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Poll: Do you identify as Buddhist?

Started by Sarah, October 15, 2008, 05:25:36 PM

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Do you identify as a Buddhist? Check all that apply...

I like it but don't know much about it
8 (21.6%)
I meditate or chant or do some other formal practice  occasionally
25 (67.6%)
I agree with Buddhist teachings or philosophy
34 (91.9%)
I attend a meditation or chanting or Buddhist Temple or Group on a occasional basis
6 (16.2%)
I attend a meditation or chanting or temple or group on a regular basis
4 (10.8%)
I am considered by others to be part of thier Sangha
7 (18.9%)
I consider myself part of a Sangha
9 (24.3%)
I take refuge in the Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha
14 (37.8%)
I have been on a retreat
7 (18.9%)
I have undergone some form of formal recognition cerimony
4 (10.8%)
I have a Teacher/Master and/or are part of a formal Master-disciple relationship
7 (18.9%)
I have an interest in Buddhism
30 (81.1%)
I feel uncomfortable calling myself a Buddhist, but I have an interest and/or strong interest in it.
8 (21.6%)
I like Buddhism or Buddhists, however I am not a Buddhist
8 (21.6%)
It's not my cup of tea
9 (24.3%)
I am a formally recognized part of a Sangha
4 (10.8%)
The Sangha is my family as much as my relatives are
4 (10.8%)
I have a different spiritual or philisophical practice that works for me.
11 (29.7%)
I like it but don't know much about it
5 (13.5%)
I have a specific Tradition, which I am a part of
6 (16.2%)

Total Members Voted: 37


are you a Buddhist?
Have an interest in it?
Have a Formal practice and are part of a Tradition?
This poll is a curriosity poll on Buddhism.


I always liked the "core" of Buddhist doctrine, but there was a lot of BS in it that I don't think Buddha intended. IMO a lot of Buddhist are too attached to Buddhism, which is very hypocritical in my opinion. And a lot of the Buddhist literature I've read (especially the Pure Land book "The Teaching's of Buddha" was very depressing and made me feel depressed for wanting to drink a coke and taking medications. To me the essence of Buddhism is non-attachment, followed by compassion for others. Krishnamurti, i think, gets at Buddha's "original" (at least what I see as original) message, and he isn't a Buddhist. I always hated how Buddhists say they don't worship the Buddha, but they keep incredibly expensive statues of him in there churches, and do seem to have a deity-like attachment to him, especially in the Pure Land varities. Another thing, there is a "Buddhist" center here in Utah that offers a spiritual "class" I guess called the "Open Heart, Open Mind" and it costs $50,000 a slot. I really doubt the Buddha would approve of that.


Zen practioner for 30+ years.  If you want to escape BS, that's Zen.


"Everyone who has ever built anywhere a new heaven first found the power thereto in his own hell" - Nietzsche


It's not my cup of tea

And us English are def into our tea!  8)




Yes. Dzogchen but interested in all traditions of Buddhism as well as other spiritual practices (Yoga, Taoist, Shamanism) but if I could only have one it would be Dzogchen as it encompasses everything else. If you want to escape BS lol......get to the core of the teachings, whatever tradition, practice and realize them for yourself and there will be no more BS lol.

...But I'm a horrible Buddhist don't get me wrong! I could be much more disciplined right now.


I try to sit daily.

I find the basic concepts to be helpful to me.


My father is a Soto Zen Buddhist, going on 30 years. I'm influenced by the teachings and have a liturgy book, meditation cushion and bell, but I don't practice much, and I don't consider myself a Buddhist.


I've sat zazen with a sangha, and even given a practice talk or two there. Officially I'm still a member of that sangha, though I haven't been sitting/chanting with them regularly for a while now.

My own personal practice is an amalgamation of Soto Zen Buddhism, Christianity, Wicca, and Asatru.


