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Started by Theresa, June 29, 2005, 02:55:19 AM

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If you don't remember me, I used to post here years ago - every now and then I come back and touch bases.  :)

I haven't been doing much lately, except working.  About 5 years ago, after I finished with college, I moved to the Seattle area, and got a job as a consultant for a software firm.  Unfortunately the software that the firm created was primarily terminal emulation - a dying market - so for most of the past 5 years I watched as all but 5 all of the 200+ employees I shared a building with, were laid off.  A few weeks ago I was also laid off.  It says something that I lasted as long as I did.  :)

The good news is that I've been moonlighting, trying to build a web design company in my spare time - and my little company has grown enough to support me.  We're a small company still - I only have 5 employees, but we are a great team.  The funny thing is that - now that I'm not working at my "day job" anymore, and committing a full-time effort to my own business, I'm not sure how I was ever able to do both jobs...

Somehow I have to believe that God was looking after me - and that this was the right thing for me at this time in my life.  :)

So - I haven't had much time for other things in my life - unfortunately that includes love.  :(  But who knows what the future holds now that I'm only commiting my time to one job.

I wish I had more to talk about regarding gender - it seems like changes always make me more introspective, so naturally I've thought about gender issues lately.  (Which is probably why I revisited Susan's again...)  I asked a really close friend a few days ago whether she thought I was "well adjusted."  She said that given what I've been through, she thought I was doing very well.  I'm not sure if that's good or bad - she knows too much about me.  :)

For anyone who wonders, dilating sucks.  Most of the time I forget, until about a month goes by, and then I remember.  My doctor says that I really have to keep it up - and to be honest, it really bothers me that I have to keep doing that - it sort of reminds me that I'm "different."  I've never let it go too long - I'm too afraid to I guess.

Geez another thing - has anyone else gained a lot of weight after being on HRT for a long time?  I'm not sure if it's my age or the hormones, but I am really struggling to lose weight.  I feel like if I were to just *look* at the scale again it's going to cost me another pound.

I started working out - I joined a Taekwondo class - and I'm now a "recommended black" - and it helped me to keep my weight stable, but I didn't lose it like I wanted to.  I have truly enjoyed the martial arts, though.  My instructor also teaches filipino martial arts (arnis) and even though it's a bit more agressive than I like, I have taken it too.  It's scary what you can do with a stick or two...

Well, I'd better go for now - someone wants me to jack into the matrix (mxo).  :)

Take care all,


Hello Theresa,
Welcome back, it's always nice to in comfortable places and Susan's is one of them.  From what I read it seems as though you can bring lots of experience to the forums, especially being post-op.  I know I for one will have many questions to ask when my time nears.

Don't you just love that weight thing.  The curse of all women (sooner or later)  :D  I've only been on HRT since March but I'm sure there are many here  who can share their experiences with weight gain and HRT.  Of course the first step is to do what you have done and start putting some activity into our lives, and sweat to the oldies. :)

Maura Hartman

Quote from: Theresa on June 29, 2005, 02:55:19 AM
If you don't remember me, I used to post here years ago - every now and then I come back and touch bases.  :)

Hi Theresa! I remember when we met at the coffee shop in Redmond, I think of you often. Since then I have retired and am enjoying life on the big rock for a change.

Quote from: Theresa on June 29, 2005, 02:55:19 AM
asked a really close friend a few days ago whether she thought I was "well adjusted."  She said that given what I've been through, she thought I was doing very well.  I'm not sure if that's good or bad - she knows too much about me.  :)

I thought you were extremely well adjusted when we met, and felt that you blended rather well into the general female populace.

Quote from: Theresa on June 29, 2005, 02:55:19 AM
Geez another thing - has anyone else gained a lot of weight after being on HRT for a long time?  I'm not sure if it's my age or the hormones, but I am really struggling to lose weight. 

I gained a lot of weight on hormones, nineteen pounds last year alone. I have since quit potatos, white rice, pasta, bread and sugar, take a walk with my dog daily and do crunches religiously. My weight's gone back to normal, and my BP has gone from 161/98 to 117/68 and my feet are thanking me for a break! I think some of us become too sedentary and maintain teenaged eating habits when we no longer use up all that energy. So it get stored in various places, thighs and rear ends mostly, and a little too much tummy for females. Nice to hear from you!



 "has anyone else gained a lot of weight after being on HRT for a long time?  I'm not sure if it's my age or the hormones, but I am really struggling to lose weight."

Oh hell yes,  I picked up around 30 lbs in a year and a half, 150 when I started and 180 when my eye screamed enough is enough!   Presently back down to 155, but still fealing like a bloat.  10 more lbs and I'll be abole to see If I can go more, no idea, have never been below 145 in my adult life.



Congratulations and continue with the business at hand. Mine is in elder care and estate management. I have a wonderful garden that i developed that will bring us years of enjoyment and wonderful organic produce. Here is a picture of my garden.

PS: I am not a computer programer etc so i can't really say much about the topic.


Dear casandra... I couldn't reply to your private message to me because there was no reply button. Theresa is doing web design hence she is doing computer work. I replyed that i am doing gardening and elder care as a live-in and i don't know much about computer work . er web design etc... I hope this clears things up for you.

Global Moderator

Reputation: 8

Posts: 132

   Your post
« Sent to: Danielegrl on: Today at 02:12:37 PM »   

Hi Danielegirl,

Your post left me a little puzzeld can't say that I saw anything in the thread that mention gardening or anything to do with computers. Are you sure you posted to the right thread?
If not let me know were you intended to put it and I'll be happy to move it for you. If not, well I guess I just don't get it.

Good Journey,




Quote from: Danielegrl on August 04, 2005, 04:24:22 PM
... there was no reply button. ...
In the Upper right edge of the message area for each message, you should find "Quote" and "Reply" among others.


In my message folder All i have is a delete and a reload button. Maybe since i am new i am restricted.

I do knowthat my picture doesn't show up as well so i added it to my signature..


Hello Danielgrl.

Have a look at this thread, it will explain things for you.,114.msg391.html#msg391

Chat later



Theresa, it would be great if you frequented here more.  There is a dirth of post ops on the board, at least those who are verifable.

Like the saying goes Your mileage may vary. Your experiences and knowlege is certainly different than others and we need that viewpoint.  What relates to one may be in a totally different realm than what works for someone else.   

As for the infamous 4X2 weilder, I haven't heard anything since gwb was elected.  I was exhorted to vote repub which I less than gracefully declined.  Obiviously all this did was to start another diatribe on my mental capablilites  ;D




Hey there Teresa,

As Leigh said, it would be great if you posted with your views and opinions on the issues written about here.  It would be nice to from others who have been there, done that, got the tee shirt, so to speak  :).  It's true that life would have been a little different when you transitioned 10 years ago, but I think the emotional side of it would be somewhat the same.

Looking forward to seeing you here,

Steph  :)