlier and read that someone who is much smaller than me body
wise (I think Kirsa, but sry if that's wrong) had a 13" neck. I measured mine last night and it's
14.25. (Yes... I'm constantly looking for changes LOL)

Anyway... when you compare the difference between 13 and 14.25 (1.25 inches) it does not look to
be much at all. I'm wondering if my slender face makes my neck look much bigger than it really is?

I don't do measurements anymore, but my neck never changed much (it's about 14").  But I have long wavy hair so no worries.

lady amarant


I think I'm going to go gouge my heart out with a spoon now. A blunt one.

       Just the tiniest wee bit insecure today...

Just Mandy

Simone... really... I've seen your picture and surely you're not saying your neck is bigger than that?

Something sleeps deep within us
hidden and growing until we awaken as ourselves.

lady amarant

Honey, I whipped out my measuring tape so quickly when I opened this thread that I caused a little whirlwind. "Yay! New external measure of self-validation!!! ... ... Doh! New thing to beat yourself over the head with saying to yourself that you'll never pass."

I am not a small girl.

       She-Hulk on 'Roids.

Just Mandy

LOL... it's got to be the width of my face then, damn.... can you even get face
widening surgery LOL, something new to obsess over every day :)


Something sleeps deep within us
hidden and growing until we awaken as ourselves.

lady amarant

Dear-heart, your neck is NOT big. Now, stop hitting yourself over the head with stuff you know deep-down do not apply to you. You are pretty, way passable (at only three months?! I hate you...) and so far ahead of me there isn't even a shadow to be in.

Now, careful, or I'll sic Fluffy on ya!

       They were going to ask me to play Giganta in the new Justice League movie...
       ... but it turns out I was too big for the costumes. Sigh...


Quote from: AlwaysAmanda on April 03, 2008, 01:50:59 PM
LOL... it's got to be the width of my face then, damn.... can you even get face
widening surgery LOL, something new to obsess over every day :)

Sure Amanda!  You can do that.  Make your face as wide as you want.  They just cut your face right down the middle and glue in the horizontal extensions.  Of course, while it is healing, you have to make sure you keep your hands in front of your eyes at all times to catch your brain if it starts to slosh out.  Other than that, it's a piece of cake.  A couple of days and you should be back at work.  Unless you are a hockey goalie, then you might have to get a new mask made first, and custom jobs take time.  Now the early extensions were flat.  This had the drawback of causing people to come out looking like Spongebob.  So make sure you specify the curved ones.  Oh, and one more thing:  If you sign up right now at the Jehovah's Witness Transfusion and Surgery Center of Salt Lake, they have a BOGO special that will allow the implant of an additional eye in the middle of that new wide forehead.  It's really great for those special panoramic views.  The procedure has been called Trans-Pans.   Good luck!  Let us know how it turns out. 


Just Mandy

Trans-Pans.... humm... that sounds like what I need. :)

OK... I get it Kristi... I need to give it a rest... I know I do. This is like being a teenager all over again, just discovering
you have this thing... your appearance... and you want all the boys (or girls) to like it... and you start to look
at every little detail. Is this normal when you start transitioning? Is this like a second puberty? Or am I just
mentally ill? LOL... OK, I know I'm not right... but does everyone go though this?

QuoteDear-heart, your neck is NOT big. Now, stop hitting yourself over the head with stuff you know deep-down do not apply to you. You are pretty, way passable (at only three months?! I hate you...) and so far ahead of me there isn't even a shadow to be in.

Pllllleeeesssseee... Simone.... the shadow is there... it's from my BIG fricken neck LOL.

Always Obsessive Amanda

P.S.  ... I was kidding about the face widening... I'm not that far off the deep end,.... yet :)

Something sleeps deep within us
hidden and growing until we awaken as ourselves.


My neck is 13.5 aaaannnnnd long, ugh!

Obsessive over our looks, that's what girls do, supposedly it stops after........65 yrs (random number, probably even later for some  :laugh:)

Amanda, believe me you have the right head shape, its perfect, you are already half way there, let the HRT take effect, and the electro for facial hair, amazing girl!!!!  :)


ah, girls will be girls.  ::)

my proportions were always big for a girl and so yes, i do know the pressure. to be tiny. girls always want to be small.
Nero was the Forum Admin here at Susan's Place for several years up to the time of his death.


Osiris' train of thought: "Just how big is too big?" ... Boobs? *page loads* Oh necks! :eusa_shifty:

I don't have a tape measure so I dunno. It seems small to me. High collared shirts are a great creation, but then again I'm going for bigger, not smaller. So, yeah I'm of no help.
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Just Mandy

Quote from: buttercup on April 03, 2008, 03:57:21 PM
My neck is 13.5 aaaannnnnd long, ugh!

Obsessive over our looks, that's what girls do, supposedly it stops after........65 yrs (random number, probably even later for some  :laugh:)

Amanda, believe me you have the right head shape, its perfect, you are already half way there, let the HRT take effect, and the electro for facial hair, amazing girl!!!!  :)

Long would be good... maybe mine would look leaner :) Thank you Buttercup :) :) :) and I sure hope so someday :)

Posted on: April 03, 2008, 05:00:10 PM
Quote from: Osiris on April 03, 2008, 04:13:27 PM
Osiris' train of thought: "Just how big is too big?" ... Boobs? *page loads* Oh necks! :eusa_shifty:

I don't have a tape measure so I dunno. It seems small to me. High collared shirts are a great creation, but then again I'm going for bigger, not smaller. So, yeah I'm of no help.

