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Comic Books!

Started by Jester, October 27, 2009, 06:43:47 PM

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I used to, back in the day as it were. LOL. When comic book shops were first few and far between and then everywhere. Odd titles like Love and Rockets, some stuff called Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (before it was watered down for the kids), The Crow, The Tick, Watchmen, 2000 AD Presents, Warrior, V for Vendetta, various X- titles, Batman, Spiderman (loved Kraven's Last Hunt at the time), Cry for Dawn...

Oh and Tank Girl (what a trip!), Albedo...


I try to pimp all the Ghost in the Shell that I can, wherever I go.  It's pretty much one of the few non-Western animations I've ever watched.

Anyone remember those Corum comics? 1970s, says the wiki link.. That was some badass >-bleeped-<, was before Lone Wolf and Cub.. I remember seeing the adverts in the back of the Corum comics for LW&C, and tons of other ones...


I'm going to show exactly how much of a geek I am and say I only own three graphic novels....I have loads of collected editions though.

I've got all the sandman trades, plus most of the spin offs, Neil Gaiman is easily my fav author ever.
Collecting the re-releases/trades of transmetropolitin, Y the last man, fables, lucifer and preacher when I can. Collecting Ex Machina, DMZ, Allan moore's League of Extrodinary gentlemen and this wicked little indie title called wasteland as trades and I'm always on the look out for interesting titles that are a bit out there. Oviously have Watchmen and also Maus (I don't think you can call yourself a comic fan and not own those books)
Monthly I collect The boys by garth ennis, Northlanders by brian wood (just added demo to my pull list as well), The Unwritten by mike carey, Jack of fables and sweet tooth by jeff lemire.

Yes, I am a vertigo fan girl!

I also religiously by 2000ad every week...yay for british comics!


All of your comics are the best comics.

I just started reading The Boys.  Oh my god it's awesome.


As far as stuff I've actually bought and own...  ::)
Manga-wise: A load of Shaman King and Fruits Basket, some DNAngel. I also own some random volumes of stuff like .Hack, Othello (nothing to do with Shakespeare, I'm afraid  :P), School Rumble, Beauty Pop etc. Not got it here so can't remember exactly! To be honest though, I prefer Korean manhwa to Japanese manga, not just for the way they draw the characters but also because the female characters can actually be quite cool/not annoyingly reliant on everyone else around them/with their only flaw as 'clumsiness/timidness'.
Read too much stuff online to keep track of though. Not just manga, but American comics too (even though these are normally so-bad-they're-good ones like Captain Awareness). I'm very into webcomics (just come out of rereading the massive archives of one I love called Kagerou) but seeing as I don't actually own them, not listing them here.  ;D


Quote from: Jester on March 13, 2010, 02:37:06 PM
I just started reading The Boys.  Oh my god it's awesome.

I'm not sure what garth ennis is on, but I really want some...everything I've read of his has been beyond awesome.


Tales From The Crypt!
thats probably the only comic book i really read. i read/subscribe a lot of magazines but those are different than comics :B
☥fiat justitia ruat coelum☥

"Girls will be boys, and boys will be girls. Its a mixed up, muddled up, shook up world." - The Kinks



A buddy of mine has all of Preacher, I'm gonna switch him for my All of Sandman and then get ready for the Saint of Killing, who sounds AWESOME.

Oh Vertigo, you complete me.  I want to read some Northlanders too, because let's face it, Vikings are awesome.

Is Deux Ex Machina Vertigo?  I don't think so, but I can't remember.  Oh, and I need to read Y the Last Man.

I need like, one of those necklaces with the hourglass that make you able to time travel so that I can make the time to read this stuff.


Ex Machina is on wildstorm, but it is Brian K Vaughan so it's pretty damn good. Wild storm have a really annoying habit of always collect 5 stories per trade. grrrr damn you.

Definitely start reading northlanders, because like you say, vikings are awesome.

If you find some of those hourglass necklaces can you save one for me. Now I'm just going to go look for a money mine.


Wildstorm's also really the only company that still makes horror comics.  Their superheroes suck though.

Has anyone read Kick-Ass yet?  The name says it all.


It's kind of fun but nothing particularly ground breaking...the film should be fun tho.


Really?  I thought it was a 21st century version of Watchmen.  By which I mean more pathetic, less impressive, way more violent, and overly concerned with cellphones and the internet.

I also happened to think that Red Mist was awesome.


Ya know, I kind of love '80s and early '90s stuff that screams "TECHNOLOGY IS TECHNOLOGICAL!!!" "HAXX0RZ ARE LEET!" "WOW LOOK A COMPUTER!!! IT ARE CONNECTEDEDED TO THE CYBERNETTARSPACE!!!" I hear the social sciences literature in that genre is pretty hullarious.

Thing is, the theme's getting a bit old by now.  ;D


That's pretty much it. It's utterly post-modern in the fact it's been done better before. lol



I kind of like the idea of taking a high ideal and being like "And here's reality."  I also like brutality.

Anyone following Siege or am I the only Marvel Fangirl here?


Have I mentioned how much I love the webcomic FreakAngels ( I mean, a Warren Ellis story with sooper-'mazing and dynamic art by Paul Duffield, incorporating post-apocalyptic, geek-leftist (perhaps "BoingBoing leftist?") and posthuman themes, and it's a free webcomic.

What more can you ask for?


Never really bought into marvel much...or superhero in general really. Do love Garth Ennis' punisher max run tho. As for kick ass, it is a huge amount of fun, but at the back of my mind i have this thought it's trying too hard to be the next big thing.

Cheers for the link to Freak angels hun, bookmarked and reading as I type.


Yay! <3
Enjoy FreakAngels. I certainly do.

Yeah, I don't do superheroes much. I'm not really into the whole vigilante-who-knows-what's-best, black-and-white good and evil thing, and you can only do so many deconstructed "moral gray area" superhero titles before it gets a bit old. Of course, the whole muscles-on-muscles-on-muscles thing (being drawn by skinny dweebs, of course) doesn't do much for me, either.

You know, the Rob LOLfeld look.


Deadpool's like... the coolest thing ever.  Cable's kind of lame, but put him WITH Deadpool and you have a good old fashioned Odd Couple.

I like black and white specifically because I don't believe it really exists.  I find it comforting that I can pick up a comic and, for once in my life, know who the good guys are and who the bad guys are.  That, and Marvel's not so cut-and-dry these days what with the Civil War, the Secret Invasion, and Norman Osborne's procurement of SHIELD.  Though, Siege is on the cusp of re-establishing the status quo.

Is it really so bad to want there to be good guys and bad guys?

NDelible Gurl

I used to collect comics... way back when! I was a Marvel fangirl. I even put them in those mylar protectors and wanted no creases in my comics- at all! lol. I remember the old work from John Byrne and Bill Sienkiewicz when they were both with Marvel.

Love their work!

Wow. Thanks for bringing this thread up! I'm getting all warm and fuzzy remembering those old comics!