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I want to kill this person, it seems like the only appropriate thing to do.

Started by Hazumu, July 04, 2008, 05:42:37 PM

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I want to kill this person, it seems like the only appropriate thing to do. The pregnant "man" who gave birth.

by John Doe
    * Age: 32
    * Gender: Male
    * Astrological Sign: Sagittarius
    * Zodiac Year: Rabbit
    * Industry: Telecommunications
    * Occupation: Sprint/Nextel Blackberry Support
    * Location: Des Moines : Iowa : United States
About Me
I'm just a guy, I like flirting and hanging out with hot girls and even not-so-hot girls, I like friends and family and my cat Kittles.
Which is more important to you and why: flexibility or expandability?
Both if she's hot.

Quote[The American media, God bless 'em, make me sick.
They are giving all sorts of attention to this confused mental patient in need of a mental hospital bitch who turned herself into a guy, and then had a baby, via emergency c-section.
They shouldn't let her raise the kid because she's obviously a nut-job who can't accept reality.
There are some things people just are not.
She, for instance, is not a man.
Rather than dealing with that reality like a normal person, she had a penis built and had her boobs removed (which should be a capitol offense, punishable by death, in itself because boobies are sacred) and became a "man", although a man that has a flawed sense of reality and no perception of logic or ability to accept responsibility or disappointment.
In other words, still a woman.
Princess complex with a penis.

The link to the original blog is:

I had intended it to be a part of the original topic posting.  However, something went wrong in making a graphic into the link to the original blog.  I skipped a step, thinking I'd already completed it, or omitted an equals-sign to link the blog URL to the BBS URL tag, and didn't catch it.  I then left the house for fourth-of-July festivities...

Without that link, yes, my post did look like an outing of the writer of that screed.  It had the appearance of supplying personal information I'd obtained by nefarious means for the purpose of harassment.  That was not my intent.  But in the public affairs business, perception is reality.  I stand guilty for what you determined my intent to be from the evidence in that initial post, and offer my deepest apologies for the distress it caused you.

Please, forgive me;




With just a few changes, those words could be used to describe Mr Waters.


Quote from: Leiandra[The American media, God bless 'em, make me sick.
They are giving all sorts of attention to this confused mental patient in need of a mental hospital imbecile who turned himself into a laughing stock, and then had a total eclipse of the head, via the medium of opening his mouth.
They shouldn't let him raise his voice because he's obviously a nut-job who can't accept reality.
There are some things people just are not.
He, for instance, is not living on the same planet as everyone else.
Rather than dealing with that reality like a normal person, he had a know-it-all attitude built and had his brains removed (which should be a capitol offense, punishable by death, in itself because intelligence is sacred) and became a "moron", although a moron that has a flawed sense of reality and no perception of logic or ability to accept responsibility or other people.
In other words, still an idot.
Superiority complex from a dick.
Natura nihil frustra facit.


Don't be scared to fly alone, find a path that is your own
Love will open every door it's in your hands, the world is yours
Don't hold back and always know, all the answers will unfold
What are you waiting for, spread your wings and soar


Uhm, giving out peoples full names and photo, even if they have stupid opinions about us is not right. Even tho he's obviously an idiot, we have freedom of speech. I think it would be better if you removed his full name and photo, and perhaps even gave us a link to wear he wrote this.



After defecating his little pellets in the open, that rabbit should bolt back into his cosy little hole where he can feel smug and secure.  :D




c'mon you guys!  This poor shlub has absolutely nothing going for him.  Look at the picture.  He has the sex appeal of a potato!  Thomas Beatie is handsome even when pregnant.  No question about which one I'd sleep with!  :laugh:


Quote from: Drik on July 04, 2008, 08:11:01 PM
Uhm, giving out peoples full names and photo, even if they have stupid opinions about us is not right. Even tho he's obviously an idiot, we have freedom of speech. I think it would be better if you removed his full name and photo, and perhaps even gave us a link to wear he wrote this.