You know... that is so cool... I did not even think about boobs when I typed that LOL... and Osiris a little
testosterone and some weights will fix you right up. :)


Posted on: April 03, 2008, 05:02:29 PM
Quote from: Nero on April 03, 2008, 04:04:12 PM
ah, girls will be girls.  ::)

my proportions were always big for a girl and so yes, i do know the pressure. to be tiny. girls always want to be small.

Nero... I should have known you'd show up in a post titled "Just how big is too big" :) Were you
thinking boobs too... come on tell the truth :)

Yea... and why do girls want to be small, I do, but I don't understand why? It's really not that much
more feminine.

I also never understood the question "Does my ass look too big in these jeans?" until now, but OMG...
if mine does not stop growing I'm going to be asking that soon. LOL.


Something sleeps deep within us
hidden and growing until we awaken as ourselves.


my neck is tiny and long and have a large head, my face is a oval.
Its 12.5 inch, smaller than 90% of women!!!.

Proportionally to the size of your body, your neck is within female
norms, mine is freakishly small by all standards, except maybe ET's standards :-).

With time, it will probably decrease 0.5-1 inch in circonference (depends how much
muscle you have now).

I think its just that you've got a long face.
Many women have that. You should try to create volume to the side,
not have too long hair and especially not ones that frame the face too tightly.

Your avatar cut actually is the opposite of what you should have.

A jaw height haircut is probably the best haircut that flips out is probably
the best thing for you since you don't really have a strong jaw.

I took these advice on the internet, they add to what I just said,


Styles that are flattering: Brow-skimming bangs. Chin-length bobs are also ideal because they create the illusion of width. Curls and waves work well because they also add width.

Be careful with long hair -- too long can drag down the face. Long layers work best with pieces hitting at the nose, the chin and the collarbone. Consider a v-shaped style, where the length is mainly in the back, while the sides and front of your hair appear shorter. Also, consider adding wave or curls to the hair by letting hair airdry



Just Mandy

QuoteProportionally to the size of your body, your neck is within female
norms, mine is freakishly small by all standards, except maybe ET's standards :-).
That made me LOL... I know you're very thin from the measurements you've posted before but
ET is stretching it (pun intended) :)

QuoteWith time, it will probably decrease 0.5-1 inch in circonference (depends how much
muscle you have now).

It's fairly muscular so maybe I can drop the full inch. But I think it's the muscles at the base near
the shoulders that are the biggest give away. But I think you're right, it's my long face that is
the bigger problem. I'll play around with a shorter cut, I know when I have my hair back it
changes my look quite a bit.

Thanks for the great advise Keira :)


Something sleeps deep within us
hidden and growing until we awaken as ourselves.


Quote from: AlwaysAmanda on April 03, 2008, 03:46:46 PM

OK... I get it Kristi... I need to give it a rest... I know I do. This is like being a teenager all over again,

Yes, honey, it is.  I wasn't trying to make fun of you, I hope you know.  I was just trying to bring a smile to your face.  Lighten up a little.  You are a very pretty girl.  All you need is to find someone who can help you bring out what you already have.  I agree, your hair style makes your face look longer and thinner.  So, get that worked on, have someone teach you how to accentuate the right places with makeup, and you should be in great shape.


Just Mandy

I took it as constructive tongue-in-cheek advise Kristi and I was laughing when I read it. It actually
made me realize how much I have been obsessing. :) Thank you.

I'm done with obsessing... for now.... (I'm not sure if that means for this hour, this day, this week or what) but I'm
really going to try my hardest to stop :)

I hope that I'm not alone in having gone through this stage, my whole life I've seen a person I don't recognize
in the mirror. And now that I've let Amanda blossom I want to make her the best she can be... and I can get
very deeply involved with something and lose track of the bigger picture. In this case the bigger picture
is, I am what I am, but I'm REALLY happy with who I am now, and I'm really thankful for the changes I've gotten thus
far. And I know I can make changes and improvements to my apperance through surgery and the longer I'm on HRT
the better things will get. But the best thing is that I've finally started and moving forward! Yah!

QuoteYou are a very pretty girl.
Thank you, thank you, thank you :) I've said I would love to be passable... but pretty.... that is a HUGE unexpected bonus,
I really don't see it yet, maybe I will someday, but thank you for telling me, it gives me hope :)

All you need is to find someone who can help you bring out what you already have.  I agree, your hair style makes your face look longer and thinner.  So, get that worked on, have someone teach you how to accentuate the right places with makeup, and you should be in great shape.

Thanks, I'm starting to see how much there is to learn about transitioning. :) It's not all just HRT, surgery and things like that. :)


Something sleeps deep within us
hidden and growing until we awaken as ourselves.


My neck measures about 15 inches. This is a byproduct of the years that were spent loading and unloading trucks! To tell you the truth, I realize that this is large for a woman, but I have no problem with it. I'm still cute! (giggle!)


Hey Amanda,
I took measurements before I lost weight, after I lost weight, just pre HRT, 3 month HRT and last month. My neck was 16.50 at one point in time (I weighed about 186 at the time). I lost like 45 pounds and it went down to like 14.5. The last time I measured it it was like 13" or so. That was probably the first thing I noticed as far as body measurements changing. I have had a few people that new me say that I look like I lost weight even though I haven't, I think it's the whole face fat redistribution combined with neck and like shoulder/upper chest. My collarbones are very, very visible now and they never were. I haven't even been thinking about neck size only because it looks fairly proportional to the rest of my upper body. Just my observations...Meghan

Just Mandy

Cool... maybe it will go head and slim down even more. Yea... my collar bones are a lot
more noticeable now too.

I guess I need to let HRT work.


Something sleeps deep within us
hidden and growing until we awaken as ourselves.