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An Art Thread

Started by Vexing, December 22, 2008, 04:45:23 PM

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I couldn't find an area on the forums dedicated to the visual arts, such as drawing, painting, sculpting, photography, etc, etc.  :-\
Hence I decided to start this thread.

Please share examples of your arty and crafty creations, whether they are pencil doodles you did whilst on the phone or massive quilts lovingly crafted over months.  :)


I do performance art almost exclusively, as I like the dada concept that if you are not there, it didn't exist.  It went up, happened, went down, no trace - except in people's minds.
FIGHT APATHY!, or don't...


Righto, I'll get the ball rolling...

This is a piece I was commissioned to do for a fan book for Changleing: The Dreaming



These are art because they express what I like, and their beauty of their appearance
If one does not believe that they are mine, I will happily take a new pic of them with susans written on paper below them for proof.

Its a NES System inside a Gameboy case. Painted with acrylic Green on fromt, and silver on back.
Plays all NES Games flawlessly, and gets 5 hours battery life.
-I consider this art, but if I am wrongfully misinterpreting this, I can easily take down the post


This is called 'decisions'.

It represents my confusion when I began to consciously struggle with my gender issues.



Hey its useful, and thus much closer to real art then decoration (often mistaken for art) is.
FIGHT APATHY!, or don't...


Und, das ist "eyeswim2"

I made it before I truly understood the use of layers.



Quote from: Rebis on December 22, 2008, 06:31:18 PM
This is called 'decisions'.

It represents my confusion when I began to consciously struggle with my gender issues.

That's quite striking; I rather like it.


Thank you. After seeing that you are truly talented, it really means a lot.

I should spend more time on these. I think I could do some nice work (not my ego speaking).


Most of art is not about being artistic, or inspired, its about doing it everyday.
FIGHT APATHY!, or don't...


Quote from: tekla on December 22, 2008, 06:39:33 PM
Most of art is not about being artistic, or inspired, its about doing it everyday.
which is why I don't consider myself an artist.

I'd like to do it everyday, but I got jammed up by Life.


Quote from: tekla on December 22, 2008, 06:39:33 PM
Most of art is not about being artistic, or inspired, its about doing it everyday.

I think that's true for many, but not all.
Personally, I can only do it when I'm inspired - else I just sit there staring at a blank page for hours.


Sleep deprived brain-hand wanderings, glow added via photoshop:



That's a good one. It looks like a mass of energy struggling to find a path.


I like that.

Have you tried using GIMP?  It's free and should work. I say should because sometimes you have to mess with it first.

I use about 5 or 6 programs on most everything


Quote from: Jeatyn on December 23, 2008, 01:07:03 PM
I purely do digital art

Lines done in flash, colouring/shading in photoshop. These are all quite old because my laptop doesn't run photoshop very well. But I may as well share

This one I did in MSpaint and I'm in the middle of painting it using acrylics, I've never painted before and it's probably going to be a disaster =D

Nice work  :D
Do you use a tablet to do the line drawing? Or do you rely on a steady mouse hand and the Flash smoothing?
Number 11 was...a bit of a shock after all the sweetness and light in the other pics.
Ever considered going into cartooning?


This one's a piece commissioned by a friend for his RPG "Amukudari".
It's an Azuri - blue, 7 foot tall lizard men:



Quote from: Kelsey on December 22, 2008, 06:27:09 PM
These are art because they express what I like, and their beauty of their appearance
If one does not believe that they are mine, I will happily take a new pic of them with susans written on paper below them for proof.

Arguably more craft than art but hey, awesome mod. Have you done any others? I love the whole DIY movement and I got the IY part down pat but the D has always eluded me. Hands are useless ;)


I do a lot of doodles during class when I don't feel like paying attention, but they're nothing better than doodles. I consider art to be my half talent. Nothing great, but kinda a talent nonetheless. Little tricks Reese teaches himself to pass time.

As you can tell, I don't like drawing hands. Gangly, jointed things they are.