I'll have to second this opinion.  People still have a right to their opinions even if they are bigots. Posting this kind of information amounts to little more than the lists some sites post with information of doctors who perform abortions hoping that someone else will do their dirty work for them. Giving no actual link to the statement makes it pure hearsay also which is even worse.  :\


I edited out the personal info, Lynn just beat me to the punch on posting hehe..

The griping about 'The pregnant "man" ' thing really irks me too... "man" my ass.. I hate the gender police. :(  He's a man, and he got pregnant....  why does that bother people so much..


because it's not their definition of normal, dear. or did you forget that... :D

Warrior Princess Mickie


Quote from: Alison on July 05, 2008, 12:49:11 AM
I edited out the personal info, Lynn just beat me to the punch on posting hehe..

AWWWWWWWW!! *pouts* thanks a lot, Alison!! Now I can't go through with my brilliant plan of having pizzas that he did not order sent to his house around the clock.  :D


I disagree about people having the right to voice this kind of opinion.  In the US, the SC has recognized that freedom of speech does not extend to "fighting words."  This type of hate speech should not be permitted.


I'm didnt say that it should be permitted.
What I meant is that.. giving out peoples full names and email isnt the proper way of dealing with this.
It is childish and makes us no better than him.


I agree about re-publishing it here, Drik; but, he does post the info on his blog. Perhaps he wants his own "15 minutes of fame" in a way?

Karen didn't have to do any sleuthing to find it, one click on the profile give's you exactly what was seen here. He, in that case, is the moron, as though it wasn't evident from his blog.

Of course he may actually WANT trans-people of all sorts replying to him at his email, or searching reverse addy directories for his town in Iowa to visit him at home. Who knows?



Quote from: Nichole on July 05, 2008, 02:25:03 PM
I agree about re-publishing it here, Drik; but, he does post the info on his blog. Perhaps he wants his own "15 minutes of fame" in a way?

See, I didnt even know that
cause there was no link to his blog included in the first message.
The photolink was just "http:///"

Still dont think its right tho.


Freedom of speech ain't got anything to do with the issue of posting his info here.  Giving out personal info isn't right regardless.  whether or not he should be allowed to say it is completely seperate.

And him posting the info on his blog isn't quite the same as posting here.  I doubt he's had 250 people viewing it, let alone people who would find him offensive.
Come to think of that, posting his comments here has probably given him a much larger audience than he's used to.



Google Mistress that I am, I found his blog.

Quote from:  Claire's comment to the OP blogBeattie is not the first man to do this.  I know of several trans-couples where the father bore the child conceived of the mother's sperm. 

What I can't understend is why you care.  The Beatties have broken no law; no people or property were damaged.  Don't people have the right to live their lives in the manner they choose?  You say you're a father as am I.  I'm guessing you share with me the memory of the incomparable joy that comes with the birth of your child.  Why would you deny Thomas Beattie that same experience?


Quote from: Claire de Lune on July 06, 2008, 05:53:07 PM
Quote from: Diane on July 06, 2008, 05:13:57 PM
Just imagine what this poor , poor child will have to go through growing up and for it's entire life. I find it REPOLSIVE REPULSIVE.

You're worse than John Doe in the original post.  At least he didn't turn on his own kind!

Um... maybe she was saying she finds the abuse levied on the child's father repulsive, not the choice of the guy to transition.
Natura nihil frustra facit.


The link to the original blog is:

I had intended it to be a part of the original topic posting.  However, something went wrong in making a graphic into the link to the original blog.  I skipped a step, thinking I'd already completed it, or omitted an equals-sign to link the blog URL to the BBS URL tag, and didn't catch it.  I then left the house for fourth-of-July festivities...

Without that link, yes, my post did look like an outing of the writer of that screed.  It had the appearance of supplying personal information I'd obtained by nefarious means for the purpose of harassment.  That was not my intent.  But in the public affairs business, perception is reality.  I stand guilty for what you determined my intent to be from the evidence in that initial post, and offer my deepest apologies for the distress it caused you.

Please, forgive me;



Where did he get the ECS from? When the article he quotes expressly mentions that the delivery wasn't by Caesarian section. Proving that his thinking is as sloppy as is reading... or conversely!


