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Harry Potter

Started by Kisa, November 18, 2006, 06:18:19 PM

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Does anyone like Harry Potter?


Yes!  Can't wait for the new book.

Ya put your right foot in.  You put your right foot out.  You put your right foot in and you shake it all about.  You do the Andro-gyney and you turn yourself around.  That's what it's all about.


Quote from: Kisa on November 18, 2006, 06:18:19 PM
Does anyone like Harry Potter?

Hi Kisa,

How are you doing sweetheart?  I haven't heard from you for a few days.  I hope everything is well with you hon.  Yes, I do like Harry Potter, but of course I like the book better. :)

tinkerbell :icon_chick:


Yup.  ;D

I like the books better too, but I enjoy the movies for their visual effects.



Yes, I will be in line at the bookstore as soon as the last one comes out. :)



Yep.. Those are just great  8) 8)



cool, I will order the new book online soon as I am able to! I look forward to the 5th movie.


I remember hearing about Harry Potter because the book offended the usual pain in the butts.  Then I was flying to Orlando and one of the flight attendants was rabbiting on and on about the first two books.  Finally my mother bought the first one and I borrowed it on a whim.  Been hooked ever since.  :)


I absolutely LOVE Harry Potter, the books and the movies, I can't wait to read the seventh book.
Quote from: Kiera on December 12, 2006, 04:25:40 AM
The 'bible belt' hates HP and I hear quite often how this / that school wants to BAN HIM due to 'witchcraft' concerns . . .

Oh my god, are they serious?  Harry Potter is an amazing and fascinating journey into a world of magic.  It's a story, not some devious plot to convert young children and teenagers to paganism.  While they're at it, why don't they ban every book that has ever featured a magic-user, including the Chronicles of Narnia series? ...oi... some people...


Apparently there are some people that need to be given a few personal problems because apparently they just have too much time on their hands.



QuoteI remember hearing about Harry Potter because the book offended the usual pain in the butts.


I think I know exactly the people of which you speak!  It's funny that no matter what the complaint is, I just think that the complainers are the exact same group of people, down to the very last individual. Especially when you think about it logically and decided that it's more likely that it's not a group of all the same individuals.  But it sure seems that way, doesn't it?  Of course, being prejudiced against the prejudiced, I make the same mistake in thinking : They're all the same.  What a hypocrite I am, but I must admit that I get a certain satisfaction out of serving these kinds of people a dose of their own medicine from time to time!  >:D

Anyways, I love all things Potter and I'm only taking college courses to bide the time until the seventh book streets.  Just kidding. I'm taking college courses so that I afford to buy all the geek stuff that I can't live happy without!  ;D  And to do cool stuff. That too.


Well.. based on some news the last HP book is ready...

It should be published on 21.7 :) :) :) :)


I preordered it for my sister. Half tempted to read it first just because I went through the trouble. Good books. *nods sagely*


Preorder? Feh!  Where's the fun in that?

I want to camp outside at Borders for three days and then maul anybody that comes between me and that book! :o

Just kidding...kind of... >:D


I want to preorder mine at a store and that way I can still have the fun of waiting in line, but the guarantee they'll have enough copies. ;D  With the last book, I was one of those who waited at the store until midnight.  It was no problem then, but I'm a bit worried with this new book being so much more popular.



Since I am in the South all I have to do is wait for it to be released and then walk down to the Super Wally World around 10am.  There will be plenty still there and at a nice discount too.  The independent book sellers get a good quantity but they are usually gone after the first big rush.


Wallyworld, Midnight, the morning of the release.... noone will be there and no problems grabbing a coppy... heck they still had coppies out a day later at 8pm for the last one heh...

<Havnt read any of them myself, but I do buy them for my ex cuz I know she loves them  :)  >


I hear that one of the booksellers here in the UK is setting up a phone helpline for HP fans when the new book is released - because 2 of the main characters don't make it to the end of the book - see
for a little bit more.

Of course, given that Voldemort could be seen as a main character it might not be all bad news.

And yes, I do like HP


A helpline?? Oh that's just scary...people are that obsessed??


Well, I got the book when it came out.  I was waiting in line at the store, but it wasn't particularly bad.  I just finished reading the final book tonight.  It's a very good series. :)  I won't be mean and give away anything though.