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Spiro and salt cravings?

Started by deviousxen, January 24, 2010, 06:23:59 PM

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Big increase in my salt consumption after starting HRT. It may be the estrogen but I am inclined to think it's the spiro. I also noticed that if I don't get enough salt my legs ache at night. Not for sure on that, just an observation.


Let's get a picture of table salt sprinkled on kosher sea salt.  >:-)

Eh. I always liked lots of salt.

I did start eating a lot of pickles and mustard after beginning HRT though. And I can tolerate onions well enough now. I started eating a LOT of fruit compared to what I used to (minus bananas) - I even developed a taste for oranges. Kiwis, oranges, especially pears and apples, I have several tomatoes per week but I always loved those. And avocado.

And fruit flavored candy. Friggin' starbursts, man. The red pack is the best pack.


In honor of this thread I bought two jars of pickled okra.  Yum!

Yay for honoring things with deliciousness!  ;D


I usually go after sour cream & onion flavor chips, or sea salt & vinegar flavor if the craving's strong.  Pringles is my preferred brand.  Funny enough I'm not even on hormones yet, though my eval is finally coming up on thursday.


i once got salt cravings. I thought it weird cause I hate salt as a rule. Doc said it was from my body losing potassium due to my diuretic I am on for High blood pressure. He prescribed potassium pills and end of prob for me. It would be worth having your doc check into it.


Quote from: Kara-Xen on January 25, 2010, 10:49:19 AM
You're absolutely sure that you can't overdo it really on spiro? I mean... I crave it a lot D:

When I was nursing, the general rule with any hormone imbalance was give into cravings.

You are highly unlikely to overdo the salt, though, as has been said, don't eat it by the spoonfull. Put it on something. Tomatoes are great with salt. And the same rule as applied to everyone, drink plenty of water. Ice if you must, but better just have a glass from the tap.

Juices, veg or fruit are OK but will tend to have a lot of sugar. Not a good for weight really.

Quote from: FairyGirl on January 24, 2010, 07:21:09 PM
omg chocolate is a wonder drug, especially during those times of the month when I'm feeling all weepy.


I hope you don't mind me asking, but are you finding you are having monthly cycles of any kind?

If it isn't too intrusive or difficult, can you describe these and what you think is their source?



When I asked my family physician for spiro, he started me on a low dose because 1) I normally have low blood pressure and 2) spiro's primary use is to lower one's blood pressure.  He didn't want me fainting all the time.

Salt will increase your blood pressure because it tends to thin the blood.  That may be why you (and I) crave salt.

Pass the pretzels, please. :)

- Kate
Life is a pilgrimage.


Quote from: spacial on January 31, 2010, 07:47:38 AM
When I was nursing, the general rule with any hormone imbalance was give into cravings.

You are highly unlikely to overdo the salt, though, as has been said, don't eat it by the spoonfull. Put it on something. Tomatoes are great with salt. And the same rule as applied to everyone, drink plenty of water. Ice if you must, but better just have a glass from the tap.

Juices, veg or fruit are OK but will tend to have a lot of sugar. Not a good for weight really.


I hope you don't mind me asking, but are you finding you are having monthly cycles of any kind?

If it isn't too intrusive or difficult, can you describe these and what you think is their source?

You're saying juice makes you gain weight?


Juice has calories.  Calories make you gain weight if you don't burn them off.  Water has no calories (unless flavored) and burns calories to absorb.

- Kate
Life is a pilgrimage.


Quote from: Kara-Xen on January 31, 2010, 08:11:12 AM
You're saying juice makes you gain weight?

As K8 says.

Juice is fine in moderation. But claims of health benefits are overstated. It really flavoured water.

Tap water has the advantage that you can get it easily and quickly. The benefits of drinking lots of water are too numerous to list. But almost every part of your body will improve with lots of water.

Post Merge: January 31, 2010, 08:27:29 AM

Sorry to nag but something else has just poped into my mind.

Soluable vitamins.

Don't over do these. Many sources will tell you that you body just rids itself of excess.

Not so.

