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Your Eyes

Started by Jessica, September 21, 2006, 10:29:04 AM

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<A HREF="">What do Your Eyes Say about You.</A>

<img src=""><br/>Your eyes show sadness. You either hate yourself for doing something you          shouldnt     have or you just see everything in your life messed up. You are probably an emotional person who gets hurt each time somebody says something about you. You mainly  wish to have a normal life where your parents are nice and understanding, where youd have true friends, and somebody to love you. Well dont we all? But a perfect life isnt necessarily a good life. Whenever people look at you  ,even if you smile, they see the sadness that your soul endures ,the tears that are held back, the weakness you do not wish to show but nonetheless you do. Try living your life as you should. Be happy on the inside dont fake it and youll see that many will wish do be your friend.People  dont die from suicide they die from sadness.


Your eyes show love and sympathy. You mostly think about your loved one, a person whom you feel attracted to, a person which means a lot to you. You care about your parents and about life in general. In your eyes people see not only a dreamer longing for love but also a kind hearted person who many only imagine to be. Congratulation on getting this result for it means you know how to live life, have fun but also love everyone. Deep down you hate no one even thought they hurt you. You can forgive and forget and do to all this you have friends some close and some not so close. You help your friends and they help you. Together you are a team.
"Love isnt about finding the perfect person, its about seeing an imperfect person perfectly"
Thanks for taking the quiz, hope you enjoyed it!




ok buffy.  this is two of these quizzes ive taken and have ended up with the same results as you.  i did the hair color one, which said im blond and now the eye one and same as yours.  sounds like we could be twins except im much older(im 63 almost 64).  ;)  :icon_biggrin:

  hugs and  :-* :-*  amber

Ellissa Ray

Im number 3 with the same results. Hey, it's a good result to have.

anyone else have to highlight the text to see it on the black background? I found it kinda anoying.


Your eyes show love and sympathy. You mostly think about your loved one, a person whom you feel attracted to, a person which means a lot to you. You care about your parents and about life in general. In your eyes people see not only a dreamer longing for love but also a kind hearted person who many only imagine to be. Congratulation on getting this result for it means you know how to live life, have fun but also love everyone. Deep down you hate no one even thought they hurt you. You can forgive and forget and do to all this you have friends some close and some not so close. You help your friends and they help you. Together you are a team.
"Love isnt about finding the perfect person, its about seeing an imperfect person perfectly"

Looks like I got the same result as you too buffy.  However, this describes me very well.



hmm, I'm feeling rather left out.




Your eyes show love and sympathy.

There's really only three distinct answers in all of those questions.  Either you are not suicidal/depressed, or you are, or you are muderous.  There's no answers for people who are actually happy, especially in that diary question.  That's the most emo/goth quiz I have ever taken :P


Hey, I'm supposed to be the quizz lady :)

My results:

Your eyes show love and sympathy. You mostly think about your loved one, a person whom you feel attracted to, a person which means a lot to you. You care about your parents and about life in general. In your eyes people see not only a dreamer longing for love but also a kind hearted person who many only imagine to be. Congratulations on getting this result for it means you know how to live life, have fun but also love everyone. Deep down you hate no one even thought they hurt you. You can forgive and forget and do to all this you have friends some close and some not so close. You help your friends and they help you. Together you are a team.
"Love isnt about finding the perfect person, its about seeing an imperfect person perfectly" true! :D  I loved this test!  Thank you Jessica! :)

tinkerbell :icon_chick:


Wow! Mine was really cool!

Your eyes show love and sympathy. You mostly think about your loved one, a person whom you feel attracted to, a person which means a lot to you. You care about your parents and about life in general. In your eyes people see not only a dreamer longing for love but also a kind hearted person who many only imagine to be. Congratulation on getting this result for it means you know how to live life, have fun but also love everyone. Deep down you hate no one even thought they hurt you. You can forgive and forget and do to all this you have friends some close and some not so close. You help your friends and they help you. Together you are a team.
"Love isnt about finding the perfect person, its about seeing an imperfect person perfectly"
Thanks for taking the quiz, hope you enjoyed it!


You eyes show nothing. You are a mystery to everyone around you. You are ver well at hiding your emotions. People find you enchanting, as a witch you mesmerize them with your emotionaless eyes, making them wish to know you better.

It goes on longer ofcourse. This was a good one ;)



Love and Sympathy  :)

I cant argue too much with this answer LoL


Quote from: Marco on September 21, 2006, 04:01:00 PM
You eyes show nothing.

I disagree.  Your eyes show.....ta da da da......compassion and true friendship.

tinkerbell :icon_chick:


Your eyes show loneliness. You feel so alone and wish there was someone around to comfort you. All your life you tried to tell people how you felt but with no use, no one would ever listen. True friends are exactly what you need but the harder you try making some the faster it seems more hopeless. Friends this days are rare, at least true friends are. You may be a shy person who is scared to mess things up more than they are. Try not to be scared of meeting new people, and when you do be yourself. Dont care about what they think of you. If you are to be friends they will care for you no matter what, because thats how true friends should be.
Have you ever felt so alone and nothing makes sense? Well thats what I feel right now. I feel like Im facing everything by myself with nothing but tears and a fake smile.
Thanks for taking the quiz, hope you enjoyed it!



Quote from: MarcosGirl on September 22, 2006, 08:59:32 PM
Your eyes show loneliness. You feel so alone and wish there was someone around to comfort you. All your life you tried to tell people how you felt but with no use, no one would ever listen. True friends are exactly what you need but the harder you try making some the faster it seems more hopeless. Friends this days are rare, at least true friends are. You may be a shy person who is scared to mess things up more than they are. Try not to be scared of meeting new people, and when you do be yourself. Dont care about what they think of you. If you are to be friends they will care for you no matter what, because thats how true friends should be.
Have you ever felt so alone and nothing makes sense? Well thats what I feel right now. I feel like Im facing everything by myself with nothing but tears and a fake smile.
Thanks for taking the quiz, hope you enjoyed it!


You are not alone, Pam.  You have Marco and all of us here. :)


tinkerbell :icon_chick:


Thank you Tinkerbell!  Marco is always here for me and very supportive and you guys here at Susan's have been such a source of encouragement and love to me.  My loneliness feelings go way back to my childhood and they are very hard to shake, but with all of you alls help, I am working through them.
