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Is anyone here seriously considering phalloplasty in the future?

Started by petzjazz, September 13, 2009, 05:09:32 PM

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Most of the Phalloplasty sub-forum seems to be discussion of the fallacies and inadequacies of past and present phalloplasties. I'm curious: Is anyone here seriously considering getting phalloplasty in the future (not necessarily in the near future, but within the next 20 years or so)?

Since I do want to get bottom surgery, and size and adequate sexual function for my partner is more important to me than guranteed orgasm, I do intend to look seriously into phalloplasty in about 12 years. I've promised myself that when I turn 30 (in 12 years), I'm going to evaluate whatever bottom surgery options are available then and pick the best of them. I do not want to go my entire life without a penis, and I'm not willing to wait 80 years for a "better bottom surgery" that - since almost all FTMs elect not to get bottom surgery - will most likely never come.   

What are your personal plans for bottom surgery? Assuming that no miraculous new bottom surgery technique emerges from the ether, do you seriously intend to get phalloplasty or metoidioplasty? Which one, and why?


im intending on getting a metoidioplasty because i can achieve natural erections, theres a much lower risk of losing sensation, no donor site scarring, minimal scarring  on the actual area, lower risk of complications, and it may be small, but it looks and acts like a real dick.


My decisions are never set in stone.
I doubt I'll have it done, but a part of that decisions depends on how much growth I can achieve.
Seeing as the micropenis definition is approximately "under 7 centimeters when fully erect", anything above that may be small, even really small, but normal. If I can reach a size that is "normal", even if it's really small, I think I'll be fine without phallo because no one can take the "fact" away from me that I've reached "normal penis" size.

"Everyone who has ever built anywhere a new heaven first found the power thereto in his own hell" - Nietzsche


I want Phallo, I want the suitcase technique. However I am yet to have a hysto so until then I wont be referred to see the Dr who preforms the operation here. I also heard that the waiting list was very long.

I want to have a penis by the time I am 30.




I would be open to it if there were some major medical breakthroughs. I not I am just researching bottom surgery for now. The meta looks like more of an option, if anything. I am still very undecided on bottom surgery, would take a lot for me to decide to spend the required funds on it.
"A life lived in fear is a life half lived"


Quote from: Miniar on September 14, 2009, 09:59:58 AM
...Seeing as the micropenis definition is approximately "under 7 centimeters when fully erect", anything above that may be small, even really small, but normal...
this is what im hoping for.  ive seen metas on guys that could walk around in the mens locker room naked and no one would know.  he may get teased by his buddies for having a small dick, but it sure as heck does look like one!

personally, if someone is making fun of me for a small one, at least i have that much.


I used to think I'd never get bottom surgery; now I'm probably going to go for a meta with hookup and implants.  I was originally going to forego the hookup, but knowing myself I won't be happy if my dick can't pee.

Size doesn't matter.  Anything I get will be better than a non-dick.  At this time I don't think phallo is right for me with the techniques out there.  But then I'm an old fart.




Yeah, I probably would've considered phallo more seriously if I was younger. As it is, if I get the cash flow, a meta with hookup would be what I'd want. I just don't think at my age that shocking my body as much as a phallo would is a good idea or would have the best results.



I was considering it more seriously before, but anyone remember Mister's HGH thread? I figure when I can I'll look into that. If it works, it eliminates any need.



Quote from: SilverFang on September 16, 2009, 01:37:21 PM
I was considering it more seriously before, but anyone remember Mister's HGH thread? I figure when I can I'll look into that. If it works, it eliminates any need.


Thats very true but to get the HGH is probably going to be a struggle I am going to talk to my gender Dr when I see him in a couple of weeks to see if I can actually get it.

It would have sensation, get errect but would it be as fat??

The thickness is what I am worried about to be honest..




I really want meta, but later on in my life, maybe after top surgery, I'll have a good think about phallo.