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Moments When People Have Insulted You.

Started by tori319, July 10, 2010, 06:16:43 PM

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What are some moments when people have insulted you.I ask because I guess I want to be prepared for the worst reactions.


well this guy I was flirting with, and he was flirting with me.. and well he thought I was a bio guy.. and I came out to him.. and a little later on facebook he was writing comments about me and he blatantly and very rudely referred to me as "SHE" and.. I know it not much, but I was very very insulted by it.


Just remember that the insults and arrogance flung around by others is Never a reflection of you, and Always a reflection of them, and you'll be able to manage with most of the idiocy people can throw your way.

"Everyone who has ever built anywhere a new heaven first found the power thereto in his own hell" - Nietzsche


My Grandmother use to say that when you point at another there are always four more pointing back at yourself.

So when they point at you and say something insulting, it is really something revealing about them four fold.


I think it depends where the insult comes from. If it is from a 'service' person of whatever status, report them to their managers.

If it is from casually met people, ignore them, it's their problem not yours.
If it is from someone you love or respect tell them how hurtful the comment was. Just in case it was 'accidental', if it wasn't they don't love or respect for you so get rid of them from your life.



When I was a Jedi and constantly living in the moment, I was terrified of being insulted. It would happen all the time at Bus stops and on the street. Mostly white little gangsta wannabee's would insult me. As I was a Jedi there was nothing I could do but peacefully negotiate with them.
Now I am a Sith apprentice I am learning how to build up enough power to use their insults against them by proving I can be a strong man if I want. But it defeats transition for me to become a man. So Im using disguises to trick people who want to abuse me. With the aid of disguises I can appear in different mannerisms that trick people into leaving me alone.
Its insulting that I have to do this. It would be great to just be myself. But its a part of my training to see if being Part Time can aid me by having 2 different identities and genders. I can be a girl or I can be a guy. Full time is not right for me yet as I cant protect myself from these gangsta's. But Part time allows me to confuse them. Plus I need more money to become full time for the maintenance and beauty treatments I need.

Diane Elizabeth

       How about everyday at work.  Its a way that my coworkers play around is to say insulting comments that they think are funny.  It keeps me on the defensive and I am told that I have no sense of humor.  Ebveen the boss is okay with it.  He says to grow a tougher skin.   
Having you blanket in the wash is like finding your psychiatrist is gone for the weekend!         Linus "Peanuts"


I don't think it's possible to be prepared, most people who want to go out of their way to insult you in every day (i.e. not family co-workers, just the world at large) will have knocked the wind out of you and moved on before you can react let alone be prepared. The people you are around all the time are different as it's not a hit and run attack but it's still not easy to be prepared. You do develop a resistance to it all though.


Most people have now learned that insulting me is a truly thankless task.

Firstly because I'm almost impossible to offend or hurt, and secondly because I can usually deliver a devastating riposte which leaves the insulter looking very silly and pathetically small. Thirdly I don't take myself too seriously so I can usually do a far better job on myself than they can ever manage!

People who trade insults rely on getting a rise out of you, and very often they are also not at all good at dealing with the same thing they dish out!  So if you can deny them their reward of seeing you upset, and better yet make everyone laugh at THEM instead then 99 times out of 100 they quickly disappear to annoy some one else.


What most people don't realize is that, to me, insults or any derogatory comment or action directed towards me, is my fuel to building a stronger, better me.  So I say "BRING IT ON"!


Quote from: Dylen on July 11, 2010, 07:18:21 AM
How about everyday at work.

There is no reason to tolerate this.
A lot of companies have very strict policies against sexual harassment.
That includes anything that someone says that would make you feel uncomfortable.
That includes telling sexual jokes in your presence even if they are entirely unrelated to you.
You do have to make it clear at the time to your co-workers that you don't want to hear anything of that sort.

By correctly labeling this as "sexual harassment" you may get some action from your boss' superiors.
Sexual harassment can exist between any gender/orientation and also between customers and employees.

Jillary Woolen Xσx

I Have had People Do all Kinds of Nasty things to me.

One recent ones is was on the internet when i had referred to myself as "Mama" on a status update and this Man, or i should say, little immature boy replied

"Are you Sure its Mama? are you sure it's not DADDY? or Maybe it's IT."

My face went hot and I Head Reeled with Evil things I could Have Said back but i decided not to stoop to hi level so i just replied,

"I'm Positive."  and Blocked Him.
People Are Cruel.

Post Merge: July 15, 2010, 11:31:25 AM

Quote from: Miniar on July 10, 2010, 06:45:58 PM
Just remember that the insults and arrogance flung around by others is Never a reflection of you, and Always a reflection of them, and you'll be able to manage with most of the idiocy people can throw your way.

That Was beautiful :)
xσX                                                                Xσx
