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Christian group wants ’self-mutilating’ Obama appointee fired

Started by Butterfly, January 09, 2010, 04:47:10 AM

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Julie Marie

Quote from: Slanan on May 29, 2011, 10:23:03 AM
The American Family Association is a bigoted group of racist homophobes.  Their opinion is worth as much as a slug's, in my eyes.

Unfortunately, I believe them to be the hate group with the largest - by far - impact on culture and people in the US.  They are actually taken as a credible religious group by many that would run far away from the KKK and similar hate groups.  I wish I understood why - but I don't.

There are some Christians who never question anyone claiming to be Christian.  The people who run AFA claim they are a Christian organization and the followers follow.  It may be a small percentage of Christians, but it's enough to keep them going.

But more importantly, it's funding.  It's well known in politics that if you have enough money you can create your own truth.  A few years ago Fred Karger (now a Republican presidential candidate - and openly gay) obtained evidence the Church of Latter Day Saints had funneled tens of millions into anti-gay marriage campaigns and organizations in Hawaii, California and elsewhere, in direct violation of tax exempt laws.  Karger actually had to file a court case, the government didn't, even with the evidence in hand, so someone would prosecute the LDS or revoke their tax exempt status.  They were fined something like $15K.

The LDS continues to direct the channeling of millions of dollars into anti-LGBT campaigns and organizations.  They are the prime supporter of organizations like the National Organization for Marriage and The Institute for Marriage and Public Policy.  (Don't you just love the inclusion of "Public Policy" in the title, as if they were government funded?)  They count on people being too lazy or disinterested to do any research for themselves to uncover the truth.  And for the media, this really doesn't constitute a juicy enough story for front page news.  So they continue to get away with breaking the law while keeping their tax exempt status.

And they create their own truths.

"I know it's true, oh so true, 'cause I saw it on tv." - John Fogerty
When you judge others, you do not define them, you define yourself.


Julie said:
There are some Christians who never question anyone claiming to be Christian.

This is one of the biggest downfalls of Christianity. People do not think for themselves and trust God to take them farther than the ones they blindly follow.
The Bible says Oh ye simple, how long will ye love simplicity. It says the simple are led astray in their simplicity.
If some people would stop allowing the doctrines of man and the speeches of the televangelists and esteeming men wise because of seminary or because daddy gave them the money to fund a television show they just might go forward with their faith. Maybe then the Lord would show them the scriptures as revealed by the Spirit. Just how Paul said 1 Corinthians 2.
Just because someone is wealthy or has been to seminary or been popular is not grounds that they know what the gospel says.
If I recall right the scriptures say hear what the Spirit says unto the church.
Not some guys sitting around drinking coffee in their little turtle neck sweaters.
It may be wrong but I would like to just throw some of them guys off stage and tell them to repent.
It seems every time something happens they ask  "Bible scholars" their opinion. Maybe if they would ask someone that trusts the Holy Ghost like Peter , James and John did they would get the right answer. Even if they didn't like what they heard.


Quote from: Julie Marie on May 30, 2011, 08:04:10 AM
The LDS continues to direct the channeling of millions of dollars into anti-LGBT campaigns and organizations.  They are the prime supporter of organizations like the National Organization for Marriage and The Institute for Marriage and Public Policy.  (Don't you just love the inclusion of "Public Policy" in the title, as if they were government funded?)  They count on people being too lazy or disinterested to do any research for themselves to uncover the truth.  And for the media, this really doesn't constitute a juicy enough story for front page news.  So they continue to get away with breaking the law while keeping their tax exempt status.

It looks like the Mormons were a prime supporters of Prop 8.  However, NOM apepars to be funded more by Catholics than Mormons (although both fund it) - Opus Dei, for instance, is responsible for NOM's online presence.

I think the Mormon connection was horrible (and, frankly, illegal), but I'm not convinced that it was (A) the majority of Prop 8 support or (B) the only contributions on the scale of the Mormon's.  But I think sometimes it's easy to bash Mormons (a different kind of bigotry - it's easy to bash a group that faces prejudice), so they end up being the group focused on (some people likely think focusing on the Mormons rather than the Catholics or Focus will gain more "traction").  They were also stupid enough to leave a bit of a paper trail - unlike some of the other religious groups.  What is unfortunate is that what doesn't get attention are the millions of Evangelicals in California who listened to James Dobson over the years (including the year Prop 8 was voted on) or who heard from their pastor just prior to the election that God wants them to vote for bigotry - or who gave money to either Focus on the Family or their bigoted churches.  I would venture to say those contributions were just as significant, when looked at for a financial value (what are thousands of hours of national, coast-to-coast prime-time radio spots worth nowadays)?

But, yes, I didn't even think about AFA and the ability to raise funds when you constantly are able to shout, "Only you stand between the gates of hell and the souls of men!  Donate now or people will die!"  That line is more effective when you manufacture a crisis (like AFA has done).  You're absolutely right about them.  The more extreme, more attention-grabbing their absurdity, the more "eyeballs" which translates into more money and thus more power.

kate durcal

I have not have the pleasure of confronting one of this characters on what do they think of SRY people. Mutations on the SRY gene couse XY female individuals. Hard to distinguis at birth, perfect everything. The mutaion is only discovered when te girl fails to get pregnant.

Nobody mutilated or changed this person, chromosomal it is a male, but anatomically and neurologically is a female, just like many of us. All of us have not only our female brain but also many other anatomically female characteristic. Myself, my hips are wide, my hand and feet are small, my digits in my hands are small, my skin is soft, I have no hair in my arms, legs, chet or face, my knees and elbows point to the center

It is not the bible, it is not the marriage, it is absolute male rage! How can you dare to wish to be a female when you are a male! that is what goes to their mind, nothing but fear. They are afraid of us, some how they know that in each new generation there would be more of us

Julie Marie

The motivation behind many of these christian hate groups is control.  If they can control they can get you to conform.  If they get you there, they can get you to donate to their cause.  They know there's big money in controlling people and strongly religious people are often the easiest pickings.

From this girl's perspective, I often wonder if these people aren't really the false prophets Christ talked about a couple thousand years ago.  And to take that a step further, maybe they are Satan's soldiers.  When you see all the damage they do to humanity, it's not so far fetched.

Look at how many people come here telling stories of family abandonment based on religious beliefs.  These predators, who run AFA, NOM and other hate groups, prey on their victims with great regularity.  They are good at what they do, as evidenced by the countless families who have been separated over the kind of issues they focus on.

In this case, the carefully chosen words like "self mutilating" are intended to instill shock and horror from the uneducated.  And it works.  That's why they do what they do.
When you judge others, you do not define them, you define yourself.


It seems to me that if the premise is made that any and all non- hormonal physical changes made by a person are considered 'self-mutilating' if taken to the extreme would that not also include pierced ears? Seriously how many people ever think about that?

Please this is just my opinion but i believe there is something more as to how and why it has gotten to this point.
The first being that in some ways it's a diversion. Let's face it those of us dealing with transgender and homosexual issues are much smaller groups then those dealing with the "7 deadly sins" but if i speak out about those i run the risk of offending a much larger group, which in the end may be a detriment to the organization. It is much easier to control the small group if it is marginalized. The first thing that was done was that those two issues were placed on a pedestal and given a special status that they are so terrible before God that it causes stuff like gossip,greed,lust etc to pale in comparison. Which if someone is talking about sins that God hates those are included in the list of seven (Hence the seven deadly sins)

It appears to me that what it does then it gives those in the larger group an out that the focus becomes what "they" are doing and not on what is being done in the larger group. It allows control of the smaller group as now being marginalized the restraints have been removed so however you chose to treat those in the smaller group is now OK.  It also allows the larger group to now avoid what they themselves are doing because "those in the smaller group are so much worse than the others"
Answers are easy. It's asking the right questions which is hard.

Be positive in the fact that there is always one person in a worse situation then you.

The Fourth Doctor


I have thought about this for a couple of days now, and here is my response:  I am me, the way "GOD" intended me to be.  My transition is a natural part of the plan for me.  If only for the reason to test the faith of those bigoted folks, as to how much compassion they unconditionally hold for their fellow humans.  Throughout the bible it states to love thy neighbor, as thyself; love the sinner, hate the sin (though what I am going through is in no way a sin); do not focus on the speck of saw dust in your neighbors eye, when you yourself have a plank in your own, et cetera...  Their fixation on limited verse, can just as easily be undone with a multitude of others.  I would like to have them justify their limited view of the "gospel", when placed next to the entirety of it...  (Thank you parochial upbringing, I thought you were good-for-nothing...)


Quote from: Leslie on January 09, 2010, 04:47:10 AM
Christian group wants 'self-mutilating' Obama appointee fired
By Daniel Tencer
08 January, 2010

The conservative American Family Association is calling on President Barack Obama to fire Amanda Simpson, Obama's transgender appointee to the Commerce Department, because the appointment "puts the weight of the federal government behind the normalization of sexual deviancy."

"'Amanda' is a biological male in every cell of his body, and no amount of surgical mutilation is ever going to change that," AFA President Tim Wildmon said in a press release circulated Thursday. "It's a mistake for our president to appoint such a sexually confused individual to a position of public responsibility."

Oh how I wish some of those people could feel how I feel for a day, being a girl trapped in aaboys boy isn't fun.
Even in death, may I be triumphant.


Quote from: Julie Marie on May 30, 2011, 08:04:10 AM
And they create their own truths.

The things they say are still lies, regardless of how many gullible people believe them.


Guess a "morally confused person in a position of responsibility" is okay, like we've had a few...Nixon, Reagan, Bush 43 & Chenney...


Quote from: SandraJane on July 09, 2011, 12:57:15 AM
Guess a "morally confused person in a position of responsibility" is okay, like we've had a few...Nixon, Reagan, Bush 43 & Chenney...

LOL true
Even in death, may I be triumphant.


Quote from: Lisbeth on May 29, 2011, 12:43:13 AM
One wonders how many of those men who view GRS as mutilation, have been circumcised.

Most likely all of them.
Even in death, may I be triumphant.


Perhaps it is the mental derangement caused by circumcision mutilation that has resulted in the American Family Association being a hate-filled organization.

"Medicalized circumcision began during the 1800s to prevent masturbation, which was believed to cause disease.",0,1699418.story

And let's not forget the case of David Reimer, who was born as a healthy male, but was sexually reassigned and raised as female after his penis was accidentally destroyed during circumcision. Eventually he committed suicide, due to suffering years of severe depression.
"Anyone who attempts to play the 'real transsexual' card should be summarily dismissed, as they are merely engaging in name calling rather than serious debate."
--Julia Serano


Quote from: spacial on February 04, 2010, 05:14:41 PM
Seems this group thinks killing people is acceptable. Since Jesus Himself made it clear that killing people is not acceptable, they would appear to be redesigning Jesus teachings, ie Christianity, to suit themselves.

unfortunatly the people who set themselves on high and condem anyone who is 'different'  are everywhere from the middle east to fux news. i think it was a brith defect - they survived -  >:-)
Be true to yourself, even if no one else will...


Quote from: Lisbeth on July 10, 2011, 01:48:26 PM
"Medicalized circumcision began during the 1800s to prevent masturbation, which was believed to cause disease."

Thats the dumbest thing I've ever heard, my Cousins where and that dont stop them! >:)
Even in death, may I be triumphant.


  Back to Amanda's case.  These people will treat intersexed people like this as well.  It is my experience that these kind of people will treat an intersexed person as a freak, or have no knowledge of this condition.  They were known as eunuchs of God, and Jesus mentioned them as well as those who had it forced upon them by man and us who do this thing unto ourselves.  Jesus says "If it offends thee, cut it off" as well.  We are just as sinful and just as holy before God as anybody else.
  These groups do not get it and they should not get any attention by this rhetoric.  Back in Jesus' day, the kings and other government heads  hired these people because the eunuchs didn't have the distractions the intact men had and was more concentrated to their jobs.  Remember, women have this similar trait with the eunuchs, but they were not allowed to do these things because of religious and secular laws, they were homebound. 
  Remember, most of these groups want women homebound as well!  Who was productive in the workplace during the NCAA brackets in the month of March?  The women and people like Amanda Simpson!


I've been a Christian for a long time, but some things completely drive me insane.

This is what brought me back to boy mode in January 2012 and I regret it.

Absolute ignorance.

Friendly man but he's pro circumcision, pro meat etc HOW CAN YOU HAVE GOD INSIDE OF YOU AND APPROVE OF CUTTING BABY BOYS' GENITALS?????

Also I believe Jesus is very feminine for a man (that's if Jesus even is male, long story there) and most of the fundys who I formerly was just pushed it aside.

I used to be a ravid fundy until about 2010. Did you know that? I was cold and I even lost friends because of it. I used to be so angry at myself. I lived on an uncomfortable chord.

Now I live in true peace and the people who were once my best friends would FLAY ME if they found out I'm transsexual.
♥   I'm like an egg that is hatching into something great :)


  Also from another link from that page goes into another one and delves into intersex children.  The writer does not seem to be clear on if that child wants to be the opposite sex that he or she was assigned by a committee of doctors at birth.  It was this kind of rhetoric from the phony TV preachers and other clergy that was a part of delaying my transition. 


Oh look~ A christian is picking and choosing scientific data like he picks and chooses from his bible.

This is surprising.


I hadn't heard about this until this topic was revived just now.

But really, this is truly idiotic.