I am part of a sangha. We meet every Tuesday and do a group primordial meditation. I practice TM 2x's a day. After we talk. We were recently joined by an Ayurvedic physician who is fun and smart. We lightly call ourselves a cosmic community. The age ranges from late teens to mid 80's. Presently there are 6-7 in the group.
Like Shades I am an amalgamation. A mix of Zen and Spiritual Humanism.
Zen for me makes the path clearer. Budda was just a man
Yes there is really bigender people

Naturally Blonde

Living in the real world, not a fantasy


Quote from: Sammy on August 26, 2009, 02:15:53 AM
I always hated how Buddhists say they don't worship the Buddha, but they keep incredibly expensive statues of him in there churches, and do seem to have a deity-like attachment to him, especially in the Pure Land varities. Another thing, there is a "Buddhist" center here in Utah that offers a spiritual "class" I guess called the "Open Heart, Open Mind" and it costs $50,000 a slot. I really doubt the Buddha would approve of that.

the statues arnt worship, as much as they are for remembering a great teacher; however, it is true that alot(especially "new age" Buddhists) tend to forget/are mislead to believe that this human, who is only a human, is a god of some kind. but again, i think generally it is a tribute to a teacher.

the class sounds like its aimed at new age buddhists, whos hearts may or may not be in the right place, but they dont know the real teachings usually(not always the case), and the runners of this class are prob in it for the money sadly :/
Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible.

-- The Dalia Lama


I'm not Buddiest, I am basically Wiccan with a hint of dark paganism in my practices. I have a little interest in Buddaism, I like to read a little about it and watch documentries on it as well. I enjoyed watching a documentry on Budda last year it was pretty interesting. But idk if I could ever practice it though heh.


I've been an ordained Buddhist (though in a non-monastic order) for 14 years now, been trying to practise for 20 years. My experience is that it's really easy to use Buddhism (just like just about anything) in a way that shores up your sense of fixed identity rather than making it more fluid. And that's not the fault of Buddhism, it's just the natural human tendency not to want to change except absolutely on our own terms! I certainly spent many years using it to hide from myself (just as I used being "Jewish", and then "gay" to do the same before that). It's what makes it possible for me to laugh at myself when I see myself desperately looking for a term that describes me (I do like this niizh manidoowag thing at the moment...)

Nowadays, I can let it help me have a more permeable approach to my gender, my sexuality, my sense of self in general. And I can even, on a good day, have a more creative response to the fact that the onset of PTSD last year has meant I can't meditate in the way I've been used to doing for the last 2 decades, and that this doesn't make me a Bad Buddhist™, it just makes me have to be a more flexible one in order to find things I can do, instead of worrying about what I can't do. So it's a Good Thing.

I've just arrived on this forum for the first time tonight, and I'm heartened to see people not being too caught up in identity wars (I've had so much of that from being bisexual around the "gay community", and in the poly scene, and etc. etc., and even "brand loyalty" amongst Buddhists).


I've been influenced by Buddhism, but I much more agree with Taoism.
"The cake is a lie."


The term "buddhist" have many interpretations, it may point to a sect belonging to particular belief which may or may not have to do with buddhism. The question would be more specific if put in this way "do you identify as a practitioner of Buddha's teaching?". The same applied to toaism, where "tao-jia" / taoist's practitioner and "tao-jaiu" /taoist's sect represent totally different thing.

It's being 20 years since I first started exploring buddhism, the search for this teaching was the beginning of wisdom, during those times of immersion in buddhism, such as in practice, writing, translations and reading of ancient texts, I do not have time for other things, e.g. my gender issues. But as I confronted with the gender issues eventually due to the age [of hormonal declined in men), the wisdom I learn served to aid in smoother transition.



I identify as Buddhist, and I like reading about it, but what sect of Buddhist? I am just Buddhist. Not Zen, Theravada, or whatnot; I've never thought of a sect.


Hello dharma friends,

I am a buddhist for more then 30 years. My teachers help and support me with my transition as a transman. I am a member of the Shambhala Community and a student of Ringu Tulku Rinpoche. For the transgender community i set up the International Transgender Buddhist Sangha.

Yours in the dharma,






i like it, but don't know much about it


Hi Ribbons, a sect is a religious group that has a historical existence, some of them may not have authentic lineage, but will still called themselves buddhists, I will cite a few example: A group lead by Lu Shen Yen, Nizerian, Tian Tao, etc.