Those soluable Vitamin C things that are suppose to give you 1000mg. Too many of those can damage your kidneys. Reason is they are synthetic.

If you live in the west and get enough fresh fruit and vegatables you really shouldn't need these suppliments. But in any case, only for a few days followed by a few weeks without.


Hormoal changes can affect tastes.   That is why some pregnant women get the weirdest food cravings.   Often this is a signal of particular nutritional deficiences.   It could be that you're body is asking for sodium as it is deficient.   This could be because of the diruetic effects of spiro.

I would speak to your Doctor as high levels of sodium can be extremely harmful to your heart and arteries particularly over a long period of time.


Quote from: spacial on January 31, 2010, 08:22:11 AM
As K8 says.

Juice is fine in moderation. But claims of health benefits are overstated. It really flavoured water.

Tap water has the advantage that you can get it easily and quickly. The benefits of drinking lots of water are too numerous to list. But almost every part of your body will improve with lots of water.

Post Merge: January 31, 2010, 08:27:29 AM

Sorry to nag but something else has just poped into my mind.

Soluable vitamins.

Don't over do these. Many sources will tell you that you body just rids itself of excess.

Not so.

Those soluable Vitamin C things that are suppose to give you 1000mg. Too many of those can damage your kidneys. Reason is they are synthetic.

If you live in the west and get enough fresh fruit and vegatables you really shouldn't need these suppliments. But in any case, only for a few days followed by a few weeks without.

I take a multivitamin every now and then I got from the health food store. That and vitamin D because I'm extremely deficient, and sometimes calcium...

And as for juice... I wanna gain weight lol. I really need to. But I wouldn't really say that TAP water is the best because of all of its impurities. Same with bottled water that has plastic in it. I think that the Romans probably had better water than us...

At least unless we filter the hell out of it.

And I know the body itself will crave what its deficient in. People lost at sea will crave fish eyeball and strange stuff like that I hear... Or other weird body parts for their nutrients.

Although... I think craving vinegary things are a product of aesthetics maybe...


Quote from: spacial on January 31, 2010, 07:47:38 AM
When I was nursing, the general rule with any hormone imbalance was give into cravings.

Good to know, I try to follow my cravings when I get groceries & that's worked out ok for me.  Really good to know since I'll be starting hormones soon & I'm trying to figure out a good diet plan, I'll follow my nose & tummy. ;D


A completely during-hrt taste I've developed is for apples with salt. I like to cut it in thin slices, just touch one side to a plate of salt and just mmm. The combination of bitter and sweet is a very sensual experience.



I usual eat a bag of "David's Sunflower" everyday. I sprinkle "salted peanut" into my butter pecan ice cream.

I dream of having a Salt mound in my back yard so i could lie down next to it and lick it all day long :)



Oh thank goodness I'm not alone I thought I was going crazy. O_o My cravings have been for protein salt and some fat. huge loss of interest in Sugars or carbs. Before I used to be a proper chocoholic and love cereals but now I don't long for them at all really this has changed my diet radically, However my new cravings have forced me to take a break from my normal vegetarian routine.

diced boiled Egg + Mayonnaise
Salted Anchovies and olive oil on toast
Cheese paste mayonnaise and Tuna + brine in pita bread
Fried egg and grilled kipper
Salty Seafood Ramen with egg fried noodles.

Normally I would eat meals like that once every 2 months or less more so with the ones with actual fish in them which I'd only eat if I'm treating myself. Now I basically want to eat one meal like this every day.

Assuming the protein isn't begin used for growth and I'm not going to wake up with an extra limb or a tail something
I can only guess it's because I'm peeing away too much urea counting as protein loss, And of course the salt is because sodium is lost at expense of potassium gain, Carby foods like potatoes cereals tend to have alot of potassium thus I'm instinctively now avoiding them.


Salt is one thing.  I certainly love salty things.  I haven't really noticed a difference on Spiro though.  Guess I have always been an old salt.  But just a reminder:  we really should all be doing regular blood work.  Especially, monitor your Potassium level with Spiro.  A quick and easy food reference can be found here:
