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Art Exchange!

Started by Crow, April 30, 2010, 06:30:56 PM

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It is my personal opinion that we need art exchanges around these parts. Art exchanges are amongst my favorite things in the universe. On that note, I've decided I'm going to host one and see if I can get the tradition started here.

For those of you who don't know what an art exchange is:

Basically, it's like a "Secret Santa" event, except with art. People sign up and post references for what they want drawn. You could ask for art of a character of yours, your favorite animal, yourself or a friend/family member/pet, a character they like from a book/movie/game/etc... even a theme ("draw me something involving violins" or "Norse mythology" or "gender dysphoria") Anything, really. Whoever is hosting the event (in this case, me) will secretly match up participants and private message each participant telling who they're drawing for. You then have a certain amount of time (usually around a month is standard) to draw whatever that person wants drawn. Once you finish your picture, private message it to me so it's kept secret until the big reveal-date. Once everyone has sent in their pictures, I will create a board with everyone's lovely artwork on it so people can collect their art and thank whoever drew for them. (A lot of times people like to play a guessing game to figure out who drew for who.)

Anyone can participate! You don't have to be the world's greatest artist, as long as you put some effort into your part of the exchange. It's about fun and community and gift-giving, not about collecting professional-quality art. Don't feel bad if you aren't the best artist and don't throw a tantrum if the person who drew for you isn't.

On that note, it would be nice for everyone to at least do a finished picture with coloring (or shading, as the case may be for those who do greyscale) or a background. I know some people have a hard time with backgrounds-- you're not expected to draw full-blown scenery or anything if you don't want to. Just a pattern or something will work, as long as you do something to fill the background to give your picture has a more finished feel to it. That way, we don't have half the participants getting masterpieces and the other half getting tiny headshots and uncolored sketches. Just to be fair.

Sounds like fun, right?

If you want to sign up, just fill out this form and post it on this board:
QuoteYour Name: (self-explanitory)
What you want drawn: (your characters, fandom characters, yourself/friends/pets, favorite animals, specific themes... you name it, just make sure you include any references people might need to draw what you want drawn)
What you can draw: (humans, animals, "anthro" characters... tell me what you draw so I have someone who only draws humans trying to draw someone's pet cat)
Examples of your art: (again, so I can match people more accurately and don't have a a horror artist drawing cute fluffy bunnies... links to a couple representative pieces or to DA/Photobucket/other art site account will do)

The deadline for sign-ups will be May 9, 2010, so you have about a week to sign up. I'll then sort people and have PMs sent out within a couple days, and you'll have until June 30, 2010 to finish your art. Does that sound fair?

If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask!

P.s.- I'll be signing up, too, because these things are too fun to resist. I'm going to use a random-number system for matching people, so don't worry about me being biased and matching myself differently than everyone else. Here's my sign-up form:

Your Name: Diane
What you want drawn: I would love something involving m>-bleeped-<ie(s)! They're my spirit in animal form, so-to-speak. Extra kudos if include a luna moth friend (representative of my best friend) and/or a bull-frog buddy (representative of my awesome brother), or maybe rainbows or some violets (the flowers or the leaves). Pretty open-ended-- have fun with it and be as creative and interpretive as you want!
What you can draw: Animals, anthro characters, humans, whatever
Examples of your art: My DeviantArt
Top Surgery Fund: $200/7,000


You know...
I'm in!

Your Name: Miniar
What you want drawn: There's a recurring person in my drawings who I "collect" art of. He's half way between an elf and an anthropomorphic cat. Covered in a short coat of fur, mostly gray with little blue highlights and a "hint" of blue tiger-like stripes on his back. Loong catty ears, but a mostly humanid face. Long tail, but plantigrade feet. He is "Miniar".
What you can draw: Anything! As long as I get to put my own spin on it...
Examples of your art: My Current DA Account & My Old DA Account

"Everyone who has ever built anywhere a new heaven first found the power thereto in his own hell" - Nietzsche


Huzzah! A participant! 8D (I'm very enthusiastic about this-- I participate in these things all the time, but I've only ever hosted one once before.)

Hey Miniar, do you have any pictures of this character (drawn by you or by anyone else) that you could link to along with your description just to give a clearer concept of what he looks like? I can surmise pretty well just from your description, but I know a lot of artists really appreciate visual references, especially for secretive exchanges like this where they can't just up and ask for clarification from the person they're drawing for.
Top Surgery Fund: $200/7,000


It's a steady feature in my DA work, more in the old than in the new, but it's in both.

"Everyone who has ever built anywhere a new heaven first found the power thereto in his own hell" - Nietzsche

Farm Boy

Hey, I want in on this!  I've never done anything like it, but it's been a while since I had an art project.  :)

Your Name: Farm Boy
What you want drawn: I would love for someone to draw a picture of my dog, Dusty.  Sort of as a memorial.  (She died in a tragic surgery accident.)  She was a 20 pound mutt who was known to others as evil, or "demon dog" because she was my guardian and saw the entire world as a threat. :D  Here are some reference pictures.

What you can draw: Animals are my forte.  I can do inanimate objects well enough with a reference photo, but my people are still cringe-worthy.  (Work in progress.)
Examples of your art: My DA account (Not much here, it's hard to get decent pictures with a camera rather than a scanner.)
Started T - Sept. 19, 2012
Top surgery - Jan. 16, 2017


Your Name: SilverFang
What you want drawn: Frost dragon. That would be awesome. Or maybe a winged human that looks somewhat possible (as impossible as that may be.)
What you can draw: Human (Slightly-realistic manga style) animals (manga style) could probably do some scenery/inanimate objects but mostly I prefer drawing people. Just don't draw clothes all that well.
Examples of your art: Sorry, don't really have it on the 'net. No DA, don't regularly photograph my pencil sketches and digital art stays on my hard drive unless it is a request.


This is a cool idea...does creative photography count, because I seriously suck at drawing...unless you like goofy stickman cartoon strips.


Oh sod it...I want to improve my drawing skills anyway.

Your name: Rock_Chick
What I want drawn: a giant tentaclular mongoose, fighting it's arch nemesis, the perambulatory land shark....yes, that's a giant mongoose with tentacles instead of feet and a shark with wheels on the tips of it's fins and a huge dorsal sail that can zoom up beaches and eat environmentalists.
what I can draw: just about anything...badly :laugh: on a more serious note mixed media work ie photo montage etc
examples of my work: sorry, only photos :(


Oh hey, we're getting a pretty decent turn-out, considering this isn't a predominantly artist-based community! I'm excited~

And Rock-chick, you don't have to be a super-amazing artist to participate. No worries. 83 Also, if you can find a way to incorporate creative photography/photomanipulation/mix of photography and drawing for whoever you get matched to, you're welcome to-- though that miiight prove tricky, since most people are asking for art of not-very-photographable things (i.e. fictional entities, very specific animals, etc.) If you get an idea that incorportaes photography, though, more power to you!

Also, of course, I plan to take people's artistic strengths into consideration while matching. (I'm going to match initially using random numbers, but rearrange as needed in case an animals-only artist gets matched with someone who wants art of an inanimate object or something like that.)
Top Surgery Fund: $200/7,000


I've changed mine...I haven't done any mixed media stuff for aaaaaaaages, but it lets me play to my strengths.


All the requests cause me to go "oooooh" in one way or another. I have ideas, images in my head for the lot.

I'm actually looking forward to this!

(disclamer, my contribution "may" take a long time.. like.. a month even!.. )

"Everyone who has ever built anywhere a new heaven first found the power thereto in his own hell" - Nietzsche


It occurs to me that many of the artists here are not cartoonists, unlike most of the places I frequent, and that a lot of the art styles you all use are a bit more time consuming to work with. Would it perhaps be beneficial if I extended the deadline for finishing, a bit? Does the end of June sound like a good end time, so people who can zoom through pictures in under a week aren't feeling left behind, but people who use more time-consuming styles/media aren't stuck being crunched into an obnoxiously short time frame? That would give people a little over a month and a half, which I imagine should be sufficient even for people who use time consuming art styles or who have limited free time.

What do you guys think? I want to make this as democratic as possible, so if anyone has input, toss it my way~ End of June: Too long? Too short? Just right?
Top Surgery Fund: $200/7,000


End of june sounds good to me.

"Everyone who has ever built anywhere a new heaven first found the power thereto in his own hell" - Nietzsche


I'll be making it up as I go could take could take weeks

Farm Boy

End of June sounds great!  Ideally it wouldn't take me more than a week or two to finish a picture, but my free time has gone down and I no longer have a work station.  (Sharing a room with 2 siblings doesn't leave any room for a desk!)
Started T - Sept. 19, 2012
Top surgery - Jan. 16, 2017


Just cause deadline is end of june doesn't mean we can't finish earlier. Just means that if we can't, it's okay.

"Everyone who has ever built anywhere a new heaven first found the power thereto in his own hell" - Nietzsche




Well I've had some reservations on signing up for this just because I figured people would mostly want character drawings and I don't draw characters or anime and the like. But hey I might as well give it a shot.

Name: Osiris
What I want drawn: A proud albino llama shedding a tear for fallen comrades. It's an image that came to mind tonight when someone mentioned llama burgers so I'd be interested to see how someone else would interpret this.
What I can draw: I will occasionally draw with pen and ink (never with pencil) and tend to have a cartoon style. I don't draw often so I'm kinda rusty. More recently I've worked on CGI art and playing around with making random objects, Example: Key Chain.. I've also started playing around with making sort of anthropomorphic characters Example: Cheetah/Woman Portait. I also paint in oils and acrylics Example: Koi Fish. Which technique I will use will depend on what subject I get and which one I feel is the best to execute the image.
Examples of my work: For more examples of my work you can visit my deviant art page
अगणित रूप अनुप अपारा | निर्गुण सांगुन स्वरप तुम्हारा || नहिं कछु भेद वेद अस भासत | भक्तन से नहिं अन्तर रखत


I humbly submit my request to have Osiris draw me as an anime character in the likeness of Nazumi Hapkiza. Please. I beg of you Osiris-san. Lol.


अगणित रूप अनुप अपारा | निर्गुण सांगुन स्वरप तुम्हारा || नहिं कछु भेद वेद अस भासत | भक्तन से नहिं अन्तर रखत